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WotBS Upping the 3.5 Psionics content in WotBS


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Implicit in a lot of the WotBS campaign is the presence of psionics, but not enough to satisfy me; I want to make them more prominent and emphasize the trilleth more. I'm tweaking the campaign to more directly incorporate such elements, and throwing these out here.

TRILLA: I'm changing Trilla from a "gold dragon" to being the "Opalescent Dragon," a unique form of Gem Dragon that is akin to Bahamut and Tiamat. I'm also tying her into the rise of psionics in the game world. Basically, psionics weren't really a thing until she got locked into her dream state and began generating trilleth about a century ago. Essentially, in my tweaked setting all psionics-users are bonded with a fragmentary trilleth-souls that gives them their powers. This adds some roleplaying angst if a player character is a psionics user, as the trilleth will make the argument that waking or slaying Trilla will likely wipe out all psionics everywhere, including the PCs' own powers.

The "psicrystals" described in the 3.5 psionics rules are, in fact, aborted larval trilleth overwritten with parts of the personalities of other races' psionics-users. (They also remsemble fire opals, to bring a connection with my reinterpretation of Trilla as an "opalescent dragon") Very few of such users are aware of this, or even of the existence of the trilleth, but the trilleth themselves are acutely aware of it. While a sense of racial solidarity is not a trilleth trait, they still find psicrystals disturbing (the way a human might react to a mummified human baby or fetus) and react negatively to individuals with psicrystals; such individuals take a -2 penalty to Diplomacy rolls with trilleth.

Haddin and Crystin:
are reworked as a psion (telepath) and psion (seer), respectively, and used to provide early-on exposition of the odd nature of psionics in my version of the setting.

Katrina: is reworked to be a wilder/pyrokineticist, not a fire mage. Psionics being relatively new to the world, she was sent to the Lyceum for study of this strange new form of "magic," but the Lyceum doesn't have anybody proficient enough in psionics to train students in it. As a largely self-taught oddity, she is something of an outsider with the students of the Lyceum, and tends to get into fights and duels a lot because of it.

The Two Winds Monks: have a number of cross-class psychic warriors and lurks, as these have complementary abilities. I'm not making Longinus or Pilus psionically-inclined, though (although I'm altering them in other ways).

Three Weeping Ravens: he is already a psychic warrior, okay.

I'm giving serious thought to removing his character and replacing it with a Mind Flayer telepath, but I haven't decided yet.

Feedback and other ideas would be appreciated.
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I recall, when we wrote WotBS, not wanting to overuse psionics because there was enough distaste for the rules among 3.5 gamers that I didn't want to alienate people. But if you want to use them, go for it.

When I originally ran the campaign that ended up becoming WotBS, one of the PCs was a psion, and we used the old Monte Cook Mindscapes mechanics for battles that took place on both the physical and mental plane.

Bill T.

For adventure one I made Kathor Danava a seer with Detect Psi, Force Screen, and Precognition -- having the arcane focus for True Strike seemed at odds with the description of him not understanding his abilities. I also gave him the Psionic Weapon feat just for the wompum, not that it got used. In later adventures, I think the trillith template or whatever the adventure provides will work fine.

I left Haddin alone -- the backstory works well with the enchanter class, as does the furniture. On the other hand, I made Crystin a telepath(!) and gave her Crystal Shard, Disable, Detect Psionics, Inertial Armor, and Sense Link to start with (give or take). The telepath powers seemed to be a better fit for the "seer" in the traditional sense. Sense Link worked well with the dream seeds. I also have her the Inquisitor feat, but that may have been a mistake -- she pretty much saw through Katrina right off the bat, so I had to figuratively write her out in some subsequent encounters just to preserve th mystery.. Eventually I cheated and gave her Clairvoyant Sense, even though it's only on the seer list.

I didn't change Katrina, either. In particular, spelldueling is much better supported than psidueling both by the adventure and by the core rules -- as I recall, you can't countermanifest, for instance. She'd be a great instructor for a PC interested in spelldueling (alas, none of my PCs were set up for it).

I really like your ideas with Trilla and the trillith. I'll have to adopt it when we get to that point. I don't know what you mean by the monks, but I'll definitely think about converting them to psyrogues or the like.

When using psionics, I like to call it something other than "psionics" -- in Red Hand of Doom, I was playing it as "earth magic", and I've been trying to describe it as "crystal magic" in WotBS. I think it helps players accept it more than calling it "psionics" with all the Babylon 5 baggage and what-have-you that comes with the term.


I pretty much made every monk of the Order of Echoed Souls a Tashalatora (Eberron feat to progress monk class features in a chosen psionic class). I also, mainly for plot reasons related to my psion PC's backstory...
(my players, please don't read....)
[sblock]Worked Elans into the campaign world as the option chosen by some monks of the order who weren't worthy/able to leave their bodies and merge with the other souls of the temple, who still sought to live on forever. They were somewhat looked down upon by the rest of the order. It also didn't help that 41 returned to the temple as an (enhanced version of) Elan when he defeated it, and is boastful of how he's artificially created the "perfect physical form."[/sblock]

It's minor, but in Ch. 5 I added an encounter with another group of experiments, Phrenic Owlbears. (I decided to include Paradim as a recurring villain to appear in the lab w/ Aurus, the Owlbears were a little nod to him claiming in Ch. 3 that his ancestors invented the Owlbear)

I like the idea of making Trilla a special gem dragon responsible for bringing Psionic Powers to the world. I have, however, not read that far ahead in the campaign, and wonder: Will that have any major drawbacks / repercussions later in the books? I faintly believe having read about the party meeting Trilla at some point, and wonder if changes to her stats would bring problems later.

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