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D&D 4E 4e - Forseeing the shape of thing to come?

In your opinion, what could be core in 4th edition...

  • New core races from the Complete series like goliaths or illumians

    Votes: 22 8.3%
  • New core races from Eberron such as warforged, shifters, changelings

    Votes: 42 15.8%
  • New core races from Forgotten Realms such as planetouched

    Votes: 52 19.6%
  • New core classes from Complete such as ninja and warlock

    Votes: 64 24.2%
  • New core classes from Eberron such as artificers and magewrights

    Votes: 47 17.7%
  • Swift and Immediate Actions (and spells) from the Complete series

    Votes: 158 59.6%
  • Action Points

    Votes: 137 51.7%
  • the Deathless type of monster (Eberron, Ghostwalk)

    Votes: 45 17.0%
  • Flaws (from Unearthed Arcana)

    Votes: 72 27.2%
  • Metamagic Feat overhaul

    Votes: 190 71.7%
  • DnD will remain d20 rules based

    Votes: 220 83.0%
  • Spell names will be simplified leaving out Greyhawk wizard names

    Votes: 122 46.0%

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I can foresee WotC using a couple ideas (new metamagic, the swashbuckler) but ultimately I think 4.0 will be more different than say a 3.75 (which this thread kinda implies).


First Post
EricNoah said:
Swift and immediate actions are good and necessary rules tweaks. Metamagic feats will probably get an overhaul, and I think action points will be in as an optional rule in the 4.0 DMG.

MerricB said:
However, two of the top items on my list that will be changed are:
* Metamagic
* Turn Undead

Both those sound right to me.

I also hope, desperately, that they add in class based defense bonuses and apply them to monsters.

A) Practically every core number goes up with level except armor class, so certainly it's justified to include a defense bonus.

B) It gives you one more point of variation for classes.

C) As it is, monsters often have somewhat arbitrary natural armor bonuses, mainly designed to get the AC right for the challenge rating. This leads to problems when you want to allow players to run monstrous characters since the natural armor bonus they often get is so good that the designers have to include draconian level adjustments.


First Post
Remathilis said:
I can foresee WotC using a couple ideas (new metamagic, the swashbuckler) but ultimately I think 4.0 will be more different than say a 3.75 (which this thread kinda implies).

I don't expect to see 4e any time soon, but I very much expect to see either "3.51e" in 2006 (3.5 + errata + new artwork + some very minor changes or obvious rule cleanups) or "3.75e" in 2007 (a revision to 3.5e on about the same scale as 3.5 to 3.0)


First Post
2WS-Steve said:
I also hope, desperately, that they add in class based defense bonuses and apply them to monsters.

That would be kind of nice. I'm not really happy with the current version of defense bonus, but something that worked with armor would be cool.

arscott said:
Personally, I'd like to see the Basic/Advanced Class setup from D20 Modern, But I somehow doubt It'll happen.

Ugh. I HATE those.


My reasonable hopes for 4th Edition (not that I want it, I like 3.5 very much, thank you, but if WotC must it eventually, here's some things I'd like to see).

Continued d20 mechanics/OGL support. It makes it easier on the fans to share their home-brew stuff on the web, and arguments in other threads aside, it is apparently at least not hurting WotC (or they probably wouldn't have SRD'd 3.5, & d20 Future for example).

A spontaneous divine caster core class. It will probably be Favored Soul, but I'd rather it be the Mystic from DLCS. I think that the priest who isn't a heavily armored warrior cleric but instead a more spiritual and independent being who relates directly to his deity is a missing archetype in D&D.

Restore Darkness spells to creating inky blackness, not "shadowy illumination". Casting Darkness in a pitch black room shouldn't increase the visibility, fer cryin' out loud!

Personally I'd like to see a Noble core class for PC's more oriented towards political/intrigue characters in games that support that, but I don't see it as very likely.

The Swift/Immediate actions are a good rules tweak that helps the system.

Action Points, as was mentioned they would likely be an optional rule in the DMG. They are already in d20 Modern and Eberron, and are an option in Unearthed Arcana, and are very nice for DM's who like cinematic games where the PC's overcome overwhelming odds.

No Summonable Paladin PokeMount. Druids and Rangers can't summon their animal companions from some mystic elsewhere, why Paladins? It also seems just a little inappropriate for some D&D settings to make the warrior of pure good into a summoner.

Class Defense Bonuses, at least as an option in the DMG, which is another popular rule in d20 games other than D&D, and makes the game less about an arms race of keeping up with neat stuff.

A feat akin to the Ancestral Relic feat in Book of Exalted Deeds (or the Ancestral Daisho of the OA Samurai), where you can have a magic item which gains power as you level up, another piece of making the game less about stuffquest and neat gadgets.

Restore the duration of the ability buff spells to 1 Hour/Level. From what I understand it was nerfed to increase dependence on magic items instead of spells, which again I think D&D shouldn't be about your magic items list.

No new races. I don't want Warforged or Ilumnians in core D&D, neither seems particularly appropriate in my eyes for most settings, and I don't want to have to deal with house-ruling them away (and player whining that I'm restricting their options). While I might like Genasi, Aasimar and Tieflings in my Realms game, I can recognize that they don't belong in the Core, which is supposed to be portable and flexible to many settings.

Jolly Giant

First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Charles Ryan(I believe it was him...) actually said on these boards just a few weeks back that there are not any current plans for 4e.

I certainly hope that's true! I like 3.5 a lot, and I don't WANT a new edition. Sure, 3.x isn't perfect, but what is?

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