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WotBS Bill T's WotBS campaign, reincarnated

Bill T.

Torrax's notebook

The book resting on Balan's corpse lies open. On the open pages is the following text in Orcish.

New subject: Balan Bastom, half-elf, age approximately 40, sandy brown muttonchop beard, grey eyes. He was concerned but not particularly resistive to being bound to the examination table.

As usual for new subjects, Balan claimed that he would not provide me with any information when I asked him about the state of the Shahalesti fleet that had blockaded Seaquen. I quickly disproved that by inserting a #6 rough probe on the buccal side of his lower left wisdom tooth about 1 inch into the joint. After a satisfyingly long and blood-curdling cream, he promptly stated that about two-thirds of the fleet had been destroyed. He also stated that he guessed that the princess had survived. Repeated insertions of a #5 rough probe under each fingernail of his left hand did not change that response.

It took me a long time to extract information about Balan's associates. Initial insertion of the #5 hooked probe just grazing the upper lobe of the left lung produced nothing but another enthusiastic scream, so I had to insert the probe directly into the lobe. Probing along the length of the lung lead Balan to volunteer that the half-orc believes herself to be some sort of elven scout, despite her inability to shoot arrows into a 9-foot tall demon they encountered on their way from Seaquen to Dassen.
[A note in the margin reads, "Follow up on demon"] More probing of the lung lead him to describe Amelia as a wizard who couldn't cheat her way through Gabal's school in Gate Pass. When I threatened further punctures, he stated that the dwarf was an outcast w/o any relationship with other dwarves. He clings to his pole arm like a security blanket.

It's probably not obvious just from reading the notes I've posted, but all these statements are strictly true. Balan did a good job of downplaying the heroes' talents.​

I'm getting tired and careless. Time to return to the embassy for my evening cordial. I'll have the guards to clean up the mess and rub his wounds hourly with the normal salt-alcohol solution.

Next morning. Balan was surprisingly resistive my questions about Seaquen's defenses. Only after repeated perforations with a #6 eccentric probe to the minor lobe of his liver did he explain Simeon briefly made a celestial dire blue whale fly. If he can make the spell permanent, Seaquen will use the whale to transport Xavious Foebane's army of 15,000 to strike the Ragesian armies' unprotected flanks. Alert Guthwulfe immediately!

Maybe this is obvious, but Balan managed to cast Glibness before the morning's torture. I don't know if the party realized that was what was going on.

When I asked him to identify other missions being taken on Seaquen's behalf, he was able to name only two. He heard that Katrina had assembled a team of five to investigate some sort of lead in Ostalin, but he didn't have any information on its composition, even after I made several smooth medium-depth probes of increasing size into his scrotum. He was able to quickly volunteer that the team visiting Castle K is being lead by a gnome named Engledirt Humperbink, and that a petty noble from Gate Pass named Fitz Westgate was accompanying him. Several insertions of a #7 spiral probe into his right elbow got him to further explain that Westgate was one of the those responsible for cutting short Sidoneth's hurricane.

I asked Balan to explain Katrina's progress. He indicated that she had manipulated her way into an advisory position with the Lyceum's leadership. Additional inquiries were unproductive, despite several punctures to....

The description of Balan's torture continues for another page or so before suddenly ending in mid-sentence, with basically plausible statements intermingled with the occasional preposterous assertion, all of which was diligently recorded without any evidence of skepticism on the torturer's behalf.
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Reading this makes me kind of glad that my party managed to flee before being taken prisoner and to keep Balan alive through the whole adventure.

Next morning. Balan was surprisingly resistive my questions about Seaquen's defenses. Only after repeated perforations with a #6 eccentric probe to the minor lobe of his liver did he explain Simeon briefly made a celestial dire blue whale fly. If he can make the spell permanent, Seaquen will use the whale to transport Xavious Foebane's army of 15,000 to strike the Ragesian armies' unprotected flanks. Alert Guthwulfe immediately!

Hah! I'd love to see Guthwulf's reaction to this "alert" (I imagine a classic Picard-style facepalm). Also, pretty nice foreshadowing of the Tempest.

Bill T.

Reading this makes me kind of glad that my party managed to flee before being taken prisoner and to keep Balan alive through the whole adventure.

I pretty much railroaded them into going to jail. They took Hrumbrand's warning at face value and started heading for the hills immediately. The problem was, they had been talking about things like trying to break into jail in order to free Jinis, so dragging them off to jail was probably more satisfying for them. We all got tired of dragging NPCs around in adventure 2, anyhow, so I'm trying to keep the number manageable. I'm hoping Hertiage's reaction to Kjolmar can stir things up a bit.

Hah! I'd love to see Guthwulf's reaction to this "alert" (I imagine a classic Picard-style facepalm). Also, pretty nice foreshadowing of the Tempest.

I don't know, I could see the Ragesians panicking about there being some sort of leak, but I'm not clear on who knows what at this point (I haven't seriously read ahead past the current adventure).

Sorry to make you sad, RangerWickett, but it serves you right for publishing such a compelling story. :)


I wish I had come up with that description for the book, or at least that you had played the chapter before me. It would have made the meeting with Guthwulf later on that much more memorable.

Well done with that book.

Bill T.

Adventure IV: From Macon To The Watchtower

Adventure IV: From Macon To The Watchtower

Dramatis Personae

  • Amelia, a human spellthieving acetomancer
  • Erielle, an half-orc (formerly elven) archer ranger
  • Kjolmar, a dour dwarven dungeoncrashing deepwarden
  • Commander Hertiage (known to his friends as "Commander")

These notes are courtesy of Kjolmar. Hurray!

Cavalry Escort and Training Grounds

A mounted detachment approaches, and after a brief moment of concern, Jinis recognizes Hertiage, a Gallo cavalry officer -- and dwarf? They'ze old buds. They escort us to Gallo's Fend, past thousands of drilling trainees. Kjolmar approves.

Lunch and Politics

Gallo greets us... professionally? He's a military commander at heart, in a perilous position. We candidly describe our mission and our journey and what we witnessed before and in Steppengard's court in Bresk, of our imprisonment and escape with Jinis.

  • Kjolmar is undiplomatically blunt in stating that Steppengard may be enspelled by agents of Ragesia. Jinis and Amelia try to soften the message -- but only a little bit.
  • Gallo replies that magic protects the King of Dassen from such enchantments.
  • Kjolmar asks if magic protects advisors, such as Glibglammer?
  • Jinis supports the suggestion that Glibglammer has been acting strangely, and relates his own experience of being under some kind of memory alteration -- which seems gone now, but he'd be happy if somebody would check him for residual effects.
  • Jinis, Eriel and others summarize the "oddities": Glibglammer's command of the Talon, the imprisonments, Balan's Ragesian torturer &c.
  • Gallo "takes this under advisement" and dismisses us.

Thank you, RangerWickett, for clearing up Nina's history -- I'd not have been able to have Jinis contribute otherwise.

Your Mission, Jim...

Gallo summons us the next morning. He's not heard from the watchtower nearest Dassen, and wants us to investigate. Kjolmar is up and halfway out of the hall before he finishes by offering us 2k gold in support. Jinis demands more on our behalf because "they saved my son's life" (? huh?), and Gallo ups the ante to 4k gold.

Tower Tour

We set out with Hertiage to cover the 30 miles to the silenced tower in one day, healing the horses as needed to push on. We pass several towers with the briefest of waves, but stop a bit longer at the penultimate tower. There is no fresh news, but they are still in direct communication with Gallo. We proceed on foot for the final five miles.

There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding here -- "able to instantly send a message" somehow got translated into "direct contact", which meant that Kjolmar kept using his at-will Animal Messenger spell-like ability to contact the previous tower on the theory that those messages somehow got back to Gallo. I don't think I fully understood the confusion until just now, although it probably doesn't matter at this point.

Let's Just Take A Quick Peek...

We halt with the final tower just over the ridge; Eriel sneaks forward for a peak. Nothing untoward. Kjolmar finds a down-on-its-luck rabbit (check that it still has four feet) to send a message back to previous tower:

  • Arrived at final tower. No obvious signs of assault or guards. Expect update within hour.
Eriel decides to work her way up the opposing ridge line so she can see who or what is on top of the tower. Amelia gets impatient and decides to follow. Kjolmar spends the time finding another small, freezing creature.

Eriel spots .. A Dragon! and she hides. Amelia gets spotted by ... A Dragon! and she doesn't hide -- well, she did try! The dragon spots ... "Dwarves on the Trail!" ... wow, that's one perceptive dragon!

Amelia got bored and, thanks to a spell to improve her hide bonus, cocky -- and I forgot the distance modifier for spotting someone across the valley from the tower. Oh well, with Eriel the archer, it worked out well for the party.

Eriel also sees a couple of half-orcs atop the tower, clearly not Gallo's troops.

The dragon prepares to launch, and the half-orcs ready the ballista and bow. Eriel, she of few words and many arrows, let's fly - she hits the dragon, even nicks an archer. Amelia slams the dragon with multiple magic missiles. The dragon rises ... and then flies down the stairs into the tower?!? The ballista murders a shrub. Eriel and Amelia start working back towards the dwarves. Eriel wings another half-orc who emerges from the stairs. She of Many Arrows...

The wyvern went back for healing and his rider.

Kjolmar composes another message:

  • Tower held by Ragesian force with dragon. Unknown additional forces. Looks like fun! We'll get back to you.
We regroup. Well, so much for surprise: What's plan B? Amelia disses the winged beast: "It's just a wyvern, not a real dragon at all!"

Bombs Away!

The dragon flies up off the tower carrying a human(?) rider, armed with a crossbow. Seriously, didn't you learn anything about She Of Many Arrows yet? He fires at us; we (by which I think I only mean Eriel) pepper the wyvern.

He flies over us and cracks wise: "Gift from Jaas(?)!" He drops a silver sphere of Explosive Flaming Death... or mild burning sensation, at any rate. Yeah, but that means he's right over us at close range -- even Kjolmar can make that shot! Dead wyvern plunges to earth with wounded rider.

"I surrender, I surrender...Just kidding, eat hot bolt!" Kjolmar disarms him - maybe removing his arm. But we keep him alive to question.

I'm not sure where the "gift from Jaas" came from. In any case, I decided to have the rider pretend to surrender so he could guzzle down a couple of cure potions while hiding in the snow, and then try his luck with a crossbow bolt, which failed miserably. To confuse the issue, the players decided that the encounter was over as soon as they heard the surrender, leading to a lot of confusion all around.

Hertiage intimidates him, and we learn about Crona the Inquisitor, Jaas(?) and the rest of the occupying force. And he tells us "that captives would be held in the lowest level" -- which we misunderstand as captives are being held. Silly us!

  • Wyvern deliveries flown while dark. Why was the wyvern and rider still around late afternoon? Do they arrive one night and need a day to recover for the flight back?
Invisible Clouds, You Say?

We hatch our plan: Invisible Geishas!!!

OK, it takes a few cycles to straighten out the details... sneak in, kill Crona first, then whatever is left.

Amelia casts on each of us in turn

  • Protection from Arrows
  • Gaseous Form
  • Invisibility

...and it's game over for the infiltrators. The first two spells are among the things they picked up using the gold they got from Duke Gallo, and the third was in Amelia's pocket to begin with. The hardest part of the encounter was that the other players kept hearing "Gaseous Form" as "Geisha Swarm" (New Yorker pronunciation, I guess) and were having a hard time understanding how that would help them take the tower.

We glide in over the wall, down the stairs, into Crona's room where she, evil mask and all, is writing at a desk. Kjolmar smashes her into the desk, Amelia stabs her to steal a spell, Eriel ... "she's dead, Jim." Huh? Wasn't that a little too easy? The rest fall quickly -- except for the barracks, which decides to try waiting us out after the first two through the door die horribly.

Hertiage searches the basement, but finds no survivors.

Kjolmar surprises a sleepy stoat this time:

  • Tower secure. No survivors. Captured Ragesian orders: mages to cause early thaw for invasion "when they learn if Madness succeeded or failed." Orders?
So why do these guys have silver and cold iron weapons? Do they know about something coming up?

How many wyverns does the enemy army have?

Is Madness a person, tactic or virus?

  • Also, the ice will thaw and the invasion will commence when they "learn if Madness succeeded or failed". We must prevent either conclusion from being known until we can counter the invasion.
  • Crystin, staring through Jineer: "Your father will be caged by madness."

I'm not sure how they're going to prevent the Ragesians from knowing about an unknown plan being executed by someone they haven't fully identified yet (although they seem to be on the right track), but it's a good goal.


First Post
Well done with that book.

I would like to echo that sentiment as well. Definitely something I will crib from, when the time comes. And...

Torrax's notebook said:
Simeon briefly made a celestial dire blue whale fly. If he can make the spell permanent, Seaquen will use the whale to transport Xavious Foebane's army of 15,000 to strike the Ragesian armies' unprotected flanks. Alert Guthwulfe immediately!

That is a pretty awesome bit of Glibness!

Bill T.

Adventure IV: From The Watchtower to the Glaskeel Cliffs

Dramatis Personae

  • Amelia, a human spellthieving acetomancer
  • Erielle, an half-orc (formerly elven) archer ranger
  • Kjolmar, a dour dwarven dungeoncrashing deepwarden
  • Commander Hertiage

...and no player notes this time. Wasn't much of a session, actually, so probably not a great loss.

Returning From The Watchtower

After a surprisingly quick discussion, everyone agrees that the prisoners should simply be killed, with Eriel abstaining from the discussion but nonetheless eager to maliciously wave the axe in their faces before they're executed.

So much for the Geneva Conventions!

Actually, I had planned on Hertiage encouraging the heroes (if that's the right word!) to execute the prisoners, as the risk of someone casting Sending or Scrying on Stonum was too great (a player had suggested Scrying Gallo's team at the watchtower before they left for the watchtower). This way, the Ragesians can't easy learn what happened to their infiltration team. It was rather out of character for Kjolmar to give Stonum a second chance after he faked a surrender, and something similar happened when they vanquished the soldiers in the watchtower proper. Amelia was a bit mystified as to why they had kept them alive in the first place. On the other hand, Eriel is supposedly good but seems to be regressing to Neutral Vindictive.

Hertiage dismisses the idea of worrying about refortifying the watchtower. It's clearly indefensible and has fulfilled its purpose. So, Kjolmar and Eriel pile up all the supplies and set them on fire so the Ragesians can't take them.

The return trip is largely uneventful. Gallo, seeing that the heroes have The Evidence, ask the heroes to talk to Dashgoban and Timor, which they are happy to do. Kjolmar is thrilled by the idea of using the pitch to set the river on fire.


Pitchlings attack with magic and more magic. They keep casting Deep Slumber, but Kjolmar keeps waking the horses. Eventually the pitchlings start shooting arrows. Eriel shoots back. The pitchlings die.

I never did understand why Kjolmar kept waking the horses up, but it made the pitchlings' Deep Slumbering nearly useless, because the horses kept absorbing enough HD to keep the spell from affecting anyone else. Amelia had to make a few will saves, but it was no big deal.

I probably should have played the pitchlings a bit smarter -- they could stand, fire a flaming arrow, and then kneel behind a fallen tree trunk in a single round. That would have forced the heroes to do something more than pepper the pitchlings with arrows.


The heroes are thrilled that Dashgoban's cavalry gives them an honor guard as they ride up to Dashgoban's castle. Amelia makes a very long-winded and roundabout speech to Lord Dashgoban before finally coming to the point of asking for assistance, at which point the obligatory dwarven wine is proffered.

The long-winded spiel isn't that unusual -- she seems to get a little overblown when role-playing a conversation with a noble.

Pitching Burning Pitch in Pitchwood

Amelia, with a few key observations from Kjolmar and Eriel, gets the town elders to agree to burn the river without parting with a single copper piece. Based on Gallo's estimate that Steppengard's army will arrive within a week of when the heroes left Gallo's Fend, Kjolmar figures that they should starting melting the river NOW -- although they do come to realize that it will be a bit easier to get to Lady Timor if the townsfolk wait until after they've crossed the river. :lol:

The Glaskeel Cliffs

Kjolmar, using his extensive geographic knowledge, thinks it might be better if they went north past the cliffs to the river feeding the Nasham from Hettkomn Mountains, but is dissuaded when he realizes just how icy that narrow valley would be.

Whew! Can't have the party going out of bounds!

So, after discovering that Amelia, sorceress from the city, can't climb a sheer cliff in a wind storm, they come up with a convoluted plan -- they've got two ropes, and Amelia has a wand of Spider Climb, so she'll cast it on Kjolmar and Kjolmar will carry a rope up, spike it in, grab the lower rope, etc., etc. So, our city-slicker is left dangling from a rope when the sphinx arrives, and draws its attention by shooting a few magic missiles at it. Of course, this draws its ire, so it knocks her off the rope and sends her plummeting to the ground. Is this the end for our brave if rather unwise sorceress? No! Amelia still has a scroll of Dimension Door in her haversack! She whips it out and, fifty feet above the ground, teleports to safely stand at the foot of the cliff, only slightly singed.

Meanwhile, Eriel uses the wand of Spider Climb on herself and pulls out her scroll of Lightning Bolt. At this point, it's basically done but for the hacking and slashing. Amelia even contributes a Sleet Storm to the cause, although the sphinx apparently was fully qualified for IFR operations.

Yeah, I pulled a punch there. At the very least she should have had to make a concentrate check to hold onto that scroll, but it was going to be a pretty ugly death otherwise, and I didn't really want to sleep on the couch that night. :-S

The frustrating thing was, she kept thinking she should try using the scroll from two hundred feet up (to give herself a second chance with the scroll, I think). Because of changes I've made to the Burning Sky, that would have resulted in as much damage as if she'd simply let herself plummet. Maybe I should have asked for that concentrate check after all! Unfortunately, none of them have made a serious attempt to learn about the Burning Sky from anyone who might be knowledgeable about the effect -- and they all have had reason to do so.

The sphinx rolled two consecutive twenties when caught flying through the cloud, so it was basically unimpeded.

I was a bit puzzled by the convoluted climb-with-ropes. I thought Amelia was just trying to hoard...er, conserve her wand's charges, but it turns out they didn't quite understand the speed and scale involved in climbing the cliff. Their plan to have Kjolmar haul the ropes probably would have taken more charges than simply having the three of them climb up -- which is what they eventually ended up doing anyhow.

The weather's been pretty bad here the past few weeks -- almost as bad as Alydi Gap -- so I still don't know when we're going to play next.

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