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Festival of Halina (Orsal Judging)


"Here is our concern. Troi suspects, and I do to a lesser degree, that there may be deception behind this wedding. Now, if marriage is what Sunny and Daphnie really want, then I am for it, but it is not my wish for any to be misled."

Troi nods his agreement with this.

"Yesterday he was so besotted that he has no memory of spending time with her, yet he believes that he spent the day alone. Yet, the mayor specifically accused him of not only being with Daphnie yesterday, but also of conducting himself improperly with her as well. He said her dress was disheveled in that fashion when he laid eyes on her yesterday evening. We are unable to account for Sunny or Daphnie's actions yesterday, yet what we know we cannot arrange in harmony."

"I'd say it'd be easy ta fake that sorta appearance if ya know what ye're doin'. I'd say we've got a pretty good idea a what Sunny was doin' - we jus' need ta figure out what Daphnie was up to."

"Also, in Troi's mind, Daphnie seems overly eager to not just marry Sunny, but to leave Covington. I think the couple should be free to live where they wish, but Sunny, I do not wish to see her use you in that fashion just to escape this place."

"She mentioned ta me that she was talkin' to a fortune teller er somethin', an' she told Daphnie that somebody'd come an' take her from here."

"Then there is the matter of wedding plans. I can understand that her mother passed away some time ago, but have you ever known a lass her age so bereft of relatives and friends that she must resort to books to help plan her own wedding? And even so, where is the covey of females that would accompany her to that place, just days before the wedding with so much yet to do? I agree with Troi, something seems amiss here, though I know not just who is behind it."

Troi ponders this for a moment. "Well, I dunno much 'bout weddings, but I s'pose ya might have a point there. Though she could always say that she's tryin' ta do things proper'n whatnot - an' given what th' mayor thinks happened, I don't think he'd see anythin' wrong wi' that."

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El Jefe

First Post
GnomeWorks said:
"Though she could always say that she's tryin' ta do things proper'n whatnot - an' given what th' mayor thinks happened, I don't think he'd see anythin' wrong wi' that."
Oirhandir shook his head. "No, that's not what I meant", he said tensely. "If the girl lived by herself in the wilderness, that would be fine. But even in a little village like this, I'd expect just about any lady she trusts, whether it be an aunt, a neighbor, even a friend her own age, to have already been contacted with the big news, and to be swarming her with ideas for the wedding and a helping hand. It is this way among my own people, although perhaps more discreet, and in the lands of men rather striking. I've been to two weddings of shipmates who had gotten in trouble such as Sunny, and both times you could hardly see the bride until the ceremony actually started, such was the size and devotion of the swarm of her attendants. Perhaps customs here in Covington are different, yet I do find this odd."


The man with the probe
Daphnie enters the library, followed by one of the guards. The other stays outside.

Sunny says "Well, if she's using me to get out of town, I can't say I'd mind being her husband. I mean, who wouldn't want to tap that? Right boys?" Sunny then realizes he's talking about his fiance, and the grin drains from his face.

A teenage girl bursts out of the library and runs towards some of the villiage homes.

"Well, it might be good to find out for sure, but I'm willing to ride along. And when has she had time to tell anyone? Do we know how tight a leash the guards are keeping on her?"

A stream of girls begins to filter into the library.

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
A stream of girls begins to filter into the library.
As he watched the finest flower of Covington's maidenhood stream into library, Oirhandir dryly observed, "Then again, perhaps I spoke too soon."


The man with the probe
Scarlet says in elven while bearing a sly grin "
Women work in mysterious ways. Sometimes ya just need ta give 'em time.

"I still am curious about why me, and what she was up to the other nights," Sunny says. "I thought I heard someone say they spotted us togeather and sneaking off, but Troi, you and Daphnie spent some time togeather, and you weren't accused of anything."

OOC: Please try not to let Sunny talk you into or deture you of anything. I'm trying to RP him true to his character, or at least enough to simplify some things. It's been rough to do so without pushing you in some direction, which is not what I want.

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
Scarlet says in elven while bearing a sly grin "
Women work in mysterious ways. Sometimes ya just need ta give 'em time.
Oirhandir grinned while slowly shaking his head. His instincts had been right, Elise and Scarlet were invaluable in a situation like this.
Bront said:
"I still am curious about why me, and what she was up to the other nights," Sunny says.
An idea occurred to the bard. "I think that if she had nothing to hide, she'd tell you if you asked", he said slyly. "And if she did have something to hide, she might tell Elise, but only if asked just the right way."


The man with the probe
"So, you think I should just go into the library and ask her?" Asks Sunny.

OOC: Sorry, thought you were waiting for someone else, looks like LF's been busy past few days.


"Then again, perhaps I spoke too soon."

Troi shakes his head at this.

"Dunno where ya grew up, Oirhandir," He says with a grin, "But where I come from, girls that age don't go ta th' library, y'know? I mean, if you were them, what would ya rather be doin': jus' bein' out'n about, talkin' with yer friends, or goin' to a library? Sure, it's fer their friend, but still kinda... creepy."

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
"So, you think I should just go into the library and ask her?" Asks Sunny.
"Well, you'll have to be discreet", said Oirhandir thoughtfully. "You'll probably have to get her away from her friends, it wouldn't do to put her on the spot in front of them."

Voidrunner's Codex

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