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Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)


The man with the probe
This is the adventure thread for Niobe's Delema, which was first recruited in this post.

I prefer if you color your speach, but it's not nessassary. However, please put any thoughts in Italics, and try to format things to be as readable as possable (Using multiple paragraphs, punctuation, etc). I'd prefer longer OOC comments be put in sblocks (using [ sblock=OOC ]), but short comments or questions can be left outside. If you want to do something, either say it in character, or out it in an OOC and I'll narate it. If you're waiting for a consensus or just ready to move on, let me know as well. It will help keep the game moving.

I will do most of the dice rolling, particularly in combat. Outside of combat, flavor stuff you can roll yourself using Invisable Castle using your user name or character name (and be consistant). Other things, like healing out of combat can be handled in this manor as well. I tend not to post the results of the roll, because I think the transparancy, though I'll occasionaly make comments about realy good rolls.

All in all, let's have fun. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday tend to be my slow days, though if work gets rough, other days I may be more or less available. I'll try to keep things moving, though I'll also try not to leave anyone behind, and even if all you're doing is watching, an occasional "John Doe shifts his weight as he watches the exchange between Jack and Jill" post lets me know you're still here and paying attention.

Finaly, if you expect to be away, let me know. My e-mail works on the boards, or you can use billgates@microsoft.com, except replace billgates with bront20 and microsoft.com with gmail.com if you would rather use e-mail. I understand it can't always happen, but at least try to let me know in some way, particularly if you have to drop. I understand RL comes first, so no hard feelings :)

Current Adventurers:
Doghead - Jaan Saaresar of Osilia
Gnomeworks - Troi Delmontes
Nimisgod - Wilhelm Irontower
Rystil Arden - Lasair Alant

Before we begin, I'd like to ask that players either have a link to their character in their sig, or post a link to their character in their first post here. Once I have all players posted, I will begin. Please do not post here if you are not approved for the adventure.

I'm also going to ask that players put in their first post their current HP, any spells they have memorised, and any other current status information (PPs, active spells, etc). This will help me not have to bounce back to the character thread constantly, and hopefully will make it easier for you as well (you can edit your post here when you need to update HP, Spells, or anything else). This has generaly made things easier for me in previous games.
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Troi Delmontes
Human Ranger 5
HP: 32
AC: 18
--Touch: 15
--Flatfooted: 13
--Flatfooted Touch: 10
Spells Active: None

Spells Prepared (1/-/-/-)
(1st): Longstrider

"Speech is presented in Sky Blue."

Thoughts are presented in size 1 italics.

Important Notes
Combat: For all posts in which Troi is involved in combat, I will present a statblock-esque listing of Troi's current init, AC, HP, and weapons wielded, as such...

Troi - Init +3; AC 18; HP 32/32; Wield: Whip +7 (1d4+2) and Shortsword +7 (1d6+1)

Delmontes Technique: Troi currently has the first Delmontes Technique feat, which increases his whip damage to 1d4 lethal from 1d3 nonlethal, though he cannot deal damage to creatures with +4 armor and/or +6 natural armor bonuses to AC.

Favored Enemies: Troi has Magical Beasts as his +4 favored enemy, and Humans as his +2 favored enemy. These bonuses are accounted for in the skills section of his character sheet, though the damage is not accounted for there.


Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman

Stepping through the door of the Red Dragon Inn, Jaan glances around, wondering if the carriage is already here. Dropping his bag at his feet, and the crossbow on top of it, he takes the opportunity to stretch out. It might be a while before he gets the chance to do so again.

"Its good to be on the move again," he says to no one in particular.

ooc: So, two judges, a coordinator, a post-master general, and little old me. It's a bit intimidating ... ^_^


The man with the probe
Joe has the four of you come over to the bar, where he puts a sack of coin before the group. "Here's what he left for you to get some gear with, so you'd better make haste before the shops close for the day. The carrage will be here at dusk, and I'll make sure they know your names."

"Now I know you're all trustworthy, but I have to remind you, don't do anything stupid like take the money and run. I've seen this Niobe, and loosing someone like that, well, that'd be enough to drive a man mad, and I don't think he'd take a liking to you four for such a deed."

"Now, go, get what you need and then find her."

[sblock=In the Sack]2,000 gold pieces[/sblock]

OOC: Give Nimisgod a chance to post his stat stuff in the first 10 posts if you could please :)


LEW Judge
To his companions, Wil gives favourable glances. "Comrades. I have upon me a talisman of healing, are there among you those who are capable of utilizing it's magics? Or are there among you who also bear such talismans?" He takes from his belt a wand of lesser healing, a silver rod engraved with soothing runes.

"Also, we should decide upon a strategem, in the event of battle. I am well armored but slow. Indeed, methinks that I am the slowest of us. Butwe should plan around this weakness of mine and any other chinks in our armor" The gold flecks in his jaden eyes almost glittered as he spoke of war. He was a warrior's get after all and even speaking of battle set his blood aflame. "As for strengths, I have this steel armor and am hardy of sinew. It is in the melee that I am best, though I am a passable crossbowman when I have to be. Perhaps, my greatest strength is in the blessings I can bestow by the Gauntlet's grace. They can strengthen and embolden and in my battles against the brigands near Seawell, the blessings of my fiery Lady turned the tide. That is what I offer, beyond my skills as medic and healer."

Wil's Stats [sblock]
Wilhelm Irontower (LG Ayrathan Cleric 2)
AC: 17
HP: 17/17

Spells Typically Prepared: (4/3+d)
Orisons- Detect Magic, Light, Mending,
1st Level- Bless, Cause Fear, Shield of Faith, Enlarge Person (D)

Character Sheet link [/sblock]
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"Comrades. I have upon me a talisman of healing, are there among you those who are capable of utilizing it's magics? Or are there among you who also bear such talismans?"

Troi nods. "Yeah, I can use 'em, assumin' it's nothin' too complex."

"Also, we should decide upon a strategem, in the event of battle. I am well armored but slow. Indeed, methinks that I am the slowest of us. Butwe should plan around this weakness of mine and any other chinks in our armor. As for strengths, I have this steel armor and am hardy of sinew. It is in the melee that I am best, though I am a passable crossbowman when I have to be. Perhaps, my greatest strength is in the blessings I can bestow by the Gauntlet's grace. They can strengthen and embolden and in my battles against the brigands near Seawell, the blessings of my fiery Lady turned the tide. That is what I offer, beyond my skills as medic and healer."

Troi shrugs. "I'm quick an' I can't hit hard, an' my whip can't hit somebody wi' lots a armor, y'know? I kin move faster if I need ta, but only fer a little while. I'm a tracker, an' both Jaan an' Lasair know how good I am at that." He smiles at that. "I'm also pretty good at dealin' wi' odd critters, if y'know what I mean, an' recently I've been payin' attention ta humans, so I can track 'em easier and I know where ta hit 'em."

Troi looks at the gold in the sack, then shrugs.

"Dunno what we're gonna do wi' that. I suppose we should split it, maybe, er somethin'... no idea. What do y'all think?"


Jaan Saaresar, male human Servant of the Greenman

Jaan smiles at Wilhelm's formal declaration.

"You were not quite so formal last time Wilhelm. Although don't get me wrong, I am glad to have your stout spirit beside me.

Jaan pats his own, slightly battered, leather armour.

"I am a warrior servant of the Greenman. Although, I do not think that I can help with the rod. The Greenman has yet to grant me that blessing. Unlike most of my kind, I have chosen not to wear the heavier armour." Jaan shrugs. "Perhaps I should. In a toe to toe brawl with Wilhelm here I would probably come off second best ...

"Which reminds me, there is a companion to this," Jaan says pulling a heavy mace, the iron head ornately worked with images of trees and verses of scripture. "The craftsman who made this one offered to start on the light mace so it would be ready when I came into some money. If we decide to split the coin we received, I will pick it up before we leave. It is beautifully balanced.

"Otherwise, I am ready to travel."

Jaan looks around, wondering when, and in what form, the carriage is going to arrive.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Happily, no. You don't need a caster level to use a wand. It just needs to be on your class spell list. All of you except Lasair can use it. What you can't use is a scroll)

Voidrunner's Codex

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