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T1: A Visit to Spelding Square [Completed]

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Gillin follows after Peladus a few steps, then is brought up short again by Ngikhnit's basking in the glorious ambience of the dark run-down fish and rot-smelling market square.

"He's not right," he declares. He points at Quozen. "And there's something wrong with him, too."


Ngikhnit lingers at the end of the alley, unable to pull himself away from Spelding Square. The centre of the square fades into utter blackness as the others leave him behind and turn into Spelding Row with the intention of heading for guard headquarters.

But coming along the street from the east, clearly seen in the lamplight, is a curious procession.

It is headed by a man in late middle age, dressed for bed in soft slippers and a long nightshirt beneath a heavy velvet dressing gown. He clutches a backpack under one arm. He is known to all as the Orussian wizard Rilithorne. Behind him there floats a barely visible shimmering disk. The halfling woman the party encountered just before entering Spelding Square is sprawled on it, extremely out of breath, her hands gripping the disk's edges tightly for fear of falling off. In their wake, two guardsmen follow.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake ensures he has no weapons out and he approaches with no ill intent on his mind. He is obvioulsy covered in contusions and chemical burns from being beaten multiple times by the slime creatures

"AH, Herr Rilithorne, und Gardisten. We come to find you. Come, we vanquish swamp slime creatures. all dead!"


The halfling shifts herself to hang from the disk and drops to the ground. She takes a few steps sideways to lean against the wall. "And... Miss... Light...purse," she gasps. "Oh, my word."


First Post
Peladus steps forward to support Miss Lightpurse as she recovers from ... whatever it is that has brought her to this state.

"Are you all right, Miss? What happened to you?"

When he's sure that she's all right, he'll turn to Rilithorne and bow deeply.

"Magister Rilithorne, it's a pleasure to see you again. We've had quite an adventure here tonight but all have survived and the threat is dealt with, as my friend Pendrake has told you."

"Would you care to come and examine the remains of the creature we fought?"

If Rilithorne indicates assent, he'll fall in next to him and describe the creature in all the detail he can recall, as the party leads the way back to the square.

On the way he'll collect Ngikhinit, introducing him to Rilithorne.

"And this is Ngikhinit, whose formidable presence is more than matched by his courage and determination in destroying the foe."


"Just... out of... breath," Rollfar Lightpurse answers. "Imagined... no, saw..." - she looks a little uncertain - "black... tentacles... swirling... in fog... Your big... friend... falling. Ran... all the way... to... Rilithorne's. Soon be better."

Rilithorne accepts Peladus' greeting with an inclination of the head that despite his ludicrous attire looks gracious and includes the other companions in the street. In passing he takes in Peladus' lack of armour and the mage light on his staff, and addresses his remarks mainly to him.

"We met - yes, of course, I - well, many calls on my attention, but certainly I rem- quite," he says. "Now, by chance I was up and about late tonight, stargazing from atop my tower, as is not unusual, though tonight there had been a remarkable occurrence. I was examining charts and my memory to see whether one of our familiar companions had left its accustomed place in the sky - I am pleased to say none seems to have - when this extremely persistent and persuasive young lady used up the last of her breath shouting for me outside my tower. And so, here we are, in the company of two of our esteemed city guard whom we gathered along the way, too late to assist actively, it seems, but not to late to... A creature of slime, now dead. Certainly! Lead on."

He rather talks over Peladus' attempted explanations. Once in the Square, he is one of the few Orussus natives not to bother with some banal impolite remark on Ngikhnit's size, merely nodding to him as he eagerly moves on towards the nearer corpse.

"That is what I saw," Rollfar says from behind. The guardsmen flank her, trying to look involved.

"But of course, young lady," Rilithorne remarks absently. "Ah, yes, this thing is rather loathsome. Having seen it in life, do you have any theories? I note the outline of its form dances and wavers before the eye. Have you perhaps had the opportunity to examine it for magical auras?"


LEW Judge
Ngikhnit meets the procession when it enters Spelding Square. "Magic, of course. Who needs to examine an aura to know that? The foul critter kept disappearing and reappearing. And splitting itself into two foul critters when attacked with a blade."

Voidrunner's Codex

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