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DoS - Azaroth Alone (repost)

Knight Otu

First Post
Knight Otu
02-12-06, 07:57 PM
The other players in Dance of Souls - OUT! :p

Deep into that darkness peering, a lone figure stood there, fearing, wandering, doubting...

Pain runs through Azaroth's body. Was that death? No, it wasn't. Simply pain. A sign of life, at least. But the body wouldn't move. Why?

Ah yes. He had been bound, he remembered in the haze of pain. A man named Deleth did so... wasn't that the name...?

Voices. "...seems to be coming to ..."

As you open your eyes, you see the dwarf and the half-drow, both still armed. You are clearly in a different room, now, though.
02-13-06, 01:06 AM
*azaroth thinks to himself* this isn't good. who knows where I could be inside this keep. I need to remain calm. There is a chance I can still play to their assumptions about the terror beneath the keep. But I have to think about how to possibly escape.

[speaking infernal] Curse you mortals, binding me like this! When I am free of these bindings you'll wish you had never been born! [/speak infernal]

Intimidation check: 1d20+7=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=362420)

*azaroth looks around then clears his throat*

Where have you taken me mortal?
Knight Otu
02-13-06, 06:57 PM
"You are in the Keep of Bloodstained Dreams, human, in a safe room." the dwarven woman speaks up after Azaroth's speech in Common. "From your actions, we must presume that you or your friends killed the replacement team coming from Lathirn, and thus obtained some of their knowledge. Too bad for you that you did not find out about the Talon Insignia. Anyway, for killing the team, the current watch certainly would like to kill you. You're lucky that the potential side effects are not in our interest."
02-14-06, 01:51 AM
Potential Side effects? Hah!

What EVER could you be talking about Dwarf? *azaroth grins menacingly*

Intimidation Check: 1d20+7=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=363606)
Knight Otu
02-14-06, 09:29 PM
"Stirring the Terror, for instance."
02-15-06, 12:40 PM
*Azaroth grins* So what exactly do you plan to do with me? Hmm? Since for whatever reason you can't kill me.
Knight Otu
02-16-06, 09:34 PM
"Interrogation. The old-fashioned way. Why are you here?" The half-drow readies her club.
02-16-06, 09:46 PM
Your friends have something I want... very... much! A book known as the ritual of bonding.

*turns his head to the dwarf*

[speaking infernal] Not to mention to rip out your throat with my bare hands dwarf![/speaking infernal]

Intimidation check: 1d20+7=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=366241)
Knight Otu
02-16-06, 09:50 PM
"I... don't think our cell has access to that tome...

How many people were in the team you assaulted, and what were their names?"
02-16-06, 10:08 PM
What? Don't lie to me drow!

Intimidation Check: 1d20+7=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=366256)

In Lathrin it was your goons who told me you had it!

Azaroth upon hearing the drow is relieved to hear that Maximillion is not amongst their numbers here

he thinks to himself Thank goodness Maximillion is not amongst their numbers. A great weight is lifted on my shoulders.

As for my friends. I doubt you will find them, they are much more crafty than I. Only once you find yourself with a couple more dead guards will you even have the slightest inqling of where they are. *azaroth grins*
Knight Otu
02-17-06, 07:14 PM
The half-drow's club comes crashing down...




Without any handy reference, you are not sure how long you've been unconcious this time. As you come to again, the dwarf speaks up again.
"There seems to be a misconception on your side. We won't kill you - but we certainly will harm you. In fact, I remember an exquisite mode of operations, also favored among the kobolds: the so-called Infinite Torture. You are tortured to near-death, then healed, and the process begins anew."

"Don't forget that the Terror does not seem to care about people bleeding to death." the half-drow adds.
02-18-06, 04:02 AM
heh *azaroth grunts* how refreshing, you aren't such cowards after all.

So the terror wants me alive eh? I'd like to meet this terror face to face.
Knight Otu
02-18-06, 06:11 PM
"Unlikely, unless you want to dig through a lot of rock. And I can assure you - it wants every single intelligent creature here dead. Why else do you think it sends out the dreams, and rewards killing with information?"
02-19-06, 05:03 PM
Azaroth is silent for a minute. Debating what he wants to do next.

If i'm going to question these people, I have to make it not apparent, plus I have to watch what I say lest I blow the deception of possibly being related to something with the terror
Knight Otu
02-19-06, 05:06 PM
"And now, let's continue. How many people were in the replacement team you assaulted, and what were their names?"
02-21-06, 01:14 AM
There were three of them. I'm not telling you their names, so you can forget that. I don't care how much you torture me. I won't betray my friends.
Knight Otu
02-21-06, 03:17 PM
The dwarf crashes her fist into your stomach. "Do not change the subject!"

(She's not asking about your group, but their group)
02-21-06, 04:47 PM
oh oops.. I misread that.

*azaroth grunts*

Forget so quickly Dwarf? Fine..There were 6 of them. A man named Afra was in charge. A woman named Cado was with him. The other's names are foggy at the moment.
Knight Otu
02-21-06, 09:03 PM
Though the half-drow raises her eyebrows, the dwarf just shrugs and continues "I'm sure their names will come to you. With a bit of persuasion..." the dwarf sets her quarterstaff on the wound Azaroth suffered in battle, and applies just a little pressure.

You hear a knock, and the half-drow leaves the room through a door.
02-22-06, 02:08 AM
*Azaroth winces with the pain*

Finally a moment alone with you wench.

It's too bad things went the way they did. How I would've loved to knock you to the ground and tear out your throat. Then as you watched I would've slowly but surely dismembered you. Piece by piece. *Azaroth grins*

Your failed attempts to scream would've been like ecstasy. *Azaroth laughs*

*Azaroth squirms a bit trying to break the ropes but fails miserably* 1d20+2=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371142)

*Azaroth then attempts to listen to see if he can hear what is being said on the other side of the door, but once again fails miserably* 1d20+0=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=371144)
Knight Otu
02-22-06, 10:15 PM
"Oh, not pleased with how reality treats you? Poor little human." The dwarf presses her quarterstaff a bit harder against the wound. "There's many like you. Want to change the world. There aren't many forces capable of that. You crossed one. You propably haven't seen the true size of the Lanthirn cell. And even if you have, it is but one cell, and far from the largest. Now tell me NAMES!" With the last word, the dwarf pushes her quarterstaff against the wound harder again.
02-23-06, 05:31 AM
*azaroth grunts in pain*

*Azaroth clenches his teeth in anger/pain and laughs through his teeth*

You think that the Talon are a major power in the wide scheme of things? Hah! Your puny organization is but a island is the vast ocean of power. The power I seek to possess however has the potential to reach epic proportion. A continent if you will. You may have me at your mercy at the moment. But I promise you dwarf. The actions you take against me now will not be forgotten. When I attain my true power, I will return for you. I will make you my slave and fill your life with nothing but pain and agony! It shall be a glorious moment. So enjoy your power while you have it Dwarf. heh You and your entire organization will fall by my hands!
Knight Otu
02-23-06, 07:56 PM
"A continent? How small-minded. Has your pointless rambling cleared your mind about the names?"
02-23-06, 08:03 PM
*azaroth spits in the dwarf's face*

Still so concerned about the names of your comrades eh wench? Very well, Merriweth and Maliwan are the other two that pop into mind. The other's names are far more foreign to me. Elven sounding, Ariel and Cerith perhaps? No that is not correct. Their names are similar to that.
Knight Otu
02-24-06, 10:49 PM
"It amazes me that you would try to bluff about a loudmouth like Cado becoming an officer, when you were aware of Maliwan. You're even more stupid than I thought. Next you'll propably tell me you only took knowledge from her, completely ignoring Maliwan." It seems the dwarf is close to laughter.
02-24-06, 10:54 PM
Azaroth thinks to himself. Blast. I wonder what more we could've gotten.

*Azaroth doesn't speak*
Knight Otu
02-28-06, 07:24 PM
"Oh, did you run out of threats? Too bad, they were fun. Now, tell me about your actions in Lathirn."
03-01-06, 03:17 AM
I was looking into information pertaining to the ritual of bonding. A source of mine had told me about. I had met my companions earlier on and had traveled with them. they had their own business to attend to in Lathirn.
Knight Otu
03-01-06, 08:08 PM
03-02-06, 12:23 AM
Apparently my snooping caught the ear of one of the Talon's members. I was contacted by a man called Fourdrinker. He had knowledge of the book. Apparently he must've known where to get a copy from. Had the asking price not been so high I would've jumped at the opportunity to get my hands on it. Things started to go sour and I was forced to defend myself.
Knight Otu
03-02-06, 09:09 PM
"What you are saying makes no sense. The Thieves' Guild contacted you, and then somehow you decided to turn up here. You are hiding something more."
03-02-06, 10:47 PM
ooc: Knight check your mail when you get the chance please.

After I was forced to defend myself against Fourdrinker and his men. I escaped Lathirn and went on to research more into the possible whereabouts of the Talon in the hopes of finding my precious book. Through the testament of a few other sources I came upon the story of the Keep of Bloodstained Dreams and a suggestion of possible Talon activity within its bowels.

Hoping to find my precious book, I decided to attempt to infiltrate this keep and search around for it. However I knew I couldn't do it alone. I therefore hired my friends to assist me in assaulting this keep.

After eliminating the carvan we gathered some of their supplies, and proceeded to assault this keep. Now is the time where our current situation has temporarily gotten me.
Knight Otu
03-02-06, 10:51 PM
"You are still hiding more. At no time during your story did you make contact with any Talon member in Lathirn, nor did you say anything about you learned about the Talon in the first place."
03-03-06, 04:57 AM
I learned about your organization through my contacts in town. If you talk to the right people you can learn all sorts of information about anyone.
Knight Otu
03-03-06, 09:04 PM
She raises an eyebrow. "Doubtful. But in case it is true - we need their names."
03-03-06, 09:31 PM
You can forget it. I won't tell you their names.
Knight Otu
03-03-06, 09:40 PM
"Oh, I'm sure that, if your contacts actually exist, they are dead by now. But I must make sure." Almost casually, she increases the pressure of her quarterstaff on the shoulder wound again.
03-04-06, 04:17 AM
heh... *Azaroth grunts*

Keep doing it wench. I'm starting to enjoy it!

Azaroth attempts to break his bonds. They haven't broken but he feels like he made progess1d20+2=19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=380443)
Knight Otu
03-06-06, 11:03 PM
"Honey, you'll soon WISH we'd just kill you." She strikes your left knee with her quarterstaff. "You'll beg. Cry. Spout names as if there was no tomorrow." She strikes your right knee. "But it'll be too late..."
03-07-06, 02:43 AM
Urgh! *Azaroth says after the first kneecap shot*

Any names I spout in that situation would be false ones, I assure you. I would cut out my own tounge before giving you any of the names you seek.

Do your worst wench! You will find your efforts will be fruitless.

With that being said Azaroth tries his best to break his bonds. 1d20+2=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=381679)
Azaroth's anger makes him feel like he can break it but unfortunately fails by 1 T_T

[Yelling in infernal] Terror beneath the keep! My blood boils with rage against my captors! Bestow upon me your assistance and I, Azaroth VanHaydren, shall give my body and my spirit to you for your use in whatever plan you may have! HEAR MY PLEA![/yelling infernal]
Knight Otu
03-11-06, 12:02 AM
Neither the terror nor the dwarf appear to hear Azaroth's plea. Then the half-drow returns, and strikes him with her club again. Once more, it gets dark...

(Just unconcious, but I'll have to wait for a few reactions in the other thread.)
03-18-06, 02:15 AM
Azaroth's vision blurs and sharpens to a mid day sky.

Aaazzarothhh a voice calls from a distance

Azaroth finds himself in a field. His wounds seem to be gone though his head hurts

Azaaaroth the voice calls again.

Azaroth looks around. MOTHER!!!! Where are you? he says

Azzzaaarottthhhh the voice called again... its louder this time


Azaroth stands but is a bit wobbly

Where are you mother I can't find you!

I'm here Azaroth.

*azaroth turns to see his mother standing in the distance*

Mother! there you are.

Azaroth proceeds to run to his mother, in no time he is standing before her.

Mother.. It hasn't been long, I know but its felt so much longer, where is father and Grandma?
They are back at the house Azaroth, but what do you mean it hasn't been long. You were only gone a couple of hours.

What are you talking about? I've been gone for several weeks now investigating the theft of a pair of pieces from the Dance of Souls.

You don't remember do you? she asks

I'm not sure I understand mother

you came back last week son, you told us about your adventures and how you were captured. You told us about your friends Beamer, Banion, and the others their fight to break you free.

I'm confused I don't remember ever even getting the pieces.

Then you don't remember ..it.. do you

Mother, whats going on....

Oh come now son, the answer is in your hands.
*Azaroth looks down to see his hands holding the Ritual of Bonding and covered in blood*


but she is gone. In the distance Azaroth can see the shadowy outline of a keep and begins running to it. As he approaches the door to the keep he feels a strange tingle in the air and then suddenly a blast of lighting. His family now stands before him.
What is going on! I demand answers! Whose blood is this on my hands?
Its ours Azaroth. Its our blood,
*Azaroth's mother points behind him*
its their blood too.

*azaroth turns around*

he sees hundreds of people staring at him.

"Its my blood too Azaroth" a familiar voice calls out as Maximillion steps out of the crowd.

I don't understand any of this. Father, Maximillion, you know I would never hurt any of you!

We thought we did Azaroth, his father states. But we, like everyone else here were just stepping stones for your own personal drive for first power and then vengeance.
With that, all the bodies melt into skeletons and fall to the ground in front of the keep forming almost a cobblestone walkway to it.
They're right you know... A voice comes from atop the keep. Each one of their skulls helped forge the walkway which you now walk upon to get to me. With that, all the bodies melt into skeletons and fall to the ground in front of the keep forming almost a cobblestone walkway to it. You damned everything you once held important, for your own goals and now its too late. In time the visions you see before you shall become reality!

Devarra you old witch! Azaroth shouts back. Now I understand what this is. You know what I am after, and you have decided to create illusions to try and save you, because you know what I will do to you once I attain my power. I am too weak now, but in time my power will grow to where I can finally end your miserable life and end the curse you placed on my family long ago. Your Illusions will not sway my vengeance. I will not fail my family!

Know this Azaroth by continuing down your current path. It is you, not I who will be the end of your worthless family. But come if you will as I look forward to killing you myself. I have made the first move with these images. The next action is yours.

The image begins to fade from Azaroth's view, and everything is black once again.
Knight Otu
03-18-06, 06:10 PM
...only to be replaced by two other familiar faces, the dwarf and the half-drow.
"I think we should talk about your friends now. And their goals, which they freely admitted, with hardly any torture." The drow smiles wickedly.
03-18-06, 09:20 PM
ooc: heh I just didn't want my topic to go past a week without an update :p

but thanks for updating it anyways

DEVARRA!!!!! Azaroth yells as he awakens .... oh...its only you...azaroth growls

Azaroth thinks to himself Damn! they haven't made any progress into the keep at all! What have they been doing this whole time?

You've seen and spoke to my friends then eh? What more do you want? Find one of them attractive or something? heh
Knight Otu
03-21-06, 11:57 PM
"He's jealous. How cute. Yes, I have talked with them. They were very cooperative, " she says as she produces a dagger, and cuts across your forehead, "much more cooperative than you..."
03-22-06, 02:31 AM
Gah... Azaroth says as the blade is dragged across his head

Well what can I say being bound in the hands of my enemies just brings out the worst in me. Also the fact that throughout my incarceration at your hands I come to find out that my friends are not much further along than when I left them.

Not to mention the two faces I see so often. You guys couldn't just get an elf in here or something. Give me the pleasure of at least something remotely pleasant to look at.
Knight Otu
03-22-06, 08:32 PM
"We've got it worse, honey, we've got to look at you. Part of why we'll redecorate your face." She now cuts down the cheeks towards the chin.
03-22-06, 11:01 PM
AHH! Azaroth yells as the blade is dragged across his face

*azaroth anger fills him with each stroke of the blade*

So my captors have guts after all Azaroth says wincing in pain. I guess you aren't as big of cowards after all.

Azaroth's instinct causes him to start trying to break his bonds. He feels the ropes binding his wrists though they cut into his skin he still tries
To break the ropes (1d20+2=15) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=394434)
Knight Otu
03-23-06, 09:24 PM
"You know what we want. Speak." She draws the dagger over the forehead, towards the nose.
03-23-06, 09:34 PM
Urgh.... Azaroth gurgles as the blade is drawn towards his nose

Forget it! Azaroth says definately

I won't tell you anything! Besides you already have seen my friends, what good would telling your their names be now.
Knight Otu
03-23-06, 09:39 PM
"Not just names, honey. Everything." Now the dagger wanders down the chin, closing onto the neck.
03-24-06, 02:00 AM
*Azaroth winces in pain as the dagger is drawn across his face.

You are persistent wench. But I won't crack. This remaining time of yours would be better spent hiding as far into this keep as you can. Because once my friends come and release me, I'll make you wish you had just killed me. Mark my words...
Knight Otu
03-30-06, 08:23 PM
"What, exactly, makes you so sure that your friends weren't here already, as our guests? They wanted the Dance of Souls, they knew Deleth... but we want to hear it, and more, from you as well."
Knight Otu
04-03-06, 11:07 PM
"Trust me, you'll feel a lot better if you talk." Two swift cuts across the hands.
04-04-06, 01:53 AM
ooc: heh sorry I've been busy.

ahh. Azaroth says as the blade is dragged across his hands.

Well you see I know my friends wouldn't associate freely with the scum such as you and your companions. They may air you out a bit but never invite you for tea. So thats how I know you are lying.

As for further information, I'm puzzled with what more you could possibly want. You know what we are here for, you seen my friends. You've tried speaking with me. Or is it possible that you just can't get enough of me? hmm?

check to break the ropes (1d20+2=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=404441)
Knight Otu
04-04-06, 07:52 PM
"I never claimed they were willing guests. And apparently, you never heard of the concept of validating information." Cuts over the palms.
04-05-06, 02:37 AM
Yeah we're here for the Dance of Souls pieces. We won't stop until they are returned I assure you.

Yes those people you've talked with are my friends. We came here together for the purpose of taking back those pieces using whatever force is neccessary or whatever we feel like using at the time.

The information you've received is correct. Now why don't you go take that dagger and pleasure yourself with it because soon you'll be lucky if I even leave you with the ability to see your intestines falling out of your stomach.
Knight Otu
04-07-06, 02:55 PM
"Thanks, baldie." The half-drow now strikes at your stomach with her dagger, but you don't know if she actually hit you, as the dwarf's quarterstaff comes crashing onto your head. It is dark once again.
04-14-06, 02:35 PM
the blackness that surrounds Azaroth swirls once again this time he's outside, he can feel the cool breeze blowing in his face. He can smell the smell of smoke. Ahead of him laid the war torn remains of battle. Corpses littered the battlefield ahead but Azaroth sees no one. Not a soul around, not a fight in sight. As if he missed the war.

What is this place? Azaroth says to himself. More of Devarra's tricks?
Azaroth begins to walk looking down at the corpses that surround him. No one I recognize.

No wait, some one is here! I can hear the clanging of metal somewhere around here. Maybe this dream can finally make sense!
Azaroth runs towards the sounds hoping maybe he'll understand what this is for.

The sounds become louder and louder. I'm getting close! Azaroth says to himself.

As he nears the sounds he sees on the horizon a large shadow fighting smaller ones 3 opponents on one creature and the creature doesn't seem to be faltering at all.
One by one the soldiers fall to the ground. As the third body hits the grass, broken and bloody the creature stands there as if waiting for something. It doesn't seem to notice Azaroth's presence. This creature.. what is it? Azaroth says to himself.

It suddenly turns towards Azaroth its a black mass with large arms and red glowing eyes. Azaroth is surprised by the creatures looks, he finds them horrifying but at the same time he finds comfort in them. Pure unadultered power! Azaroth says to himself Perhaps this is a sign from my ancestors that such power will be mine! Azaroth grins from ear to ear. But then, a twinge of fear runs over him, the creature raises its arms and begins charging at him. Azaroth's fear prevents him from lifting his sword. He feels he can hardly move his arms.

The creature rumbles towards azaroth, much faster than he ever expected. The creature is upon him and grapples him with it's large arms

Azaroth is terrified at this moment. This is a fear he hasn't experienced before. From that black mass a mouth and razor sharp teeth emerge.

OH NO! Azaroth yells. But it is too late. He is in the monster's clutches and won't be escaping anytime soon.

Azaroth can feel the black monster consuming him, there's pain, alot of it.

Everything goes dark once again.
Knight Otu
04-14-06, 07:41 PM
Darkness eternal, what does it hide?
I'm farther than the farthest starmoth
Crawling under your skin
I wander, I slumber

Caught in freedom
Purer than the Angels
Crueler than the Fiends
Deep beneath, Deep within

Mightier that a million soldiers
Weaker than a breeze
Confined in omnipresence
Stranger Realities

I sense the fighting I bring
it stirs me
I sense the souls I consume
it soothes me

I sense a presence, calling my name
Promises of power
It seeks
That insignificant fly.

A waste to even swat it.

Did Azaroth really hear those words? Was there not a presence he felt? Looming over him like a large boot, ready to crush him? A chamber, shrinking by the second? Pressure against the chest?

Then, it is gone.
04-17-06, 03:38 AM
The voice, those words. It was speaking to me! HAH! it doesn't think I'm worthy of its power? of It's secrets? I will force feed death down the throat of this keep. It will see that I am worthy of that power!

Now all I must do is wake up....

Wake up Azaroth you aren't broken just yet.

Will yourself awake Azaroth!

Knight Otu
04-17-06, 05:48 PM
The darkness grows darker, more detailed. A fiery frost rushes along the grassy desert. A vast nothingness resides in wandering. So vast, Azaroth senses but an atom of it, and that atom is so powerful, it would likely destroy him if it did glance at him, give him more than a passing thought. The nothingness wanders far over Azaroth, mostly oblivious to his presence, and acidid screeches start to consume his mind, sparks of night consume his body, all because of the mere presence of the nothingness - it is not even touching him. If Azaroth had to guess with his burned, frozen mind, the nothingness is worlds away, yet it almost destroys him...

And with that, Azaroth's eyes open, into a dark room, uncertain what was and what was not a dream...
04-18-06, 02:21 AM
At last I am awakened again. That dream... it was so real, the pain so great, but I am alive once again. But where have they taken me now? Its so dark, no one must be here... I must take this time to try and break my bonds. If what I just experienced was this terror beneath the keep I must act quickly I must appease this terror with a rain of death. Starting with that accursed drow and dwarf.

But what about the others? Will they not disapprove of my methods?

The others don't matter anymore, they have taken too long to make any progress into the keep. I must rely on my own power to succeed. I must appease the terror.

What of the dance of souls?

No I haven't forgotten what I've come here for. Perhaps I'll let a few of them live long enough to tell me the wherabouts, as I doubt if I leave it to the others it will ever be accomplished. The terror must be appeased, I must break these bonds and begin the flow of blood. Yes then the terror shall see that I am worthy! That I should be allowed to have its power!

Azaroth begins to fuss with his bonds.
Strength check to break the bonds (1d20+2=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=415295) obviously he is not on the top of his game.

He will continue to try and break his bonds.
Knight Otu
04-18-06, 08:54 PM
Slowly it dawns upon Azaroth that - if what he heard was true - murdering people is not a way to appease the terror. Rather, it would stir the terror into a more wake state, and it would become more powerful in this world.
04-19-06, 01:48 AM
ooc: oh heh didn't fully grasp what you meant. My bad.

I must appease the terror. I must show it that I am worthy. But how?

It doesn't appear a rain of blood is what would be best. Perhaps I can ask my captors next time I see them.

That is unless I escape before they get back.

roll to break bonds (1d20+2=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=416566) no dice.

Damn these bonds of mine. I must break free, I must make the terror realize I am worthy.
Knight Otu
04-20-06, 07:28 PM
As his eyes adjust to the darkness, Azaroth gets the impression that he is still in the same room. Now that he has the opportunity to actually look around, he notes that the door is in fact the only entrance. The room is fully devoid of any furniture, and very small. For a moment, Azaroth thinks the room begins to shrink, but that turns out to be a figment of his imagination.
04-20-06, 09:59 PM
ooc: Exactly how is Azaroth Bound? I was always under the impression it was a rope and chair. If you could tell me that would be great.

regardless of how Azaroth is bound he will try and break whatever is holding him.

To break his bonds (1d20+2=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=419295)
Knight Otu
04-20-06, 10:16 PM
Hands behind his back, and his feet are bound as well.
04-27-06, 03:50 PM
ooc: Just a note Knight for the rest of this week and next week I am going to be out of town, next week I'll be on a cruise.

also a side note: Knight I just want to say that I am really enjoying myself in this game. Keep up the good work! :)

Azaroth is alone in this darkness

he is not sure if his sanity has begun to wane. .

I know you are able to hear me terror. Help me to know what it is you desire. I will do whatever is neccessary to appease you. I would shed a river of a blood if you would ask me to. Do not underestimate my current power. I may not be all powerful yet. But given time I could gain much insight into the realm of magic. I want to be your tool, your agent.

Your messenger of fear on this plane.

he looks to the ceiling above him and closes his eyes.

he attempts to break his bonds again:to break his bonds (1d20+2=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=429167)
Knight Otu
04-27-06, 08:41 PM
(Thanks for the notice. Chances are, unless the group does something extremely crazy, you'll be free by the time you return.)
04-27-06, 10:33 PM
ooc: Knight I'm not sure when exactly I may be free of this place. But Azaroth was not just spouting hot air when he was threatening the Drow and the Dwarf.

When they actually rescue Azaroth, he'll try and get some information on where Deleth and the Dwarf might be and do his best to get away from the others.

If the others had to fight them and left them alive he'll see to it that his friend's mistake is ratified and, in the words of Marv, "give them the hard goodbye".

Even though he knows what the voice in his head told him. He figures that 2 bodies won't hurt in the bigger picture.
Knight Otu
04-28-06, 06:34 PM
*Whomp* *Whomp*
Are these steps? I someone coming?

*whomp* *whomp*
It doesn't get any closer, though...

*whomp* whomp*
And it sounds more like wood against wood...

*whomp* *whomp*
Is someone trying to break through this door?

*whomp* *whomp*
No, the sounds are too far...

Indeed, it wasn't this door.

Knight Otu
04-29-06, 07:36 PM
An undeterminable amount of time later, the door opens, and light spills into the small room. You blink at the small silhouette, recognizing Banion's features, and you ask "What took you so long?"

(Feel free to return to the main thread when you return)

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