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The "G" in RPG


For me, the game works when it enhances and is an integral part of the story and narrative. If it's not... if the stats and dice rolling do not add and enhance the feel of the world, then they serve no purpose.

D&D's central narrative gameplay is "kill monsters". That's what 95% of all the statistics in the game symbolize and are used for. So the stats and the dice rolling should all be centered on that premise (which for the most part they are.) And to help enhance the narrative of that experience we want better weapons to kill monsters easier, bigger and more powerful monsters to resist our attempts to kill them better, and many different methods for killing them beside just poke them with a stick until they fall down.

But there's a difference between wanting the stats and dice rolling to enhance the narrative versus wanting the stats and dice rolling to be a "balanced and tactically compelling game". And that's where a lot of people's fixations here just make me shrug my shoulders. Because the game ceases to be about the fiction of killing monsters and instead is about making sure every single player of the "board game" has an equal chance at "winning".

"The Wizard gets to 'win' too often because they have powerful spells and can end encounters and the poor martial stands their with their thumb up their butt!"

Really? I thought the whole point of the fiction was to work as a party to kill monsters. So why does it matter "who" killed the monster? You are all a team! In the narrative of the game if you all work together to kill the monster (or trap the monster, or charm the monster, or make the monster flee etc. etc.) and you all survive the encounter... then you ALL win. That's the whole point. And in the narrative of the fiction-- despite Legolas and Gimli's 'game' in The Two Towers notwithstanding-- in a life or death situation when facing down a threat, no one is "keeping count" of who did the most stuff. If you survive and you get all the loot then you have played the game successfully. So getting all hung up in the mechanics of the game-- counting every single half-point here, half-point there making sure every player gets the same number of points-- to me is missing the forest for the trees.

And for other RPGs? The game statistics and dice and mechanics should enhance the narrative as well. A Superhero game's narrative is almost always (like D&D) about beats up Villains and sending them to jail. So the mechanics should be to enhance that gameplay of fighting villains in interesting ways and in interesting places using very specific power sets. And you wouldn't need rules or mechanics on things like "social combat" because Superhero narratives are not about that-- except in the case of a particular hero whose superpowers are about mind control or empathic persuasion, in which case you want mechanics specifically drawn for that type of character and not made into a universal system that ALL the superheroes could use.

7th Sea was all about swashbuckling and piracy and risky derring-do. And at least in the first edition of the game, the mechanics were built specifically to enhance that narrative. Players could receive a DC from the GM to do some thing and then purposefully increase the DC (by calling "raises") to get enhanced effects for success while risking the chances that they failed. The game allowed you to "take risks" as the player all in service of your character... allowing you to be as cool and swashbuckly as you wanted-- high risk / high reward like most pirates should be. The mechanics enhanced the flavor of the game.

If I'm playing a Star Trek RPG... that game better have amazing starship-to-starship battle rules, with each player's character having specific stations to stand at during the battle and each doing individualized and interactive things that all help in the battle. So no "councilor" character just sitting there doing nothing for the hour in real-time it takes to run space battles-- that character better have something meaningful and interesting to do while the Captain, Pilot, Comm, Engineering, First Officer, Security, and Medical all are doing things as well. And the rules should all make sure they do have things to do and they all help enhance the narrative of their respective positions on the ship.

Dread of course is one of the greatest examples of using the game to enhance the narrative, as the tension of not knocking over the jenga tower goes hand-in-hand with the tension building within the story. But you wouldn't use the jenga tower in a heist game because it doesn't help define or enhance that narrative at all.

Zombie rpgs need great chase mechanics but shouldn't have intricate combat mechanics--just shoot 'em in the head immediately. Autoduel / post-apoc rpgs need great car fighting and wasteland survival rules. Heist games need rules for creating and executing plans plus strong stealth mechanics and interpersonal con artist actions but don't need to highlight gunfire combat. Star Wars needs to make Jedi special but also creating stories where (if there's a Jedi) the surrounding non-Jedi characters have important parts to play in the stories and to be just as impactful as the Jedi is in their specific positions within the game and world.

So all in all... in a Roleplaying Game, the game part should only be there for those parts of the narrative that need a game to enhance it-- both in terms of whether the rules need to exist at all, but also how intricate or detailed or involved those rules are. A John Wick-style quickie shoot-em-up game should not have detailed "positioning" or worries about hit placement or crap like that which causes a single gunfire combat with an enemy to take 90 minutes to resolve... the game rules should give us quick and fun and chaotic rules that pops off enemies every 30 seconds with the characters running across the entirety of the map. And that's when you know if the Game is working in service to the Roleplaying or not.

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I think its fair to split G and RP. Although all games (whether that is a boardgame, videogame, sport, or TTRPG) has the player take on certain specific agencies, TTRPGs have a much more complex agency - you are (usually) roleplaying an entire person. So, while playing Catan, resource management, negotiation and strategy are the focus. Games: Agency As Art by C. Thi Nguyen is a great read on how these games teach you ways of being where you may never have experienced. Funny enough the book steers away from discussing TTRPGs because of the complexity where you have these two different categories of games meshing together.

Freeform Roleplaying/Make Believe function quite differently in their agency from Catan, even if they can feel similar as we are still taking on agencies. Roleplaying agency is very open without nearly as much structure. And you are taking on a much more complex dynamic when you roleplay a person. Where Catan has a sharper focus on victory (though the book goes into more how you may take it easy on someone who is a noob to have more fun and that is a second agency you may switch to). Roleplaying definitely has a greater objective towards creating this shared fictional space.

There is an interesting interview how a TTRPG breaks if you cheat but that ruins the fun in a normal game sense. Or being a spoilsport (like a rules lawyer) ruins the fun destroying the shared fictional space aspect.

For me personally, I really like that mesh of both because they work together very well. But when the game gets more complex and mechanics stop reflecting the fiction, that bothers me the most. Many complex tactical combat systems have this happen. But also where the game tells you that you should roleplay one way without any rules - I feel like I am just doing improv theater. I am not a huge fan of YA/Teen Drama, but I think Masks does a great job on this with mechanics that reinforce the genre - Conditions is just perfect for me.


I want a RPG to be game, in the sense that the participants can do thing - make "moves" - that change the circumstances of play for everyone, so that the "move space" for everyone else reflects that earlier move that was made.

Because its a RPG, the "space" that the moves affect is a shared imagined space - imagined characters doing things.


How much game is too much game in an RPG?
It’s only too much when it doesn’t support what one wants play to be about. It’s possible to ignore those extra elements, but I like it when a game doesn’t require me to do that.

I do want some since if I’m interested in playing a game since I’m not looking to do freeform RP (otherwise, I’d just do that), but there’s no standard amount. I guess if I feel like a particular element is wasting my time, then it’s probably too much.

Committed Hero

But there's a difference between wanting the stats and dice rolling to enhance the narrative versus wanting the stats and dice rolling to be a "balanced and tactically compelling game". And that's where a lot of people's fixations here just make me shrug my shoulders. Because the game ceases to be about the fiction of killing monsters and instead is about making sure every single player of the "board game" has an equal chance at "winning".

"The Wizard gets to 'win' too often because they have powerful spells and can end encounters and the poor martial stands their with their thumb up their butt!"

Really? I thought the whole point of the fiction was to work as a party to kill monsters. So why does it matter "who" killed the monster? You are all a team! In the narrative of the game if you all work together to kill the monster (or trap the monster, or charm the monster, or make the monster flee etc. etc.) and you all survive the encounter... then you ALL win. That's the whole point. And in the narrative of the fiction-- despite Legolas and Gimli's 'game' in The Two Towers notwithstanding-- in a life or death situation when facing down a threat, no one is "keeping count" of who did the most stuff. If you survive and you get all the loot then you have played the game successfully. So getting all hung up in the mechanics of the game-- counting every single half-point here, half-point there making sure every player gets the same number of points-- to me is missing the forest for the trees.

Ideally, we are playing to have fun. Balance lets you explore different builds while knowing your choice won't impact your character's effectiveness. If my starting character misses or does minimal damage regularly, sometimes that's an unlucky dice day. But if the rest of the party is killing foes regularly and I'm not, I'm might get frustrated even when the party "wins.".


Ideally, we are playing to have fun. Balance lets you explore different builds while knowing your choice won't impact your character's effectiveness. If my starting character misses or does minimal damage regularly, sometimes that's an unlucky dice day. But if the rest of the party is killing foes regularly and I'm not, I'm might get frustrated even when the party "wins.".
I've yet to see a "killing monsters" character build in any version of D&D that has not been able to do so to the point of "frustration" while others were also doing it.

Are there builds that don't do it "as well" as others? Sure. The 3E Bard was not designed to be one of the premiere foe killer classes as its main function, but if you played one and saw what its focus was on in helping the party (besides being a foe killer), it did that job perfectly well.

But once (general) you start nitpicking the numbers and getting mad that X class does 2 points more damage per round then Y class and thus everything sucks because they aren't "balanced" against each other... that's when (general) you have lost your way in the weeds of the Game. (General) you are looking for the Game to be Root, when it isn't and never has been.
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I've given this some thought. I don't like the formation of the question, for the very same reasons you point out in the OP. Perhaps, rather than separating the RP from the G, a better way to view it is the ratio of 1st person vs. 3rd person.

No matter what rules/mechanics you're using, 3rd person feels very much like the G, while 1st person feels more like the RP.

I think 1st/3rd person is also a little easier to pin down and define. I like a good mix of both, so let's call it 50/50.

Edit: I do think there are some rules systems that more conducive to either 1st or 3rd person, but the play style will overcome any rules set.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I've given this some thought. I don't like the formation of the question, for the very same reasons you point out in the OP. Perhaps, rather than separating the RP from the G, a better way to view it is the ratio of 1st person vs. 3rd person.

No matter what rules/mechanics you're using, 3rd person feels very much like the G, while 1st person feels more like the RP.

I think 1st/3rd person is also a little easier to pin down and define. I like a good mix of both, so let's call it 50/50.

Edit: I do think there are some rules systems that more conducive to either 1st or 3rd person, but the play style will overcome any rules set.
Cant say I agree. I dont understand how 3rd person is game, and 1st person is role play? Could you expand on this idea?

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