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PH1: The Darque Demense (Bront judging)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"Are the guardians to be eliminated? Is not such considered against the custom of your people? Is it correct to assume that you do not know the layout of the demesne?"

[sblock=OOC]Init: 13[/sblock]

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"I do believe that you are being fairly compensated already, Ms. Moonsilver. Though if you all perform well beyond expectations, perhaps some small bonus could be aranged at the end of our dealings. That shall be decided in times to come though, not promised in the here and now."

"Sadly, there was no apprentice to question or use in order to bypass the wards. And paying for a stranger to perform such magic is more cost prohibitive than hiring all of you."

"Ah yes, we can take care of that little legality if it worries you, my dear." Lucias says as he takes back the scrol with the address upon it and begins writing on its back side with a quill which Thaddeus quickly produces... 'I, Lucias Darque, do hereby give permission for the bearers of this scroll to perform for me a paid service which entails entering and clearing of dangers within the property I am inheriting. They shall not be held liable for tresspassing upon those grounds at the address on the reverse side of this parchment.' "There you are, all nice and tidy."

"His familiar? Truthfully I have no inkling. It is not described in the will, but it's name is appearantly 'Vermanir Necrotuz'.As for the guardians within, I cannot venture to guess what he may have procurred for use as such. You may destroy any that you must as they would likely not retain loyalty to myself anyway. It shall be easier and better for me to later hire more normal and cost effective guards once I have taken possession of the manor. From what I saw upon my only visit to the outside of the house, there were no patrols or guardians outside of the house itself. I was able to walk up to the front door itself...but I could not gain entrance..."

[sblock=Eleria]-You sense that there is something more to his story that he has not yet divulged. You are certain that he seemed right on the edge of saying more there at the end.
-Your bluff is well played, and he truly believes that you are showing hesitation due to the possible difficulty of the assignment, but he made his tightwad (a new prestige class, I'm sure) check vs. spending more money and resisted giving you more payment than what he has already promised.
-Your Bardic knowledge reveals little. They are naught but a minor family of minor semi-nobility who appearently enjoy acting haughty and snobbish, except perhaps for the 'black sheep' of the family, Allahastor Darque.[/sblock]
[sblock=Abdul]You recognize that the name 'Vermanir Necrotuz' in Draconic translates to 'Rat-Killer'. Your arcane knowledge does help you recognize the name of Allahastor Darque, though there was little gossip about him-which had led you to deduce that he kept mostly to himself and was retired for the most part. He did not have the reputation of an evil-doer, but you do remember him being referenced in some book dealing with magical locations, though the reference was vague and seemingly of no help in the current situation.[/sblock]


First Post
Abdul asks "What prohibited you from entering?"

"Unfortunately, the front door was locked you see. But I next thought that I could try the door on the rear of the house. That was when it happened. You shall think me addled or insane, but Thaddeus was there and he heard it as well. A voice, speaking to us from nowhere! It said 'I would stay out if I were you, Lucias. In fact, you should just leave this place now and forget that you ever heard about it, or else it will go poorly for you...' I was startled, I admit it. Magical things and happenings are not what I was raised to deal with. I thought it might be some magical trick of Allahastor's, but how? So we left that day and have not returned since. But as we walked away, I could not help but feel watched. And turning to look, I spied a pair of eyes looking at me from the topmost room of the tower before they withdrew behind the window curtains."

"I don't pretend to know or understand the goings on there. But if my cousin still haunts that place, I know not what can be done."
Lucias ceases talking and stares at the floor in the growing silence.

[sblock=WarlockLord]Could you please use a little lighter shade of blue that is less hard to see on the dark colored backround? The RoyalBlue color I used above is pretty close to what you had I think. Or anything else a little less dark than what you've used. Thanks! :heh: :eek: [/sblock][sblock=OOC] Wow, you're here early Wik! Okay then, I think most of the preliminaries are wrapped up. I'll get you all to the starting point and if there are any other questions, we can assume you asked them before getting to the house.[/sblock]
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First Post
The party of four takes leave of their employer and begins the short trek to the High District of Orussus. Travelling gently uphill away from the harbor and the main portion of the city, you follow the road that hugs the coast to the north. The morning wind blows a warm and gentle breeze from over the water and the gulls float and dive in the sunny sky above you. After passing many houses and manors of very well-off individuals, you deduce from the addresses you are passing that your destination lies not far ahead. On your right is a 10' high wall which encompasses some forested area. After following the wall for some time, the trees beyond it give way and you come to an open gate in the wall where the marked address matches what Master Darque wrote upon the parchment.

Folowing the path up towards the manor, you see that it is a two story house with a 3 story tower attached to the back righthand corner. It seems to be in good condition overall, with no visible damage or degradation. A covered porch gives shelter to the sturdy looking double doors in the front of the house. While there are some small and thin windows in the house itself (to small to squeeze through) they are curtained from within and nothing is visible through them on casual inspection. The steps of the porch creak slightly as you walk up them, but nothing else is heard.

[sblock=Elthic]As you approach the house, you catch a quick glimpse of the curtains in the upper tower moving and you would swear you saw a pair of eyes watching all of you until the moment you started to look.[/sblock][sblock=OOC]In case you didn't already, add four potions of Cure Light Wounds to your character sheets as your advance payment for this adventure. Note that if you drop out of the adventure due to dissapearing, these will be forfited as well. Not that I think any of you will, but just gotta say it. Ya know? :uhoh:
P.S.- When used, I'll roll for the potions effects for you.

The porch itself is 15' wide with the front doors in the center 5' section. It extends 10' out from the house itself.[/sblock]
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Deus Ex Machina

First Post
Confident in their ability to complete the task, Eleria offers, "So, I assume that we will rendezvous with you back here with the key?"

Once she is satisfied with Darque's response, she asks no further questions of her employer. Instead, she resolved to deal with any situations as they arose and joins the rest of the group as they head towards the house. As they travel towards their destination, she passes the time with light conversation with any other members of the group who are interested, becoming more acquainted with them and talking about time spent in the city in general. When she is not talking (or actively listening), she hums a pleasant melody of an elven song that her mother used to sing to her as a young child – not that long ago, and seems generally lost in her own thoughts.

When they reach the house, she double checks the address on the parchment, before returning it to her pack and venturing a couple of questions as she looks around the group to see what they may have to offer. “So, what? I guess we just walk straight up to the door?... Elthic, did you say before that you had a way with locks?”

[sblock=OOC]Four potions added. They’ll come in very handy. Since nobody else took the parchment and Eleria was dealing with it, I’ll also add that to her sheet.

I'm assuming that Darque will want the group to meet him back at the store.

What is the time of day?[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The tall xeph is quiet most of the way. Any questions are answered with simple, short answers, and he is not drawn out into conversation. He looks at the house quietly when the arrive.

Deus Ex Machina said:
“So, what? I guess we just walk straight up to the door?... Elthic, did you say before that you had a way with locks?”
"'They who seek without looking are blind to that they should see.' We see the front without knowing the sides or the back. This one could seek the roof as well, if that is desired."

[sblock=OOC]How far to the various roofs. I.e., could a set of Up the Walls get to the top of the tower?[/sblock]


First Post
Abdul walks with the rest of the party. He is not good at small talk, so he shuts up.

When our heroes reach the house, Abdul attempts to peek in the windows, and says
"So, plan? Xir could climb the roof or Elthic could pick the lock. Sadly, I have nothing to blast the door down, and that would reveal our presence.

"By the way, Eleria, you seem a good "people person". What did you think of our employer?

Spot 21 Good for peeking in windows.

I added the potions to my sheet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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