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WotC What's your dream release schedule?


In another thread I briefly bemoaned the lack of old fashioned 32-page modules, feeling a bit of nostalgia for leafing through dozens of them in a game store, back in the 80s and 90s. It got me thinking of an ideal publication structure - not one that makes optimal sense financially speaking, but what I, as a consumer, would enjoy seeing on the shelf. I'm basically happy with what WotC is doing, especially since they've become more settings-happy, but it is fun to play make-believe.

So that's the point of this thread: what is your "dream scenario" for WotC publication? What would most please you, personally, regardless of whether or not it is a smart business plan for WotC? While I want the emphasis to be on dreaming, maybe some tethering to possible realities is preferable.

My first impulse is "the more options, the better," but I actually like the conservative approach to supplementation that WotC has taken. While I miss 1E modules and 2E settings, I don't miss 2E or 3E rules bloat, so I have an eye for the long-term health of the line (although was rather fond of the 3.5 theme books, like Magic of Incarnum and Elder Evils). So in my ideal world, the yearly publication schedule would be something like so:

  • 1 new rules supplement, expansion, or theme book (e.g. Volo's, Xanathar's, psionics, epic handbook, etc)
  • 1 story arc (as they've been doing) - possibly in two books, especially if a new region or world
  • 1 new setting book (Magic, etc)
  • 1 legacy setting book or deluxe box set with tons of material, cloth maps, special dice, etc (Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, Planescape, etc)
  • 3 short modules (maybe 2 32-pagers, and 1 64-pager)
  • Every 2-3 years: New game/genre (e.g. science-fantasy, space opera, post-apocalyptic, super-heroes, etc)

So it isn't hugely different, just a little fleshed out, and without bloating the rules.

What about you?

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1 major adventure (10+ levels to be a campaign or build a campaign around) Like they do now.
2-4 smaller adventure modules (1-3 sites, 2-4 levels worth) preferably some linked and some not linked to the primary annual adventure
1/2-1/3 a monster book (ie 1 per 2 to 3 years) but with At least 90% devoted to Actual monsters - the DMs Guild expanded monster manuals are what I’m after.
1/3 - 1/5 rule book expansion (1 per 3 to 5 years). More if it’s stuff that gives out more spells or concentrates on stuff they haven’t done in detail like extra planar, levels 11-20, exploration guide but Definitely not if it’s just producing 2 extra subclasses of each class to fill space.

as for setting books - not sure I want these. I’m happy enough with the stuff available through the DMs guild.

The return of the monster/racial/transition/template classes and the racial parangon classes.

The metaplot of Dark Sun and Ravenloft to be continued.

An open door for the concept of time spheres and alternate universe/parallel worlds.

Vestige pact magic and martial adepts (Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords). I don't miss incarnum but maybe the totemist shaman.

An Unearthed Arcana sourcebook with optional rules, for example adding Spirit and Acuity to the list of abilities scores.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Prolly very similar to now, with the exception that Dragon+ would be more like an old school mag, and would have a lot more fiction and lore.

Every single month I’d want to see at least 20 pages of fiction and lore. Very little if any crunch.

And I’d want soemthing like a world builders column, that is just for stuff like the weird cat world writeup they did in Dragon+, with a widely rotating and diverse roster of writers from around the D&D community.


Full Greyhawk book, it could even be the size of the SCAG and fit what a DM needs, but a full Wildemount or Eberron approach is better with lots of PC options. Manual of the Planes that supports Planescape. A book focusing on Undead with options for PC undead themed classes and races. A collection of 32 page adventures of varying levels. New AP that recreates the Dragonlance Chronicles but with your own PCs as the heroes in the same story. No, Tyranny of Dragons is not the same thing! LOL Magic? I'd like to see an AP that recreates the Morninglight and Tempest cycle.


Lowcountry Low Roller
Having become disenchanted by WotCs big adventure book offerings, I would like to see something on a smaller scale that would allow them to focus better on a single adventure, in a particular setting, for a particular tier (more low/mid tier, fewer high tier of course) and let us weave them together in our own campaigns.

Or WotC could become better at writing adventure paths.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
1) a new setting, but each release is a regional guide of a yet-to-be full setting. Each book is written by different team and fills a spot on the blank map with factions, monsters, archetypes etc

2) Books with focus on different pillars: I find it strange to have such a nice book on sea exploration with Saltmarsh when the rules for land exploration are so bare-bone. A nice travel mechanic like in AiME but more setting-neutral and with climate variation. Same thing for social encounters: a good book with a more in depth mechanic for reaction rolls, more sidekick, renown and marks of prestige.

3) Adventures supporting the released setting: I want to see what a campaign in niche-er settings (Ravnica, Eberron, Theros) looks like.

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