• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

WotC What's your dream release schedule?


What I would do is have a bunch of different ideas for books, and for each idea I would find a person who really wanted that idea made into a book. Then I would get all those people together compete in a reality show competition. The winner would have the idea they championed made real...

So eberron but with more drama. Or an election.

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I like the small adventure modules. It's why I've gone out and bought the little known Storm Lord's Wrath, Sleeping Dragon Wake, and Divine Contention trilogy. I want to encourage WoTC releasing more of these $5 adventures.

I mean adventure paths like PotA and WDDH are nice, I don't need 10 of them and they tend to be hit or miss and not, imo, particularly re-usable.

To your original question, I'd be pretty happy with your outline. It's obviously a bit more than they were doing, but well within my expectations..

  • 1 new DM supplement (monsters, NPCs, downtime, magic items, etc.)
  • 1 campaign in a book (like they have now, but better organized)
  • 6x 64 page adventures covering levels 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 that can be run independently or strung together into a campaign
  • 1 setting book (Dark Sun > Greyhawk > Nentir Vale)
  • 1 rules compendium with a summary of all mechanics, in digest format (love the 4E compendium)
I figure if Paizo can put out 12 x 64 page adventure path chapters a year, WotC can do 6 x 64 page adventures and a 256 page campaign book.

I figure if Paizo can put out 12 x 64 page adventure path chapters a year, WotC can do 6 x 64 page adventures and a 256 page campaign book.
It's never about what they could do, it's about what they should do.

I love things like Xanathars and Volos, BUT, I sure as heck don't want bloat. I've watched too many (every one) editions bloat and power creep and kill themselves. I don'[t want that to happen to 5E. Wouldn't it be nice if an edition became evergreen?

It's never about what they could do, it's about what they should do.

I love things like Xanathars and Volos, BUT, I sure as heck don't want bloat. I've watched too many (every one) editions bloat and power creep and kill themselves. I don'[t want that to happen to 5E. Wouldn't it be nice if an edition became evergreen?

I'm not a fan of bloat either (you'll note I don't have any player option books in my wish list). But I don't see adventures as bloat. They don't make the game more complex and unwieldy.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Expanded options for modern/sci-fi play would be cool. It probably will never happen, but taking the base of D&D's d20 rules and applying them to the Star Wars license (not really D&D, just very similar in the base rules).


I’d like more shorter adventures too.

I’d like more setting books like the Eberron one.

I’d only want more crunch when it’s absolutely needed (like psionics for Dark Sun).

I don’t want to see any more Xanathar’s style books. I’m an outlier in this but I feel like we’ve already got too much crunch in too many different places now. We didn’t get it as quickly as we would have in the past, nor is there as much, but I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed by it all for a year or two now.

Ultimately I would like them to slow down even more, rather than speed up, and really focus on getting the quality higher. Xanathar’s and Mordenkainen’s were both mixed bags of good, bad and meh for me, and Dragon Heist was absolute rubbish compared to Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation.

Magister Ludorum

I like new subclasses a lot, if they serve to provide new flavor for a class. I like how D&D 5e introduces new alternatives that you choose instead of options already in the game rather than new features that add on to what characters already have (the big UA on class features being the notable exception).

Other than psionics, I'm not looking for new subsystems - and I like the new psionic soul sorcerer.

I wouldn't mind some sort of Unearthed Arcana style book that provided rule modules for variations groups can use if they choose. Like the 3e Unearthed Arcana I would be happy to see the new rule modules even if (especially if) they weren't written into future products so that everyone would need to use them.

In this vein, I'm trying some homebrew modules in my newest setting. These are the kinds of modules I'm talking about.
  • Class Based Defense (CBD) which can be used instead of armor class. (My group prefers modern settings or weird west style settings).
  • Wound/Vitality that can provide for lingering injuries and slower mundane recovery.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I’d like more shorter adventures too.

I’d like more setting books like the Eberron one.

I’d only want more crunch when it’s absolutely needed (like psionics for Dark Sun).

I don’t want to see any more Xanathar’s style books. I’m an outlier in this but I feel like we’ve already got too much crunch in too many different places now. We didn’t get it as quickly as we would have in the past, nor is there as much, but I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed by it all for a year or two now.

Ultimately I would like them to slow down even more, rather than speed up, and really focus on getting the quality higher. Xanathar’s and Mordenkainen’s were both mixed bags of good, bad and meh for me, and Dragon Heist was absolute rubbish compared to Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation.
I felt like Drago Hiest is only anything less than great from a very crunchy perspective. To me, the fluff aspects are exponentially more important.

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