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The Stuff of Dreams (Orsal Judging)

El Jefe

First Post
When you get to the back room of the Red Dragon (one of several), you see Furlong sitting at the head of a table, looking relaxed, but his hand not far from his sword. "Afternoon, have a seat", he directs. After the room fills up (I'll wait about a day or so for this), he starts his pitch:

"Ok, I'm going to tell you what this is all about. I run an unusual sort of business, it's my own idea, it's a "Trouble Fixing" business. People come to me to do things they can't do themselves. I don't mend fences or tend sheep. I do their dirty work, but I do it all nice and legal and aboveboard. No problem too big, no problem too small, everybody pays in Crowns on the barrelhead. Mostly, it's finding out what people don't want found out.

I'll take up to three of you along for a trial. Whoever works out best will be my new apprentice. I'll train you and teach you everything you need to know. The two losers get a little something for their trouble. The winner gets more, and half the business once he learns the ropes. Well, what do you say? That's the offer, any takers?"
Out of Character Stuff:
Be sure to post a link to your character here, or better yet, put it in your sig. I'll try to respond daily to posts here, sometimes more frequently, occasionally a little less. As for characters, post as much as you like. If you don't post in over a week and don't leave instructions for your character, I reserve the right to NPC you.

One last thing...please don't sign up for this one if you're not willing to commit to it. I really can't take more than 3 because that would spoil the flavor of it, and if someone drops out that will really be a drag on the other two. I can work around it, but I'd prefer to avoid having to do so. Unforseen circumstances are, of course, unforseen, but if you're not sure this is your cup of tea, there'll be another adventure in a few days. Or a week or two.

And for those of you who are game for this sort of thing...fasten your seat belts, secure your tray tables, and place your seats in the upright position!
03-07-06, 04:58 AM #2
Registered User

Devlin enters the room and looks around. Satisfying himself that there's nothing out of the ordinary, he walks over to Mr. Archer and extends his hand in greeting. "Well met, Mr. Archer. My name is Devlin Magruder and I am a professional investigator. I'm not a master of the blade or bow, my skills lend themselves more to the mental side. But, judging from your speech out in the common room, that's exactly what you're looking for."

Devlin then takes a seat near the half-elf and looks around. "Since it's just me in here right now, would you mind if I called for one of the serving girls to bring us some refreshments while we wait?'

ooc: character link is in my sig.
03-07-06, 05:28 AM #3
El Jefe
LEW Judge
Refreshments are served...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Well met, Mr. Archer. My name is Devlin Magruder and I am a professional investigator."

Furlong's right eyebrow lifts at this comment, but he otherwise keeps a poker face.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Since it's just me in here right now, would you mind if I called for one of the serving girls to bring us some refreshments while we wait?'

No sooner had Devlin spoken than a barmaid entered the room with a tray of snacks. "Need anything to wet yer whistle, toots?", she asks. From the look on Archer's face, he's not thrilled with Joe's minimum refreshment charge for business meetings, but he accepts it as the cost of doing business. The serving wench takes orders from everyone present, then scurries off to fetch the libations.

03-07-06, 05:48 AM #4
Registered User

Enialis walks into the room

I hear you're looking for people to work for you.

My name is Enialis McVayne, its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Archer.

From what you've said a blade isn't exactly what you are looking for. However I am hoping to become part of the Cavalry as my father was and working with strategy is bound to come up in the millitary so exercising my mind with your task wouldn't be a bad idea. Not to mention wits are as important as brawn in fights.

Enialis walks over to the table and extends his hand to shake both Furlong and Devlin's hands

As Enialis shakes hands with Devlin he says
Hail friend. It seems you and I will be working together. I'm Enialis, and you are?
03-07-06, 12:02 PM #5
Registered User
In walks a young, red-headed human woman clad in simple adventuring garb. She gives evebody present a wide smile.
"Seems we have a group forming in here. I'm Tumna Lakeside, and I like to think of myself as a peoples-person," she says. "So what kind of tests are we going to have, sweetie?"
03-07-06, 04:45 PM #6
LEW Judge

I can judge this one.
03-07-06, 06:04 PM #7
Registered User

Originally Posted by Xaov
As Enialis shakes hands with Devlin he says
Hail friend. It seems you and I will be working together. I'm Enialis, and you are?

Devlin responds with a charming smile, "Well met, Enialis. I'm Devlin, Devlin Magruder."

03-07-06, 09:18 PM #8
Registered User

Pleased to meet you Devlin.

Upon Tumna walking in Enialis' stands up his eyes widen a bit

Tumna it is definately a pleasure to meet you, I am Enialis.

as she walks to the table (if she does) Enialis will pull a chair out for her

Please have a seat, Mr. Archer here is about to explain to us what this is for.

03-08-06, 01:29 AM #9
Registered User

A human woman with fiery red hair and violet eyes enters the back room and looks around as if sureying the competiton. She wears a studded leather shirt, skirt, and thigh high boots as well as a perpetual frown on her face. "Greetings Mr. Archer, I'm Phoenix and I'd like to apply for the job as well." She nods an acknowledgement to each of the others already in the room before pulling up a seat at the table and sitting down to listen.
03-08-06, 04:57 AM #10
El Jefe
LEW Judge

It's a full house!


As Phoenix presented herself, Furlong canted his head as if to acknowledge things were taking an unusual twist. "A pair of redheads, eh?", he said, "Well, ladies, I hope you know what you're getting into. This isn't a strawberries-and-cream social." He scanned the room, taking in the applicants. "Well, I don't have room in my office for the whole city, so we'll have to narrow it down. Tell you what. Come back in 24 hours, and tell me everything you know about Walther Fenton. I'll be right here, and you can close the door so none of the others hear. The three that do their homework neatly get the nod."

Archer handled himself like he didn't expect any questions, indeed he expected anyone who knew the score would get right on it. But deep down inside, he knew he'd have to humor an also-ran or two who were a little slow on the uptake.
And what you really want to know...
Give me your best Gather Information roll on Invisible Castle. Feel free to sblock the link to your rolls if you'd like to add a little drama to the contest.

You each poke around Orussus for a day and learn:
DC 10+
Walther Fenton runs Fenton's Wines and Spirits over on the Street of Merchants.
DC 15+
One of Walther's biggest customers is Joe Smith, proprietor of the Red Dragon Inn.
DC 20+
Walther's old partner, Aldophus Vingarius, was killed by feral orcs at his winery just outside the city a couple of years ago.
DC 25+
Walther's new partner and main supplier is Adolphus's widow Marinya.
DC 30+
Walther is 47 years old and one hella chess player.
I'll give this 24-48 hours in case there are any stragglers. Roll your fate and sit tight.

And orsal, if you can tell me how to edit the thread title, I'll be glad to note your status as judge of this adventure.

03-08-06, 05:15 AM #11
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by El Jefe
And orsal, if you can tell me how to edit the thread title, I'll be glad to note your status as judge of this adventure.[/sblock]

Edit the first post in the thread -- you can change the title when you do that.

03-08-06, 05:16 AM #12
Registered User

Note: To save me from typing out Enialis' entire name each roll if I maintain participation in this adventure I'm going to do all of his rolls for his last name. Someone else uses the name of Enialis on Invisible Castle.

Gather Information check: 1d20+0= 18

Though not overly charismatic, Enialis has a way with people. Its not looks or smooth words. It just seems that when Enialis needs an answer he can talk people and they will willingly respond. As a result Enialis was able to glean a decent amount of information.

Enialis walks back to the inn. Hello Mr. Archer, I looked into that man you spoke of yesterday, Wlather Fenton. It turns out he owns the Wines and spirits store on merchants street. I wasn't able to get too much more information on him. However I did find out that Joe Smith, the owner of this inn, is one of his main customers.

03-08-06, 05:22 AM #13
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by orsal
Edit the first post in the thread -- you can change the title when you do that.

You'd have thought that I could have figured that out on my own, right? You'd have been wrong...

03-08-06, 08:55 AM #14
Registered User

Ryland, gnome sorcerer


Ryland walks into the room and introduces himself. After a very business like exchange he gets the gist of the proposal and sets off to find out about Walther Fenton. As he leaves he thinks to himself, way to go Ryland, first your late and now your going to be playing catch-up. Not exactly presenting a partnership material image at first glance I would say

OOC: not sure if my score will get me in, but I like the adventure concept so I thought what the heck. I will post this character and get him in my signature thread tomorrow. It's getting too late here to do that tonight. I think his approval is imminent
03-08-06, 11:47 AM #15
Registered User

"I've handled myself among a tribe of orcs, I think I can handle whatever you've got," Tumna says with a confident smirk. Then she goes off to ask around for this Walther fellow.

Gather Information (1d20+6=9)
The dice hate me

....and returns the next day with a rather bad mood. She mutters to herself as she enters: "Stupid men and their gropings. I warned the guy not to touch me without having any useful information, it's not my fault that he's now out for a couple of days, now is it?"
Taking note that Archer is eyeing her, she smiles weakly.
"Sorry, sweetie, I had a bit of a bad run-in yesterday, and nobody was willing to talk to me after the fact."

03-08-06, 01:23 PM #16
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: not sure if my score will get me in, but I like the adventure concept so I thought what the heck. I will post this character and get him in my signature thread tomorrow.

I was able to look up your score, but in the future most DMs will want you to post a link to it. There are a couple of other examples in this thread if you need to see the format for doing that.

Thanks for the compliment. This one picks up steam as it goes, so whoever makes it is going to have some fun.

There's a little bit of experience available just for trying out. If you get your character approved before all the rolls are in, I'm going to rule (unless orsal overrules me) that your character was approved in time to earn that experience, even though you made the roll first.

Oh, and do I understand correctly that your character has no skill or ability modifier to his Gather Information check? You might want to doublecheck that. It looks like it's going to be pretty tight at the bottom of the pile, you want every point you can get!

03-08-06, 02:35 PM #17
Registered User

Ryland returns


Ryland makes it back to the tavern. Although he was pressing because he had less time than the others his natural force of personality enabled him to glean a few details at the last minute. He offers in confidence:


He's the man who runs Fenton Wines on the street of merchants.
Die roll for Ryland
1d20-> [8] = (8) +3 for charisma bonus I forgot about (thanks for the prod)= 11 total

Gather information for SOD walther fenton

Gather information for SOD Walther Fenton (1d20=8)
I wasn't going to post if we got a re-roll, If I get in I'll certainly post all rolls Thanks for the opportunity

03-08-06, 11:02 PM #18
Registered User

Devlin pursues Mr. Archer's assignment, confident in his abilities. Those abilities pay off for the man, and he returns to the Red Dragon Inn the following day positive his results will prove his worth.

Devlin closes the door, then doublechecks it to make sure nobody is eavesdropping. Sitting down at the table, he relates what he's learned.

"Interesting assignment, Mr. Archer. And Mr. Fenton is an interesting man. He runs a business called, imaginatively enough, Fenton's Wine and Spirits over on the Street of Merchants. The ale I enjoyed before joining you in this room was probably supplied by Walther, as Joe out there is one of his biggest customers. He's kept his business running despite the loss of his old partner, Aldophus Vingarius. Seems Mr. Vignarius was killed at his winery a few years back by a band of feral orcs."

ooc: Gather Info check: 20

03-09-06, 12:54 AM #19
Registered User

Phoenix leaves the Inn and returns the next day with an even bigger frown on her face. She reports in to Mr. Archer...

"Okay, I got nothing at all on this guy. I couldn't even find confirmation that he exists. I don't suppose that's the right answer by chance?"

OOC: Gather Information check-5

03-09-06, 04:20 AM #20
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...


Originally Posted by Phoenix8008
Phoenix reports in to Mr. Archer...

"Okay, I got nothing at all on this guy. I couldn't even find confirmation that he exists. I don't suppose that's the right answer by chance?"

Furlong smiled wistfully and shook his head. "'Fraid not, Red", he answered. The half-elf rose and opened the door, and called out to the Inn, "All right, everybody in. I suppose you all want to know how you did." The hopefuls and also-rans all filed in.

He continued. "Ok, some of you have what it takes, and some of you struck out. Ladies, I have to say you're charming company, but you have to find things out quick to make it in this business. Better luck next time."
Dalamar and Phoenix8008:
Ooh, the dice were not your friend. Please accept 90 XP for Tumna and 50 XP for Phoenix as a consolation prize. It's not much, but about all I can rightfully offer for a brief diversion from the day's drinking and carousing.
Archer nodded as Tumna and Phoenix took their leave. After they left, he shook his head. "I've got nothing against working with a dame, but I just don't think those two were cut out for the trouble fixing business." Gathering his wits, he quickly got down to business. "Gentlemen, if you'll follow me, I'll show you to my office."

Furlong let the quartet out of the Red Dragon and down the street. The day was sunny and calm, just like it usually is before a storm rolls in. It was late morning, and he led the band south to the edge of the Clerk's District. On the side of a clapboard building that housed an ink-seller was a near life-sized painting of a smiling half-elf, arms crossed confidently over his chest. Letters above the figure spelled out, "Furlong Archer, Troubles Fixed", and an arrow pointed up the narrow flight of stairs that led off the street to the second story. At the top of the stairs, a door opened into an office. An attractive young human woman, with a disposition that matched the day, greeted Furlong with "Late as usual. I got your appointments all ready, and -- hey, these must be the new guys, right?" She rose to shake hands with Devlin and Enialis, offering her hand demurely. "I'm Eppy Perrin, I work for Mr. Archer. You boys just make yourselves at home and -- (as she took notice of Ryland) Say! Aren't you cute? You with these guys? I've never worked with a gnome before." Speaking to the assembly as a whole again, she continued, pointing to a walled off area to her left. "That's Mr. Archer's office in there, so the clients can have some privacy. I'm afraid you'll have to wait out here until we can get your office set up...we're supposed to get some furniture this afternoon. But Mr. Archer has appointments this afternoon, and the first one should be here any minute. Can I get you anything?" Eppy was a practical woman, and knew how to keep Furlong's affairs from degerating into an absolute mess. She served refreshments to the choir while Archer studied some scrolls that had been flung atop his desk the night before.

Furlong called to the group. "Boys, in here. I want you to see how this works. In a few minutes, a nice lady with a lot of money is going to come in here, and one of you is going to fix her problem. That is, if you want to continue working, you will. I'll negotiate her fee, and one of you lucky stiffs will get 20 Crowns out of it, provided I don't have to pick up after you. Any questions?"

The gang sat and chit-chatted about previous adventures, with Furlong dispensing advice on betting strategies for the games at Earling (should anyone get up that way again...), when a breathless middle-aged woman struggled to the top of the stair and threw open the door. Eppy confirmed her appointment and showed her to Archer's office, where he rose to take her hand. "Mrs. Faversham, my girl Eppy told me a little bit about your situation, please come in. Allow me to introduce my associates, Mr. Magruder, Mr. McVayne, and this here is Ryland. Don't let his size fool you, these gnomes can be very clever...and discreet. Why don't you have a seat, and we'll get started? You can tell us all about your troubles, and we'll fix them."

Mrs. Faversham settled her considerable bulk into the pro-offered chair by Archer's desk, and began her sorry tale. She was clearly distraught, and wrung her hands together so tightly that she threatened to tear the white handkerchief clasped between them. "I don't know where to begin", she worried. My Edgar...he just wouldn't do that to me." Mrs. Faversham proceeded to pour out a tale of sordid gossip and whisperings of clandestine meetings with the milkmaid. "And lately, some of my things have started coming up missing...they say that Scotia has been wearing them, but that's absurd. She's such a nice girl, and she's never been in my bedroom where she could take them..." It seemed clear to those assembled that Edgar had been having more than the cow milked, but of course the distaff Faversham needed some proof. "I just need to know", she gasped, almost in tears. "For my own piece of mind...so I don't have to think about this any more."

Archer tactfully and skillfully negotiated a fee several times the promised 20 Crowns, and reassured the woman. "There now, Mrs. Faversham, we'll get right to the bottom of this right away. You just leave the retainer with Miss Perrin there, and we'll find out the truth for you in no time." He escorted her to the door, patting her on the shoulder as soothingly as any predator would. After she was gone, he turned to his new apprentices.

"Well, gents, there's your first case. One of you is going to get your chance to show me that you're the man to be my apprentice. Which one of you will it be?" He waited expectantly for a volunteer.

03-09-06, 05:53 AM #21
Registered User

Devlin speaks up, "I noticed Mrs. Faversham didn't state what kind of proof she wanted, nor did you volunteer any." He stands and begins examining the office, looking at some of the items on the wall and shelves before turning to look Furlong straight in the eye. "So what will it take for you to call for a successful conclusion?"

03-09-06, 05:59 AM #22
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"So what will it take for you to call for a successful conclusion?"

Matter-of-factly, Furlong replied, "You'll probably know it when you see it. She said the girl had her stuff; catch her with something a milkmaid usually wouldn't have, and you'll have it. Of course, if you see Ed and Scotia locking lips, we'd probably all count that as well."

03-09-06, 01:01 PM #23
Registered User

Clearly this woman is distraught. The evidence does suggest an affair. But I wonder if perhaps she is blowing things out of proportion.

We've only heard her side of the story. I definately think its worth looking into Mr. Feversham's side, maybe even the young girl's side as well.

Were I to take this case he is what I would do:

First of all I'd interview Mrs. Feversham a little bit more. Ask her about possible reasons for Mr. Feversham's betrayal. Trouble at home, etc. Once that information would be gathered we could talk with Mr. Feversham and scotia about the situation. Who knows what we could find.

I would be intersested in taking this case. However perhaps this situation is best in the hands of Devlin. From what he's said of his past adventures. This should be his area of expertise.

03-09-06, 01:30 PM #24
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
I would be intersested in taking this case. However perhaps this situation is best in the hands of Devlin.

Archer seemed impatient. "Well, make up your mind, Mac. Do you want the job or not?"

03-09-06, 02:46 PM #25
Registered User

Ryland watches the conversation in his tight-lipped way. Not being trained in this sort of thing he'd like to see one of the other two go first.

03-09-06, 04:52 PM #26
Registered User

Very well. I'll investigate this matter personally. If I could I need information from you as to where she lives. I have further questions I'd like to ask her.

03-09-06, 05:36 PM #27
El Jefe
LEW Judge

...And he's off!


Originally Posted by Xaov
Very well. I'll investigate this matter personally. If I could I need information from you as to where she lives. I have further questions I'd like to ask her.

Archer disposed of the matter as casually as one would fasten a brooch on a cloak. "Eppy has everything you need to find the place. But I'll warn you, if the old man gets wind that you're prying into his personal business, the jig'll be up. A bull in a china shop is not what you want to be."

Eppy gave Enialis directions to the Faversham residence. Edgar was a baker, and the Favershams were well enough off to be able to keep a cow and some chickens in back. It wasn't surprising that a fresh supply of milk and eggs helped the business. The Favershams lived a few dozen blocks southwest of Archer's office, on the east side of the Merchant District. Enialis went over the directions with Eppy until he was sure he had them right, and clambered down the steps not long after noon. None of the adventurers had yet had lunch, and his belly rumbled.

The others killed time in Archer's office, discussing the merits of dwarven ale, when a ruddy, bald-headed man opened the door and strolled in like he owned the place. He seemed like the type who would get his hands dirty, but also like a man who was used to giving orders. "I dunno if this is worth it", he grunted after barely acknowledging Eppy's greeting. "If they weren't half as useless as he was, I'd just send one of my boys after him. Well, Archer, let's get down to business." The stranger stumped into the inner office.

Furlong rose to offer his hand, which was grudgingly shaken. "Boys, this is John Frum, and I'd say someone owes him some money." Frum, still glowering, nodded in acquiesence. "John, these are my new boys, Devlin and Ryland, they'll be helping out on this one. I hear you want us to look for someone?"

"Bal Squidgeon", came the curt reply. Frum drew from his tunic a folded scrap of paper, on which a crude drawing of a man with a moustache and goatee appeared. "Always a day or two late on his payments, but he really went and did it this time. Stuck me with a whole load of pineapples, fresh off the boat, and they all rotted before he could pick them up. Found out he'd rather drink up his money than run an honest business. I'd work him over if I could catch him, but I'm getting too old for this. You just find him and sic the watch on him, I've already given notice to the High Court of his misdeeds."

Furlong promised him help and haggled over the price. Frum drove a harder bargain than Mrs. Faversham, but let slip that the money owed for the wasted fruit was considerably greater than the sum Archer wanted for cleaning up the mess. Furlong rose and saw him to the door, Frum muttering all the while about a "waste of money" and how it "wasn't worth my time." Furlong returned to his protegees.

"Well, boys, we got a deadbeat, a drunk, and I'll wager a gambler. Which one of you wants to track him down?" Again, he waited for a volunteer.

03-09-06, 05:45 PM #28
Registered User

ooc:El Jefe. Shall we proceed with each of the cases in spoiler blocks from now on?

03-09-06, 06:20 PM #29
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc:El Jefe. Shall we proceed with each of the cases in spoiler blocks from now on?

But, of course!

The weather was unseasonably cool as Enialis crossed the city to the southwest. The morning's bright sunlight gave way to clouds drifting in from the north, never a good sign this time of year. Finding the Street of Merchants was easy, finding the side street that trafficked to the Faversham Bakery only a little more difficult. Baker Street lived up to its name, with the tantalizing smell of freshly baked bread putting a sharp edge on Enialis's hunger. McVayne spotted Faversham's from about a block away. It had to be Faversham's place; it was the only one that fit the description: a three-story building, with stone blocks scavenged from the old city forming the bottom portion of the first floor, and timber construction starting at about a man's chest height and continuing up to the rafters.

Enialis paused to consider his options before pressing closer.

03-09-06, 09:59 PM #30
Registered User

Devlin smiles. "A gambling deadbeat? Sounds like a former employer of mine. I'll take this one. Frum said Bal ran a business. Don't suppose you'd know what kind of business or where it's located, would you?"

03-09-06, 11:02 PM #31
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Two down...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Frum said Bal ran a business. Don't suppose you'd know what kind of business or where it's located, would you?"

Archer Grinned. "Frum is a merchant who mainly deals in foodstuffs. He's got enough money to buy a whole boatload at a time. But unless it's something that keeps, like grain, he's got to move it quickly or it just rots. He sells it to grocers who hawk it from pushcarts. Looks like Bal was one of those sellers who took advantage of what little credit he had." Archer paused for a moment, thinking. "I'd guess he's run through what little money he had and is staying at some flophouse somewhere. Try St. Arnold's and work out from there...it's one of those little places just south of the harbor."
Local Knowledge DC10+
St. Arnold's is a run-down tavern that has a few rooms upstairs. It barely qualifies as an inn, but...
Knowledge Religion DC10+, or Local Knowledge DC10+
St. Arnold was a devoted follower of Geoth who was obsessed with brewing. A wag will occasionally offer up a toast to St. Arnold during a night of heavy drinking.
Devlin got directions to St. Arnold's from Archer...it was the kind of place that a girl like Eppy tended to avoid...and started down the steps just as a couple of working stiffs started to wrestle a large desk up the narrow stairs leading to Archer's office. They let him pass, and he could see a large cart parked in the street, piled up with all sorts of furniture. "Looks like that furniture Eppy promised just arrived", he muttered to himself. His stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten since breakfast, and he wondered if he might be able to grab a bite along the way. He pulled his cloak tight about him as the wind started to pick up...the sun was still shining brightly between patches of clouds, but it was much darker than earlier that day.

Furlong Archer glanced down at the gnome who shared his office. "Well, looks like it's Hobson's Choice* for you. I've got one more appointment this afternoon, you'd better take it or I'm going to wonder about your initiative." He started chatting about where Ryland was from and how he liked the big city, when there was a polite knock on the door. Eppy invited the owner of the knocking hand inside, who turned out to be a tall, thin version of John Frum...but this time with manners and a few failing wisps of hair. The man was introduced as Phindo Brabbas, and just like the others, he had a tale of woe.

*Named for a stablemaster who insisted that customers take the horse nearest the door, or none at all.

"I tank you for yoor time, Meester Artyoor", he began in a heavy accent. "We hava problem mit der Vandahls, dey are terribul. Dey come at night, dey always wait till weer asleep, den dey write nasty tings onna doors and walls. Always joost my house, never da nayboors. I want for you to catch dem, you can doo tat?" Archer assured him that they could, and pointed out that Ryland could make himself inconspicuous whenever the punks came around. Phindo thanked Archer (and Ryland) rather profusely, leaving a small bag of coin with Eppy on the way out.

"Phindo lives on the far side of the Clerk's district, right near the Wall just north of where the river comes in. I'll give you directions...", which Archer did, just as the moving men were placing the last of the new office furniture in place. "You've got some time, but if I were you I'd get there before sundown and stake the place out. Oh, and keep an eye out for the City Watch...they know all about Brabbas's problem, and you might be able to chase the perpetrators right into their arms." As he left the building, Ryland noted that there were still a couple of hours of daylight left, although the sun was just peeking through the clouds that had been moving in all day. His belly told him that dinner wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

03-09-06, 11:23 PM #32
Registered User

Ryland heads for Phindo's house, stopping by a street vendor to get a meal on the run. He cases the house when he arrives for the best hiding spot where he can cast hypnotism if possible.

03-10-06, 12:07 AM #33
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
He cases the house when he arrives for the best hiding spot where he can cast hypnotism if possible.

Phindo's house is a modest timber structure across the street from the city wall, and about 2 blocks north of the river. The best hiding spot would be atop the roofs of the houses across the street, but it's not clear if lurking that close to the wall would attract attention. Some of the houses have low stoops, and it might be possible to lie on the ground beside one of them and not attract attention. Of course, if the resident stepped outside the door and spotted you, there might be some awkward moments. But if you did that, you would be a difficult spot check for anyone on Phindo's side of the street.

03-10-06, 01:43 AM #34
Registered User

Enialis stands before the Faversham building. He reflects on what archer told him.


Enialis looks around for anyone else.

If he sees anyone he will walk up to them and ask

Excuse me I was wondering if you knew if Mr Faversham was home at the moment? I wish to speak to him. But I have no idea about his schedule.

If he doesn't see anyone he will sit down and get something cheap to eat. Keeping his eye on the house to see if anyone comes out. After he gets done eating, if he doesn't see anyone come out he'll casually walk up to the door and knock.

03-10-06, 01:50 AM #35
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin pockets the sketch of Bal Squidgeon and makes his way to St. Arnolds, mindful of his hunger. Once he gets into the general neighborhood, he keeps his eyes open for anyone who resembles the face in the drawing.

Once inside the inn, Devlin makes his way to the bar. "Oi, barkeep. How's 'bout an ale? An' do ye have anything ta eat here?"

Once he's served, Devlin begins asking innocent-enough questions about local merchants, including one named Bal.

ooc: Gather Info check: 23

03-10-06, 03:33 AM #36
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis looks around for anyone else.

Baker street isn't exactly crowded, but there are people coming and going. Some of them stop into the shops and reappear carrying good-smelling packages.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Excuse me I was wondering if you knew if Mr Faversham was home at the moment? I wish to speak to him. But I have no idea about his schedule.

The first person you ask replies, "Who? Faversham? Never heard of him." Of course, not everyone in the street is going to or coming from Faversham's bakery.
Originally Posted by Xaov
If he doesn't see anyone he will sit down and get something cheap to eat.

Mmmmm...so much bread...so many pastries. Unless you're willing to walk a few blocks, those are your options.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Keeping his eye on the house to see if anyone comes out.

Well, if you go to one of the other shops and purchase some baked goods for consumption, you will see a few customers enter and leave the Faversham establishment. If you go to Faversham's, you might see yourself entering and leaving the place.

03-10-06, 04:01 AM #37
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The wrong side of the river


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Once he gets into the general neighborhood, he keeps his eyes open for anyone who resembles the face in the drawing.

You see maybe 3 or 4 people who could be Bal Squideon, but you don't feel like there's enough of a resemblance to accost any of those people. Mainly, the problem is the drawing. Frum's artistry is maybe a notch or two better than a child's stick figure.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Oi, barkeep. How's 'bout an ale? An' do ye have anything ta eat here?"

The barkeep slides Devlin an ale, demanding "four pennies" in return, and cryptically states "Read the sign, Bub" when asked about food. A sign advertises a "Blue Plate Special" for one Shield, supposedly fish and potatoes. It turns out to be something more like fish-flavored potatoes. You've had better.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
Once he's served, Devlin begins asking innocent-enough questions about local merchants, including one named Bal.

You learn a few things about Bal from the bartender and the other imbibers.

Bal works irregularly, selling produce that he sometimes buys on credit from a merchant named Frum.
Squidgeon often lays off when he's flush with cash, drinking a lot and gambling a little. His pushcart can often be found around back when he's on a tear.
St. Arnolds is probably his favorite hangout. That, and the gutter. And occasionally the Street of Merchants.

03-10-06, 06:06 AM #38
Registered User

EL Jefe
Now that Ryland has cased the area out in the daylight, he heads to the nearest place of commerce, keeping an eye out on the time of night. Don't want these vandals hitting the place while I'm asking around, he thinks. When he arrives at a likely place he asks around about Phindo and any enemies Phindo might have. He also tries to ascertain the guards schedule if it works easily into the conversation.

Die roll for Ryland - the dice have taken a turn for the worse
1d20+3-> [5,3] = (8)

Gather Info Phindo

Gather Info Phindo (1d20+3=8)

03-10-06, 01:10 PM #39
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
When he arrives at a likely place he asks around about Phindo and any enemies Phindo might have.

Die roll for Ryland - the dice have taken a turn for the worse

Most of the people in this neighborhood are simple craftsmen, and the "nearest place of commerce" is a candlemaker's shop a couple of blocks over.

Nobody there knows of this "Phindo" person. "Is he one of those foreigners who lives by the wall? 'Phindo' sounds like a foreign name."
Originally Posted by Salix
He also tries to ascertain the guards schedule if it works easily into the conversation.

Die roll for Ryland - the dice have taken a turn for the worse

"Guards? They come and they go as they please."

03-10-06, 03:15 PM #40
Registered User

El Jefe

Originally Posted by El Jefe
Phindo's house is a modest timber structure across the street from the city wall, and about 2 blocks north of the river. The best hiding spot would be atop the roofs of the houses across the street, but it's not clear if lurking that close to the wall would attract attention. Some of the houses have low stoops, and it might be possible to lie on the ground beside one of them and not attract attention. Of course, if the resident stepped outside the door and spotted you, there might be some awkward moments. But if you did that, you would be a difficult spot check for anyone on Phindo's side of the street.

Ryland is now starting to think he should have asked phindo more questions about what the Vandals are writing on his house. He's begining to suspect this is the work of xenophopic adults, not unruly children. As darkness approaches he will try to find a hiding place across the street on the ground.
Die roll for Ryland
1d20-> [9] = (9)

hide check, across the street from Phindo's

hide check, across the street from Phindo's (1d20=9)
The dice are not going Ryland's way

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El Jefe

First Post
03-10-06, 05:01 PM #41
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Things that go...


Originally Posted by Salix
As darkness approaches he will try to find a hiding place across the street on the ground.

The dice are not going Ryland's way

Ryland took advantage of the gathering dusk to slip past some playing children and hide beside the stoop of one of the houses across the street from Phindo's. He observed the neighborhood quieting down for the night, including what must have been Phindo's wife calling their children in from play. As darkness fell, he breathed much easier, as nobody had seemed to spot him. The night was chill, and he was uncomfortable without a cloak to draw around him. As he was reflecting on his misery, he heard a door open behind him, followed by the sound of something wet splattering on the ground, followed by a loud "Yeee-aah!", followed by the sound of breaking crockery. Involuntarily, he turned to see an elderly gentleman in night clothes half cowering, half threatening in the doorway. Fragments of what once might have been a chamber pot decorated the little porch. "What are you doing there? And who are you?, demanded the man, apparently recovered from his initial fright.
03-11-06, 02:54 AM #42
Registered User


you might see yourself entering and leaving the place.

ooc: Heh why does that sound very ominous.

Enialis ponders for a minute

I cannot let on what I am investigating. I have to operate very carefully.

Enialis Walks up the pathway to the entrance to the feversham's and enters.
03-11-06, 04:05 AM #43
El Jefe
LEW Judge



Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis Walks up the pathway to the entrance to the feversham's and enters.

Enialis found all manner of baked goods resting on tables in the little shop...breads, mostly, but plenty of pastries, tarts and cakes were there as well. A stocky middle-aged man with a knotted kerchief about his neck was tidying up...presumably, Mr. Faversham. He smiled at Enialas and asked, "Can I get you something? Today's bread, still fresh from the oven? Some muffins, maybe?"

03-11-06, 05:23 AM #44
Registered User

Ryland attempts to sling it



Originally Posted by El Jefe
Ryland took advantage of the gathering dusk to slip past some playing children and hide beside the stoop of one of the houses across the street from Phindo's. He observed the neighborhood quieting down for the night, including what must have been Phindo's wife calling their children in from play. As darkness fell, he breathed much easier, as nobody had seemed to spot him. The night was chill, and he was uncomfortable without a cloak to draw around him. As he was reflecting on his misery, he heard a door open behind him, followed by the sound of something wet splattering on the ground, followed by a loud "Yeee-aah!", followed by the sound of breaking crockery. Involuntarily, he turned to see an elderly gentleman in night clothes half cowering, half threatening in the doorway. Fragments of what once might have been a chamber pot decorated the little porch. "What are you doing there? And who are you?, demanded the man, apparently recovered from his initial fright.

“ Sir, you have my deepest apologies for disturbing you. Of course I would like to reimburse you for the… pot.”, Ryland says as honestly and directly as possible, after all he didn’t want to disturb this man and now in addition to the cold he had the odor of the chamber pot to deal with. After pulling out a single gold crown not too much, not too little he thinks, and after offering it in a non-confrontational way, he casts about to see if anyone is listening.
In a conspiratorial tone he begins in a quiet voice, “Sir, can you keep something under your hat? My name is Phineus Pike, and I’ve been contracted by the guard to investigate suspicious circumstances in this neighborhood. Specifically, they seem to center on your neighbor’s house. Can you tell me anything about your neighbor Phindo, or any of the goings on around here recently".

bluff check

Die roll for Ryland
[6,5] = (11)
Bluff check on phindo's neighbor
Bluff check on phindo's neighbor (1d20+5=11)

Ouch! Ryland is one tough luck gnome.

03-11-06, 06:48 AM #45
Registered User

Enialis sniffs the air a bit.

Wow this stuff smells wonderful. Much better than rations. I'm curious how much does it cost for some of your goods?

*enialis tries to look discretely about to see if Ms. Faversham can be seen*

03-11-06, 12:55 PM #46
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The dice fall all sorts of ways


Originally Posted by Salix
“Sir, can you keep something under your hat?...Can you tell me anything about your neighbor Phindo, or any of the goings on around here recently".

"What's going on? Are they up to no good? My wife always gives their kids cookies, but I tell her not to encourage them. Are they spies? They're from Lathirn, you know. Never can trust anyone from Lathirn." The man's response was fairly animated, even considering the circumstances.

"Hey, you're a gnome, aren't you? City Watch'll hire anyone these days. Hey, can you tell me if you're going to do anything about those hooligans? Damn kids always tearing up the neighborhood...they're as big a menace as those foreign spies, you ask me!" Ryland saw him shift the gold coin in his hand nervously as he spoke.

03-11-06, 01:03 PM #47
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A Baker's Dozen?


Originally Posted by Xaov
I'm curious how much does it cost for some of your goods?

"Well, it depends on what you want. I offer a dozen of those little muffins for a penny, and I throw in one for free. Most of the medium-sized loaves of bread are two pennies, and that cake there with the fancy decoration is a shield." The man apparently knows how to take care of a customer.
Originally Posted by Xaov
*enialis tries to look discretely about to see if Ms. Faversham can be seen*

Mrs. Faversham is apparently nowhere to be seen. At least not downstairs in the shop.

03-11-06, 03:51 PM #48
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin finishes his meal and leaves two Shields on the bar, enough to cover a second ale with a small tip. He heads out back to see if Bal's pushcart is where he heard it might be. If it's there, he camps out in the shadows for a bit to see if Bal returns. If it's not there, he'll head over to the Street of Merchants, taking the backstreets in case he comes across his quarry laying in a gutter.

ooc: Hide check, if necessary: 17
03-11-06, 04:21 PM #49
Registered User

Wow.... That is very generous. Thank you. More places like this should be around. Even in my home town, the local baker charged at least 5 copper for muffins, and a cake like that would of been around 10 silver. Heh we even got a discount since a lot of the wheat we used to farm went into making the goods.
ooc: El Jefe I am guessing that penny=copper and shield=silver correct?

My family would enjoy a treat like fresh baked goods. Ecspecially after what we went through. I'll take a dozen muffins and a loaf of bread please.

if a penny does equal a copper, enialis will hand him 3 copper. If not... then he'll hand him whatever the equivalent is.

Money: 3gp 4sp 99cp

ooc: El Jefe any normal person walking into the bakery would know that this was Faversham's Bakery wouldn't they?

Enialis thinks for a minute

No Sign of Mrs. Faversham, hmm. Either she isn't here or she is elsewhere in the bakery.

Heh it'll be great to see their faces when I bring this home for them.

You know recent events have made me realize how much I value my family. No matter what happens, I always get a feeling of hope knowing my Father and Sis will be with me. Wouldn't you agree?

03-11-06, 04:52 PM #50
Registered User


Originally Posted by El Jefe
"What's going on? Are they up to no good? My wife always gives their kids cookies, but I tell her not to encourage them. Are they spies? They're from Lathirn, you know. Never can trust anyone from Lathirn." The man's response was fairly animated, even considering the circumstances.

"Hey, you're a gnome, aren't you? City Watch'll hire anyone these days. Hey, can you tell me if you're going to do anything about those hooligans? Damn kids always tearing up the neighborhood...they're as big a menace as those foreign spies, you ask me!" Ryland saw him shift the gold coin in his hand nervously as he spoke.

“ Sir, our investigation indicates that you have nothing to worry about from Phindo, he appears to be a good solid citizen of Orrussus. However, the hooligans as you say are an entirely different matter. Can you tell me a little more about them? Our reports indicate their activity centers around this area. I was wondering if I could hide in your yard to try and catch them? The city would appreciate your cooperation.", Ryland says starting to feel comfortable in his role as Phineas Pike.

03-11-06, 06:22 PM #51
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Lookee here!


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin finishes his meal and leaves two Shields on the bar, enough to cover a second ale with a small tip.

You've had better ale, too.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
He heads out back to see if Bal's pushcart is where he heard it might be.

Devlin made his way down an alley to the back of St. Arnolds, rats scurrying out of the way as he went. What should he spy at the back of the inn but an abandoned pushcart, missing a wheel and with "FRESH FRUiT" painted on the side in crude letters. None stood guard over the conveyance save an alley cat who failed his morale check as Devlin approached.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
If it's there, he camps out in the shadows for a bit to see if Bal returns.

You'll have to define "a bit". It's late afternoon, starting to turn to evening.

03-11-06, 06:58 PM #52
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Home, Sweet Home


Originally Posted by Xaov
Wow.... That is very generous. Thank you. More places like this should be around. Even in my home town, the local baker charged at least 5 copper for muffins, and a cake like that would of been around 10 silver.

"You must not be from around here", the baker replied. "If I charged prices like that, I'd be out of business in no time."
Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: El Jefe I am guessing that penny=copper and shield=silver correct?

Correctamundo, common Orussus argot. Gold pieces are ususally called "Crowns", although "Enny" is a slang term for a Crown the same way "Buck" is slang for a US Dollar.
Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: El Jefe any normal person walking into the bakery would know that this was Faversham's Bakery wouldn't they?

Any local would. Someone from out of town wouldn't necessarily know the name.
Originally Posted by Xaov
I always get a feeling of hope knowing my Father and Sis will be with me. Wouldn't you agree?

The baker paused for an instant before replying with a touch of reluctance in his voice. "Yeah, yeah, family is good." Enialis sensed that the baker wasn't as enthusiastic about the merits of family life as he claimed.

03-11-06, 07:31 PM #53
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Durn Fool Kids


Originally Posted by Salix
“However, the hooligans as you say are an entirely different matter. Can you tell me a little more about them?...I was wondering if I could hide in your yard to try and catch them? The city would appreciate your cooperation."

The man quickly assumed his role as neighborhood curmudgeon. "'ell, it's probably just neighbor kids. I never see 'em. But they steal anything's not nailed down, throw eggs on houses, probably same bunch that paints all sorts of stuff on the foreigner's house. I'd say it was their kids, but the old man'd wale their hide if they messed up their own place." He paused, seeming to have run out of complaints until he reloaded. "Yeah, if your're trying to catch 'em, you can just stay right there. But don't break nothing, and you come and knock if you ever do this again. Scare a man half to death." From somewhere inside the house a nasal female voice called: "Mortimer, what is that racket? Can't you even empty the pot without making a mess? If that's a salesman, tell him this is no time of day to be pestering honest folk. You send him off and get back to bed this minute!" "Mortimer" turned and bellowed back, "You just hold your flapping tounge, woman! I'm a coming when I'm a coming!" Turning back to "Phineas" and lowering his voice again, he addressed the gnome. "Dang woman thinks she runs the place, gotta give'm the whatfor every now and then or they'll walk all over you. Yeah, you just do yer business here, and you give them boys a good thumpin' fer me, why don't you?" He punctuated his last comment with a swipe of his fist, and went back inside, closing the door behind him...no doubt, to fetch the "guest" chamber pot from the cabinet.

03-11-06, 08:25 PM #54
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
The man quickly assumed his role as neighborhood curmudgeon. "'ell, it's probably just neighbor kids. I never see 'em. But they steal anything's not nailed down, throw eggs on houses, probably same bunch that paints all sorts of stuff on the foreigner's house. I'd say it was their kids, but the old man'd wale their hide if they messed up their own place." He paused, seeming to have run out of complaints until he reloaded. "Yeah, if your're trying to catch 'em, you can just stay right there. But don't break nothing, and you come and knock if you ever do this again. Scare a man half to death." From somewhere inside the house a nasal female voice called: "Mortimer, what is that racket? Can't you even empty the pot without making a mess? If that's a salesman, tell him this is no time of day to be pestering honest folk. You send him off and get back to bed this minute!" "Mortimer" turned and bellowed back, "You just hold your flapping tounge, woman! I'm a coming when I'm a coming!" Turning back to "Phineas" and lowering his voice again, he addressed the gnome. "Dang woman thinks she runs the place, gotta give'm the whatfor every now and then or they'll walk all over you. Yeah, you just do yer business here, and you give them boys a good thumpin' fer me, why don't you?" He punctuated his last comment with a swipe of his fist, and went back inside, closing the door behind him...no doubt, to fetch the "guest" chamber pot from the cabinet.

At the mention of trouble with women Ryland rolls his eyes and nods his head in agreement. After Mortimer goes inside, Ryland settles back in to wait for the young vandals. He hopes to catch them unawares, and hit them with some of the ol' Ryland mojo.
Die roll for Ryland
1d20-> [10] = (10)

Second attempt to hide in Mortimer's yard

Second attempt to hide in Mortimer's yard (1d20=10)
Of course, noone said stealth was his strong point

03-11-06, 09:11 PM #55
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
You'll have to define "a bit". It's late afternoon, starting to turn to evening.

Devlin will stay for an hour, then head out to the Street of Merchants.

03-11-06, 10:51 PM #56
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Enter Sandman


Originally Posted by Salix
Second attempt to hide in Mortimer's yard

Of course, noone said stealth was his strong point

Ryland hunkered down beside the old man's porch again, and so far as he knew, he was hidden. At first, there were a few passers-by, scurrying to wherever they needed to be before it got too late. None took notice of him. As the night drew on, these became fewer and fewer, until they stopped coming altogether. Ryland could hear the city watch patrolling the wall behind him at odd intervals, but his position didn't allow him to see or be seen. The night dragged on.

And on.

And on.

Roll a DC5 Con check. You may not take 10.

03-11-06, 10:58 PM #57
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Nobody here but us rats


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin will stay for an hour, then head out to the Street of Merchants.

Just as he was about to go, a man he recognized as the bartender who served him that swill that passed for ale around here emerged from the back of St. Arnolds, carrying a bucket full of trash. The two noticed each other just as the man started emptying the bucket into a rubbish bin.

"Hey, bud, waddaya doing hanging around like that? Ya look like yer up to no good." The barkeep seemed genuinely cross.

03-11-06, 11:30 PM #58
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
Ryland hunkered down beside the old man's porch again, and so far as he knew, he was hidden. At first, there were a few passers-by, scurrying to wherever they needed to be before it got too late. None took notice of him. As the night drew on, these became fewer and fewer, until they stopped coming altogether. Ryland could hear the city watch patrolling the wall behind him at odd intervals, but his position didn't allow him to see or be seen. The night dragged on.

And on.

And on.

Roll a DC5 Con check. You may not take 10.

El Jefe

Ryland feels fatigue tugging at him, but remains awake and alert by reciting old gnomish nursery rhymes in his head, a habit he has retained since childhood. I'll have to sleep in the daytime tomorrow, he thinks to himself.

Die roll for Ryland
1d20+3-> [7,3] = (10)

Con Check, getting tired

Con Check, getting tired (1d20+3=10)

03-12-06, 02:08 AM #59
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Three Blind Mice


Originally Posted by Salix
Ryland feels fatigue tugging at him, but remains awake and alert by reciting old gnomish nursery rhymes in his head, a habit he has retained since childhood.

Just about the time even old gnomish nursery rhymes were losing their potency, Ryland heard whispering voices lulling him to sleep. No, wait, these were real voices...someone was coming! Wide awake now, the intrepid gnome observed three young humans, not quite men but not really boys any longer, come into view. One of them was carrying something that looked like a bucket in one hand. They were whispering, although Ryland could only make out snatches of conversation..."No, there's nobody...", "Hey, this'll be...", and the like. There was some giggling as they dashed up to Phindo's doorstep, and a sticklike object...a paintbrush?...appeared in the bucketman's other hand. He appeared to be painting Phindo's door, or at least painting something on it, although Ryland couldn't make out what. Moments after he started, the trio dashed right at Ryland, stopping to turn their backs to him when they reached the middle of the street. By now, Ryland had shaken off the last of his sleepiness and was able to act.

You've got three of them, about 20 feet away, with their backs to you, fumbling in their clothes trying to retrieve something.

03-12-06, 02:17 AM #60
Registered User

Enialis looks with a concerned look.

I'm sorry, I apparently touched on a subject of great distress for you. Is your wife ill or something?

03-12-06, 02:51 AM #61
El Jefe
LEW Judge

What's it to ya?


Originally Posted by Xaov
Is your wife ill or something?

"No, no", the man replied, then changed his tone: "Say, do you always get this personal when you buy bread?"

03-12-06, 03:06 AM #62
Registered User

I meant nothing by it sir. You just seemed like something was wrong when I started talking about my family. I thought I might be able to help you by talking with you. My father's health has been steadily declining since we lost everything. I don't know how much longer he'll be with us. I felt a great deal of grief knowing that such a strong man could suddenly start to fail. But being able to talk with my aunt through letters and what not helped me to not let my grief consume me. If your wife was sick I was hoping to help you in the way my aunt helped me.

Though it is good to hear that such is not the case with your wife.

I apologize if I offended you. I am merely trying to help where I can. Good people deserve what help they can get.

03-12-06, 03:43 AM #63
El Jefe
LEW Judge

You want fry-bread with that?


Originally Posted by Xaov
Good people deserve what help they can get.

The baker looked on blankly while Enialis poured out the details of his familiy's travails. When his customer finished, he merely replied "Yeah, I suppose so" before asking, "You need anything else here?"

03-12-06, 04:05 AM #64
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin comes out of hiding, a chagrined look on his face. "Look, uhh, I don't mean nothin' here. I'm just lookin' fer a place I c'n stay outta da way o' da City Watch."

The rogue then continues to spin a tale of false accusations and corrupt partners in an attempt to allay the bartender's suspicions and perhaps earn a little sympathy.

ooc: Bluff check: 29

03-12-06, 04:19 AM #65
Registered User

*enialis looks down*

Heh I apologize, sometimes I talk too much.

This should be all. Thanks again for the baked goods.

My name is Enialis McVayne by the way. Extend my thanks to your wife.

I just hope that whatever problem you may be having works itself out. Please let me know if there's anyway I could help you.

*as Enialis finishes at the bakery he will begin walking to his aunt's house in the slums*
*as he walks he reflects on his experience and the case he is working on*

Its a shame that someone could become so filled with lust that he'd jeopardize a marriage to quench it. I wonder if things will ever be able to be normal for them again once this case is over.

*after walking for about 10 maybe 15 minutes he arrives at the worn down town house that his aunt owns*

ooc: I take it, it is mid day about now

*Enialis walks into the shoddy worn down home and presents the goods to his little sister who then brings them to her aunt*

*Enialis walks into his father's room and squats down beside him*

Hello father, I brought some goods from the baker today, come into the kitchen and have some. *he helps his father out of bed and to the kitchen*

*around the table Enialis and his family speak of their days, all the while though Enialis is thinking about his next move*

I have to talk to Mrs. Faversham but it will be difficult to do without alerting Mr. Faversham. I'll have to try and find out their schedules. Perhaps I should also try and talk to the milk girl. See what I can find out from her.

*after they are finished, his little sister asks him to take her for a horse ride*

*Enialis takes her but stops by Archer's office*
Hello Eppy. This is my sister Heidi, Heidi this is Mrs. Perrin, I work with her. Eppy would you happen to have the information on the Milk girl's address. Also I'd like to know, have the Faversham's come to Mr. Archer with problems before?

03-12-06, 05:31 AM #66
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The widow's only son


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"I'm just lookin' fer a place I c'n stay outta da way o' da City Watch."

The bartender was used to hard luck stories and yarns, but as he listened to Devlin, he seemed to grow more sympathetic. "Look, pal, that sounds pretty rough. Tell you what, you gotta couple of Shields ta rub together, you can hang out in one of the rooms upstairs until things blow over. I won't tell no one you're here. I do that for people sometimes, not just anyone mind you, but anyone who really deserves to catch a break."

03-12-06, 05:50 AM #67
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Isn't she sweet?


Originally Posted by Xaov
Please let me know if there's anyway I could help you.

The baker looked at Enialis with the sort of look one would have if one was trying to recognize a creditor, or at least the agent of a creditor. The kind of look that said, "Who is this guy and should I know him from some place?" When Enialis made his offier of assistance, the man raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: I take it, it is mid day about now

It was mid day when you took the case. Shops are starting to close for the evening now.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Hello Eppy. This is my sister Heidi, Heidi this is Mrs. Perrin, I work with her. Eppy would you happen to have the information on the Milk girl's address. Also I'd like to know, have the Faversham's come to Mr. Archer with problems before?

Eppy appeared to be just about ready to leave for the day, but as the day was nearly over she seemed relaxed and glad to have some friendly visitors. "Well, welcome back, stranger. Did you finish your case? No? You would have been the first one, you know, the other guys haven't been back yet. Hi, Heidi, nice to meet you. Do you live in Orussus or are you traveling with your brother? You live here? How nice. Oh, no, all Mrs. Faversham said was the girl lived in the neighborhood. You'd expect that, you know. No, I don't have her address. No, I don't think they've ever come to us for anything else. I'm sure I'd recognize her, and there wasn't a scroll marked "Faversham" in my files. Is that all you needed?"

03-12-06, 06:12 AM #68
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
Just about the time even old gnomish nursery rhymes were losing their potency, Ryland heard whispering voices lulling him to sleep. No, wait, these were real voices...someone was coming! Wide awake now, the intrepid gnome observed three young humans, not quite men but not really boys any longer, come into view. One of them was carrying something that looked like a bucket in one hand. They were whispering, although Ryland could only make out snatches of conversation..."No, there's nobody...", "Hey, this'll be...", and the like. There was some giggling as they dashed up to Phindo's doorstep, and a sticklike object...a paintbrush?...appeared in the bucketman's other hand. He appeared to be painting Phindo's door, or at least painting something on it, although Ryland couldn't make out what. Moments after he started, the trio dashed right at Ryland, stopping to turn their backs to him when they reached the middle of the street. By now, Ryland had shaken off the last of his sleepiness and was able to act.

You've got three of them, about 20 feet away, with their backs to you, fumbling in their clothes trying to retrieve something.


Ryland takes a 5 foot step towards the boys to bring them into range to cast the spell color spray. He says, “You boys wouldn’t be causing trouble now would you”. After they turn around to face him he hits them with the spell. He points his finger towards the boys and twirls it in a clockwise manner. In a clear firm voice he says two words: Crazy Quilt! A cone of blazing mismashed light and color erupts from his fingertip, catching the boys within it’s reach.

03-12-06, 06:31 AM #69
Registered User


Is that all you needed?

Yeah Eppy that was all I wanted to know. Thanks. Have a good evening.

*Enialis and Heidi wave at Eppy*

Come on Heidi we should get home. I think its getting close to dinner time

*Enialis helps her up onto his horse and they ride home*

*once again Enialis finds himself at the table trying to decide how to approach the case*

I need some hard evidence to prove the affair did happen. His reaction to me earlier leads me to believe that without a doubt it happened. But how.... But what?

Enialis will ask his aunt what time the milk becomes distributed in the slums

03-12-06, 04:21 PM #70
El Jefe
LEW Judge



Originally Posted by Salix
Ryland says, “You boys wouldn’t be causing trouble now would you”.

Obviously shocked, the young hooligans turn to face their accuser. The one on the left throws a small object that shatters on Ryland's chest...some sort of liquid was inside the missile. "Bucketman" apparently had a similar missile, but is so startled that he drops it at his feet instead of throwing it, where it shatters on the ground. The third youth, face white with panic, is still fumbling helplessly within the folds of his robes.

Roll me a DC5+ Concentration check to get the spell off...you've taken no damage from the mysterious projectile...yet.

Yeah, I know, anything better than a 1 gets the spell off.

Oh, and is your flat-foot AC really 11? I couldn't figure out why it shouldn't be 10. Not that it matters here, Ryland was certainly expecting...something.

03-12-06, 04:29 PM #71
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The milkman cometh


Originally Posted by Xaov
*Enialis helps her up onto his horse and they ride home*

Heidi is thrilled with the opportunity to enjoy an outing with her big brother.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will ask his aunt what time the milk becomes distributed in the slums

His aunt swiftly replies, "Why, that would be right after cows are usually milked. Once early in the morning, just before dawn, and once in the evening, just as dusk is falling. There's no sense letting it spoil in the pail, so if somebody's going to sell it, they usually deliver it as soon as they can. Now that's when cows are best milked, but there's no telling what some people might do with their animals."

03-12-06, 05:00 PM #72
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
Obviously shocked, the young hooligans turn to face their accuser. The one on the left throws a small object that shatters on Ryland's chest...some sort of liquid was inside the missile. "Bucketman" apparently had a similar missile, but is so startled that he drops it at his feet instead of throwing it, where it shatters on the ground. The third youth, face white with panic, is still fumbling helplessly within the folds of his robes.

Roll me a DC5+ Concentration check to get the spell off...you've taken no damage from the mysterious projectile...yet.

Although the punks hit Ryland with what he can only assume is a "color spray" of their own, he is able to ward off the distraction and finish his spell.
Die roll for Ryland
1d20+5-> [10,5] = (15)

Concentration check for spell

Concentration check for spell (1d20+5=15)
OOC: Best roll of Ryland's career

I thought I got an AC bonus for being a little guy, that's why my ff AC is 11. i could be wrong though

03-12-06, 05:42 PM #73
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The Yolk's on You!


Originally Posted by Salix
Although the punks hit Ryland with what he can only assume is a "color spray" of their own, he is able to ward off the distraction and finish his spell.

A familiar scent wafts up to Ryland's nostrils as his suspicions about the tiny missiles are confirmed: they're chicken eggs, and they make quite a mess, erasing any sympathy he might have had for the hapless victims of his arcane energies. A blast of bright, colored light erupted from his hands, bathing the trio with energies both luminous and magical in nature. "Lefty" and "Butterfingers" slumped to the street, while the one in the middle threw the bucket high in the air behind him as he hightailed it down the street, screaming in panic. He'd gotten almost half a block by the time the bucket fell back to the pavement, splattering his unconsious companions with black paint as it bounced back into the air. Even Ryland was impressed by the carnage as the bucket clattered a couple of more times on the cobbles before coming to rest.
Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: Best roll of Ryland's career

And how!
Originally Posted by Salix
I thought I got an AC bonus for being a little guy, that's why my ff AC is 11.

That makes sense, in which case I have an entirely different complaint. Shouldn't your normal AC be 12? (10+1 for Dex+1 for being small)

03-12-06, 06:20 PM #74
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
A familiar scent wafts up to Ryland's nostrils as his suspicions about the tiny missiles are confirmed: they're chicken eggs, and they make quite a mess, erasing any sympathy he might have had for the hapless victims of his arcane energies. A blast of bright, colored light erupted from his hands, bathing the trio with energies both luminous and magical in nature. "Lefty" and "Butterfingers" slumped to the street, while the one in the middle threw the bucket high in the air behind him as he hightailed it down the street, screaming in panic. He'd gotten almost half a block by the time the bucket fell back to the pavement, splattering his unconsious companions with black paint as it bounced back into the air. Even Ryland was impressed by the carnage as the bucket clattered a couple of more times on the cobbles before coming to rest.And how!That makes sense, in which case I have an entirely different complaint. Shouldn't your normal AC be 12? (10+1 for Dex+1 for being small)

Ryland wipes off the egg from his vest and thinks, at least it wasn't paint. He drags the boys out of the street and into Phindo's yard where he binds them with his rope. After he has them secured, he knocks on Phindo's door. I should watch these two little creeps while Phindo gets the guard.

OOC looks like I had my size bonus under my dex bonus. With a 10 for dex, I don't have a bonus there. I updated the character thread to be correct, sorry for the confusion.

03-12-06, 06:46 PM #75
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin thinks to himself for a second, Hmm, hanging out here unmolested might prove more fruitful than blindly searching alleyways & shopfronts.

"I thank ye, sir, fer yer offer. Wouldja mind showing me to da room?"

Devlin hands the barkeep two silvers once he's in his room. He stays at the door for a minute, listening to make sure the bartender heads back downstairs and nobody else is wandering the hall. Once he's sure the hallway is empty, he steps out of the room.

If the bartender is willing to put up a stranger like me, he may do the same for a regular like Bal. Devlin begins to listen to find out if any of the other rooms might be occupied.

ooc: Listen check to make sure hallway is empty. (1d20+9=16)

I'll make Listen checks for the other rooms once Devlin knows how many doors there are.

03-12-06, 07:02 PM #76
Registered User

OOC: Just wanted to say I'm having a great time so far. Hope everyone else feels the same. EJ -will this be the format throughout or will we play as a group? On second thought don't answer that, I'll be pleasantly surprised when I find out.

03-12-06, 07:48 PM #77
El Jefe
LEW Judge

As do ye sow...


Originally Posted by Salix
He drags the boys out of the street and into Phindo's yard where he binds them with his rope. After he has them secured, he knocks on Phindo's door.

Ryland heard stirrings inside the Brabbas household as he tied up the miscreants, and indeed, some of the neighbors poked their heads out of their homes to see what the commotion was all about. From far down the street, someone was yelling for the Watch, but most of the onlookers weren't so stirred to action.

Phindo sprang out of his doorway, a cudgel in hand, demanding "Vat is tis?" A couple of boys, most likely son number one and son number two, followed him. Phindo's mood brightened considerably when he recognized Ryland and what he was doing. "You haf caught them!", he cried. "Dis is wunderfool, now we know who do tese tings. Are dey hurt? Asleep? Just knock on head?"The delinquents started stirring in their bonds as if to answer his question. Son number two started examining the door to survey the damages. The youths had painted some sort of comment on mating practices in Lathirn. Morris's Grandmother would definitely not approve of the content.

So, the scene was set. There was an empty paint bucket and the remains of a chicken egg in the middle of the street, two groggy and paint-splattered youths in bonds on Phindo's yard, an egg-splattered gnome conversing with Phindo, and Phindo's sons and some of his neighbors conversing on just what does go on in Lathirn, when the sergeant of a small contingent of the city watch arrived with his charges and demanded to know, "Just what's all the commotion here?"
Originally Posted by Salix
I updated the character thread to be correct, sorry for the confusion.

It's all good, thanks.

03-12-06, 08:08 PM #78
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Be verrry quiet...we're hunting wabbits!


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Once he's sure the hallway is empty, he steps out of the room.

Devlin heard nothing at the door, so he opened it and took a peek. The lack of anything to hear in the hallway confirmed his suspicion that he could put off that trip to a chiurgeon to have his hearing checked for another year.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
I'll make Listen checks for the other rooms once Devlin knows how many doors there are.

There appear to be 4 other doors off the upstairs hallway.

03-12-06, 08:14 PM #79
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
Ryland heard stirrings inside the Brabbas household as he tied up the miscreants, and indeed, some of the neighbors poked their heads out of their homes to see what the commotion was all about. From far down the street, someone was yelling for the Watch, but most of the onlookers weren't so stirred to action.

Phindo sprang out of his doorway, a cudgel in hand, demanding "Vat is tis?" A couple of boys, most likely son number one and son number two, followed him. Phindo's mood brightened considerably when he recognized Ryland and what he was doing. "You haf caught them!", he cried. "Dis is wunderfool, now we know who do tese tings. Are dey hurt? Asleep? Just knock on head?"The delinquents started stirring in their bonds as if to answer his question. Son number two started examining the door to survey the damages. The youths had painted some sort of comment on mating practices in Lathirn. Morris's Grandmother would definitely not approve of the content.

So, the scene was set. There was an empty paint bucket and the remains of a chicken egg in the middle of the street, two groggy and paint-splattered youths in bonds on Phindo's yard, an egg-splattered gnome conversing with Phindo, and Phindo's sons and some of his neighbors conversing on just what does go on in Lathirn, when the sergeant of a small contingent of the city watch arrived with his charges and demanded to know, "Just what's all the commotion here?"It's all good, thanks.

"Sir, allow me to explain. My name is Ryland Phineas Pike, and I was hired by Phindo here to catch the vandals that have been painting imflammatory remarks on his house. As you can see these callow youths have struck again, but this time they were caught by myself, although you may notice that I didn't escape the encounter completely unscathed", he indicates the egg as he says the last part. "There was one other boy with them. I'm sure you can find out his name from his compatriots here. It has been my pleasure to assist the guard in aprrehending these little vandals as it lowers neighborhood morale to have a member of the community repeatedly maligned. I would think a happy neighborhood results in less work for you in the end, and I know your time is valuable."
In a slightly louder voice he says so that the crowd will hear, "It should be known that further attacks on the honor and integrity of Phindo and his family will not be tolerated. This man is a credit to your neighborhood and deserves your respect."

In a quieter voice to the sergeant he says indicating Mortimer, "That man over there was willing to help, it would be nice if the city could somehow recognize his assistance. Perhaps a letter of appreciation?"

03-12-06, 08:16 PM #80
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: Just wanted to say I'm having a great time so far.

My pleasure, glad you like it.
Originally Posted by Salix
EJ -will this be the format throughout or will we play as a group?

Given present trends, that may depend entirely on Enialis's ability to penetrate a clandestine affair.
Last edited:

El Jefe

First Post
03-12-06, 08:50 PM #81
El Jefe
LEW Judge

And a good time was had by all


Originally Posted by Salix
"Sir, allow me to explain. My name is Ryland Phineas Pike, and I was hired by Phindo here to catch the vandals that have been painting imflammatory remarks on his house. As you can see these callow youths have struck again, but this time they were caught by myself, although you may notice that I didn't escape the encounter completely unscathed", he indicates the egg as he says the last part.

"Watchman for hire, eh?", asked the sergeant. "Just see to it that you don't get too big for your britches."
Originally Posted by Salix
"There was one other boy with them. I'm sure you can find out his name from his compatriots here."

The sergeant seemed to take it all in stride. "Oh, I think I know who we're looking for", he allowed. "We've seen these two and their little partner in crime before."
Originally Posted by Salix
"It has been my pleasure to assist the guard in aprrehending these little vandals as it lowers neighborhood morale to have a member of the community repeatedly maligned. I would think a happy neighborhood results in less work for you in the end, and I know your time is valuable."

The guard stared blankly at Ryland as he spoke. "You want my job, Bud, you go down to the station house and fill out an application. Otherwise, don't tell me what to do."
Originally Posted by Salix
In a slightly louder voice he says so that the crowd will hear, "It should be known that further attacks on the honor and integrity of Phindo and his family will not be tolerated. This man is a credit to your neighborhood and deserves your respect."

Everyone seemed to react to Ryland's little speech a little differently. Phindo and his sons stood tall in front of their doorway, arms folded and chests jutting out just a little bit more than they had a moment before. The patrolman regarded the gnome as something of a crackpot, and most of the other neighbors took it as a sign to go back to their homes and get some rest.

Orders were given, and the perpetrators were seized by their shoulders and helped roughly to their feet.
Originally Posted by Salix
In a quieter voice to the sergeant he says indicating Mortimer, "That man over there was willing to help, it would be nice if the city could somehow recognize his assistance. Perhaps a letter of appreciation?"

After what had just transpired, the ranking officer couldn't be much less impressed. With a snort of disgust, he stated, "Yeah, we'll get right on that." He snapped his fingers at the one guard who wasn't escorting a prisoner, and snapped, "Pauley", indicating the man's name, and then pointed to Mortimer's house. The other guard strolled over and knocked on the door. Mortimer answered, appearing frightened that the Watch would have anything to do with him, until the guard extended a hand and muttered something that Ryland couldn't hear. He did hear what Mortimer had to say after the guard left, as did anyone else in the neighborhood who wasn't fast asleep: "Edna! Did you hear that! The watch commended me for helping catch those hooligans! I hope they give 'em a good thumping, too!"

Phindo decided that repainting the door could wait until morning, and thanked Ryland once again before turning in for the night. Ryland stood there in Phindo's front yard, as peace and quiet once again descended over the little neighborhood not far from the river gate in the wall.

It's after midnight, and Ryland will have to start reciting old gnomish nursery rhymes once again to stay awake much longer.
03-12-06, 09:31 PM #82
Registered User

El Jefe:

Ryland heads back to the RDI for the evening. He reports to the office early (7 AM) in the morning. As he walks towards the Inn he thinks, It's not exactly like protecting wagon trains from brigands, but I guess it all pays.

OOC: I guess I'll be on hold a little until the other two finish up?

03-13-06, 12:56 AM #83
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
My pleasure, glad you like it. Given present trends, that may depend entirely on Enialis's ability to penetrate a clandestine affair.

heh aww. Sure put all the pressure on me. *sigh*

I'm just trying to act as the character would act.

note to self: pick up the pace a bit.
03-13-06, 01:31 AM #84
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Goodnight, Sweet Prince


Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: I guess I'll be on hold a little until the other two finish up?

That's right. Hopefully, they won't take too long.

03-13-06, 02:42 AM #85
Registered User

Enialis sits by his father, after they eat they talk a little bit about his mother and the events that led up to her disappearance His father tells him that he feels he caused her disappearance, he didn't feel like he paid enough attention to her.

He mentions that he wishes he could go back. Wishes he could've known what happened to her.

Enialis then decides upon his method of action.

Enialis puts his Cherished Guisarme in the corner of the house and rides out to the bakery.

He dismounts and walks up the stairs to the building looking for some sort of bell or something

If he finds one he'll ring it.

03-13-06, 03:10 AM #86
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin begins moving down the hallway, pausing to listen at each door for sounds of occupancy.

ooc: Listen checks: 17, 21, 19, 18

03-13-06, 06:07 AM #87
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Anyone Home?


Originally Posted by Xaov
He dismounts and walks up the stairs to the building looking for some sort of bell or something

If he finds one he'll ring it.

At this late hour, the bakery is closed (as are most other businesses on Baker Street). There is no bell to ring. One could knock on the door to the shop downstairs if one wished the inhabitants to answer, but they might not be expecting visitors this time of the evening. There is also a gate to an alley between the Faversham bakery and the next building.

03-13-06, 06:13 AM #88
El Jefe
LEW Judge

And, behind door number one...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin begins moving down the hallway, pausing to listen at each door for sounds of occupancy.

Mindful of not beeing seen, Devlin crept down the hallway, listening at each door for signs of activity within. Behind the first, he heard a man and a woman talking about something...as best he could make out, it was some sort of amorous encounter. Behind the second he heard the distinctive sound of heavy snoring...perhaps someone had turned in quite early this evening? Behind the last two, he heard only silence.

03-13-06, 07:23 AM #89
Registered User

*Enialis walks over to the gate. *
Does there appear to be lights on inside the house?

if not he'll walk over to the store front and knock.

03-13-06, 12:42 PM #90
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The lights are on and...


Originally Posted by Xaov
Does there appear to be lights on inside the house?

Enialis walked over to the gate and looked at the side of the Faversham household. He could hear activity from inside, people going up and down stairs, and what was probably the preparation of the evening meal. The interior appeared lit by candlelight.

03-13-06, 02:37 PM #91
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin pauses at the sleeping person's door. Hmm, I wonder... he thinks to himself as he checks the hallway to make sure he's alone. Devlin then produces a set of lockpicking tools from a belt pouch. I hope this works. He then checks the door to see if it's locked and, if it is, tries to unlock it so he can get a look at the occupant.

ooc: Open Locks check, if necessary: 24 (I'm taking 20 on this because I don't have many ranks in this skill and I should have the time.

03-13-06, 05:10 PM #92
El Jefe
LEW Judge

We'll leave the light on...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
He then checks the door to see if it's locked and, if it is, tries to unlock it so he can get a look at the occupant.

The reverbrating door was indeed locked, if one considered that the "locks" on the doors to the rooms at St. Arnold's were little more than simple hook-and-eye arrangements. The privy doors in the better parts of town sported more secure arrangements. Devlin was no great shakes at picking locks, but nobody came or went in the little hall over the bar for some time, so he was able to try, try again until he got it right. The little hook slipped off its shim, and clattered with enough report to frighten a mouse, but not much more. Judging from the sound coming from within the room, the occupant seemed to not have noticed.

Devlin eased open the door to get a look inside. There, sprawled over a dingy cot like the one in Devlin's room was a thin man with a hat pulled down over his eyes. He was mustaschioed, bearded with a goatee, and otherwise as close to Frum's scrawled sketch as anyone else Devlin had encountered that day. The room stank of something potent...icewine, maybe?

Behind him, Devlin heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was a wonder he heard them over all the racket in the room.

03-13-06, 06:22 PM #93
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin quickly steps inside, closes the door, and resets the eyehook. He steps lightly toward the cot to get a closer look at the sleeping man. He also takes a look around the room for any personal belongings that might bear some sort of identification.

03-13-06, 06:51 PM #94
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Let sleeping dogs...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
He steps lightly toward the cot to get a closer look at the sleeping man. He also takes a look around the room for any personal belongings that might bear some sort of identification.

Upon closer examination, about all that was obvious was that the man was sleeping off a drunk (and given the time of day, just past dusk, that was rather remarkable) and in need of a bath. His clothes could be described as faded finery, but were starting to get tattered. The feathered hat, in particular, reminded one of a dandy who had seen better days. The room and the man's person were remarkably devoid of personal posessions. His hands were clutching his pillow, one above and one below it, hidden from view.

03-14-06, 04:15 AM #95
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin, always one to consider discretion the better part of valor, decides against waking the man. Instead he takes a seat and watches him, pondering his next move.

03-14-06, 04:34 AM #96
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Watching paint dry...with a soundtrack!


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Instead he takes a seat and watches him, pondering his next move.

Having nothing better to do, Devlin spent some time with a sleeping, snoring, stinking drunk.

Just let me know how long Devlin plans on doing this.

03-14-06, 04:40 AM #97
Registered User

Enialis knocks on the door to the shop below.

It's better this way. He says to himself.

03-14-06, 12:15 PM #98
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Knock, Knock


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis knocks on the door to the shop below.

The would-be calvary officer knocked and knocked and knocked on the door. It seemed that the end of days would come before someone answered. Finally, a female voice, apparently coming from just the other side of the door, announced loudly that "The bakery is closed. Good sir, please go away until the morning. We will have fresh bread for you then." It was clearly not Mrs. Faversham's voice, it seemed to belong to someone much younger.

03-14-06, 02:04 PM #99
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin soon grows bored and decides discretion be damned. He walks over to the man, careful of the hand hidden under the pillow, tries to shake him awake. "Wake up, man, we hafta get outta here."

03-14-06, 02:49 PM #100
El Jefe
LEW Judge

What do you do with a drunken sailor?


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin soon grows bored...walks over to the man, careful of the hand hidden under the pillow, tries to shake him awake.

The sleeper gained consciousness, if it could be called that. "Whashewiss...Warewegoan?...Whoaryou?...Huh?" He rose to a half-sitting position, propped up by both arms. The hand that had been hidded from view clutched a small bag, and from they way it jingled, Devlin surmised that it held what little coin the man had. The reprobate shook his head, and tried to speak again. "'Szit time togo? I wanna stay...Igot munny...Go away?" He blinked, trying to clear the image of Devlin from his vision. "Zhue werk fer...Hey!", he exclaimed, "What you doing in my room? Get out!" He then seemed to calm a bit, and squinted at Devlin. "Do I know you from someplace?"

03-14-06, 03:07 PM #101
Registered User

El Jefe:
"Look, I don't think we have much time. Unless I was given bad info, you're Bal Squidgeon, right? Well if you are then there are a couple o' real bad lookin' men askin' 'round 'boutcha." Devlin hopes his quick talking will keep the man a little disoriented and get the information flowing.

ooc: Bluff check=23

03-14-06, 03:46 PM #102
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The cold, hard light of a new dawn


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Unless I was given bad info, you're Bal Squidgeon, right?"

The man seemed to be still recovering from the effects of the drink. "Uh, yeah, right", he assented.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Well if you are then there are a couple o' real bad lookin' men askin' 'round 'boutcha."

"Oh, gut me like a pig", he moaned in a tone that implied that he knew misfortune would be looking for him, but that he'd hoped it wouldn't find him. "Lousy, stinking Frum, always wants his money", he added. He eyed Devlin warily: "So who are you and why are you doing me such a favor?" He rubbed his face, still trying to shake off the cobwebs of his slumber.

03-14-06, 05:50 PM #103
Registered User

El Jefe:
"I'm just another down-on-his luck citizen in a similar boat. Name's Remus. Listen, you stay here and gather yer wits and I'll head down to the common room to see if the coast is clear, okay? If it is I'll come back n gitcha and we'll sneak out the back door."

Devlin waits for Bal to acknowledge his plan before leaving the room and heading back downstairs. Well, I found him, now I just gotta find a watchman to give 'im to.

03-14-06, 10:18 PM #104
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Partners in crime


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"I'm just another down-on-his luck citizen in a similar boat...Listen, you stay here and gather yer wits and I'll head down to the common room...I'll come back n gitcha and we'll sneak out the back door."

Bal seemed skeptical, but nodded an "Ok". Then, recognition dawning upon his face, he asked, "Oh! You on the run from Frum, too? Maybe we can finda better place to lay low." He started stretching...apparently he was still just drunk enough to be in pre-hangover mode.

03-15-06, 06:35 AM #105
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin nods his head at Bal's word, then heads out the door. "I'll be right back, don't leave and don't let anyone else in, ok?"

Devlin then heads down to the common room, still formulating his plan.

ooc: Since it's close to the dinner hour, how crowded is the common room and who are the inhabitants?

03-15-06, 11:59 AM #106
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A regular crowd shuffles in...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
ooc: Since it's close to the dinner hour, how crowded is the common room and who are the inhabitants?

As Devlin descended the stairs, he encountered what must be "happy hour" at St. Arnold's. He recognized the bartender and a couple of patrons from earlier in the day. But mostly, the place was full, or nearly so, of working stiffs of all descriptions, mostly from the harbor area. One of the men in the corner had a melodion which wheezed out old sea chanties while onlookers clapped and invited the serving wenches to dance. Having more love of tips for delivering firewater than jeers from drunks, the serving wenches all brusqely declined.

03-15-06, 02:42 PM #107
Registered User

El Jefe:
Hmm, should be easy to sneak out in this crowd. Devlin makes his way through the throng to the bar and motions for the bartender. When the man finally makes his way over, Devlin starts his spiel.

"Hey Mac. Just wanted ta thank ye agin fer the room. Listen, I'm not real familiar with this part o' town. Do da Watch make regular patrols 'round here?"

ooc: Devlin's trying to find out what kind of presence the City Watch has in this neighborhood, how many patrols they make, and what time they usually make them. Of course, he's being much smoother about it than I am.

Gather Info check = 26

03-15-06, 04:29 PM #108
Registered User

Ryland reports to work


El Jefe:

Ryland reports to work the next morning and gives Furlong a full debreifing of what happened, including his getting busted by Mortimer. He asks Furlong if there is anything he can do. If there isn't a task he goes to his desk and waits, used to the stop and go life of a caravan guard. He asks the secretary for a map of the city in order to familiarize himself with it more while he waits.

OOC: Did I not roleplay enough, or was my task just a lot easier than the others? Does Enialis need help yet?

03-15-06, 06:28 PM #109
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Who watches the watch?


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Do da Watch make regular patrols 'round here?"

The bartender scratched his chin, as it wasn't the sort of question he was usually asked. "Reckon ya ought to be all clear", he suggested. "They already changed the guard about 3, 4 hours ago. 'Cept when they're changing the guard, you never know where they'll go."

03-15-06, 06:58 PM #110
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Hurry up and wait


Originally Posted by Salix
Ryland reports to work the next morning and gives Furlong a full debreifing of what happened, including his getting busted by Mortimer.

Ryland was surprised to lean that Archer already knew most of the story. The man's contacts were good, you had to admit that.
Originally Posted by Salix
He asks Furlong if there is anything he can do.

"You just sit tight until the other boys get in. I'll have something for you later today or tomorrow."
Originally Posted by Salix
He asks the secretary for a map of the city in order to familiarize himself with it more while he waits.

"Now, you be careful with Mr. Archer's map", admonished Eppy. The map was crude, hand drawn, and not very accurate, but it was probably as good a map of the whole city as could be found anywhere.
OOC stuff
Originally Posted by Salix
Did I not roleplay enough, or was my task just a lot easier than the others?

Your roleplaying was fine, and your solution was simple and efficient. Luck plays into this a little bit. You were able to bag 2 of the 3 with a simple spell. Imagine what a fighter would have had to do with that same scenario...run screaming down the street until he caught one of them? Likewise, a good mentalist would make short work of Enialis's scenario. Enialis, unfortunately, lacks that sort of ability...
Originally Posted by Salix
Does Enialis need help yet?

I'm more worried about Xaov's posting frequency than Enialis's trouble-fixing prowess. So long as I can move the adventure along, it's all good. What's more important, that every character squeeze every possible xp and gp from every encounter, or that the players have a good time?

03-16-06, 05:51 AM #111
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin listens to the bartender. "Thanks, Mac. I 'preciate it."

Devlin then heads back upstairs to collect Bal. Knocking on the door, he calls to his newfound friend, "Bal, it's me, Remus." He then opens the door and quickly steps inside.

"Coast is clear, my friend. If we leave now we'll have a clean getaway. Ya gots yer stuff ready to go?" Devlin waits by the door for Bal to indicate he's ready to leave.

03-16-06, 12:22 PM #112
El Jefe
LEW Judge

One for the money, Two for the show...


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Ya gots yer stuff ready to go?"

Bal seemed to have slipped back toward unconsciousness in "Remus's" absence, but was still able to respond, "Uh, sher, I'mready." He slipped the little pouch in his hand into a fold in his tunic, and rose unsteadily to follow Devlin downstairs.

03-16-06, 01:44 PM #113
Registered User

ooc: Debating my action I'll have a response for you around noon

03-16-06, 02:02 PM #114
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin leads the way downstairs and through the crowd, grabbing Bal by the arm and physically steering him if he seems hesitant or disoriented. "We'll go out the front door in case they're watching your pushcart in the alley."

Once outside, Devlin begins to make his way to the Red Dragon, where he still has a room. The rogue tries to carry on some meaningless chatter to keep Bal occupied while also keeping an eye out for any watch patrols.

03-16-06, 02:45 PM #115
El Jefe
LEW Judge

One for the road


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"We'll go out the front door in case they're watching your pushcart in the alley."

Bal nodded in besotted agreement. "Yeah, sher, thazza great idea!" As the duo made their way down the stairs, Bal suddenly realized that he was in a bar. "Shay, hold onnaminit", he suggested. "Kinnaye gedda dringk? One dringk? One furra road?" Devlin noticed that the bartender had spotted the pair, and had a puzzled look on his face.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
The rogue tries to carry on some meaningless chatter to keep Bal occupied while also keeping an eye out for any watch patrols.

If you can get him out of St. Arnold's and you want to encounter the watch, it wouldn't be too hard. The route from St. Arnold's to the Red Dragon has some odd twists and turns, and it wouldn't be hard to pick a path that went right by a watch station.

03-16-06, 02:47 PM #116
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: Debating my action I'll have a response for you around noon

Just remember, your continued employment with the only trouble-fixer in all of Orussus rests on your decision.

No pressure, now.

03-16-06, 05:07 PM #117
Registered User

ooc:I really apologize for my lack of posting. I have been incredibly busy with school, projects, and earlier today work.
Normally I am much better at keeping up with games.

Note: Also El Jefe. I really am enjoying myself. Its a bit different style than I'm used to, so I've wanted to take a bit more time with my actions, heh not everything can be solved as easily as hitting it hard enough with a piece of metal.

Heh this would be so much easier if voice recording and camera and film were available

Alright Enialis takes a step back. So... they are caught in the act. I wonder where mrs. Faversham is?

Enialis will walk into the alley. If there is a window he will take a quick peak on the inside, if he can see the two of them eating at a table he'll cut off some of the cloth from his sleeve with his shortsword and wrap it around the lower part of his face. He'll take another look to see if there is anything significant on the table. 1d20+1=20

ooc: I need to know what the lists of things he sees are and also if there is a window relatively accessable before I take my next move.

03-16-06, 08:08 PM #118
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc:I have been incredibly busy with school, projects, and earlier today work.

RL has a way of sneaking up on all of us. Not a problem, just drop a line if it's going to be more than a few days.
Originally Posted by xaov
Its a bit different style than I'm used to, so I've wanted to take a bit more time with my actions, heh not everything can be solved as easily as hitting it hard enough with a piece of metal.

Oooh...that's a little like RL, too!
Originally Posted by Xaov
Heh this would be so much easier if voice recording and camera and film were available

It will be, if you just wait a few centuries. Unfortunately, Archer won't wait that long...
Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will walk into the alley.

You realize that Enialis will have to hop a gate to do so, right?
If Enialis hops the gate:
Originally Posted by Xael
If there is a window he will take a quick peak on the inside, if he can see the two of them eating at a table he'll cut off some of the cloth from his sleeve with his shortsword and wrap it around the lower part of his face.

From the alley, there are two windows. One looks into the public part of the shop, which you've already been in. The other part looks into a work area where dough is kneaded and goods are baked. Eniais could see into this area when he visited the shop before, but he can get a better look through the window. Stairs lead up to the upper floors. The bottom floor is deserted, whoever he spoke to seems to have left while he was poking around the side. Behind the building is a sort of a courtyard, bounded in front by the bakery and in back by a shed-type barn, and on one side by a neighbor's building. Enialis can't see the other side from his current vantage point, he can only see a sliver of the courtyard (and he can't see the back of the bakery at all).
Originally Posted by Xaov
He'll take another look to see if there is anything significant on the table. 1d20+1=20

Enialis doesn't see the beginnings of a meal on any table in the shop area...just baking implements and foodstuffs...more for sale than for consumption.
Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: I need to know what the lists of things he sees are and also if there is a window relatively accessable before I take my next move.

The shop is as Enialis saw it earlier in the day, although it is deserted. Both of the side windows are accessible, if awkward...the lower sills are about chest high.

03-16-06, 09:55 PM #119
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
"Kinnaye gedda dringk? One dringk? One furra road?" Devlin noticed that the bartender had spotted the pair, and had a puzzled look on his face.

Not wanting to arouse any more suspicion, Devlin steers Bal toward the door and keeps his voice low. "Ya don't want this rotgut. Where we're going they have the best drinks in town, in the whole region even.

Once outside, Devlin leads him down the street, making his way for the Red Dragon Inn and hoping Bal doesn't spook before they get there.

ooc: I have a plan once we get to the RDI, but if we happen to run into a patrol or watch station on the way, that could work too.

03-16-06, 11:51 PM #120
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Show me the way to go home


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Once outside, Devlin leads him down the street, making his way for the Red Dragon Inn and hoping Bal doesn't spook before they get there.

"S'o-kay" slurred the deadbeat, and off the duo went. Devlin kept his eyes open for any sign of the watch, but he must have zigged when they zagged. He was sure they were nowhere around, since he lost count of how many times he heard "Are we there yet?" and "It sher ish far!" But eventually the pair stumbled to the Red Dragon Inn, where Devlin's charge was suitably impressed. Not with the dragon, he could care less for statuary. But Bal's eyes grew wide at the site of the establishment itself...a place this big must be a fun place to hang out!
Last edited:

El Jefe

First Post
03-17-06, 03:46 AM #121
Registered User

Enialis will hop over the fence. If one is relatively easy to spot Enialis will take a quick search through the top of a garbage can Search Check: 1d20+1=16. If he finds no incriminating evidence in there he will try one of the windows to the shop, if they aren't open he'll first grab his money sack and withdrawing 2g and wrap it up in cloth, grab something and smash through the window. Preferably using a garbage can or something along those lines if one is available. If there isn't Enialis will do it the old fashioned way, with his body. (covering his eyes with his arms)

Once inside he will head to the nearest shadowy area.

If he had to break through the window Enialis will hide and wait for his prey to investigate; weapon drawn.
Hide Check: 1d20+3=16

If he was able to open the window Enialis will proceed to move silently, weapon drawn. Sticking to shadows wherever he can.

Move Silently check: 1d20+3=11
Hide Check: 1d20+3=7 if they are looking for him Enialis sticks out like a sore thumb.

Note: Just a note, Enialis Left his polearm that he had with him earlier at the store at home, he also is covering the lower part of his face with cloth from his clothing
03-17-06, 05:03 AM #122
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Came in through the bathroom window...


Originally Posted by Xaov
If one is relatively easy to spot Enialis will take a quick search through the top of a garbage can Search Check: 1d20+1=16.

There are no refuse containers in the alley. Enialis can peer through the shutters on the windows and see waste containers inside the shop.
Originally Posted by Xaov
If he finds no incriminating evidence in there he will try one of the windows to the shop, if they aren't open he'll first grab his money sack and withdrawing 2g and wrap it up in cloth, grab something and smash through the window.

All the windows are shuttered. The ones on the side are not glassed. It is easy to peer inside the shop if one is very close to the windows, as the shutters are little more than slats. Do you wish to reconsider Enialis's actions?
03-17-06, 06:04 AM #123
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin holds the door open for his inebriated companion, then quickly ushers him to a booth with a look in Joe's direction. "Sit here 'n' I'll go get us a couple o' drinks."

Once Bal is seated Devlin heads to the bar and motions for Joe. Keeping his voice low, the rogue explains his situation to the bartender, "I'm on the job here, Joe, hope you understand. The guy that came in with me is wanted and I'm trying to get him into custody with as little fuss as possible. Give me a mug of cider and one of your Dragonsbreath brews for my companion. That should knock him out, especially if you can 'doctor' it a little for me. Oh, and I know you have ways, Joe, of calling for the watch. Could you contact them and have them come pick him up?"
03-17-06, 12:08 PM #124
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Give me a mug of cider and one of your Dragonsbreath brews for my companion."

Joe grimly pointed to a sign above his head that read, "Introduce yourself before you make requests of others."

03-17-06, 02:19 PM #125
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin gives Joe a pleading look, then shakes his head in resignation. He looks over at Bal as he steps up to the box. "Evenin', ev'ryone. I'm Remus and my friend is Bal. We're down-on-our-luck merchants looking for a change o' scenery. Luck to all o' us."

He steps down and walks back to Joe. "I know, rules are rules Joe. Can you help me out now?"

03-17-06, 03:33 PM #126
Registered User

Yeah I'll change my actions some. Alright so these are not glass they just have shutters over them. It'll be a little be more difficult to just break through these. (heh damn so much for it being cinematic. If I tried to take a dash through these i'd just end up being laid out on the ground.)

(You Know there is probably a really simple way to get in that I'm just missing. It'll be relevations like that that make a person feel stupid.)

ooc: I have work from 10:45 to 5:00 today and I'm meeting a friend of mine for dinner at 5:30. I'm going to think about this more, as I have a couple other possible actions in mind. Heh man I feel like my int score is slowly falling. I'll post a full completed response once I return.

03-17-06, 04:59 PM #127
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The long arm of the law


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Can you help me out now?"

"Already taken care of", replied Joe as he wiped down yet another glass.

And indeed, it was. Within a minute or so, several members of the City Watch burst through the door, glancing about, then approaching the bar to speak to Joe. Joe indicated Bal with a nod, who had been trying his best to look inconspicuous. As one, the watchmen descended upon him, with one pronouncing in a voice that everyone present could hear: "Bal Squidgeon, you are under arrest for failing to appear before the High Court of Orussus when summoned. Come along quietly, now." Bal squalled in protest, but in his present condition, there was nothing to do about it. The watch led him out of the building and frog-marched him through the streets in the general direction of the courthouse.

03-17-06, 06:28 PM #128
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: I'm going to think about this more, as I have a couple other possible actions in mind. Heh man I feel like my int score is slowly falling. I'll post a full completed response once I return.

ooc: It's all good, whenever you're ready.

03-18-06, 12:49 AM #129
Registered User

Enialis will try the slits, if they seem really sturdy, as in hardly giving when pushed or pulled Enialis will try his sword.

(I know I'm probably going to regret this) If the seem to give with his push and/or pull
Enialis will then try to charge through the shutters.

If the Shutters give away, Enialis will proceed to hide in the shadows, (if you want me to use the same hide and move silently checks from my first set of ideas, I will otherwise I'll reroll) and wait for Mr. Faversham to investigate.

If the Shutters do not give away Enialis will try and recover then proceed to make a listen check to see what sort of reactions take place. (I'll wait to hear how everything pans out before I roll or reroll anything)

If their seems to be a reaction Enialis will head to the front of the house doing his best to hide in a relatively shadowy area.
If their doesn't seem to be a reaction Enialis will chek the shutters again to see if they are more easy to work with.

03-18-06, 02:10 AM #130
Registered User

El Jefe:
Devlin watches the Watch haul Bal out of the Red Dragon. He feels a little bad for the man, but then he thinks of the money he just earned for a day's easy work and his conscience eased a bit. He drained his cider, thanked Joe for his help, and headed off to Mr. Archer's office.

03-18-06, 07:21 AM #131
El Jefe
LEW Judge

I hear you knocking


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will try the slits, if they seem really sturdy, as in hardly giving when pushed or pulled Enialis will try his sword.

The slits are weak, but the construction of the shutters is such that this isn't a good way to get in. One might as well smash them with an axe or even a hammer. It readily becomes apparent to Enialis that the best way in by force is to pry the two leaves of the shutters apart with his sword. The shutters are latched from the inside, but the latches are weak. Doing this will, however, make some racket.
If Enialis tries to force the shutters:
Originally Posted by Xaov
If the Shutters give away, Enialis will proceed to hide in the shadows, (if you want me to use the same hide and move silently checks from my first set of ideas, I will otherwise I'll reroll) and wait for Mr. Faversham to investigate.

The building faces west, with the alley running east-west. The sun is setting, and lamp-lighters are making the rounds lighting streetlights. Whether lit by sunlight or streetlight, the only shadows in the part of the alley that Enialis can see would be right behind (just east of) the alley gate.

Immediately after forcing the shutter, Enialis will hear feminine sounds of distress (a gasp, someone saying "Oh!", someone saying "I heard something down in the shop"). The sound seems to be coming from the rear of the building (the "shop" area instead of the "showroom" area) and from overhead. The voice sounds young, possibly the same one Enialis heard earlier when he knocked on the door.
If Enialis makes a DC 11+ Listen check
Enialis also hears a voice from behind the building, from in or near the courtyard. The voice sounds male.
If Enialis made the Listen Check by 10 or more
The voice is about as loud as a stage whisper would be from whatever distance the sound traveled to get to Enialis. The voice says, "Hey! I thought I heard something!"
Originally Posted by Xaov
If their seems to be a reaction Enialis will head to the front of the house doing his best to hide in a relatively shadowy area.

Well, some areas are more shadowy than others, but there really isn't any place near the front of the house dark enough that anyone but a master rogue would seriously consider hiding in, at least not this time of night. A possible exception (mentioned before) would be huddled down behind the gate on the alley side. Let me know if Enialis is going to go back over the gate and into the street, cower down just inside the gate (away from the street), or do something else.

03-18-06, 07:24 AM #132
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Can't you see we're closed?


Originally Posted by Dungannon
He drained his cider, thanked Joe for his help, and headed off to Mr. Archer's office.

There are some patrons of the Red Dragon who want to interact with Devlin (refer to the Red Dragon Inn thread). Once Devlin leaves the tavern and arrives at Archer's "Trouble-Fixing Business", he finds it closed for the day. It is now night.

03-18-06, 11:40 AM #133
Registered User

Enialis will force the shutter.

His listen check is [ur=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=390106]9[/url]

If the shutter successfully opens Enialis will go inside and use the shadows there in for cover

Upon hiding (I am just going to reroll hide 1d20+ 1[url]Enilais does okay with hiding, however to the keen observer he will most undoubtedly be found.

I'll add more when I wake up

03-18-06, 02:31 PM #134
Registered User

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by Ogrin
"Evening. What's the problem with your friend? He robbed the council of their seat cushions and sold them for hard liquor? It sure looked like it, from his state."

Devlin looks at Ogrin, a sheepish smile on his face. "Nah, he just tried to skip out on a sizeable debt and the debtor filed a complaint. I was hired to track him down and turn him over to the watch. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go inform my employer that the assignment has been completed." With that, Devlin drains his mug of cider and leaves the Red Dragon Inn.

A short while later, Devlin returns. "Devlin Magruder is back! Looks like my employer'll have to wait until morning to find out what happened, he's closed his office for the night." Citing a long day, he then heads upstairs to his room.

Devlin leaves the shades open on his window so he can wake with first light. Skipping breakfast, he leaves the Red Dragon Inn and it's sleeping and/or inebriated patrons with nothing more than a perfunctory "Morning, all," and heads off to Archer's office.

ooc: crossposted to the RDI thread.

03-18-06, 08:16 PM #135
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Not so Home Alone


Originally Posted by Xaov
His listen check is [ur=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=390106]9

Enialis heard the cry of alarm from the woman inside the house, but nothing more.
Originally Posted by Xaov
If the shutter successfully opens Enialis will go inside and use the shadows there in for cover

Enialis wriggled awkwardly into the back of the bakery, hearing a trap door in the ceiling shut overhead. He quickly crouched beside one of the ovens, still warm from the day's work, trying to make himself unseen. A loud male voice issued from outside the window Enialis had just crawled through, booming: "Hey! You! What are you doing inside my bakery!" Enialis turned to see an angry Mr. Faversham just outside the window.
OoC Summary:
Ok, Enialis is inside the bakery, well concealed from some directions, but not as well concealed from the window as he might have thought. Someone, possibly female, is upstairs behind a closed trap door in the ceiling at the top of the stairs leading up to the second floor. Mr. Faversham is peering in through the rearmost of the two ground-floor windows that look out over the alley, and is aware of Enialis's presence. The shop is dark, mainly because all the windows are shuttered.

03-18-06, 08:38 PM #136
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Good morning, Ralph. Good morning, Fred.


Devlin, Ryland:
Originally Posted by Dungannon
Skipping breakfast, he leaves the Red Dragon Inn and it's sleeping and/or inebriated patrons with nothing more than a perfunctory "Morning, all," and heads off to Archer's office.

Devlin arrived at Furlong's Trouble-Fixing business to find Eppy cordial, Archer busy, and Ryland pouring over a map of the city. "Well, about time you showed up", crowed Archer, but Eppy quickly interjected, "Don't let him fool you. He hasn't been here himself more than a half hour." Archer ushered Devlin into his office for a run-down of the previous day's work. Devlin noted that Furlong seemed to already know the gist of the story, and just needed to be filled in on the details. Archer seemed pleased, and suggested he bide his time with Ryland in what was going to become one of the trio's new office.
If you both agree, you can now read each other's spoiler blocks...that constitutes Devlin and Ryland swapping stories from the previous day.
Archer made a remark about Enialis, something along the lines of "As soon as Mr. Saddlesore gets here, we can get started on today's assignments."

03-18-06, 09:52 PM #137
Registered User

My post is a good example of what happens when you are tired and posting to mention just looking for the layout I realized now that you meant the stairs to the upper level were outside not inside.

El Jefe the stairs that the trap door is above/and possibly the girl used to come to the door earlier are inside correct?

If they are Enialis will make a break for the stairs and run up them.

[main action choice #1]If Faversham ran up the stairs outside and is now in the same room he will turn to him and say in the deepest voice he can manage I am here for you Faversham and your wife!
Init (1d20+3=6) if you need it. (talk about a bad time for the IC dice to crap out on me.
he will then attempt to grapple Mr. Faversham Grapple (1d20+3=7) but most likely to no avail.

If there is any delay between when Faversham shows up in the room (if he does) and Enialis getting upstairs he will do a quick search to see if he can spot the trap door in the room

Search (1d20+1=12)

[Main Action choice #2] If Faversham doesn't show up in the room, Enialis will look around for anything that could prove as evidence if he finds some he'll take it and a grab bag of valuables from around the level. If he has any success locating the trap door. (shall I roll again) He will open it up and jump in.

When he gets in and sees the girl he will tell her, don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, unless you force me to. ooc: El Jefe what does she look like

If she has any noticeable jewelry such as a necklace or what not he will ask her to take it off.
[MAC#2,7a]If she complies he will take it and climb out of the trap door.
[MAC#2,7b]If she doesn't comply he will cut the string of her necklace with his sword/take the rings off her hand, etc. and jump out.

[MAC#2,7,1a]If Faversham still hasn't shown up at this point (unlikely) and Enialis has what he needs and then some extra he will make head out the door on the side run down the stairs, hop the fence, then he'll mount up and head out

[MAC#2,7,1b]If at this point Faversham has shown up with help enialis will make a break for the front door and open it. Then mount up

Note: In either of the MAC#2 scenarios at the front door Enialis will toss the cloth with 2g in it behind him.

03-19-06, 02:53 AM #138
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Home Alone 2?


Originally Posted by Xaov
My post is a good example of what happens when you are tired and posting to mention just looking for the layout I realized now that you meant the stairs to the upper level were outside not inside.

Ok, let me try again. I don't think I'm getting the layout to you somehow.

Enialis is inside a 3-story building, on the first floor. The first floor is divided into two main areas, but there is no dividing wall as such. The front area, toward the east of the building, is a bakery display area. It's where customers come to buy their bread and such. Enialis was in this part at the beginning of the day.

The back of the first floor (the west end), where Enialis is now, is a work area for the bakery. There are bins of flour, sugar, and other foodstuffs and ingredients, work tables, implements of preparation, and ovens. Enialis is currently crouched down beside one of these ovens, with a cloth over the bottom half of his face.

There are two large windows and a door in the front half of the first level, in the east wall. Along the north side of the building runs an alley, with a gate at the extreme west end near the street. There are two small windows in the north wall of the first level, one by the display area, and one by the work area. Enialis entered the building through the rear (westernmost) window in the north wall. Mr. Faversham is currently standing outside this window. He has spotted Enialis's crouching figure inside the shop and is demanding to know why that figure is there.

There are stairs inside the building near the very rear of the shop, leading up to the second floor. These stairs end in a trap door, more or less flush with the ceiling of the first floor (and presumably, the floor of the second floor). Enialis could, if he so desires, run up these stairs and try to open the trap door above him. There is no guarantee of success. That door may or may not be locked, or there could be a heavy object on top of the door. Or it might be very easy to open, Enialis just doesn't know right now.

There may or may not be stairs on the outside of the building leading up to the second floor. Enialis knows there are no such stairs on the front (east side) or the one side (north side) of the building. He has never seen the rear (west side) of the building to know what's there. He does know that beyond the rear of the building, the alley opens up to form a sort of courtyard, but he's never scoped out all of the courtyard or the rear of the building.
Originally Posted by Xaov
El Jefe the stairs that the trap door is above/and possibly the girl used to come to the door earlier are inside correct?

Based on what his eyes and ears have told him, it seems most likely that the girl who was inside the store when he knocked on the front door ran up the stairs in the back of the building to go from the baking area up to the second floor. He has not laid eyes on her, so he does not know this to be an absolute fact. It then seems likely that she closed the door (a trap door in the floor of the 2nd floor) behind her in an attempt to put a barrier between herself and whoever is in the first floor (which would be Enialis right now).
Originally Posted by Xaov
If they are Enialis will make a break for the stairs and run up them.

Well, that is exactly the case, so that means that Enialis will break from the "cover" of the oven (which really isn't doing him any good at all right now) and run up the stairs after the girl.

That leads us to adjudicating just what happens when Enialis does this.
Strength Check DC15 or better:
Channeling every bit of his strength into the attempt, Enialis is able to break a crude latch and lift the door...about 3 inches. A heavy weight lands on his shoulders and forces the door back down. Judging from the ear-splitting scream just on the other side of the door, Enialis would venture that the heavy weight would be the young woman who had just latched the trapdoor, plus one or more other heavy objects. Let me know if you'd like to try lifting the door open again, or if you'd like to try something else.
Failed the Strength Check to open the trapdoor:
Well, Enialis is at the top of the stairs, and could try to break the door open again if he likes. More pressingly, some female on the other side of the door is screaming, and somebody is opening the door in the back of the shop (in the west wall, leading between the baking area inside the shop and the courtyard outside).
I think we'd better try to resolve that before moving on to some of the other actions you described in your post.

03-19-06, 05:52 AM #139
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
If you both agree, you can now read each other's spoiler blocks...that constitutes Devlin and Ryland swapping stories from the previous day.

ooc: No problem with this on my end.

03-19-06, 07:27 AM #140
Registered User

Originally Posted by Dungannon
ooc: No problem with this on my end.

No problem here either. My other character has a similar skill set to Devlin so it will be cool to see how he handled his business.
03-19-06, 08:28 AM #141
Registered User

*sigh* Invisible Castle hates me today. As soon as its clutch it decides to crap out on me.

Str check (1d20+2=10)

Enialis will try to lift the trap door one more time

and fails

Str Check (1d20+2=14)

He will then try to break door.

Shall I roll damage or what would you like.

note: I'm starting to believe the old saying that god laughs at plans. Lets try this more play by play, see if Invisible castle wants to cooperate

03-19-06, 04:20 PM #142
Registered User

Devlin chuckles when Ryland relates the part about the egg missile. "Sounds like you did good, Ryland. And it also sounds like we must've just missed each other at the Red Dragon. Pity that, we could've relayed our stories over a drink."

03-19-06, 04:41 PM #143
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Robbery, Assault and Battery


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will try to lift the trap door one more time and fails.
He will then try to break door.

Not so fast, Kemosabe.

Mr. Faversham has entered the shop by the rear door. Enialis is at the top of the stairs, with his head up by the trap door (ceiling). The rear (west) wall of the structure is by his side. Mr. Faversham is below and behind him, and will probably be able to reach the bottom of the stairs before Enialis will (the door is pretty close to the bottom of the stairs). Now, Enialis may start flailing away at the bottom of the door with whatever implement comes to hand, if that's what he wishes. Or, he could try a third attempt to break open the door by brute force. Or, given that there's a hysterical female above him and the owner of the building that he's breaking into behind him, he may wish to try a different course of action.

The brute force approach is still a DC15 strength check.

If you wish to bash at the door, it's AC3. Or, if you'd like to take a full-round action to line up a blow, the hit on the following round is automatic (doors have a very low Dex).

Because the stairs are steep and dark, it will take 20' of movement to get to the bottom. You can double your move (treat it as only 10' of movement) if you make a DC5 climb check to avoid tripping over your own feet and taking a nasty tumble. You could also jump and take some nonlethal damage, or jump and make either a DC15 Jump check or a DC15 Tumble check to avoid taking any damage.

Choose wisely.

03-19-06, 04:43 PM #144
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"And it also sounds like we must've just missed each other at the Red Dragon."

Actually, you missed each other by several hours...he didn't get in until after midnight. Apparently, gnomes are just early risers.

03-19-06, 06:02 PM #145
Registered User

you know how about we postpone these events a bit until IC starts liking to roll high for me? maybe take these next couple of rolls for a game of darts or something.

Enialis will start clammering down the stairs
Climb Check (1d20+3=9) (omg only beat a DC5 by 4) T_T

Damn! Enialis says to himself I have to find the stairs Faversham took to get down. They must be at the rear of the building.

ooc: I'll wait for your reaction before taking my next action. But know that Enialis will do everything possible to make it to the rear door Faversham came through. (If he doesn't have time to hide) He has a hunch that there must be stairs out there

In the event its needed Enialis has a hide check of Hide (1d20+3=21) (holy smokes a high digit double number!)

btw: Sorry for taking all the extra actions. I'm trying to make up for lost time by doing as much as I can in every post.

03-19-06, 07:34 PM #146
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Stop, Thief!


Originally Posted by Xaov
you know how about we postpone these events a bit until IC starts liking to roll high for me?

Somehow, I get the impression that low rolls aren't the only problem here. But maybe that's just me.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will start clammering down the stairs

Enialis raced down the stairs at breakneck speed, barely keeping his feet on the way down. He reached the bottom just as Mr. Faversham stepped through the door into the shop.
Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: I'll wait for your reaction before taking my next action. But know that Enialis will do everything possible to make it to the rear door Faversham came through. (If he doesn't have time to hide) He has a hunch that there must be stairs out there

Ok, nice and slow now. Enialis's turn isn't over (there still isn't any physical interaction between Enialis and Faversham, so we don't have to roll initiative yet. Emphasis on yet). Enialis and Faversham are in adjacent squares next to the rear wall of the shop. Ordinarily that would give Mr. Faversham an AoO on Enialis, but the rear door hinges are on side by the stairs, so Faversham would have to maneuver around the door to actually do anything to Enialis. I'm going to let him do that as a free action next turn, if there's still a reason for him to do so. If Enialis wants to go out the back door, he's going to have to deal with Faversham in some way...render him unconscious, grapple him, bull rush him, whatever. If Enialis wants to go in some other direction, just subtract the 10' of movement that he used to come down the stairs, and move the rest per normal movement. Faversham, as mentioned, won't get an AoO this turn, unless Enialis moves into and out of either the square right in front of Faversham (to his east) or one of the ones to his left (northeast or north). If Enialis ends his movement this turn in either the square to Faversham's right (south, where he is now) or the square southeast of Faversham, then Faversham will get an AoO next round if Enialis moves out of them. Clear?

You have taken your move action for the round. You can take another move action or a standard action. If you choose to attack Faversham, he gets partial cover from the door. That will most likely go away next turn, unless he decides to do something defensive.

Uh, and just to clear up Mr. Faversham's motives, he is now yelling, "What in blazes are you doing in my shop? Get out now, thief!" Upstairs the young female is screaming, "Gods, help us! Help! Call the watch!"
Originally Posted by Xaov
btw: Sorry for taking all the extra actions. I'm trying to make up for lost time by doing as much as I can in every post.

It's all good. Just think about the situation and what Enialis is doing, and it'll all work out.

03-19-06, 08:33 PM #147
Registered User

Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin chuckles when Ryland relates the part about the egg missile. "Sounds like you did good, Ryland. And it also sounds like we must've just missed each other at the Red Dragon. Pity that, we could've relayed our stories over a drink."

"Sounds like you're a pretty smooth operator, Devlin. How did you know Bal would be in that room? That seemed like a pretty big gamble.", the gnome says shaking his head in appreciation. "I think there will be plenty of time for us to have drinks later. Maybe after we get our next jobs done tonight. Gods be willing that we solve the problems in one day again."
OOC: WOW! that was some pretty awesome rolling. Too bad Gardner and Lucien aren't having as much luck in the Lost Manor. Of course all those skill ranks probably help.

03-19-06, 09:18 PM #148
Registered User

Originally Posted by Salix
"Sounds like you're a pretty smooth operator, Devlin. How did you know Bal would be in that room? That seemed like a pretty big gamble.'

"Eh, it was just a hunch. One I'm glad was correct. Hey, did Furlong pay you for the job yet?"

Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: WOW! that was some pretty awesome rolling. Too bad Gardner and Lucien aren't having as much luck in the Lost Manor. Of course all those skill ranks probably help.

ooc: Yeah, being 4th level really helps the skills. I hope Lucien & Gardner catch a break soon.

03-20-06, 01:21 AM #149
Registered User

Heh I guess my approach wasn't the best out there. Alright i'll try to keep things moving so we don't have to wait for very much longer.

ooc: Enialis will back up and move to where he can charge Faversham/the door next round

| /
| e(a)- - -
[ f |e(b)

Like that

03-20-06, 03:58 AM #150
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Arriba! Arriba! Ándale! Ándale! Yeeha!


Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: Enialis will back up and move to where he can charge Faversham/the door next round

| /
| e(a)- - -
[ f |e(b)
Like that

Actually, it's more like this:

[ f |e(b)
| e(a)- - -
| /
...and I think you should roll Enialis's initiative.

03-20-06, 05:01 AM #151
Registered User

init (1d20+3=21)

Enialis will (on his turn of course) bull rush Faversham (he'll get an Aoo for En not having the imp bull rush feat)

Its a contested strength to move the target back 5 ft correct? or is it Str/Bab check

He will take this action only if he goes 1st

If the check is merely contested str. the result is str check (1d20+2=10)

If BAB is factored in its just +1

03-20-06, 06:41 AM #152
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The Bull vs. the Bear


Originally Posted by Xaov
init (1d20+3=21)

Let's just say that Enialis will be going first on every turn unless someone else shows up.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will (on his turn of course) bull rush Faversham (he'll get an Aoo for En not having the imp bull rush feat)

Enialis charged the outraged shopkeeper, who squatted and braced for the impact. As Enialis lowered his shoulder to smash into the man, his opposite wrapped his arms around Enialis in a great bear hug.
We need an Opposed Grapple Check roll to see if Enialis can break free of Mr. Faversham's bear hug. I'll use the Strength check (plus BAB for a Grapple Check) from your last post, if you don't mind. If Enialis wins the grapple check, then the Grapple fails and we can adjudicate the Bull Rush attempt. If Enialis fails the grapple check, then he is Grappled, and the Bull Rush attempt automatically fails.

Since Mr. Faversham gets an AoO when Enialis enters his square, I'm ruling that he attempts a melee touch attack to initiate a grapple. Enialis doesn't get an AoO when Mr. Faversham does that, because that AoO comes when a grappler moves into the potential graplee's square. Since Enialis is conveniently placing himself in Mr. Faversham's square, Enialis's AoO doesn't apply vs. Faversham's Grapple attempt.
Originally Posted by Xaov
If the check is merely contested str. the result is str check (1d20+2=10)

If BAB is factored in its just +1

Well, the grapple is Str Check + BAB, so Enialis's Grapple check is an 11. Alas...

Enials twisted in Mr. Faversham's grasp while driving with his feet, but the burly shopkeeper did not let go. The two of them fell to the ground just inside the door, and the baker did his best to try to get the better of the intruder.
More Crunchy Stuff
Ok, accounting for time here. A Charge is a full round action, a Bull Rush is a standard action. Either way, Enialis has no more actions this turn. Unfortunately, Mr. Faversham's Grapple attempt was an AoO, and now he has at least a standard action coming up. For that action, he will attempt to pin Enialis. So, to avoid the pin, Enialis will have to make an Opposed Grapple Check of DC16+. Mr. Faversham is a grappling fool tonight!
In addition to all the commotion that had been going on, Enialis could now here an older female voice issuing from the far end of the house near the street: "Help! Help! There's a man breaking into our house! Call the watch! Call the watch!" Enialis can't be sure, but it does sound a lot like Mrs. Faversham.

03-20-06, 11:36 AM #153
Registered User

so now Mrs Faversham is also here? well this is interesting. I guess this will be the hard proof she needed. but now Enialis is in quite the predicament. Come on IC don't let me down. Roll high baby roll high.

opposed grapple (1d20+3=7) T_T damn you IC.

this isn't good.

03-20-06, 01:21 PM #154
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Freestyle? Greco-Roman?


Originally Posted by Xaov
so now Mrs Faversham is also here?

Well, she's upstairs. It seems likely that she's been there all along.
Originally Posted by Xaov
opposed grapple (1d20+3=7) T_T damn you IC.

Eniais tried to wriggle free, but Mr. Faversham was having the wrestling match of his life. The strong hands that kneaded the dough every day held the would-be calvaryman nearly helpless.
Round 2, Enialis's turn. I take it you want to escape the pin? If so, roll your Opposed Grapple Check.

03-20-06, 02:29 PM #155
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
Well, she's upstairs. It seems likely that she's been there all along.

What???? ...

opposed grapple (1d20+3=17)

I forget whether its a full round action or not to try and break out of a pin

in the event it isn't Enialis will hop over Faversham's body and go out the door. (if he can)

03-20-06, 04:39 PM #156
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Bakermania III


Originally Posted by Xaov
opposed grapple (1d20+3=17)

Fortunately, Enialis's superior martial training allowed him to easily break free of the pin. Undeterred, Mr. Faversham tried to maneuver Enialis back into a position of helplessness, but lacked the skill to do so. Enialis saw an opportunity to make his escape.
Enialis breaks the pin on his turn. The rules could be a little more clear about this, but it looks like an attack to me. Enialis only gets one attack per turn, and would need a second one to escape the grapple. So, Enialis is out of the pin but still grappling.

On his turn, Mr. Faversham tried to re-establish the pin, but failed so miserably that there was no need to roll for Enialis.

It is now the third turn since Enialis tried to bull-rush Mr. Faversham. Enialis and Mr. Faversham are grappling, but nobody is pinned. Pretty much the full range of options for things to do while grappling are available to Enialis, including Escape From Grapple, which would require Enialis to win yet another opposed grapple check.
Originally Posted by Xaov
I forget whether its a full round action or not to try and break out of a pin

It's neither a move or a standard action, but it does chew up an attack. So, if you don't have multiple attacks per round, it sure closes off a lot of options for things to do once you've escaped the pin since most of them require an opposed grapple check, which also counts as an attack.
Originally Posted by Xaov
in the event it isn't Enialis will hop over Faversham's body and go out the door. (if he can)

Hold that thought. If Enialis can break the grapple on his next turn, that might be an option.

03-21-06, 02:11 AM #157
Registered User

Salix, Dungannon I honestly apologize for making you wait. I've been trying to speed things along but things...... haven't been going as planned (No fault of El Jefe's). So if you can just bear with me. I'm not sure how much more is ahead. But I'll try to make your wait time minimal. Sorry again.

Mrs. Faversham is here..... Enialis says to himself. If Mr. Faversham and the milk maid were having dinner together without Mrs. Faversham knowing. She knows now. But I feel I have made a terrible mistake..... There isn't anything I can do to help her right now. I should leave before I am arrested and recoup my thoughts.

ooc: El Jefe I just want this to be perfectly understood. The voice I just heard a moment ago was Mrs. Faversham's right?

Regardless Enialis will try and break out of the grapple.
and fails miserably
Opposed grapple (1d20+3=4)

Note: I'm trying to avoid hurting Mr. Faversham.

03-21-06, 03:37 AM #158
Registered User

Originally Posted by Xaov
Salix, Dungannon I honestly apologize for making you wait. I've been trying to speed things along but things...... haven't been going as planned (No fault of El Jefe's). So if you can just bear with me. I'm not sure how much more is ahead. But I'll try to make your wait time minimal. Sorry again.

ooc: don't worry about it Xaov, stuff like this happens in PbP. I'm used to it.

03-21-06, 04:18 AM #159
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Bakermania IV - Battle Royale


Originally Posted by Xaov
ooc: El Jefe I just want this to be perfectly understood. The voice I just heard a moment ago was Mrs. Faversham's right?

Well, you can't be totally sure unless you lay eyes on her. But the voice sure sounded like the lady who was in Furlong Archer's shop earlier that day. And her lungs aren't giving out, she's still calling for the Watch.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Regardless Enialis will try and break out of the grapple.

Having gotten a grip on Mr. Faversham, Enialis tried to throw him off, but to no avail. Again, the baker tried to render the "trouble-fixer" helpless.
Dice Stuff
Roll an Opposed Grapple Check 11+ to avoid being pinned.
Originally Posted by Xaov
Note: I'm trying to avoid hurting Mr. Faversham.

For that, I'm sure, either Mrs. Faversham or Scotia will be greatful.

03-21-06, 05:05 AM #160
Registered User

grapple (1d20+3=17)
Last edited:

El Jefe

First Post
03-21-06, 05:32 AM #161
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Bakermania V - Cage Match!


Originally Posted by Xaov
grapple (1d20+3=17)

This time, Enialis was ready for Mr. Faversham's little wrestling "trick". Instead of ending up with his arm behind his back, he managed to get his own arm around the older man's waist.
Crunchy Stuff
It is now the next turn. Enialis can do any of the usual "Grapple type stuff" moves that one can do when grappling. Escaping the grapple would, once again be an opposed grapple check.
Time dragged on...Enialis knew that time was running out, that the Watch would arrive soon. Some of the neighbors were taking up the cry.
03-21-06, 06:02 AM #162
Registered User

grapple (1d20+3=17) heh
03-21-06, 01:31 PM #163
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A breath of fresh air...


Originally Posted by Xaov
grapple (1d20+3=17) heh

OoC Stuff
Um, you didn't state what Enialis is trying to do. Based on previous posts, I'm guessing escape the grapple, right? Also, I think you got the links to the dice rolls mixed up. You used this roll - grapple (1d20+3=17) last round, I think you mean to use this roll - Grapple (1d20+3=10) for this round. Turns out it doesn't matter, maybe Mr. Faversham is starting to tire.

Oh, and I'll assume that of all the squares surrounding the one just inside the door where the grapple is taking place, when you break free, you'll want to go to the square just outside the door. Let me know if you decide otherwise; I've sblocked that decision below.
The younger man's superior strength and conditioning paid off. Just as the baker was reaching around to try to get into position to pin him, he pushed the other aside and rolled away.
If Enialis rolls away into the square just outside the rear door...
Enialis rolled deftly to his feet just outside the door, and got a good look at the courtyard behind the Faversham's for the first time. Two buildings, butting up back to back formed a high wall to the south, as did two more buildings to the north. The alley that Enialis had used to enter the compound led to the east between the Faversham's bakery and the one next door, and a similar one led to the west between the Faversham's modest barn and their neighbor to the northwest. The barn, really more of an overgrown shed, formed the boundary to west. However, directly in front of Enialis was a very frightened young woman in plain clothes, obviously terrified that a masked intruder had just burst out of the back of the Faversham's Bakery just moments after Mr. Faversham had gone inside to investigate an unusual noise. "Aiiiiieeee!", she screamed, as she put her hands up to protect herself.
DC12+ Spot Check
The young woman is wearing a fancy brooch that seems totally out of place with the rest of her clothing.
Above him, Enialis can still hear a pair of female voices, one more hysterical than the other, calling for the watch.

But behind him, a stern voice growls, "Oh, no you don't, thief!" Enialis turned to see Mr. Faversham coming through the door, apparently attempting to sieze him once again.
More Crunch
Enialis does get an AoO this time as Faversham attempts to enter his square.

03-21-06, 03:04 PM #164
Registered User

Originally Posted by Dungannon
ooc: don't worry about it Xaov, stuff like this happens in PbP. I'm used to it.

No problems Xaov. good luck.
03-21-06, 05:14 PM #165
Registered User

Spot Check (1d20=2) I hate IC.......

Obviously Enialis is a bit distracted to really check her out closely

ooc: Sorry that I didn't specify my actions but you were exactly correct with what I was doing. Also I'm pretty sure those are the correct links, I may have just not labeled them correctly. But regardless like you said it doesn't matter

Enialis then gets an idea

Enialis will move to the girl's square.

Not really sure what actions might be taken before he would do this but he is going to attempt to grapple her and take her hostage

(Here it goes

Grapple the girl (1d20+3=21) (woot)

Assuming he wins the grapple and actually was able to make it there

Enialis will hold his sword to her and in the deepest voice he can manage say "Stand down Faversham, or you'll have this girl's blood on your hands"

03-21-06, 07:50 PM #166
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Help me! Help me!


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis then gets an idea

Enialis will move to the girl's square.

Not really sure what actions might be taken before he would do this but he is going to attempt to grapple her and take her hostage

Slow down just a bit
That would be next turn, on Enialis's initiative. This turn, he still has to deal with Mr. Faversham's attempted re-grapple. Since you left no instructions for what to do on your AoO, and did mention that you're not trying to hurt Mr. Faversham, I take it that you will forego the AoO. That means we proceed to Mr. Faversham's melee touch attack to re-grab you, which fails. We now proceed to the next turn, where Enialis attempts to grapple the girl. First, she gets an AoO against Enialis, which fails. You then make a melee touch attack to grab the girl, and to save some time, I'll use the roll you made below (which would succeed no matter what you used it for in this context).
Originally Posted by Xaov
(Here it goes

Grapple the girl (1d20+3=21) (woot)

Ok, that succeeds, you've grabbed the girl.
Mr. Faversham stormed out of the back of the bakery, crying "Sneak into my business up to no good, I'll teach you!" Enialis saw an opportunity to sucker-punch the man, but passed it up, having no desire to actually harm him. The baker lurched at Enialis, who deftly sidestepped him, leaving the baker clutching at air.

The situation was growing desparate as the young man knew the City Watch would arrive any moment. An idea struck him...use the girl as a hostage! He had no desire whatsoever to hurt this innocent young thing, but none of the others knew that, and he could use it to his advantage. He reached for her with both hands, as she slapped ineffectively at his armor. His right hand closed about her wrist, but she twisted hard to escape his grasp.
Back to mechanics
Now, you can make an Opposed Grapple Check vs. the girl to establish the grapple. Ah, she's not very strong, but she's slippery as an eel, so to grapple her, your Opposed Grapple Check will have to be DC 14+. Oh, and since you're now close enough to plant one on her lips, make another Spot check. The modifier hasn't changed much because, well, she's trying pretty violently to escape, and there's still this mad baker you have to contend with...
Spot Check DC12+
The girl is wearing a fancy brooch that seems totally out of place with the rest of her clothing.
I think we can save the rest for later in this turn.

03-21-06, 09:03 PM #167
Registered User

Good lord..... This makes me sad

Opposed Grapple (Dc14) (1d20+3=5)

Spot Check (1d20=11)
man just missed it by 1......

IC makes me very sad sometimes......

03-21-06, 10:57 PM #168
El Jefe
LEW Judge



Originally Posted by Xaov
Opposed Grapple (Dc14) (1d20+3=5)

The girl sobbed, "No! Please! No!", as she turned and twisted her wrist in an attempt to break free. Perhaps Enialis's hands were wet with sweat from grappling with Mr. Faversham, for she popped free, if only for an instant. As for Faversham, he recovered his balance and lunged for Enialis. The girl turned as if to run.
Mechanics stuff again
Looks like Enialis gets two AoO's -- the first against Mr. Faversham as he attempts to grapple, and the second one against the young woman as she attempts to flee. Note that either AoO can be a grapple attempt if Enialis so desires.
Originally Posted by Xaov
IC makes me very sad sometimes......

I have to say that I think that it's been extremely fair, but somewhat capricious. It is quite random, which can be discouraging...just when you think things are going your way, BAM!

03-22-06, 01:42 AM #169
Registered User

Enialis will attempt another grapple on the girl as she runs. If possible I'd like to attempt another spot check.

lol oops To grapple the girl (1d203=104) can that count as my roll?

man so many single digit numbers......To grapple the girl (1d20+3=8)

03-22-06, 02:51 AM #170
El Jefe
LEW Judge

One that got away


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will attempt another grapple on the girl as she runs.

Enialis forsook an opening to ward off Mr. Faversham in favor of clutching at the girl before she got away. Alas, she proved entirely too slippery for him.
Originally Posted by Xaov
If possible I'd like to attempt another spot check.

Sorry, not on the same turn.
And now it's time for Mr. Faversham to act. Ok, blew his melee touch attack to grab Enials.
Mr. Faversham lunged for Enialis as the girl started to run away, but he was unable to get any purchase on Enialis's armor-covered form. The girl ran across the courtyard, reaching and cowering behind one of the posts holding up the barn roof.

Shouts were coming from the house and all over the neighborhood now. How much time would Enialis have?
That's the end of that round. Next round, Enialis will act first. He is in the square immediately west of the rear door of the bakery. Faversham is still just inside the bakery, with the door open (in the doorway, if you please). The young woman Enialis tried to grapple is 25 feet west and 5 feet south of Enialis, taking partial cover behind a post.

03-22-06, 03:13 AM #171
Registered User

Enialis sees his opening but knows he won't be able to get away unscathed Enialis will keep in mind where she is and run to get his horse which is out side the front of the building.

Note: If enialis can't easily get around the building he move to where the girl is.

just on a side note if possible I'd like to make a handle animal check to whistle for my horse to come to me. However I didn't specify ahead of time/when creating this character that was a trick I had taught the horse so I'll understand if it won't work.

03-22-06, 04:14 AM #172
El Jefe
LEW Judge

I knew I should have taken a left at Albuquerque


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis sees his opening but knows he won't be able to get away unscathed Enialis will keep in mind where she is and run to get his horse which is out side the front of the building.

Note: If enialis can't easily get around the building he move to where the girl is.

First, let's try this:
A is the Alley (extending to the west off the map)
B is the Barn (roofed but open to the east)
C is the Courtyard (open space)
D is the front Door to the Bakery
E is Enialis
F is Mr. Faversham
G is the Girl that Enialis tried to grapple
K is the baKery
S is the Street to the east of the bakery, extending several squares to the east off the map
T is really part of the street, but I wanted to show where the gaTe to the alley was
W is the Walls of neighboring buildings. There is also a row of Walls to the north (not shown)

As you can see, Enialis has several movement options, some that get him to certain locations more quickly at the expense of opening him up to extra AoO's from Mr. Faversham. Just tell me exactly where he's going...each letter is a 5' square.
just on a side note if possible I'd like to make a handle animal check to whistle for my horse to come to me. However I didn't specify ahead of time/when creating this character that was a trick I had taught the horse so I'll understand if it won't work.

Ah, let me think about that while you show me where Enialis is moving to. It might not come into play.

03-22-06, 05:47 AM #173
Registered User

Enialis seeing how far he will have to go to get his hostage, knowing the watch is on its way and still being attacked by Mr. Faversham decides to move to his horse. It'll give him leverage and allow him to have a better chance of catching up with his hostage to get away free.

he will move to the area by the (line W) neighboring building walls and head to his horse (assuming there isn't a gate at the end of it, but from the looks of the code there isn't)

I am guessing that Faversham will take his AoO on me for leaving his threatened area so in the event I need to make an opposed check the result will be

Opposed grapple (1d20+3=12)

If he succeeds in evading faversham and you have decided to allow my handle animal check (if it comes into play)

Handle Animal check (1d20+4=20)

03-22-06, 01:24 PM #174
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Oh, no you don't!


Originally Posted by Xaov
he will move to the area by the (line W) neighboring building walls and head to his horse (assuming there isn't a gate at the end of it, but from the looks of the code there isn't)

In lieu of any instructions to the contrary, I'm assuming that Enialis moves by the most direct route, due north and then due east. Mr. Faversham's Melee Touch Attack to start the grapple hits (barely).
Knowing the Watch was soon to arrive, Enialis decided to leave the girl go for now, and to make a run for it. As he did, the baker reached for him again, grabbing his wrist.
Originally Posted by Xaov
I am guessing that Faversham will take his AoO on me for leaving his threatened area so in the event I need to make an opposed check the result will be

Opposed grapple (1d20+3=12)

More Mechanics
The bad news is that Mr. Faversham beat a 12. The worse news is that Enialis will have to make an Opposed Grapple Check of 17+ to avoid a pin.
This time, Mr. Faversham was able to pull the younger man just off balance enough that he couldn't easily free his arm...and Faversham pounced on the opportunity wrap an arm around Enialis's leg. The baker seemed to have his second wind, as he threatened to knock Enialis off his feet.
It seems the Handle Animal check won't be coming into play for a little while. But...
Spot Check at DC14+ (note the higher mod)
The girl is wearing a fancy brooch that seems totally out of place with the rest of her clothing.

03-22-06, 01:44 PM #175
Registered User

I have work then class until 5. I'll have a response at around quarter after 5

03-22-06, 10:44 PM #176
Registered User

oh man.... opposed grapple (1d20+3=16) missed the pin the check by one............

Spot (1d20=19)(woohoo finally made the spot) Enialis says to himself That girl.... that brooch she's wearing, it seems, out of place on her. Could she be Faversham's lover?

03-23-06, 04:11 AM #177
El Jefe
LEW Judge

All Trussed up Like a Chicken


Originally Posted by Xaov
oh man.... opposed grapple (1d20+3=16) missed the pin the check by one............

Down the two men went, into the dirt of the courtyard. The luck seemed to have turned again, Mr. Faversham had Enialis twisted up like a pretzel.
Here we go again...
It is now the next turn, and Enialis's initiative again. I presume he will want to break the pin -- if so, he must roll an Opposed Grapple Check of 10+
Enialis could hear shouts and clattering from not far down the street.

03-23-06, 05:24 AM #178
Registered User

To break the pin (1d20+3=14)

Enialis gets up but still has to break the bakers hold on him

03-23-06, 01:21 PM #179
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A breath of air, II


Originally Posted by Xaov
To break the pin (1d20+3=14)

Enialis gets up but still has to break the bakers hold on him

Enialis wriggled and unwound himself, but the baker still held him about his waist. Above the commotion, he could hear what sounded like Mrs. Faversham's voice calling, "There's a strange man trying to get in! He's inside the building! I can't let you in, he's downstairs with my husband!"
It is now the next turn. Enialis is grappling with Mr. Faversham just outside the house. The girl with the brooch is still cowering just under the eaves to the barn. There are shouts all over the neighborhood, and much commotion. It is Enialis's initiative. I'm going to assume that he wants to escape the grapple, and will need to make an Opposed Grapple Check of 15+ to do so.

03-23-06, 01:28 PM #180
Registered User

You are correct sir.
To escape the grapple (1d20+3=20)

Enialis will make his way to the previously specified place and start trying to get his horse.

Once I get to Annok (his horse) I'll try and get that girl. I don't know for sure but I believe she may be faversham's lover. Regardless if I were to capture her I would hope I could get out of town free. Enialis says to himself

03-23-06, 01:56 PM #181
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Open up in the name of the Law!


Originally Posted by Xaov
To escape the grapple (1d20+3=20)

Enialis pried the man's hands from around his waist and took a step away from him. Again, the baker lunged at him, growling, "You'll not get away now, the Watch is here!", and managed to grab hold of one of Enialis's armor straps.
Phew! You're starting to convince me about IC, just when you thought it was over, SuperBaker pulls through again!

First, the scene now looks like this:
Mr. Faversham is trying to attempt a grapple again. Enialis gets an AoO, but you'll have to tell me if you want to take it...Enialis has passed up several opportunities to do so thus far. Mr. Faversham has succeeded in yet another Melee Touch Attack to establish a Grapple, and Enialis must now make an Opposed Grapple Check of 15+ to avoid being grappled for the third time.
DM reference only
6 pts to door
In addition to all the other commotion, the interloper could now hear smashing and splintering sounds coming from the front of the bakery.

03-23-06, 04:22 PM #182
Registered User

This has been one heck of a fight. Are you sure that Faversham isn't a former wrestler or something heh....

To avoid being grappled a third time T_T (1d20+3=21) (woohoo!)

Enialis has been given some impromptu dancing lessons from mr. Faversham, however his patience is starting to wear thin. He takes his AoO to attempt to elbow Faversham in the face.
Melee attack (1d20+3=21) and connects (most likely) for Confirmed damage for an Unarmed strike by a medium-sized character (1d3+2=4) non-lethal damage

Enialis will on his turn continue to move to where his horse is.

03-23-06, 11:26 PM #183
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A clean getaway?


Originally Posted by Xaov
This has been one heck of a fight. Are you sure that Faversham isn't a former wrestler or something heh....

He's not, but he has been getting some good rolls when he needed them!
Originally Posted by Xaov
He takes his AoO to attempt to elbow Faversham in the face.
Melee attack (1d20+3=21) and connects (most likely) for Confirmed damage for an Unarmed strike by a medium-sized character (1d3+2=4) non-lethal damage

The gasping baker reeled and the girl by the barn shrieked as Enialis sprinted around the corner of the bakery and toward the gate.
Ok, that was an AoO that took place on Faversham's initiative. Enialis had already performed all of his own actions on his own initiative (namely breaking the grapple and taking a 5' move), so it is now a new turn and Enialis's initiative. You can't run around corners, so Enialis takes his normal move (30') and turns the corner of the building. The scene looks like this:
That eats up a move action, leaving a standard action or another move action. I assume Enialis wants to get to his horse in the worst way, which means he still has to negotiate 10 feet and a gate to get to the street. I'm going to rule that Enialis at least goes up to the gate, at which point...
Enialis prepared to climb up and over the gate, but paused as he neared the front edge of the building. Around the corner he first heard and then saw a contingent of the City Watch, eagerly bashing the front door of the Faversham's shop down.
More Mechanics
Midway through Enialis's second movement action, the situation is thus:
Where the R's are members of the Watch.

So, Enialis has burned 10' of movement in the 2nd move action, and can either spend another 10' to go over the gate and move his last 10' this turn to move toward his horse, or he can turn around and move 20' back down the alley, which would put him almost but not quite to the corner by the courtyard, or stay where he's at (or some combination thereof). I'll let you pick. Faversham took quite a blow, but still tried to grapple you. He doesn't seem quite himself...either he's getting winded, was stunned by the blow, or something. Still, his grapple attempt was formidable...or maybe very lucky.

03-24-06, 01:39 AM #184
Registered User

I take it then that the handle animal check was tossed out. Okay np.
You are correct though Enialis wants to get his horse in the worst way. His horse and the girl could very well mean his escape from the city. So thats what he'll do.

But first from a glance at the watch members, what are they armed with? If they appear to be armed with cross bows he's going to have to approach the situation a bit differently.

El Jefe a problem came up with a move silently check: Situation inside

El Jefe I decided to make a move silently check.. However something happened. I rolled the dice and got a "Page cannot be displayed" message, and refreshed. Hence it rolled again.

I checked my roll history and saw the two rolls. The first one is higher 18 than the second one 15 As you can probably guess I'd like to use the first one, but I'll leave the final decision to you.

Regardless if the guards seem to spot Enialis as he tries to move silently he'll move into a full break for whatever is left of his movement. (a B-line to his horse btw)

03-24-06, 04:55 AM #185
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Free at last, Free at last...


Originally Posted by Xaov
But first from a glance at the watch members, what are they armed with?

Enialis sized up the patrol from the corner of the bakery. They were armed with halbreds and the like, and the three in front were taking turns smashing down the door. Quietly, quietly, he eased himself up and over the gate. Although he was lit by the sinking sun, Enialis hugged the wall of the building neighboring the bakery and sidled over to his horse unseen. Just as he began to mount up, one of the guards noticed him, and called, "Hey! You! Hold it right there!"
Enialis has ended another turn. I took the first check to be a move silently, which wasn't a problem since the Watch is making quite a racket. I took the second, unintentional roll to be your hide check, since it would be pretty obvious that you would be in view if you were passing within 20 feet of them.
Originally Posted by Xaov
El Jefe a problem came up with a move silently check: Situation inside

El Jefe I decided to make a move silently check.. However something happened. I rolled the dice and got a "Page cannot be displayed" message, and refreshed. Hence it rolled again.

Don't sweat it, IC has done that to me a couple of times. I'll always take the first roll, no matter whether it is higher or lower.

Amazingly, none of the guards spots Enialis, as they all had very poor rolls. I don't see how they can possibly miss him at the start of the next turn, since he can't hide and mount at the same time. It shoudln't matter...Enialis moves first, and even if he fails his ride check for a fast mount, he can use 1 move action to mount and a second to ride off farther than any of them can run to in one turn.

I also gave some thought to the Handle Animal check. No dice. Although you can use your skill to train your horse, it can only know a limited number of tricks. It's not fair to let you pick them as you need them, one at a time in the heat of battle. You coud push your horse to do a trick that it didn't know, but with a DC of 25 and a skill of 4, you can't push your horse to come to you. I think it would make sense to pick a set of tricks your horse would know, and submit them to the character judges for approval. I don't know if craft points would be involved because you started the training after putting your character in play. Again, see a character judge about this.
DM Reference Only
8 pts to door

03-24-06, 05:41 AM #186
Registered User

Alright np on the handle animal check it didn't occur to me to pick it ahead of time so ah well. Enialis (now mounted) shall ride at full movement back to where the girl was. He is going to ride to try and get her.

due to the large amount of area I had to cover I can pretty much guess I don't make my grapple check now.

I'll wait for your response to continue

03-24-06, 06:07 AM #187
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Hiyo Silver, away!


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis (now mounted) shall ride at full movement back to where the girl was. He is going to ride to try and get her.

Consider this
Well, let's see. The Watch knows where you are. It's still your initiative, and you took a move action to mount, so you still have a move action or a standard action. Here is where you are and how things look:
Your horse, of course, is H (4 squares because a horse is a Large creature). Note that to get where the girl was, your horse will have to jump the gate. The DC is 24. If he can't get a running start, the DC is 48! So, you'll have to maneuver around a little bit if you still want to do this. Just let me know what path you plan to take.

03-24-06, 03:31 PM #188
Registered User

Well the thing is I am too close to freedom here to risk blowing it on a faulty roll trying to get over that fence. To be safe Enialis is going to move as fast as humanly possible to get to the girl through the far end that doesn't have the gate.

but just for the fun of it. (this roll doesn't count)

Ride check (doesn't count) (1d20+7=26) heh shoot would've made it. T_T ah well

03-24-06, 05:34 PM #189
El Jefe
LEW Judge

What to do, what to do...


Originally Posted by Xaov
To be safe Enialis is going to move as fast as humanly possible to get to the girl through the far end that doesn't have the gate.

Enialis briefly considered trying to leap the gate with his mount, but then sanity prevailed. This wasn't a training course where the horse might knock a crossbar from some supports, this was a fence that could send rider and mount sprawling onto the cobbles of the alley. Although Enialis was up to the task, he wasn't sure if his mount was.

Instead, he galloped around the block, Watchmen chasing after him in futility, in search of the outlet of the alley past the Faversham's barn. To his dismay, he found it to be gated as well. He could hear speech in the compound beyond, and from the sight of several figures farther up the alley he surmised that part of the patrol had stayed behind to take a report from the Faversham's. He was sure that one of the two figures in the alley beside the bakery was Mr. Faversham himself, probably showing off the ruined shutters where Enialis had let himself into the building.
More OoC Stuff
First, the jump check:
Originally Posted by Xaov
but just for the fun of it. (this roll doesn't count)

Ride check (doesn't count) (1d20+7=26) heh shoot would've made it. T_T ah well

That's very nice, but in a situation like this, we take the lower of your Ride check or the mount's Jump check. You know what to do, but without some more training, your horse doesn't - good thing you didn't try it!

As to the present situation, you can try to jump the fence again, climb over it, climb over then unlatch it, etc. You can no longer see the girl, but that's because the building you're by (another shop on the next street over) blocks your view of everything except the alley, the side of the barn, a small wedge of the courtyard, a bit of the rear of the bakery, and the side of the bakery. Some of the watch is still chasing after you, but it will be at least a turn until they have you in sight, and at least a couple of turns until they can reach you.

03-24-06, 10:36 PM #190
Registered User

Enialis will leap off his horse and attempt to climb the fence to unlatch it.
Climb Check (1d20+2=14)

he struggles a bit not sure if he gets across or not.

once on the other side(if he made it) Enilais will unlatch the gate and let his horse through.

03-25-06, 01:36 AM #191
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A kingdom for a horse...


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis will leap off his horse and attempt to climb the fence to unlatch it.
Climb Check (1d20+2=14)

he struggles a bit not sure if he gets across or not.

Enialis glanced up and down the street to make sure that he hadn't been spotted, and then dismounted and climbed the gate. It was similar to the one at the far end of the alley, and posed no great difficulty to the adventurer. Once across, he unlatched the gate, opened it, and grabbed the reins to his horse...only to see the three members of the evening patrol who were in hot pursuit of him round the corner from the cross street, spot him and his horse, and them cry, "Look! There he is! After him!"
The usual OoC stuff:
Enialis has dismounted and climbed the fence. It's too high to jump, well, almost too high, but too low to really require a climb check. If horses had prehensile hooves, they could easily scramble across.

He's unlatched the gate (it wasn't locked, but can't be unlatched from the street without someone climbing the fence), opened the gate, and grabbed the reins. If he stands like a statue, the three Watchmen will reach him next turn. He can easily mount up and ride off again if he pleases, in just about any direction. The alley in front of him is 5' wide, and there are people in it on the far side of the courtyard. Enialis doesn't see the girl, but can presume she's somewhere in the compound.

03-25-06, 03:05 AM #192
Registered User

Enialis mounts up again and rides into the courtyard desperately looking for the key to his case (or at least thats what he believes she is). Shall I make a search check? Or will you just tell him as he gets farther into the courtyard?

If you have him make a search check the result is.
Search (1d20=15)

If he can spot the girl as he is going further into the courtyard he'll ride to her.

Enialis doesn't want to hurt the girl. So if he is able to ride to her then he is going to jump off his horse and proceed to grapple her

03-25-06, 04:09 AM #193
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis mounts up again and rides into the courtyard desperately looking for the key to his case (or at least thats what he believes she is).

Heedless of the presence of at least one member of the City Watch inside the compound, Enialis rode down the back alley into the courtyard behind the bakery. He was met with an ear-splitting scream as the girl was there, standing apart from three other figures. Only one of these did Enialis recognize: Clearly, it was Mrs. Faversham. Beside her stood a younger girl, perhaps 16 or so, and a member of the city watch. All clapped eyes on the masked intruder. Although only the young woman with the brooch had laid eyes on him before, all quickly recognized him as the intruder from only moments earlier. Mr. Faversham and the other guard reacted to the sight and sound of the rider, and emerged from the front alley to confront him. Shouts, screams, and orders ensued.
At the end of his movement, Enialis is just into the courtyard. If they stayed where they are, Enialis could dismount and close with any of the figures in the courtyard: Mr. Faversham, Mrs. Faversham, the older girl, the younger girl, or either of the city guards. He is not yet adjacent to any of them.

03-25-06, 02:49 PM #194
Registered User

So conceivably Mrs. Faversham has now seen the girl that I was chasing after before. Well still I don't want to take any chances

Enialis given the circumstances to which he was hired believes that the girl with the brooch is in fact the girl of Mr. Faversham's on the side relations. He sees Mrs. Faversham, the woman who hired him, not far from her competitor. But Enialis feels he has gone through too much to just risk tossing it out so he decides to continue to pursue the girl. He'll get the words from her mouth specifically.

Enialis begins to persue the girl staying on his horse for as long as possible. Once in range he will leap off of his horse and attempt to grapple the girl.

I'll roll now just so that when it comes into play you won't have to wait for me to formulate a response.

Grapple Check (when it comes into play) (1d20+3=21) (nice!)

03-26-06, 04:14 AM #195
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Sweeping her off her feet


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis begins to persue the girl staying on his horse for as long as possible. Once in range he will leap off of his horse and attempt to grapple the girl.

Enialis spurred his mount in the direction of the girl he had seen earlier, and he lept from the saddle in an attempt to nab her.
OoC Mechanics
Ok, follow me down on this one. Enialis has to take a move action to reach the girl, either mounted or not. Dismounting is a move action...which ends Enialis's turn. The girl would move away, and a whole bunch of people would be on top of him before he could do anything.

However, if he did a quick dismount, then the dismount would be a free action, leaving time for a standard action in the turn...like a grapple. At first that seems like a hole in the game mechanics, until you think about it for a moment. Let's say you were riding up to someone who was terrified of you. If you rode your horse right up to them, stopped the animal, and proceeded to leisurely climb down out of the saddle, they'd run off screaming before your foot hit the ground. But if you rode right up to them, and lept out of the saddle and landed right on top of them, there's nothing they could do.

So, you need to roll me a ride check for a quick dismount.
Originally Posted by Xaov
I'll roll now just so that when it comes into play you won't have to wait for me to formulate a response.

Grapple Check (when it comes into play) (1d20+3=21) (nice!)

That's nice, but to start a grapple, you must first roll a melee touch attack and then roll an opposed grapple check. So, if you succeed on the ride check, I'll roll the girl's AoO (which will probably be ineffective even if she hits), then we'll see if you succeed on the melee touch attack. If that works, she'll almost certainly be grappled, because I doubt she can beat a 21.

03-26-06, 04:45 AM #196
Registered User

ride Check for a quick dismount (1d20+7=11)

Oh no don't start to crap out on me now IC.

Melee touch (1d20+3=17)

03-26-06, 06:25 AM #197
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The chase concludes


Originally Posted by Xaov
ride Check for a quick dismount (1d20+7=11)

Oh no don't start to crap out on me now IC.

Enialis tried to leap from the saddle onto the terrified girl, but his far foot got tangled in the saddle, and he ended up lowering himself to the ground in a very undignified fashion. He did succeed in separating the girl from the others...she retreated in the general area of the barn.

Before he could chase her down, two Watch members were upon him, weapons at the ready. Just as he was about to move, the other three members caught him as well. His arms were forced behind his back and secured, and his weapons removed from his person. The person who seemed to be the leader of the patrol, a guard with some sort of sergeant's insignia along with the badge of Orussus that all Watchmen wore, peeled back the cloth covering the bottom half of Enialis's face. Several people all started speaking at once.

"You...you were in my store earlier today!", exclaimed Mr. Faversham.

"You...did I hire you earlier today?", quizzed Mrs. Faversham indignantly.

"What is your business here? Or more precisely, what were you trying to steal?", demanded the sergeant.

The terrified young woman who had been the target of Enialis's attacks emerged cautiously from the barn, and eyed the young man with suspicion. Enialis's mount stood by obediantly, waiting for its master or a groom to lead it away.
The usual...
Well, you did need an adjusted roll of 20 plus your ACP. But with Enialis's mounted skills, that was possible.

03-26-06, 02:29 PM #198
Registered User

heh damn it all!......freaking ride check!!!!! augh!!! (why do you hate me so much IC?) *sigh* oh well...

Mrs. Faversham I am indeed the one you hired, it is the reason I even came here in the first place. Mr. Faversham your wife came to me today and hired me to investigate because she felt you were having an affair. She found that jewelry she owned seem to go missing and that the milk girl would have something similar. I didn't know where to start except at the source. I decided to talk with you. When I mentioned my family and got your reaction, I became sure that you were. After leaving and spending time with my father I began to believe that talking with you about this would be best. However when I approached the door and the young girl spoke from the otherside of the door I hastily jumped to conclusions. I believed her to be the young girl whom I had been sent to investigate.

Upon hearing her voice I decided to go back to taking the evidence and making it look like a robbery. Hence the events which led up to our current matter.

note: el Jefe I'm going to wait for the responses to this action before saying anything else. I'm starting to wonder if there's more to this than what I/Enialis took at face value.

03-26-06, 05:12 PM #199
El Jefe
LEW Judge

The affair concluded


Originally Posted by Xaov
Mrs. Faversham I am indeed the one you hired, it is the reason I even came here in the first place.

Enialis started speaking, and after a moment's pause, so did everyone else.

Mr. Faversham said, "Lying thief!, you'd say anything to escape a term of hard service!"
Mrs. Faversham said, "This is not what I hired you for! Breaking into my house and scaring me and the maid half to death!"
The sergeant of the watch said, "You've got some stones! Trying to convince me your mark hired you!"

Enialis continued with his explanation as they spoke: "Mr. Faversham your wife came to me today and hired me to investigate because she felt you were having an affair." This provoked another round of comments.
Mr. Faversham: "Why, you insolent cur! There is no such thing going on!"
Mrs. Faversham: "And a fine mess you've made of it! Who's going to pay for the things you've broken!"
Sergeant: "Wait a minute, lady, you mean you really did hire this clown?"

Enialis went on: "She found that jewelry she owned seem to go missing and that the milk girl would have something similar." The others continued as before.
Mr. Faversham: "Well, that's a lie. There is no affair so there is no need for my wife to hire you."
Mrs. Faversham: (to the sergeant)"That's right, I didn't know what a bungler he was."
Sergeant: "So you and the homeowner are rivals for the girl's affection?"
The older girl, who had crept up to investigate once Enialis was safely bound, started to slowly edge away.

And on: (to Mr. Faversham)"I didn't know where to start except at the source. I decided to talk with you."
Mr. Faversham: "Liar! You were just planning to steal my goods tonight!"
Mrs. Faversham: "You were here earlier today? Did you break something then?
Sergeant: "So how long has this been going on?"
The girl took another step, which attracted Mrs. Faversham's eye.

And on: "When I mentioned my family and got your reaction, I became sure that you were."
Mr. Faversham: (in disgust)"Oh, he's just full of lies. Arrest him now - or let me pay him back for that elbow he gave me first!"
Mrs. Faversham: (puzzled)"Scotia -- what -- Where did you get that!?" The matron was now very agitated, and pointing to the brooch that Enialis had seen earlier.
Sergeant: "Mr. Faversham, I know you've been through a lot tonight, but that doesn't earn you a promotion into the City Watch. Let me do my job, here."
"Scotia" (obviously frightened): "Oh? This? I-I found it..."

And on: "After leaving and spending time with my father I began to believe that talking with you about this would be best."
Mr. Faversham: "Well, I'm sorry, Sir, but I shouldn't have to listen to some thief accusing me of being unfaithful to my wife."
Mrs. Faversham: "That's a lie! That belonged to my grandmother! Have you been giving my things to her?!"
Sergeant: "Well, Sir, I hate to break the news to you, but it seems like he's not the only one who's been spreading that rumor."
Scotia (now enraged): "What?...You!...You!...You said that you'd gotten that special, just for me and nobody else. Are all the other things you gave me her's too, you cheapskate!?"

Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene.

03-26-06, 05:36 PM #200
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Just Another Day at the Office


After a long night of interrogation, accusation, and rennovation, Enialis and his possessions returned to Archer's Trouble-Fixing business. Clearly, he looked as if he'd had the worst time of it between the three hopefuls. His clothes were filthy -- he looked to have been rolling in the mud or something. Dark circles appeared under his eyes, and his movements were sore and stiff.

He wearily opened the door at the top of the stairs to behold Eppy first reacting in surprise, then quickly covering her emotions as if she'd seen this sort of thing all the time. "McVayne's here", she announced as Ryland and Devlin turned to behold their comrade. They seemed to be looking over a map of the city, and swapping stories about their exploits of the previous day.

"Send him in", called Archer. "Might as well get this over with." He paused, and reconsidered. "On second thought, give me five minutes. I'll see him then."
As before, if all are willing, you can now read each other's spoiler blocks. This will constitute you all filling each other in on what you did the previous day.
Last edited:

El Jefe

First Post
03-26-06, 07:17 PM #201
Registered User

Xaov: Enialis is a singleminded madman. I've got to make sure I don't hack him off.
03-27-06, 12:08 AM #202
Registered User

Heh I suppose an investigation thread wasn't the best choice for enialis after all. Live and learn I suppose. I had a nice long response typed up. to conclude my mis-adventures but decided I would do it piece by piece.

Ah well.... IC didn't help much either

El Jefe: If I could have a moment

El Jefe you have now seen me play as it should've done from the start, shot by shot. I know I blew it and held up the adventure some and for that I apologize. I would like to keep going in your game as I imagine when I have assistance this should go a little bit smoother. However.... I also know that I blew it, if you would like me to step down in favor of seeking someone else, I understand. But if I could I'd like to stay in your campaign.
03-27-06, 01:20 AM #203
Registered User

xaov-My motto: just have fun. It was fun reading back through Enialis' caper. My guy got egged by some teenagers so he's got nothing to brag about.

Originally Posted by Xaov
Heh I suppose an investigation thread wasn't the best choice for enialis after all. Live and learn I suppose. I had a nice long response typed up. to conclude my mis-adventures but decided I would do it piece by piece.

Ah well.... IC didn't help much either


03-27-06, 05:42 AM #204
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Reckoning Day


After reading through a couple of scrolls on his desk, Archer snapped his fingers. "Eppy, why don't you pay these gentlemen for the work they've done for us so far? And you, McVayne, I want to see you as soon as you collect your loot."

"Over here, boys", Eppy called coyly. She handed each one a small sack of coins, taking care to see to it that each new "Trouble Fixer" got the correct pay pouch.
The amounts in each pouch are as follows:
Ryland: 20gp
Devlin: 20gp
Enialis: 17gp

Yes, you can add this to your character sheets.
Enials took a seat across from Mr. Archer, who fixed him with a peculiar stare. "Son", he began, "I thought I said specifically that you weren't to be a bull in a china shop. You should have blown this one ten times over. How you managed to prove that the old man was cheating, I'll never know. You'll notice that your purse is a little lighter than your friend's. That's because we had to pay for the damages to...well, the damage you caused." He paused, breathing in heavily. "Enialis, I don't know how to tell you this, but...you're...


Enialis was sure that Mr. Archer was going to make some solemn pronouncement, just before he heard a series of light but firm knocks upon the door at the top of the stairs.

"...not doing so hot", concluded the half-elf, obviously irritated at the interruption.

"Trouble-Fixers, come on in", called Eppy in a singsong, yet professional voice. Into the outer office stepped a tall, attractive brunette human with hazel eyes and ruby red lips. She was dressed as a traveler, but a traveler of some means, with garments trimmed in fur...someone who was used to the finer things of life, but wasn't so pampered that she took them for granted. Her tunic was cut short, displaying a shapely pair of calves and well-cared-for shoes. A look of distress crossed her face...not that this was unusual in Archer's business. "I need help", she admitted to Eppy. "I need help with something...oh, it's very complicated."

Archer was on his feet. "Please, Miss, step inside", he said as he gestured toward his office. "Devlin, Ryland, come into my office and we'll see how we can help this lady with her problem." The adventurers sensed that the young lady was getting a little preferential treatment...not that some of them would have been interested in giving her some "preferential treatment" of their own.

The five of them gathered in Archer's office. "Please, have a seat, Miss..." - he paused as he waited for her name - "Wonder", came the reply, "I'm Rilla Wonder, oh, can you help me?"

"I'm sure we can", replied Furlong, the predatory grin he had when he was about to separate a customer from their money appearing on his face. "Now, you just tell us all about your problem."

"It's my sister, Cora", began Wonder. "We grew up together in Lathirn. She's missing, and you must help me find her. All I have is a letter she wrote, saying she was in Orussus. She's run off with a man named Flodal Thursby; I think she means to marry him. I ran into him here in Orussus while I was looking for her. He wouldn't tell me where Cora was. He said she didn't want to see me. I can't believe that. He promised to bring her to St. Arnold's Inn if she'd come this evening. He said he knew she wouldn't. He promised to come himself if she didn't." The words tumbled out in a torrent, she paused, as if to gather her wits.

"So, let me see if I have this straight", replied Archer. "Your sister ran away from Lathirn with a fellow named Flodal Thursby. They're here in Orussus. You're seeing Thursby and have a date to meet him tonight. Maybe he'll bring your sister with him. The chances are he won't. You want us to find your sister, get her away from him and back home. If - after we've found her - she still doesn't want to leave him, well, we have ways of managing that."

"Oh, but you must be careful", the pretty brunette warned. "I'm deathly afraid of him. What he might do. She's so young and he's bringing her here from Lathirn for such a serious...Mightn't he...Mightn't he do something to her?" Archer nodded grimly. Miss Wonder continued: "He's a dangerous man. He won't stop at anything, he might even kill poor Cora."

An idea formed in Archer's eyes. "Say, this Thursby...could he cover his tail by marrying your sister?" Rilla replied, "He can't do that. He has a wife and three children in Monemvassia." Archer added sardonically, "As they usually do, though not always in Monemvassia."

Miss Wonder identified Thursby as a dark-haired man with thick, bushy eyebrows, who "gives the impression of being a violent person." Furlong negotiated a fee of 200 crowns to shadow Wonder and Thursby for the evening, and to free Cora. Wonder agreed without much hesitation, and he saw her to the door. When he returned, he addressed the trio of young apprentices: "Gentlemen, I believe I'll take this case personally. You three stick around for a while in case something shows up, otherwise I'll see you in the office tomorrow with three new cases." He dismissed them from his office; about an hour later he left the building.
03-27-06, 01:21 PM #205
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
El Jefe: If I could have a moment

El Jefe you have now seen me play as it should've done from the start, shot by shot. I know I blew it and held up the adventure some and for that I apologize. I would like to keep going in your game as I imagine when I have assistance this should go a little bit smoother. However.... I also know that I blew it, if you would like me to step down in favor of seeking someone else, I understand. But if I could I'd like to stay in your campaign.

My first instinct was to simply ignore your message and play through. But I don't want there to be any doubt or confusion on your part. First, you're doing great, as a player. I have absolutely no complaint with your posting rate. Things drug out because your character made some unexpected decisions; decisions that had the consequnce of dragging out the action in the game world. There's nothing wrong with that, most people here would rather play with someone who roleplays well and makes an occasional tactical mistake than they would with someone who always does the "perfect" thing but who's characters have the personality of a damp rock.

Enialis's tactics were "unorthodox", but whether through luck or skill, he got the job done. Take a look at the post above. The full in-game penalty for Enialis's decisions are thus: minus 3 gp to fix Faversham's front door and side shutters, and a brief tongue-lashing from Furlong Archer. That's it. If Enialis makes poor decisions in the future, there may be additional consequences, or there may not, depending on the situation. Play on, be true to your character, and have fun...it's all good!

03-27-06, 01:33 PM #206
Registered User

Alright thanks man. Heh it was a lot of fun. Kept me on the edge of my seat. I don't believe there should be a delay like that again.

03-27-06, 09:53 PM #207
Registered User

As furlong leaves to join the woman. Enialis turns to the others

You both had quite the adventures. From the sound of it you both handled your cases with great prestige. I am honored to call you my friends. I look forward to our future adventures. Perhaps while we are together I could learn a few things.

03-28-06, 01:30 AM #208
Registered User

Devlin watches Miss Wonder leave, a smile on his face. "Furlong'll have his hands full tonight, I think."

He then listens to Enialis finish his tale of deception, infidelity and mortal combat. "You proved your case, avoided jail time, and got paid. Sounds like a success to me. Don't worry about style points, that'll come with experience," he adds with a grin.

When Mr. Archer leaves, Devlin looks around the office for something to do, finally approaching Eppy. "Excuse me. I skipped breakfast this morning. Will we be having lunch delivered to the office or are we on our own for sustenence?"
03-28-06, 02:30 AM #209
Registered User

"Tell ya what Enialis; there'll be a time when your sword won't be enough and you'll have to lean back on what you learn working for Mr. Archer here. Until that time, the pay is good, and the work is pretty fun. I'd keep my eyes on Devlin here and soak it in, because he's really the guy who knows what he's doing here. You're getting the job done and that's all that matters", he says giving the much larger youth a reassuring slap on the leg. "If Eppy doesn't have any qualms with it, I'll treat us to lunch and a pint. We should celebrate our success in this new enterprise", he says the last hefting his newly earned bag of coin.

03-28-06, 04:26 AM #210
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Take the rest of the day off


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Excuse me. I skipped breakfast this morning. Will we be having lunch delivered to the office or are we on our own for sustenence?"

Originally Posted by Salix
"If Eppy doesn't have any qualms with it, I'll treat us to lunch and a pint. We should celebrate our success in this new enterprise", he says the last hefting his newly earned bag of coin.

Eppy spoke up. "Guys, to tell you the truth, Mr. Archer gave me permission to close the office at noon today if nobody showed up, and you see how slow it is. I'll be having lunch with a friend, so I guess I'll see all of you tomorrow." When the foursome agreed that it was about noon, Eppy shooed the apprentices out of the office and locked up after herself.

03-29-06, 02:33 AM #211
Registered User

Devlin looks at Ryland, "If you're buying, it's only fair to let you pick the establishment. Where're we head to, good sir?"

03-29-06, 04:32 PM #212
Registered User

OCC: don't know how much El Jefe wanted us to roleplay this part, maybe he needs time to get ready for the next round so I thought I''d try to paint the scene a little
Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin looks at Ryland, "If you're buying, it's only fair to let you pick the establishment. Where're we head to, good sir?"

"I've heard about an inn down by the docks that specializes in halfling and gnomish fare called the Dog and Pony. Maybe we should give that a try.", he say leading the way out the door. When they arrive at the Inn the two taller men are surprised to find that the Inn is actually built in proportion to gnomes and halflings, causing them to stoop in the foyer. The owner, a halfling named John Bell, looks them over and gives a command, "We got a party for the big people table, get it ready." Luckily, the main chambers opens to more of a vaulted ceiling affair, making it quite comfortable for the two men. However, all the rooms are built for smaller people so Devlin and Enialis probably wouldn't want to stay there for the night. As they look around they notice all the patrons are halflings or gnomes, except for two men at different tables who seem to be engaged in business deals of some nature. They are brought soup, a main course of roast pheasant and vegetables, and desert. Once they are done eating, John Bell brings around a tray of fine halfing tobacco of different varieties and offers the group some for purchase to ,"put a cap on a fine meal".

Ryland takes him up on the offer and buys a pouch of "Cooder's Gold", after enjoying the sample. He gives the other two a serious look and says, " Don't tell anyone this, but the halflings tobacco is much finer than anything the gnomes produce". With that he takes another draw and orders another pint of Hilltop Stout, a local halfling brew.

03-29-06, 05:15 PM #213
El Jefe
LEW Judge

And a wafer-thin mint


Originally Posted by Salix
"put a cap on a fine meal".

The three adventurers enjoyed a fine meal under what was, for two of them, unusual circumstances. At the conclusion, Mr. Bell presented a bill for 1 Crown, 5 Shields (written with a florish).

03-30-06, 12:07 AM #214
Registered User

"Well, that was an experience," Devlin quips with a satisfied grin on his face. "I wonder what we should do now?"

03-30-06, 01:40 AM #215
Registered User

*holding his stomach slightly*
Ah that was.... Interesting. A good meal after a long night. I appreciate treating us to a meal Ryland. I owe you one.
*yawns slightly*

I'm sorry guys but I had a really long night I think I might just head back to my house and get some shut eye. *Enialis tells them how to get to his house should he be needed*

Take care of yourselves.

*enialis walks home with the warm air blowing in his face* He never really realized how much he liked it outside. The events of the night before still fresh in his mind he walks home.

03-31-06, 03:35 AM #216
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Orussus, Orussus, it's a heck of a town!


Originally Posted by Xaov
I'm sorry guys but I had a really long night I think I might just head back to my house and get some shut eye.

The rogue and the gnome watched the young man disappear down the busy street. The sun was out, and it was an unseasonably crisp day, the sounds of the city bustling in their ears. Without a care in the world (at least until they were due back in the office the next day), it would be a good day for any number of amusements.

03-31-06, 03:55 AM #217
Registered User

Originally Posted by El jefe
The rogue and the gnome watched the young man disappear down the busy street. The sun was out, and it was an unseasonably crisp day, the sounds of the city bustling in their ears. Without a care in the world (at least until they were due back in the office the next day), it would be a good day for any number of amusements.

"What do you say to a few more drinks devlin? Maybe we can stir up some trouble.", Ryland says to the rogue as he knocks the last of the ash from his pipe. With a reluctant look he stows the pipe away.

OOC:I will be out of town for Monday through Friday of next week. I'll try to get on the internet at my hotel room, but you never know how that is going to work out.

03-31-06, 05:49 AM #218
Registered User

Devlin turns to Ryland, a devlish gleam in his eye. "Sounds good, and I think I know just the place. You ever been to St. Arnolds?"

04-01-06, 07:50 AM #219
Registered User

Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin turns to Ryland, a devlish gleam in his eye. "Sounds good, and I think I know just the place. You ever been to St. Arnolds?"

Never. Lead on Devlin.

ooc sorry for the slow response thought I replied already

04-01-06, 04:29 PM #220
Registered User

Devlin begins the walk toward St. Arnold's, silently hoping the bartender doesn't hold any ill will toward him about Bal Squidgeon. "Ya know, Ryland, if we're lucky we may get another look at that stunner that came to Furlong's office today. I believe St. Arnold's is where she's supposed to meet her sister's captor." The devious wheels of Devlin's mind begin to turn. "We may also be priviledged enough to see our esteemed employer in action first hand."

04-01-06, 06:05 PM #221
Registered User

Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin begins the walk toward St. Arnold's, silently hoping the bartender doesn't hold any ill will toward him about Bal Squidgeon. "Ya know, Ryland, if we're lucky we may get another look at that stunner that came to Furlong's office today. I believe St. Arnold's is where she's supposed to meet her sister's captor." The devious wheels of Devlin's mind begin to turn. "We may also be priviledged enough to see our esteemed employer in action first hand."

"I was thinking something similar myself", he says following Devlin to St. Arnold's.

04-01-06, 07:19 PM #222
El Jefe
LEW Judge

And the old man at the bar sitting next to me


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Ya know, Ryland, if we're lucky we may get another look at that stunner that came to Furlong's office today."

The pair strolled through progressively seedier parts of the city until they were in the slums not far from the docks. There stood St. Arnold's, a two story wooden structure that had seen better days.

Upon presenting themselves, the bartender raised an eyebrow at Devlin, but said nothing as he poured their order. After about a half hour, an older gentleman came in, and insisted on sitting next to Ryland although there were plenty of available seats elsewhere. He smelled of strong drink, and seemed obsessed with Ryland's stature. But although annoying, he was otherwise indistinguishable from any other drunk.

As the afternoon merged into evening, the usual crowd of dockworkers and sailors filtered in. The establishment grew crowded and rowdy, with sea chanty's being sung, if you could call such drunken warbling singing. A couple of times it seemed that a fight might break out, but either the bartender or one of the clients seemed to quiet things down just before they got out of hand.

By mid-evening, neither Devlin nor Ryland had seen any sign of Flodal, Rilla, or Furlong.

04-01-06, 08:37 PM #223
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
The pair strolled through progressively seedier parts of the city until they were in the slums not far from the docks. There stood St. Arnold's, a two story wooden structure that had seen better days.

Upon presenting themselves, the bartender raised an eyebrow at Devlin, but said nothing as he poured their order. After about a half hour, an older gentleman came in, and insisted on sitting next to Ryland although there were plenty of available seats elsewhere. He smelled of strong drink, and seemed obsessed with Ryland's stature. But although annoying, he was otherwise indistinguishable from any other drunk.

As the afternoon merged into evening, the usual crowd of dockworkers and sailors filtered in. The establishment grew crowded and rowdy, with sea chanty's being sung, if you could call such drunken warbling singing. A couple of times it seemed that a fight might break out, but either the bartender or one of the clients seemed to quiet things down just before they got out of hand.

By mid-evening, neither Devlin nor Ryland had seen any sign of Flodal, Rilla, or Furlong.

"Seems like we might be here for awhile", Ryland says as he tamps a little of Cooder's gold into his pipe, "Should we go for the Blue Plate, or look elsewhere for a meal? I'm still interested in seeing what might happen here."

OOC spot check anyone here in disguise?


Die roll for Ryland
1d20+1-> [14,1] = (15)

spot check at st. arnold's

spot check at st. arnold's (1d20+1=15)

04-01-06, 09:35 PM #224
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
OOC spot check anyone here in disguise?

Ryland spotted a couple of patrons who were acting like they'd prefer that it wasn't general knowledge that they were habiting St. Arnold's, but to his eyes, no one was going so far as to actually disguise themselves.

04-02-06, 05:37 PM #225
Registered User

Noticing Ryland scrutinizing the other patrons, Devlin wonders what he's looking for. The rogue decides to let his eyes wander about the room as well. "Let's stick around for a little bit."

Maybe it's the drink, but Devlin isn't as sharp as he usually is. Spot check = 9

04-02-06, 06:29 PM #226
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Making love to his tonic and gin


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Let's stick around for a little bit."

Devlin and Rylan stayed for a few more rounds, as the evening wore on into night. All became more intoxicated, although the adventurers kept their wits about them much better than most of the others.

The dockworkers generally went home after a few hours, with only seamen and drunks remaining. Fights still threatened to break out, with the exception that most of the belligerants were now too drunk to throw much of a punch.

The old man at the bar next to Ryland started repeating a little ditty with each new round. It went something like: "I love gin. I love gin. Ginny, ginny, gin. Here it goes down. Down into my belly. Mmm, mmm, mmm." The first few times he did this, Ryland found it amusing. As the evening wore on, he started to find it unsettling.

By late evening, neither Devlin nor Ryland had seen any trace of Floda, Rilla or Furlong. Nor had they seen anything all too unexpected of seedy patrons at a seedy bar.

04-02-06, 07:07 PM #227
Registered User

" I'm ready to call it when you are, Devlin.", the gnome says before quaffing the rest of his Hilltop Stout. "Although I wouldn't mind seeing what the upstairs looks like first"

04-03-06, 06:53 PM #228
Registered User

Devlin glances at the stairs. "Trust me, the upstairs is even more boring & barren than the downstairs. Looks like we missed whatever was gonna happen tonight. Let's head back to the Red Dragon for the night and wait to see what tomorrow brings."

04-04-06, 03:35 AM #229
El Jefe
LEW Judge

A knock at the door


Deciding that they'd prefer a warm bed to the company at St. Arnolds (or at least a better class of drunk to associate with), Devlin and Ryland set out for the Red Dragon. The air was cold and breezy as they made their way through the quiet city, as most of the residents had retired to their homes if not to their beds.

The pair arrived to find Orussus's most famous inn surprisingly busy for the late hour. Old faces had departed, new faces had arrived, and a parchment on the wall announced a tournament for, well for whoever thought they were better at something than someone else. Joe insisted on the formality of introductions before sending a servant to show the pair to their room. They were soon fast asleep, dreaming of easy payoffs and a juicy position in Archer's business.

Their dreams turned to nightmares of great gods, hurling thunder from the heavens, and mighty titans obliterating entire villages with strokes of huge hammers. Pound! Pound! Pound! Ryland and Devlin awoke with a start to discover that the pounding was coming from their bedroom door. Devlin threw open the door to find a young man, barely out of his teens, dressed in brilliantly polished scale mail and bearing the insignia of the Orussus City Watch. "Officer Vagan of the Orussus City Watch", he announced himself. "Sir, and sir, you must be Devlin Magruder and Ryland Gnome, er sorry, Ryland a gnome." The young officer might as well be reading from a parchment as adressing the pair. "I"m also looking for an Enialis McVayne, do you know of his whereabouts?"

04-04-06, 04:28 AM #230
Registered User

Devlin looks over at Ryland before addressing the youth. "I'm sorry, but I can honestly say that I do not know where anyone named Enialis McVayne is at this morning. Can you tell me why you are looking for him here?"

04-04-06, 04:45 AM #231
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Birds of a feather


Originally Posted by Dungannon
"I'm sorry, but I can honestly say that I do not know where anyone named Enialis McVayne is at this morning. Can you tell me why you are looking for him here?"

The young watch officer blinked. "Why, I wasn't sure I would find him here, but I am looking for him for the same reason I'm looking for you. You all work for Furlong Archer, do you not?"

04-04-06, 05:11 PM #232
Registered User

After having gotten a good night sleep and after gettting cleaned up. Enialis is now having breakfast with his family at his home.

04-04-06, 09:02 PM #233
Registered User

hmm, this is interesting... the rogue thinks to himself before continuing. "Yes, we recently worked an assignment for Mr. Archer. Would you care to tell me what this is all about?"

04-05-06, 03:03 AM #234
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
After having gotten a good night sleep and after gettting cleaned up. Enialis is now having breakfast with his family at his home.

Er, I don't think so. It is now about 2:00 am and Enialis is staring at the backs of his eyelids. Patience, my friend.

04-05-06, 03:08 AM #235
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Would you care to tell me what this is all about?"

Officer Vagan stiffened, if indeed that was possible. "I'm afraid I cannot discuss that here...er, discretion, you know. You two must come with me immediately, I'll be glad to explain things on the way. Are you sure you do not know where I might find Mr. McVayne? I'm sure that he will want to...uh, observe matters for himself."

The young officer appeared quite nervous, as if afraid that he might fail at some task.

04-05-06, 03:16 AM #236
Registered User

oh my bad. i just wanted to establish where Enialis was. Thought it was later. But staring at the back of my eyelids works.

04-06-06, 05:20 AM #237
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Officer Vagan seemed as the spring on some gnome's contraption that was wound far too tight. Any other man experiencing his emotions would fidget in some way, but the guardsman simply wouldn't allow himself to do so. It seemed he must strain something unless either Devlin or Ryland answered him.

04-06-06, 05:39 PM #238
Registered User

Devlin ponders the situation for a minute before answering. "Give us a minute to get ready, we'll join you downstairs." With that Devlin closes the door and lets out a low whistle. He begins to gather his equipment, including donning his armor. "What do you think, Ryland? Could this have something to do with why Furlong was a no-show at St. Arnold's tonight?"

After they are ready, Devlin heads out to meet the boy guard in the common room.

04-07-06, 01:51 AM #239
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
After they are ready, Devlin heads out to meet the boy guard in the common room.

The "boy-guard" seemed relieved that Devlin and Ryland were good to their word. He beckoned them to follow him outside. He walked beside the pair, leading them in the direction of the harbor, as the rest of the patrol followed.

As they walked through the deserted streets of Orussus, Vagan spoke: "I contacted you two because I knew Furlong Archer had hired you on as apprentices, and thought you might be able to help me determine what happened tonight. There is a third, the Mr. McVayne I spoke to you of earlier. I wish I knew his whereabouts, he may be able to assist, also." The young patrolman stopped in the middle of the street, and turned to address the pair. The rest of his patrol halted respectfully behind thim.

"I don't know how to break this to you", he said with some sympathy, "but Furlong Archer is dead. He's been murdered. We don't know by who. I was hoping that if you examined the scene with me, you might notice something that would help."

The procession resumed, a little more somberly than before, through the streets of the sleeping city. They soon reached an intersection near where the street started to rise to approach the last bridge over the Roars, and the land sloped down to meet the waters. A lone streetlight illuminated the scene, a section of fence with a man-sized hole in it. The fence was flimsy, Devlin fancied that one of the stronger guards could pull it down by hand.
I'm going to stop here for the moment. Salix mentioned he'd be away from Mon-Fri with spotty internet access, so I've taken the liberty of NPCing Ryland to the scene. Also, I'd like to know if you wish to divulge the location of Enialis's house before I describe the rest of the scene. Feel free to RP as much as you want, I'll pick it back up if the action warrants.

04-07-06, 03:06 AM #240
Registered User

Originally Posted by Xaov

*Enialis tells them how to get to his house should he be needed*

I realized as I was going to quote this that I didn't make the Color tags stop correctly.

Basically Enialis is living with his aunt in the slums district of Orussus.

The house is a smaller one. With only his aunt living there before more of the accomidations were made for her. As such the area is cramped. There is a small yard out behind her house. Its got a really shabby fence around it was intended to be a privacy fence but poor craftsmanship and small funds make it so you can see back there. Looking back there you'd see a make shift stable recently cleaned up to make something of a home for Annok his horse.
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First Post
OOC: I'm back, but a little lost. How are you getting the pages out of the cache. I need to rebild my living supers game. I'll hold tight here until you can get this going.

El Jefe

First Post
04-07-06, 03:56 AM #241
Registered User

Walking to scene of the crime sobers Devlin up quickly. He gives the guard general directions to Enialis' home. "Do you have any information about what happened yet?"
04-07-06, 04:39 AM #242
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
Walking to scene of the crime sobers Devlin up quickly. He gives the guard general directions to Enialis' home.

Officer Vagan nodded, and dispatched two men to fetch the horseman.

Enialis: In the early morning hours, Enialis woke to the sound of pounding on his aunt's front door. "Orussus City Watch", came the cry from beyond the door. "Open up in the name of the High Court and the Council"
Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Do you have any information about what happened yet?"

"Not much more than you see before you", came Officer Vagan's reply. "A homeowner was woken to the sound of his fence breaking, and went to investigate. He saw the damage, found Archer's body beyond, and called for the Watch. One of my men recognized Mr. Archer, and summoned me at once. I believe we should examine the body, and discuss our findings." Both Ryland and Devlin had the distinct impression the man's last sentence was lifted word for word from some sort of City Watch drill.

"As soon as Mr. McVayne arrives, we can begin."
04-07-06, 02:35 PM #243
Registered User

Enialis rushes to the door and opens it up.

whispering he says to the guard "can I help you Sir?"
04-07-06, 04:11 PM #244
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
"can I help you Sir?"

The guard he addressed seemed emotionless. "If you be Enialis McVayne, I need you to come with me. Personal request of Officer Vagan, who has the night watch in Ward 3."Enialis didn't follow city affairs that closely, but he was pretty sure his aunt's house wasn't in the third ward. That was somewhere over by...the docks? The Red Dragon? Somewhere up that way.

At any rate, it didn't seem to have anything to do with the Faversham affair, and the guards weren't eyeing him suspiciously, so he wondered what this could be about.

04-07-06, 10:35 PM #245
Registered User

Very well..... I'll come with you. Just give me a moment to gather my equipment.
Enialis gets his armor on and unwraps his guisarme, moves into the backyard and releases Annok.

he comes to stand by the soldier who awoke him.

Can you tell me what this is about?

04-08-06, 02:57 AM #246
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis gets his armor on and unwraps his guisarme, moves into the backyard and releases Annok.

he comes to stand by the soldier who awoke him.

The two guards looked at each other, then the first responded: "Do you always expect this much trouble?"
Originally Posted by Xaov
Can you tell me what this is about?

As they make their way to harbor area (on the Red Dragon side of the Roars) at a trot, the guards explained that Archer Furlong had come to a bad end, and that the leader of their patrol thought that Enialis could be of some use in finding the perpetrator.

Enialis soon found himself in the company of Ryland, Devlin, and three additional guards. The leader was a young man in scale mail so polished that it gleamed by the light of the single light of the intersection. Enialis suppresed a tinge of envy as the young leader introduced himself as Officer Vagan "of the Orussus City Watch". He proceded to usher them through a break in a wooden fence near the corner, which led to a steep slope leading down to the Roars. Halfway down sprawled the sad figure of Furlong Archer, his fall apparently halted by a large stone embedded in the slope. He lay on his back, arms sprawled, gazing sightlessly at the clouded sky.

04-08-06, 03:28 AM #247
Registered User

Devlin immediately sets to work. "Officer Vagan, it will be easier if you and your men try to keep back so as not to disturb any potential clues. Also, would it be possible for one or more of your men to get a lantern or two to help illuminate the situation? Thank you." The rogue then begins combing the area, starting near the fence and working his way down to the body.

ooc: Spot check = 28, Search check = 10

04-08-06, 04:00 AM #248
Registered User

Officer Vagan have you informed Eppy Perrin, Mr. Archer's assistant about his demise?
The Woman who offered us this job, Mrs. Wonder was it? She might have information about the wherabouts of a man named Flodal Thursby. There'a a chance that Eppy may have information on Mrs. Wonder an address, something. Tell me are you familiar with this man's name?

04-08-06, 04:42 AM #249
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Officer Vagan, it will be easier if you and your men try to keep back so as not to disturb any potential clues. Also, would it be possible for one or more of your men to get a lantern or two to help illuminate the situation? Thank you."

The young officer grew rigid again. "I believe you misunderstand. Your assistance is requested. You will not be conducting the entire investigation on behalf of the City Watch. And, yes, I do have some of these." The last he said while producing a sunrod from a pouch slung over one shoulder. He struck the device, given bright light to Fulong's corpse.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
The rogue then begins combing the area, starting near the fence and working his way down to the body.

ooc: Spot check = 28, Search check = 10

Together, the leader of the patrol and the three adventurers examine the scene, the rest of the patrol waiting patiently on the street side of the fence.

It seemed clear that Archer stumbled, ran, or was thrown through the fence and then tumbled down the slope. What really grasped Devlin's attention was that his sword was still sheathed - Archer struck one as the type who'd rather die with a blade in hand. Blood had seeped out through a small wound in the man's chest and had stained his clothing. A small dagger lay on the ground next to his body, nowhere near his hands.
The dagger blade is bloody, and also seems coated with a dark brown substance.
Enialis spoke as they walked:
Originally Posted by Xaov
Officer Vagan have you informed Eppy Perrin, Mr. Archer's assistant about his demise?

Officer Vagan replied, "Yes, I did. She was the one who informed us of your involvement with Mr. Archer."
Originally Posted by Xaov
The Woman who offered us this job, Mrs. Wonder was it? She might have information about the wherabouts of a man named Flodal Thursby.

Officer Vagan seemed very interested in this development. "What about this job? And who is this Mrs. Wonder or this Flodal Thursby?" The young officer seemed to not recognize either of the names, but appeared keen to learn them.
Originally Posted by Xaov
There'a a chance that Eppy may have information on Mrs. Wonder an address, something. Tell me are you familiar with this man's name?

Officer Vagan was clearly disappointed in himself for failing to track down this particular lead. "I had not inquired into such things - it won't happen again. And she usually did keep track of where Mr. Archer's clients could be located...both current customers and old." His brow furrowed. "I have not heard of this Flodal Thursby. But that doesn't mean that I don't know him by another name."

04-08-06, 04:45 PM #250
Registered User

The Job that most likely led to these events was given to us by a Woman named Mrs. Rilla Wonder. She came to us because she wanted Mr. Archer to tail her as she went to meet a man named Flodal Thursby.

Apparently this man, Thursby was with Mrs. Wonder's sister Cora. She expressed concerns that her sister would marry Thursby, who from the sounds of it does not seem like a good man, in fact he seems downright dangerous. From what Mrs. Wonder told us she was going to meet Flodal last night at St. Arnold's Inn. He said he would bring her sister. However she didn't think she would come. According to Mr. Thursby Cora didn't want to see Rilla.

That is what we've been told by Mrs. Wonder, Officer Vagan.

Oh wait. Mrs. Wonder told us one more thing. Apparently this guy Thursby had a wife and kids in Monemvassia.

She described Mr. Thursby as a Dark Haired man, Thick bushy eyebrows. She also mentioned that Mr. Thursby has the look of being a very violent man.

I don't know if that description can help you but thats all we know of him.

04-08-06, 05:37 PM #251
Registered User

Ryland returns!


Ryland takes a look around the crime scene, hoping he can find something that Lucien failed to notice.
"We need to find these scumbags", the gnome says after considering the crime scene for awhile.
Ryland will cast Detect magic on the crime scene using Archer's body as the focal point of the spell.

OOC: Sorry, I got shut out at the hotel for internet access. I'm liking the way the adventure is going.


Die roll for Ryland
1d20+1,1d20+1-> ([14, 1], [9, 1])

spot,search rolls for archer crime scene

spot,search rolls for archer crime scene (1d20+1,1d20+1=[14, 1], [9, 1])

04-08-06, 07:04 PM #252
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
The Job that most likely led to these events was given to us by a Woman named Mrs. Rilla Wonder. She came to us because she wanted Mr. Archer to tail her as she went to meet a man named Flodal Thursby.

Apparently this man, Thursby was with Mrs. Wonder's sister Cora. She expressed concerns that her sister would marry Thursby, who from the sounds of it does not seem like a good man, in fact he seems downright dangerous. From what Mrs. Wonder told us she was going to meet Flodal last night at St. Arnold's Inn. He said he would bring her sister. However she didn't think she would come. According to Mr. Thursby Cora didn't want to see Rilla.

That is what we've been told by Mrs. Wonder, Officer Vagan.

Oh wait. Mrs. Wonder told us one more thing. Apparently this guy Thursby had a wife and kids in Monemvassia.

She described Mr. Thursby as a Dark Haired man, Thick bushy eyebrows. She also mentioned that Mr. Thursby has the look of being a very violent man.

I don't know if that description can help you but thats all we know of him.

Officer Vagan listened carefully to Enialis's story. "That could be very helpful", he nodded, "The City of Orussus thanks you for your cooperation. We'll send someone to St. Arnold's right away."
Originally Posted by Salix
Ryland takes a look around the crime scene, hoping he can find something that Lucien failed to notice.

The dagger blade is bloody, and also seems coated with a dark brown substance.
Originally Posted by Ryland:
Ryland will cast Detect magic on the crime scene using Archer's body as the focal point of the spell.

As Ryland began to cast a spell, Officer Vagan interrupted. "Hold it right there", he said in a voice that seemed still uneasy at barking orders. "What manner of magic are you working?" When Ryland assured him it was a simple divination spell, the officer allowed him to "Proceed".

Ryland detected nothing at all on the body or its immediate surroundings. A faint aura of conjuration came from the direction of Officer Vagan, apparently from some object that he had on his person.

04-08-06, 07:39 PM #253
Registered User

Devlin looks up at Enialis as the man divulges everything to the officer. That boy needs to learn discretion, he thinks as he retrieves a dagger from near the body.

"Officer, I believe we have the murder weapon here. It appears Mr. Archer was stabbed and poisoned."

04-08-06, 07:59 PM #254
Registered User

Ryland, Gnome Sorcerer


Originally Posted by Dungannon
Devlin looks up at Enialis as the man divulges everything to the officer. That boy needs to learn discretion, he thinks as he retrieves a dagger from near the body.

"Officer, I believe we have the murder weapon here. It appears Mr. Archer was stabbed and poisoned."

"Officer Vagan, I realize you probably don't want any interference here, but you realize the three of us will be investigating this murder on our own. We would appreciate it if we could share information with the Guard. It might help to get a letter from you authorizing us to look into this matter. Our methods might be a little more covert than the Guard's, and I would hate for any misunderstandings to arise between us and the Guard.", Ryland says with a steely look that says the trio will be looking into the murder regardless of Vagan's reply.

04-09-06, 05:15 PM #255
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Officer, I believe we have the murder weapon here. It appears Mr. Archer was stabbed and poisoned."

Officer Vagan took the weapon from Devlin's hands, and examined it closely. "I agree", he commented, "there is a substance on the blade that could be poison." He carefully wrapped the weapon and placed it in his bag. He examined the body. "Single stab wound, right to the heart. Not much blood...but there wouldn't be if he was also poisoned. Hard to say which really killed him, the poison or the wound." The young guard pointed out splinters from the fence in Archer's fingers. "It appears he was stabbed, tried to get away, and stumbled through the fence. He then came to rest here...all without drawing his sword. Curious."
Originally Posted by Salix
"Officer Vagan, I realize you probably don't want any interference here, but you realize the three of us will be investigating this murder on our own. We would appreciate it if we could share information with the Guard. It might help to get a letter from you authorizing us to look into this matter. Our methods might be a little more covert than the Guard's, and I would hate for any misunderstandings to arise between us and the Guard."

A stern but nervous look crossed Vagan's face. "I cannot deputize you, I do not have that authority. Of course, the Watch would be most greatful for any information that any citizen (this said while glancing at Enialis) or...any other person or persons (turning to regard Devlin and Ryland] might volunteer. Regardless of how you proceed, I must admonish you to obey the laws of the City of Orussus at all times."

After the party concluded their examination, Officer Vagan drew a cloth from his bag and used it to cover Furlong's face. They all climbed the slope back up to the street, and Vagan gave orders to fetch a litter for the body. As the trio of former apprentices was about to depart, one of the guards glanced at his feet and spoke: "It's tough, him getting it like that, ain't it? Furlong had his faults just like any of the rest of us, but I guess he must have had some good points too, huh?"

It dawned on the adventurers that with Archer's passing, a small but colorful chapter of the city's history had drawn to a close.

04-09-06, 05:29 PM #256
Registered User

Enialis turns and whispers to Devlin and Ryland. This just doesn't seem right that he wouldn't pull out his sword. You all remember the way he acted when Mrs. Wonder came into the office. He was just as stunned as we were by her.. Perhaps flodal isn't the one we should be keeping our eyes out for. What if Mrs. Wonder actually was the one who did this.

04-10-06, 12:26 AM #257
Registered User

Devlin looks at Enialis, a little surprised by his assumption. "I was just thinking the same thing. We need to get to Eppy and find out what she knows about this Wonder woman."

04-10-06, 04:27 AM #258
Registered User

Ryland, Gnome Sorceror, Troubleshooter


Originally Posted by Xaov
Enialis turns and whispers to Devlin and Ryland. This just doesn't seem right that he wouldn't pull out his sword. You all remember the way he acted when Mrs. Wonder came into the office. He was just as stunned as we were by her.. Perhaps flodal isn't the one we should be keeping our eyes out for. What if Mrs. Wonder actually was the one who did this.

"Attaboy Enialis. The more you use that head of yours the less you'll have to use that big polearm! I was a little slow in coming around to that conclusion, but it seems pretty obvious now. To visit Eppy? Poor kid's probably all broken up. Maybe we should stop and get her some food and a bottle of wine.", the gnome says to his companions in a hushed voice. If no one disagrees he leads them in departing, stopping to thank Officer Vagan for letting them see the crime scene and to let him know they will be in touch.

OOC: After we talk to eppy I would like to do some gather information checks based on what info she can provide.

04-10-06, 04:41 AM #259
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
OOC: After we talk to eppy I would like to do some gather information checks based on what info she can provide.

The time was perhaps half past two in the morning, when Ryland realized that he did not know how to find Eppy, save to go to Archer's business and wait for her.

04-10-06, 02:01 PM #260
Registered User

Ryland, Gnome Sorceror, Night Owl


Originally Posted by El Jefe
The time was perhaps half past two in the morning, when Ryland realized that he did not know how to find Eppy, save to go to Archer's business and wait for her.

"HMMM. Maybe its still kind of late for that. Anyone got a better suggestion?"

04-10-06, 03:31 PM #261
Registered User

The watch knows where she lives. They went and talked to her and then to us. I suggest we try and glean her whereabouts from them. Although it seems they have no intention of cooperating.

But you know I just realized something. They were supposed to meet Flodal at St. Arnold's weren't they? If so how in the world did Furlong get all the way over here. With a wound like his he wouldn't have made it this far staggering. Suppose they were actually around here when it happened. Just what if, Flodal and his men are around the area somewhere. These houses they all have windows. If we can't get Officer Vagan to cooperate, I say we take a look around the surrounding area. See if we can't find something else

though what reason would Mrs. Wonder have for betraying archer like this. She came to us, looking for help.... If it was all a set up, why archer?

04-10-06, 05:14 PM #262
Registered User

Devlin turns to Enialis. "Well, Furlong never went to St. Arnold's. Ryland and I decided to go there and watch the boss in action, but neither he nor Ms. Wonder ever showed."

04-10-06, 07:22 PM #263
Registered User

Intersting. So mrs. Wonder lied to us. Hmm this makes her seem all the more guilty.

Perhaps if we were to check the richer districts we might be able to find her.

04-11-06, 03:00 AM #264
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Before long, two grizzled men with a stretcher returned with a member of the Watch. They struggled to carry Mr. Archer's remains from the riverbank, then laid him on the stretcher with a sheet concealing his corpse from view. Officer Vagan and the guards readied to march off with them, into the night, to wherever the dead were taken to in Orussus.

04-12-06, 04:29 AM #265
Registered User

Originally Posted by El Jefe
Before long, two grizzled men with a stretcher returned with a member of the Watch. They struggled to carry Mr. Archer's remains from the riverbank, then laid him on the stretcher with a sheet concealing his corpse from view. Officer Vagan and the guards readied to march off with them, into the night, to wherever the dead were taken to in Orussus.

Still not sure what they want to do, Ryland catches up with Officer Vagan and asks Eppy's address in case they want to talk to her. When he gets backs he says to the others, "Alright anyone got a master plan."

OOC not sure where we want to go from here.

04-12-06, 05:38 AM #266
Registered User

Devlin watches the guard leave with Archer's body. "I say we go pay Eppy a visit. With the news she received, what are the chances that she's sitting up in her home, mourning all alone."

04-12-06, 01:10 PM #267
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Salix
Still not sure what they want to do, Ryland catches up with Officer Vagan and asks Eppy's address in case they want to talk to her."[/COLOR]

The young guard gave the gnome the location of Miss Perrin's home, in the clerk's district, not far from Archer's "trouble-fixing" business.
Originally Posted by Dungannon
"I say we go pay Eppy a visit. With the news she received, what are the chances that she's sitting up in her home, mourning all alone."

"Once Miss Perrin calmed down, she said she'd try to get some rest because it would be a long day at the office tomorrow, getting Mr. Archer's affairs in order", remarked Officer Vagan. With that, the patrol and the undertakers marched off into the night. Enialis yawned, the lateness of the hour catching up to him.

04-12-06, 05:28 PM #268
Registered User

Every night the otherwise quiet city Orussus becomes a whirlwind of excitement. Enialis remarks to himself jokingly.

Listen everyone, I'm not really sure where to make our next move. But I would highly suggest doing something, perhaps checking these buildings for other possible clues. Eppy I'm sure she wouldn't mind the company but it is a late night.

then Enialis thinks aloud quietly

However if Officer Vagan and the watch cease all records she has to look over them themselves we may lose that potential lead.

I'm at a loss....

04-12-06, 07:06 PM #269
Registered User

Hearing Enialis talk about the Watch seizing records triggers an idea. "Gentlemen, I'm going to the office. Hopefully we can get in and take a look at the records there before the Watch gets their hands on them."

04-12-06, 11:29 PM #270
Registered User

Very well I'll go with you Devlin its best we move as a group.

04-13-06, 04:09 AM #271
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
"Gentlemen, I'm going to the office."

The trio headed to the southeast, to the edge of the clerk's district. There, at the top of the steps leading up to the late Mr. Archer's Trouble-Fixing business, they find the door exactly as they left it at noon on the previous day...locked.

04-13-06, 04:52 AM #272
Registered User

Devlin looks at his companions. "Locks aren't my strong suit, but I'll give it a try." With that he produces a set of tools from his belt pouch and proceeds to poke and prod at the lock.

ooc: Open Lock check = 24

04-13-06, 01:23 PM #273
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Dungannon
With that he produces a set of tools from his belt pouch and proceeds to poke and prod at the lock.

Devlin did his best for several minutes to open the lock, but as his hands grew numb with exertion, he realized that either his tools or his skills would have to improve before he could get past this particular door.
Close, but no cigar. A set of MW thieves tools would have gotten you in.

04-13-06, 04:17 PM #274
Registered User

Listen perhaps at least one of us should go get eppy's keys. We would only be disturbing her rest for a short time, and we wouldn't risk making it all too apparent we aren't supposed to be here.

04-13-06, 06:52 PM #275
Registered User

Devlin sighs in failure and pockets his tools. "Sounds like our only option unless we want to break down the door. One of us should stay here, though, in case the Watch does show up."

El Jefe:
Originally Posted by El Jefe
Close, but no cigar. A set of MW thieves tools would have gotten you in.

Heh, yeah, or more training.

04-13-06, 08:14 PM #276
Registered User

I'll go. Mounted I'll be able to move faster than either of you. I can probably take one of you with me as a second rider. Annok should be able to manage.

04-14-06, 05:16 AM #277
Registered User

"I'll stay here.", replied the gnome as he packed the bowl of his pipe with some of the Cooder's Gold. Hmm..getting low already

04-14-06, 01:18 PM #278
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Enialis and Devlin rode the few blocks to Eppy's abode in no time, as Annok was a strong mount and the distance was short. She had a small room that she rented from a larger familiy, accessed through a separate entrance off an alley. Enialis pounded on the door for what seemed like an eternity before she answered.

A shutter overhead opened, and Eppy's head popped out. "Oh, it's you guys", she proclaimed. "I suppose you heard the news? You wouldn't be here if you hadn't. Look, I'm not the kind of girl who has strange men over to her room...I know you must really want to talk to me, but can it wait until morning? If I can get some rest, I'll be in the office first thing."

Eppy looked to be too tired to let her true feelings show through, although the pair guessed she was none too pleased to hear of her boss's passing.

04-14-06, 02:01 PM #279
Registered User

Eppy we are sorry to be bothering you so late. But we need to get into the office and into your files tonight! we won't keep you up for long, please just let us in and give us your keys.

04-14-06, 03:13 PM #280
El Jefe
LEW Judge

Originally Posted by Xaov
But we need to get into the office and into your files tonight! we won't keep you up for long, please just let us in and give us your keys.

Eppy was a smart girl, but she wasn't smart enough to figure out why anyone would need to see some files now. Irritated, she spoke shortly to the pair in the alley below: "Ok, you do know that something awful happened to Mr. Archer, right? You guys didn't have a case when you left yesterday, and I know I paid you for the last one. I'll be in the office with Mrs. Archer tomorrow to put things in order. The last thing I want to do is explain to her why I don't have the keys!"

El Jefe

First Post
Page 8 of the narrative was unrecoverable from Google's cache. A summary follows:

Thanks to Devlin's sweet-talking, Eppy relented and surrendered the key to Archer's office. Enialis and Devlin rode back, and together with Ryland, searched the premises (taking care to leave the place in order). They learned little that would help them, save that Miss Wonder was staying at the Tower Inn, an establishment that catered to the well-to-do not far from the Red Dragon.

Enialis returned the key to Eppy, and rejoined Ryland and Devlin as they traveled to the Tower Inn. Concerned that they might frighten Miss Wonder into fleeing, they decided upon a low-key approach, getting a room for the night and getting some shut-eye. Much to their dismay, the trio was woken a second time by Officer Vagan, shortly before dawn. This time, the Officer and his men were far less cordial, treating the adventurers far less like auxilliaries and much more like suspects. The three were marched down to the empty common room of the inn, and questioned sharply. Reluctant to divulge that they were tailing Wonder, Enialis told a story that Officer Vagan saw right through.

And this brings us to the rest of the story, which follows.
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