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Once Upon a Rheim: Elise's Journy (Erekose13 Judging)

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First Post
Elise Ellom reporting for duty, Sir!

Brief Bio.
Graduate of the Acadmy of the Arcane Order. Fun and still a bit nieve. Current friends- Lasair, and the rest from the Festival of Halina. Eager to prove her usefullness, expecially over males, the likes of whom she's been in compition much of her life.
She currently distresses over the situation with Lord Valdor, and the delimma of his keeping slaves.

Hp 11, AC 12, +3 to hit(light crossbow) 1d8 damage.
Fort+2, Ref+2, Will+3

Skills of note
Concentration +06
Craft(Glass) +07
Know(History) +07
Know(arcana) +07
Know(Geography) +07
Know(Local ) +04
Listen +02
Spell Craft +10(+2 to learn abjuration spells)
Spot +02

Spells avalible
Obscuring Mist
Burning Hands
Expedius Retreat
Reduce person
Enlarge person
Unseen Servant
Shocking Grasp

Spells Known
0-All but prohibited
1-Alarm, Endure Elements, Shield, Identify
Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Color Spray, Mount

Spells Normally Prepared
0- Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Prestidigtation, Mending
1- Color Spray, Alarm, Mount[/sblock]


The man with the probe
ooc: How brief do you want your wrapup of how you've been in Rheim so far? I can sum things up pretty quickly, or we can RP draw things out a bit. Idealy, I can get you in to the regular thread soon.


First Post
OoC: The wrap up can be as short or as long as you'd like, as long as Elise get... absolution? All is fine by me. Also, schools wrapping up so I'll be posting more. Even if it's long we may be able to hit it quick.


The man with the probe
Well, when Elise got back to Rheim with Valdor, she learned the truth. He was indeed the owner of Scarlet and her younger siblings, Violet and Blue. They didn't seem too bothered by it, and as off putting as it was, Valdor explained that he has only kept them due to some unscrupulous contractual writing by his great grandfather.

Elise tried to be open about it, but was generaly turned off by the whole idea of owning slaves, even though she adored Valdor and he seemed to adore her. Scarlet sensed this and invited her back to the plantation, where Elise has been for the past week and a half.

Sound good? We can pick it up from there, as there is more :)


First Post
OOC: That's about it! :)

By this point Elise would be feeling restless, it's been too long, she could be...
bah! She doesn't know but if nothing changes soon...


The man with the probe
Scarlet seems fairly autonomous, handeling personel issues at the plantation, working on and keeping up the house, and even just lounging on the porch, drinking elven lemonwine. She certaintly doesn't seem very oppressed, nor does she act like she's hiding something, though she is fairly nervous about Oirhandir's impending visit. "I don't know how I'm going to tell him I won't be free for another 20 years."

While you have been here, you've had suprisingly little contact with any of Valdor's business, to the point that Scarlet herself is actualy worried that she hasn't heard something in almost a week.

"Perhaps you should head back to talk to Valdor? I can see you're still unsure, but hiding here won't change anything. And I'm worried we haven't heard anything from him yet. Usually I get some kind of letter, or a cart to pick up some supplies twice a week."


First Post
You haven't told Oirhandir yet? Elise frowns.

Though it might not change much anyway, you've a plantation to run, and a family to protect. I wonder how he views the prospect of settling down. Elise takes a sip of her tea. I hope you two can work it out, he really is a great guy.

Bront said:
"Perhaps you should head back to talk to Valdor?"

Elise stares into her cup.

Bront said:
" I can see you're still unsure, but hiding here won't change anything. And I'm worried we haven't heard anything from him yet. Usually I get some kind of letter, or a cart to pick up some supplies twice a week."

Elise looks up. Ok, I'm ready whenever you are. She looks a bit grim about it though.


The man with the probe
Scarlet nods, "I guess I should go as well. I think things can take care of themselves here for a day or two."

Scarlet has 2 horses brought around, and loads them up with some water and food for a day trip. "Shall we?"


First Post
We shall!

OOC: [sblock] Let's say something happened here at the plantation, who protects the place from would-be theives and the like. Sorry for taking so long to post I wrote up a post and appearantly failed to post it :\ [/sblock]

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