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WotBS MrPereira's WOTBS D&D 3.5 Campaign (SPOILERS IN THE POSTS)


The party

Galion – Elf ranger lvl. 9 / Arcane archer 5
Shaith – Fire elf fire domain wizard lvl. 5 / Incantatrix 9
Killian – Human priest of Heironious lvl. 3 / Church Inquisitor 1 / Ordained champion 5/Divine Crusader 5(variant)

Lieutenant Waxillian Ricky – Paladin 14

July 6 continued

The party leaves Phorros Irrendra and teleports to the temple of echoed souls. They quickly realize that there are a lot of scrying eyes on them already.

After a moment of watching the impressive entrance to the temple they ascend from the left staircase. Gallion dryly notes that it is quite the doorbell they have here, when the bells start to chime.

Much to their surprise the doors are easy to open and they enter the temple. Killian had cast a lot of spells that morning, including divine transformation, so when he saw his normal self in the reflection he got a bit nervous, would they be able to bring the spells with them?

Before they don’t have the time to do much before another reflection appears in the mirror, Haathon, one of the old masters of the temple. The old master sounds hard pressed and tense. He warns them not to enter as the current master of the temple, an entity called 41, will slay them.

They tell him, that they have no choice; they have to enter to learn more about the torch.

DM Note: I am unsure of whether they misunderstood that part or just didn’t want to tell the stranger the truth

Haathan tells them that they will find no information on the torch her. After a little more talk they tell him that they need to enter to fix the torch, and Haathon nods, accepting their reason.

He then proceeds telling them of what lies ahead and teaches them to tap each other’s powers, which they set out trying out immediately.

DM Note: In the end they hardly did it, the 2 rounds it takes to attain focus, if you make the DC, and then tapping a power was too much time in the combat situations they found themselves in. They did not think of doing it between the second and third trial.

After playing around with soultapping for a while, the doors suddenly slam closed behind them and Haathor disappears in the mirror, to be replaced by another person, 41.

He studies them for a moment and then in a dry rasping voice tells them that he won’t make a long speech.

He told them, that they might be expecting something dramatic, but he would simply kill them. And regarding their souls, do they even know their own souls? Well not to worry, they would be destroyed as well; they are not interesting enough to keep around for eternal torment.

He finished his speech by saying: “So please, hurry up through the mirror, hurry up to your deaths, so I can have some peace and quiet again.” And then he is gone.

DM Note: In the end, he did speak a lot more than one would expect for someone not wanting to be dramatic and speak a lot 

The party looks at each other, and discuss shortly about the course of action, settling on scanning the adjacent halls quickly and looking into the rooms. The only look them over cursory, finding nothing magical. They decide not to spend more time on it and return to mirror, activating the circles and starting the trials.
Entering the trial triggered the first vision, The Fear. They see themselves running, fleeing actually, being afraid in Gate Pass. They are seeing the scene from chapter one where they fleeing from the enormous red dragon

DM Note: I thought it was a good idea to use this vision as suggested in the campaign, since it had a thread to chapter one, and to chapter 9 later on, where they will face the beast again. It has been almost 1½ year real life since they ran from the dragon, so this vision was a good way of making them remember it.

The first trial is a short one, but it did cost them quite a bit of health, even with a persisted divine vigor running. Killian was happy to find that his buff suite still worked. They quickly find out the hard way that sound hurts, so both Shaith and Killian attain focus and start to communicate mentally. They formulate a plan, attain focus again and this time relay the plans to the other two. Everyone agrees and Gallion moves silently towards the brick wall

DM Note: I almost felt sorry for them, it was such a nice plan, they just didn’t have any rogues, so it was doomed from the start.

Gallion never saw the pressure plate and the bell starting ringing and hurting the party. Shaith acted quickly and used stone shape to take the wall out of the equation. Behind it they find two mirrors and a piece of text with instructions for them to say their name, and that blood sacrifice is their salvation.

Killian is the first man at the mirrors; he speaks his name and the right mirror lights up as a portal.

DM note: Since none of them had taken anything from the meditation rooms, they were going to be spit up two and two. I let the dice decide which mirror lit up first, setting the sorting of the party in motion.

Gallion is next, for him the left mirror lights up. He is followed by Shaith who is sent right and finally Wax who goes left.

Once they are all through it is time for another vision; the child.

DM note: At least part one of it, the other two parts followed once they left the trial through the two doors. Since there are three PCs it was best I thought to let them all have two visions with each of them as the focus. I made none for Wax, and they were fine with that. The visions that are not in the book I will write in detail, maybe someone can use them for inspiration for their groups, although I know they are quite tailored for my players.

The vision shows Shaith as a child. He is being pulled along by a man, his father, against his will. The scene shows Innenotdar in flames and Shaith’s father is pulling him out of the house to flee from the devastating fire. In the process of being pulled along forcefully Shaith drops his teddy bear. His father hoists him up on his shoulder and runs away. Shaith is looking back towards his toy, tears in his eyes when he sees the fire consume it. And then for a moment it is like the bear is alive, like a fire elemental dancing, and the scene closes with Shaith looking with wonder and awe in his eyes at the fire.

In their minds they hear 41’s cruel voice: Hmmm formed by fire…

The party finds themselves in two rooms, separated and not being able to see each other.

Shaith and Killian are in the righteous path, facing a monster they have no real words for. In the first few rounds the Chorus is able to use its sonic attack twice, while the players try to get the sword in the hemisphere. Realizing that it is impossible they turn their attentions to the monster. Shiath remarks casually: “I am pretty sure we need someone to die, a blood sacrifice, to get through, I suggest we choose the one”, and points at the monster.

And that is what they did, and killed it.

DM note: Giving up their own lives never crossed the minds of my player’s, they are simply not that selfless. They might have done it if they knew they could save the others as Killian remarked later on, but without knowing, it was never going to happen.

Gallion and Wax find themselves in shallow water looking at Ghaele, that they recognize. At first both Wax and Gallion tries to speak with it, and the Ghaele answers quite defensively: “I am not giving my life for this”.

DM note: I tried giving them hints, but it did not help

The Ghaele starts by casting some defensive spells staying non-aggressive. The water starts to rise, and both the players drink potions of fly to avoid being trapped in the water, while trying to get the Ghaele to talk, but she just replies the same words. Gallion finally just shrugs and fires his bow at the Ghaele.

DM note: I guess he got tired of getting nowhere 

The Ghaele responds by greater dispelling Gallion, leaving him stranded in the water, without almost all the boosting spells they had cast.

The fight goes on a few rounds, and the water rises. The Ghaele then summoned a huge water elemental, putting Gallion and Wax in a position where it seemed like they were doomed, and hard pressed on hit points.

At this point, in the other room Killian realizes that he can see what happens with the other two.

DM Note: Gallion and Wax found this out long ago, but Shaith and Killian stayed near the far edge of the room in the beginning.

He also senses that he can almost touch Wax… not almost, he can touch wax and all of a sudden they swap places. In the end this is the deciding factor, as the fully boosted Killian, who was also flying, managed to bring down the Ghaele before Gallion got killed, while Wax managed to heal up on the other side.

Having defeated the enemies they activate the portals and step through, and get the next two visions in quick succession.

The second part of the child visions follows Killian as an 8-year old child. He is walking with his grandfather in Gate Pass during the Festival of dreams.

DM note: Again I used a vision to bring up forgotten things. I broke off the vision and asked if they recalled what the Festival was, and they didn’t really. So I told them about it and about the clay urns with the wishes, including the traditional wish for spring, and how the priests used to fulfil wishes. It other words, I used a vision to prepare them for chapter 9, even if it is still a long way off, it will be in more recent memory now.

Killian sees something in the distance and runs off, his grandfather giving chase catching up with him in a dark alley. Killian gets a harsh telling off and is standing with tears in his eyes, when suddenly a group of young men arrive behind them; it is a street gang who is jumping them.

They ask Killian’s grandfather to hand over his money, and when he refuses, they smile delighted and give him a major beating. Killian being a loyal child tries to help his grandfather and gets beaten too; he is after all just a child.

Then someone arrives and chases the gang off, before they get around to actually stealing the money. Killians grandfather spits out a tooth and looks venomously at Killian, before saying: “I wish I hadn’t let myself be convinced; I wished I had gone along with her. Then this would never have happened, and then YOU would never have happened.” Luckily little Killian does not hear his grandfather, for he only has eyes for their savior, a young strong and handsome man with Heironious symbols. He smiles at the young man saying: When I grow up, I am going to be a hero, just like you.”

The vision ends with 41’s voice saying: “hmmmm formed by violence…”.

DM Note: They are between visions and as such could not speak, but I Killian spoke before I could move on. Killian accepted the vision, saying he remembered the day as clearly as it was yesterday, but he never heard what his grandfather said. His memory of him has turned quite a bit sour now, from the loving adoring memory of a grandchild to a more cynic adult.

The vision shifts immediately to Gate Pass, where a younger Shaith is standing with his mother in the street. He suddenly stiffens as he sees a young elven girl (equivalent to a teenager) is walking slowly down the street. She has been beaten badly, and by the way she is clutching her torn dress, probably more than just beaten.

Gallion walks away angrily and purposefully, while the women run to help the poor girl.

The vision shifts to Gallion sneaking along the rooftops. He spies a rough group of humans, a street gang in an alley. One of them is telling a story; much to the enjoyment of the others. As Gallion moves closer they hear what he is talking about; the assault on the elven girl. The one telling the story is the same man who led the assault on Killian and his grandfather in the previous vision. The leader does not get to speak many more words though, as Gallion puts an arrow through his eye. The rest of the gang scatter and run off, and the vision ends with Gallion looked down at the body with an icy expression in his face.

41 speaks again: “Hmmm formed by vengeance… I wonder who the girl was…”

And the party finds themselves in a new room, a lot larger with nothing interesting inside it. Having been through a tough fight, they spend three rounds healing and recuperating before a new vision appears in front of their eyes. First they seem themselves working as a group, and then suddenly they see a strange group arriving at the temple; Katrina, Shalosha, and some other elves along with two inquisitors and a warrior in a crimson armor. They speak a little, not really friendly, and then they enter the temple. The scene changes again. This time they see the ballroom and get their first look at how Coaltongue looked alive, he was incredibly charming and captivating, someone it is hard not to like once you met him. They also get their first look at Lord Shaaladel and Supreme Inquisitor Leska, whom everyone clearly fears. At the end of the vision their enemies arrive in the room, and the fight is on.

DM Note: I had decided long ago, that they never did much to make Katrina change her mind, apart from Shaith bedding her, but that was as much her doing to get information. So Katrina was an enemy. Shalosha I had decided is honorable, and would hold to her alliance. She would not however, attack the other elves, but the fight being as chaotic as it was, she wasn’t able to stop them from attacking the players. I decided that with visions and things appearing everywhere, no one really kept track on who really attacked who (except the players), so the other elves never noticed that Shalosha changed sides.

I had feared that Gallion in his hatred with the Shahalesti would have shot her full of arrows for her betrayel, but luckily he did not and they found that out that she was a trustworthy ally and true to their alliance – most likely even more than the party is and was.

The fight was a major battle. We started the session at around 11 am, and the fight, without including 41, ended at around 10 pm. The many visions made it feel like a lot less, as they gave a fun break to the fighting, and were filled with a lot of information and emotion. In game, the fight lasted about 90 seconds, 15 rounds, and in that time quite a lot happened, but I am not going in to details with it.

During the fight the party went from beleaguered against unreasonable odds, to more reasonable odds as Shalosha turned out to be an ally. Things went from bad to worse fast though, as Nahrem managed to disintegrate Shaith

DM note: Fun fact – I have now managed to actually kill each of the three players once. Killian was resurrected at Castle Korstull, Gallion was saved by the ghost in Phorros Irrendra, and now Shaith was saved by the mother vision.

Suddenly the scene shifted and they see themselves nursing a bruised knee. Mom is running towards them, picking them up and making everything ok. She blows gently on the knee, and suddenly all the pain is gone – and they are all fully healed, having all the spells back that they have cast, except for those they have persisted and thus not lost.

Mother saved them, as this helped turn the battle. Slowly they killed off their enemies, until only Rihalles, Karedan and Etienna remained. Wax had gotten knocked unconscious during the fight, but he still had lesser vigor and thus not in danger of dying.

Karedan proved to be a real threat; the legendary red knight of Ragesia lived up to his name, but in the end he fell too, quickly followed by Rihalles who had stayed unharmed during the fight up more or less up to the moment he died.

DM Note: I thought that Karedan was cool, so I decided to give him a little boost; another blessing from the Heart so to speak. On top of his fast healing I gave him maximum hit points and a little higher constitution, to make him last. He had the respect of the party in the end; both Gallion and Shaith feared him. In the beginning of the fight Shalosha had walled off Katrina with a wall of force in one corner. Katrina teleported away but the wall remained. Shaith teleported himself in to that safe spot to get away from Karedan – it turned out to be not quite as safe as an illusionary elf was in that area as well, but he turned out to be harmless.

Etienna faced a losing battle once she was alone, and even if she fought valiantly she too died in the end. The party was quite impressed with the opposition in this encounter, knowing they only survived because the masters of the temple saved them with the mother vision.

All through the fight different visions kept running in the room.

DM Note: I let the dice decide the number of illusory soldiers and trees respectively that appeared in the map, and had players help placed them with random dice rolls.
Most of the visions were in the campaign and I played them as they were written, so I won’t recount them here. I did change one thing though, I did not let the monks of the monastery appear in Ursus’ vision; it made no sense to me. I couldn’t really argue reasonably for why he would do that at this point of the story. The enemies were coming anyway, one more or less made no difference, and since he is not friendly with the Ragesians, they would not have a friendly talk – at least not at this point.

The first personal vision in the fight is about Shaith. I placed the scene between the vision of the fourth army and the scourge. The second personal vision is about Gallion, and I placed this after Shaaladel’s Purge. The final personal vision was placed just before the vision of the torch. All the visions are going to be somewhat cruel to the players, but that is what 41 does after all. He shows them the truth, just the ugly side, just like with Killian’s vision of his grandfather earlier.

The first vision, not in the campaign, was about Shaith and the origin of the fire elfs. The scene shows Innenotdar on the day of the burning. A man, Shaith’s uncle is deperate and casts a might spell and summons a demon; a powerful balor that the party recognizes by his sword as Hedrenatherax.

DM note: First of all I know it should have been a devil, but I found a way to tie in Hedrenatherax and his sword to the story and I took it. I let them roll a knowledge planes DC 30 and both Shaith and Killian made it, so they recognized him on his legendary sword. I told them that although he is a demon, he is trustworthy like a devil when making deals; he will keep his word, but twist it to his own ends.

In the vision Shaith’s uncle pleads with the demon to save the elves, and the demon agrees. He cuts his own arm and with a wish spell he wills his own blood into the fleeing elves, turning them from normal elves into fire elfs. “My blood will forever run in the veins of that elven people.”

The party realizes that fire elves are born of demon blood and the demon taint is what gives them their traits.

The next personal vision is about Gallion’s father, the hero of his childhood. It shows that most of what he believed to be true was indeed false, and it showed why the dead in Ycengled Phuurst hated him; saying “The dead knows the truth.”

Gallion’s father was indeed taking part of the fight in the forest during the Shahalest invasion, but he was not a hero, he was a traitor. He led the Taranesti princess into an ambush, in return for papers securing the safety of himself and his family. The Shahalesti taunts him as they give the papers and tell him to run like the traitor that he is, and if he ever sets foot in North Shahalesti again, they will kill him.

DM Note: North Shahalesti was a term I used some time ago, at Gallion really hated it; it was an offense to his sense of Taranesti nationalism, so of course I had to use it in this vision. 
The scene shifts, this time to a Taranesti village. Gallions father shows the papers to two soldiers guarding a house. The soldiers not and walk off. He enters the house, where a young Gallion and his mother are sitting. He tells them that he had to pretend to bend his knee in loyalty to the Shahalesti, but now he has managed to lure away the soldiers guarding the house, so the chance for escape is now. The three of them gather a few belongings and run off.

Again the scene shifts, this time to Gate Pass. Gallion is standing next to his father and Gallion recalls the day his father said the words that meant so much to him: “What is in the heart is what matters; I did what I had to do to save my family. I am not proud of what I did, my son, but you and your mother were all I had left after the fall of Taranesti. Words that may have a new meaning now.

DM note: I know, that was almost cruel  I used the sentence word for word from his backstory, and everything in his backstory is completely true, as Gallion saw it – he believed what his father told him, and never knew that his father was apologizing for his actions, not imparting wisdom to his son.

Gallion’s face was quite fun to watch during the scene and I was looking forward to how he would react. At first he blamed 41 for his corruption, but deep inside he knew it was the truth. He decided later that his father’s crimes were not his own, and he thus did not feel tainted for knowing the truth.

The final player vision is Killian’s. In this vision a much younger version of Killian’s grandfather is hugging a woman, whose face is hidden. When she speaks they feel that they recognize her voice, but cannot place it. Killian’s grandfather of coming with her, but she convinces him not to, she cannot protect them both.

He is not happy, but he accepts the truth and tells her that he will go to Gate Pass and build a farm, so she knows where to find him. He hugs her tight again and then lets her go, wiping the tears from his face. “I wish you weren’t that stubborn”, he says and she laughs loudly answering: “I am an Akto after all, that is just the way we are, brother.”

DM note: Akto is Killian’s family name

Killians grandfather nods slowly before answering sadly: “I know, Leska, I know”.

DM note: Another fun moment for me. Killian was sitting disbelieving for a second while Gallion loudly and happily shouted “BOOM”, glad that he was not the only one with a twisted vision. 

The fight ended with a few visions left to run, and they spent those rounds healing, and restoring skills; Shaith had been hit by Nahrem’s empowered touch of idiocy. Shalosh brought Wax back from being unconscious with a healing potion.

As the final vision ended 41 arrived and starting beating them up. In the first round his psychic blast killed Wax and Shalosha went below 0 HP.

DM note: I was not in the mood of making another new NPC, so I decided that since 41 was fighting them, the old masters could keep them from dying unless they all went down, and that was close to happing. Wax ended stabilized on the brink of death. I had long ago decided that Shalosha would have a contingency that would teleport her home, if she got unconscious – and some elven device to help her survive the fire damage from teleporting.

From the walls they hear a subtle voice “Use the force” or something that sounded close to it. It did not take them long to get it, it was not force, it was torch.
The following round 41 crushed Gallion’s mind, he managed to avoid being killed, but the damage sent him unconscious.

DM note: Sorry… I just had to 

This time they see Haathon fighting free of some invisible grip, he indicates that they should go down the new hallway. At the end of his motion he is violently jerked back and he disappears with a finality that makes the players realize that he gave his final life force to give them that information.

DM note: A nice dramatic touch I think  and I am sure he would have given his life to free his temple of 41. I let him arrive a little earlier than in the campaign, or the party would have been slaughtered. The price was that he had to die.

Killian tries hitting with the torch, but misses, while Shaith run down the hallway and sees a body on top of the pavilion. 41 goes from taunting and having fun to serious with these two actions. He teleports after Shaith, and manage to bring him down, bleeding to death just as he reached the body on the top of the pavilion.

The following round Killian flies to the top of the pavillon, and even with 41 giving it his best shot, he fails to bring down Killian. With a vengeance Killian brings down the torch with full force on the prone body, finally ending the tyranny of 41.

DM note: 3 men down, 2 dead, who were saved at the brink of death, and the final player with around 35 hp left. I would say they had a tough day at job today. 

After the death of 41, the players feel like they are flying into their own minds, seeing the tiny building blocks of what they are made up of, and they face the ultimate existential question: “Who am I really?”

DM Note: The way I read the end of the chapter a character could change themselves if they wanted to, so I decided to take the step completely. I told them to ask themselves, if they were to make Shaith, Killian and Gallion with all the knowledge of both themselves and the world they had now, would they be the same, or would they have made them differently. I even had some suggestions as to what that could be based on what they have said and been through.

The result is basically that I allowed them to change race, sex, skills, feats, classes… everything and remake themselves as they felt like. I am looking forward to see what it ends up with, as they will do that in the time up to the next session. It will allow them to at least change things that they would not have chosen given the choice again.

I am pretty sure Shaith will change a lot. He has become to see himself as more and more of a defender og Innenotdar. He will morph to a Wizard/druid build instead of the Incantatrix, which will suit me nicely, as it will limit the amount of persisted spells.

I also asked them individually if Coaltongue should have his soul back, two said no, Killian said yes, and one yes is enough. I wanted him alive, both for the discussion it will open up for as well as for having him present at the war council in chapter 8.

We played the rest of the session without resolving the players’ personal choices; they were not relevant for that last bit.

After a lot of talking they decide to revive Coaltongue and that Killian will be the torchbearer. The price is that Shaith gets to have the final word on what to do with Coaltongue after talking to him. Getting the torch to accept Killian is tougher than expected, but in the end he manages to bend it to his will.

DM note: After the first failure and level drain, Killian cast Death ward and just kept trying until he succeeded. I resolved it like a take 20, so he ended up speaking to a bone for 90 seconds 

After having conquered to the torch they revive the former emperor, having a talk that was not quite what they expected.

DM note: They expected him to lie and say whatever the party wanted as he would be negotiating from gun point so to speak, the way they felt when speaking to Magdus and Shalosha in chapter 6.

Coaltongue is smiling, happy to be free and has no problem with Killian having the torch. He also seemingly had no problems with them having cleaned out his treasure room in Castle Korstull. He even willing told them what the Necromantic Cheese does. It was an item he purchased in case he got tired of being immortal.

Shaith asked him what he intended to do now, what were his wishes. At first he said that he did not know, and then quickly retracted that to “No… I know exactly what I want. I want a long hot bath and a nice glass of red wine “.

In the end they decide to bring him along to Seaquen and teleport by using the torch.

End of Session.

DM musings: This was the best chapter so far. The first act had so much atmosphere that one could only wish to replicate that for all sessions. The second act was intense with the feeling of being hunted and the setup with Rhuarc was memorable. The final act was surreal, for lack of better word, but not in a bad sense. The combination of being inside the mind, having fights and visions mixed in to each other and getting to throw some nice twists at the party made it a very memorable finale.

It has been one of the chapters we have spent most time playing through, but it never felt too much, each act was strong enough to warrant the attention it got.

What could have been better? It is really minor things. As I have mentioned before, sometimes the adventure uses classes I haven’t heard of and as such had no idea about, especially for tweaking.

Also I noticed that the same with the heartsblood vampire. The last part RangerWickett already answered, but would have been nice to have as a sidebar or something. The visions were fine and summarily written, and I guess it is an individual thing. For a guy like me, who wants to play out the dramatic parts and deliver the story in memorable ways it would have been nice with some more extensive visions, but all in all it is minor things and really nothing that made my experience less enjoyable.

My players are going to remember this chapter for a long time and with fun memories. And for me personally it was great to get the feedback from the players on the personalized visions, I had managed to make them spot on both on the first ones, nailing their drives as well as making the twists both fun and memorable. As a DM, that feedback makes one happy, and it is compliment to the adventure, as the visions I made were inspired by the ones already written.

For once I am even writing this very soon after our session, as we played this act yesterday. 

Next up will be chapter 8 after everyone has had their summer vacation. I have written up the war council like I did with the first part and I am really looking forward to playing that out.

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The party

Galion – Elf ranger lvl. 5 / Rogue 2 / Assasin 8
Shaith – Fire elf Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/Druid 5/Arcane Hierophant 9
Killian – Human Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/priest of Heironious lvl. 3 / Mystic theurge 10 / frost mage 1

Lieutenant Waxillian Ricky – Paladin 15 (not present for most of the adventure)

DM note: So we had our latest session on saturday, and as promised I used the bonus adventure #5 from the compilation. At first I am not sure if the party really thought it was a great idea, but 2 rounds into the first encounter they all agreed that it was a very good idea I had.

July 6 continued

The session started with the party returning to Seaquen. First they arrived at the prison, as usual. After a long time, considering they are known people they are let out by Johund, the adjutant from the first war council. He takes them back to Seaquen, at very low speed. They also have an escort of four warrior types and four spell casters. They grumble a bit about the speed but that is all.
When they arrive at Seaquen they realize that the delay is caused by a very hastily arranged parade in their honor.

DM note: they loved that part.

After the parade they are given quarters at Lyceum and together with Wax they divide their loot. After that they join the town for the big party, and major hangovers they following day.

July 7

They meet up with Simeon, Kiernan and Haddin at Lyceum and they brief the leaders on the situation, and also of Katrina’s betrayal. Haddin mouthes almost silently that she only got her position due to the party, and that Ragesian traitors do seem to love them. Killian mouthed back: I will kill you one day.

DM note: They loathe Haddin with a vengeance. Killing him will make their day. Not sure I will give them the pleasure.

After the briefing they are told that the leaders are working on something big and that they are close to a breakthrough. The different leaders will be invited to a new war council, but it will take a week or so to make it happen. In the meantime the party will be given intensive courses in different areas, such as Shahalasti diplomacy and court behavior.

DM note: with all the changes to the party I had to invent a way for Killian to learn a lot of spells fast, otherwise it would not be fun for him. So he spent a few days full time doing some rituals to bind spellbooks to his person. The spellbooks they had in the loot he could just take, any spells besides that he will have to pay for.

July 11
fter 4 days of studying, they are tired of it. On their way to the next class, they notice that they are watched and then followed by someone. Gallion who can hide in plain sight, simply vanishes into a doorway and surprise the one following them. It turns out to be one of their fans, Jineer, whom they met in chapter 4.

Jineer is first of all just happy to see them. He loves that he knows some famous people. After a little while they drag out of him, that he needs a favor. His girlfriend is ill, she cannot sleep or dream. And she is not the only one suffering from that condition. She is at the infirmary. They agree to help, anything to get away from school. First they have to get to the next class, they can’t really skip the lessons right now. Luckily for them, the class is cancelled. They professor suffers from the same condition and is at the infirmary.

They went down to the infirmary to investigate the situation, and after a short talk with the girlfriend, Mira, they suddenly notice a shadow entering the room. The shadow becomes substantial and suddenly they are faced by a Horned Devil, aiming to kill them.

DM note: The fight was a tactical disaster for them, and they only survived it by a combination of chance and the use of quite a lot of ressources. The horned devil more or less picked them apart at leasure. Killian saw himself as more of a mage and went straight to the back for a few rounds, until he realized that he still had a very decent AC - 29 - and with few spells he had a to hit of around 30... he luckily changed his mind, although he did not do that much in the combat due to becoming stunned.

Galion tried to get into flanking position, but was caught upfront, and stunned as well, and only saved by Shaith, who had to use quite a few high level spells to keep the other two alive, and Thus not getting into the fight for real. They did not have an NPC with them for the adventure.

What tipped the scales was Galion finally managing to sneak attack the devil... that hurt the devil quite a lot, with him having six attacks.

All in all, the encounter showed the party that they needed to find a new balance for how to approach deadly situations. Afterwards they were all happy and very pleased with me forcing the bonus adventure on to them, so they could adjust their playstyle accordingly.

The fight balanced on the catastrophical with both Gallion and Killian getting stunned repeatedly and both ended up needing major healing spells from Shaith.

After the fight, the party realizes that killing the devil did not change anything for the patients. They gather some information and narrow their possible next destination to two places; The wayfarer theater and the archmage’s tower.

Since the theater was the scene of a major plot already, they have a dislike for the place, especially Killian. They decide to go there first, as they see it as the most likely place for foul play.

DM note: And right they were

The wayfarers are running a play based on the heroes’ exploits in Dassen at the moment. They did however take quite a few artistic liberties with the play. Killian is portrayed as a womanizing Adonis type, always bare-chested showing off his six-pack and long golden hair Shaith and Galion (Galiana in the show) are both portrayed as female elfs seeking to win Killian’s affection, to be his girl. The portrayal of Shaith is more or less a caricature of Katrina, while Galiana is portrayed as the hardnosed badgirl with a soft heart. The story is loosely based on their exploits in Dassen, although no Trillith is present. Nina Glibhammer is instead the evil Ragesian spy who killed the king’s family.

They seek out Tiljann, who plays Nina Glibhammer in the show, and ask her a bit about the entire affair. She does not recall seeing the archmage at the shows, but he might have been there. She has heard that a lot of people have suffered some kind of disease, but cannot say if it is related to the show, as most people in town seems to have seen it.

Without any other clues they travel to the archmages tower. No one answers when they knock. They are about to open the door, when Galion decides to check for traps, and finds one. He also manages to trigger the trap in his own face, but is lucky enough to survive the green blast from a prismatic spray.

DM Note: He almost forgot that he can now find traps, but remembered at the last instance.

They open the door and see a portal behind the door, and behind that a furnished room. They decide to stoneshape their own way into the tower, to search the room first, only to find that the tower is solid stone.

DM Note: Hmmm… and no respect for other people’s property as they just stone shaped quite a large hole in the tower. The wizard did not ask for payment later on – he decided to keep a low profile as he kinda messed up a bit when it came to releasing a perpetual foe on the party; more on that issue in a moment.

They enter the portal and enter a room on the astral plane. The room is twice the diameter of the tower they saw, and there is a door further on. Halfway through the room they activate a programmed image, that ends up waking up four clay golems; the burglary alarm.

They defeat the golems without too much hassle and continue across the room and open the door. Behind the door is a hall of memories, with eight alcoves, each holding an illusion of old friends and family. One of the illusions is of Gabal, which Shaith perceives as positive

Galion, who enters the hall alone while the other wait outside for him to check the final door, hears someone muttering a chant, sounding like some kind of summoning. He then rushes down the hall and barges into the room, shouting for the others to come.

In the room they see a feeble old man. He stops chanting and starts speaking to the party. They soon realize that he is not dangerous or casting spells at the moment.

DM note: He basically just cast Gate, so he was probably not completely harmless 

He tells them a lot about what is happening, although they don’t feel he has any proof. Suddenly a figure appears in the room, saying “Obsequies III at service. Targets acquired for termination”, in a robotic kind of voice, and then it attacks.

The fight is tough for Galion, as he basically can’t do much damage to the creature. Shaith shows off his new summon nature’s ally spells and summon three Fire elementals, while Killian heads into the fray to hack the construct apart.

The fight is tougher than that, as the Marut Inevitable, is capable of dealing a lot of damage and has a high damage reduction. In the end they prevail, and the Marut planeshifts away.. They also realize that they have an enemy for life, they are called inevitables for a reason. They will continue to hunt the party until they are gone. If it fails Obsequies IV will take its place. They are pretty annoyed with the Wizard for that little issue. They do realize however that he was helping them in the fight.

DM note: And now they can face a Marut whenever I feel like things are too easy for them. I have considered adding one to chapter 11, if it seems like it is going to be too easy, as some posts seem to indicate. We will see. I also have Madness to add to the mix somewhere.

Having identified the Wayfarer’s theater as the place that the culprit uses for stealing dreams, and realizing that it is a Trillith, the party heads to the boat. They do it the easy way, though, and use the torch to teleport to the Boat.

DM note: They did not think about the beacon, which they ought to have as they were caught in it. I had already decided that Lyceum had dismantled it. Now that they had control of the Torch they would want to be able to teleport, after all. I will however remind the player’s next time that something was amiss. For now I let it go, as they did not focus on it.

At the ship the main hatch was locked. Galion immediately recalled the actor’s entrance and they headed that way. As they enter the back of the stage, they see the final part of the scene just before they head to the banquet. They are decided how to enter the Castle. Shaith/Katrina immediately sprouts a flame saying they could just burn it all down, while Galiana grinds her fists together suggesting they go in through the main gate, bashing in heads along the way, showing that might is right. Killian the golden, however is the voice of reason and tell the girls, that they will enter through the hidden entrance in the sewers.

DM Note: they loved the twisted spin on reality, being entertained by how they were portrayed and how wrong it was. I took a bit of inspiration from the street show portrayal of events in season six of Game of Thrones.

As the scene ends the Trillith takes the scene, opening a portal stealing dreams from the audience. The party attacks and a show like no other commences, according to the audience.

DM note: They will speak about it for ages, especially the old lady that was almost cut in half by a fumbled Light of Venya from Killian.

The fight is not much of a problem for the party. Killian leads with a power word: blind, putting the Trillith a bit out of action. Shaith sings the song of forms, and Galion uses the advantage of blindness to sneak attack their enemy. It does take a bit longer than expected to slay him, as he takes very little damage from their attacks, apart from spells.

DM note: It took them quite a while puzzling out the damage reduction, but the trillith was blind for a long while, meaning the fight was more puzzle than fight.

In the end they manage to catch the trillith, who made an error. Being blind, it used its dimension door spell to keep its distance, but at one point Killian stopped moving while Galion pursued the trillith. Unfortunately for the Trillith, it ended up jumping right back to where he stood and he cut some big holes in the creature.

After the fight is over a golden trillith appears, and restores everyone’s dreams as a gesture of good will, knowing that the party will help it’s mother in the future.

The audience is silent for a long moment, and then they stand up as one, applauding the most incredible play ever. No one really understood the connection with the secret entrance and the special show the Trillith announced, but visually it was incredible, almost like it was real…

End of the bonus adventure

DM musings: The adventure was exactly as expected, a good way to test the players and for them to find the new group dynamics. It was tougher than they expected regarding to the foes being quite the challenge. Galion was unhappy with the many constructs, but that is often the problem with sneak attack builds.

Overall I am happy we took the detour, and so are players. They are now ready to head on in the campaign facing the challenges that await them there.

First up will be the second war council, which has more or less turned into a 26 pages play, that I am looking forward to quite a lot.


So far so good - now I just have to get back to writing up the sessions. I haven't written anything since the posts disappeared. Since the last post we have only played two sessions, unfortunately real life has been rearing it's ugly head preventing play time. So we are two sessions behind the story where we will pick it up tomorrow at our next session.

Currently they are close to the end of chapter 8, where they have just defeated Agony and now play to face the final combat of the chapter.


First Post
Pfff - this really made me sad - which is why I haven't been posting for a long time. Luckily I had the file in a word document, but I lost recaps worth almost 33 word pages... that is quite a lot.

Anyway, here we go with reposting the entries :)

Thanks for reposting these!

Yes, the loss demoralized me a bit too, and I was much less further along than you were. I am glad I had some backups as well, though I missed the revisions I did in the posting process, which has taught me to get a backup after I do the final posting as well.


First Post
So far so good - now I just have to get back to writing up the sessions. I haven't written anything since the posts disappeared. Since the last post we have only played two sessions, unfortunately real life has been rearing it's ugly head preventing play time. So we are two sessions behind the story where we will pick it up tomorrow at our next session.

Yes, real life does have a way of doing that, but hopefully having gotten your posts back up you will be able to get some movement going on writing up the recent sessions as well.

Does it help to know you have an audience for your posts?


Hopefully I will have a little more time the coming weeks to get updated on the journey :) One thing that I have noticed is how much time the combats take by now. The final combat of chapter 8 took us about 7 or 8 hours to play. It was a fun and tough combat that challenged the players, but it was a very long one as well.

Does it help to know you have an audience for your posts?

Actually it does :)

I was surprised to see how many views my updates got. It is nice that people are reading the updates since they take quite some time to write up

Edit: just getting the quote right :)


I finally got around to write up one of the sessions I am behind in posting here. It was the first of three sessions in chapter 8, a chapter that took a lot of hours to get through due to the big combats, specially at the eye and at the end at the obelisk.

The party

Galion – Elf ranger lvl. 5 / Rogue 2 / Assasin 8
Shaith – Fire elf Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/Druid 5/Arcane Hierophant 9
Killian – Human Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/priest of Heironious lvl. 3 / Mystic theurge 10 / frost mage 1


Lieutenant Waxillian Ricky – Paladin 15

July 12

The party is invited to the next meeting of the war council, which will take place in a few days’ time. In the meantime they spend their time selling loot and stocking up on items and spells.

July 13
More of the same

July 14
The day of the war council arrives and the party joins the other participants in the meeting room.

DM Note: I had prepared this well in advance, by giving out the players their parts. Each character had a heading with their traits and descriptions. They also had entries showing what the general idea of their speaking part was for each entry. I had written it as openly as possible, only impressing on them if some sentences had to be said and what was essential to say. Finally I had noted what number entry theirs were, and who was speaking at the previous entry so they would be ready to step in keeping the dialogue going.

I had made sure that none of the players had two speaking parts in a row, so they did not have to reply to their own parts. The part of Pilus was hidden from the other two by referring to the Ostalin representative as the previous speaker, although Galion might have guessed as he had the part of the two monks who summon him through the mask.
All in all it was a 25 A4 page long script and it worked like a charm once again. The players enjoyed the challenge and it also ensured that they did not miss anything vital by being distracted by my long monologue.

Like at the previous council Lyceum were presented by the Headmaster Simeon and Kiernan Stekart. This time they were also represented by Haddin. The different nations, Dassen, Sindaire and Ostalin were represented as well. However, the Ostalin ambassador was flanked by two monks from the Monastery of the Two winds. On top of those participants one more person was present at the council, Drakus Coaltongue.

DM Note: I made some few alterations to the war council as written. Haddin was thrown in as the party loathes him. I have been making him an important part of the resistance and the man behind the effort to break the secret code. He has found a cause to dedicate his life to again, and is now deputy headmaster of Lyceum. I also had Coaltongue play an active role in the discussion and thereby having a few more roles to fill out the gaps that might have been between speaking characters.

First up, Headmaster Simeon wanted to honor some of the big contributors to the cause. The first was Haddin, for breaking the code.

DM note: In their papers it said to applaud when award was given. They did it, but not without throwing in some jibes :)

Haddin was also given the honor of having an award named after him.

Second up the players were to be honored for their part and getting the torch.

DM note: Since so much of this chapter reminds me of Star Wars I decided that we might as well have a scene where the heroes are given medals, like at the end of ‘A new hope’ – well with a lot fewer people applauding. I even considered putting on the music from that scene, but never got around to it.

The players are then called up to the headmaster and presented with the ‘Haddin Pin’

DM note: This was a bit of an internal joke. Shaith has a saying in Danish which is ‘Hattenål’ (meaning hat pin) that he uses when he wants to say that someone is an idiot. So I gave them the Haddin pin, which in Danish would be ‘Haddin nål’ which sounds close to hat pin and basically is rubbing it in their faces :cool:.

After the awards were given out, the council turned to matters at hand. The speakers presented the situations and their opinions as per the source material, and in the end they ended up with a plan. The party chose Wax, Crystin and Torrent to accompany them on the mission. Suddenly the council is attacked by two elementals as Seaquen is targeted by an attack boosted by the obelisk.

DM Note: I had Coaltongue sit at their table and be unaffected by the stun as well. I wanted the players to see a bit of why he was so feared. I used the stats somone had provided on the forum – and I cannot remember who or where, sorry . Anyway it put a healthy dose of respect for him in the players as he was unarmed and unarmored and took control of the situation as the commander he is.

After the fight, the last preparations went on. The players were given wands to help them fly and be invisible for the trip to the eye and further on. The planning took a few days

DM Note: They made the plan and started calculating what it would cost. When their planning hit the 20.000 gp mark I had Lyceum donate the items. They have a lot of treasure so I decided that they would not get 20.000 each. Once again I was evil, I did however return a bit to the light side (star wars chapter, remember? :) ) later in the chapter when they were about to bypass the room with the staffs and rods.

July 15

July 16
More planning

July 17
At 3 am the army is gathered for the first major attack from the (rebel) alliance. It starts out well with lot of shouts and encouragements, but as it takes the army 3 hours to pass through the teleportation circle, it quickly settled and returned to normal.

The army starts their attack on the needle, while the players’ strike force head to the eye. The eye is heavily defended and the party faced a tough battle to get through the surface defense.

DM note: It was a lot tougher than I expected and the fight took many hours to get through. They had to blast through quite a lot of their resources to get through the first layer of defense. They used all of their cure light wound wands, and they had a lot, as well as most of their cure light wounds potions, just to get back in fighting shape hp-wise.

After a very tough battle, the mood is a bit somber, the party knew that this was just the first of many skirmishes on the day, and it took quite a lot out of them, especially on the healing reserves. As they know they are on the clock, and the Ragesian army will be marching towards them, they head inside the cave towards the eye.

They manage to stumble across a couple of traps, before finally entering a larger cave, where they are met by an old human; Kreven, hovering above a lake in the cave. He tries to convince the party that their quest is futile, and that they have already lost. He offers them a choice, turn away now and give up the fight, and Ragesia will never bother them again. He will make sure of it by talking to Leska about their intelligence in making the right choice.

DM Note: For some reason, they didn’t really believe him or that a world where Leska won was a place worth living in… go figure :]

They decline his offer, and much to their surprise he takes their answer with a smile. He much preferred to kill them anyway, which he then asks Velkiss to do. As he does that the illusions in the room disappear, and the party notices that they are not alone in there. In the room with them is an aboleth under the ice, an Ice devil, a couple of worms, a couple of very big hell hounds and several humanoids, one of whom turns out to be Kreven’s wife Koren.

Velkiss, the ice devil, turns out to have an agenda of his own. He wants to make deals with the party while doing his best to slay them.

DM Note: I had made up a way to handle this, giving each player 30 seconds real time to speak with the devil on their turn as a free action. More talking would cost them their standard action or a full round. Answers from Velkiss could expand past the 30 seconds, without costing them. They were not really super positive about that approach in the beginning, and I am not sure they really liked the idea even after it turned out being ok. I would suggest finding a better/different way of handling the extra actions and discussions.

The party decided to make several deals with Velkiss, paying the price for some of his information. They bought the information about how to avoid the Forbiddance spell, the map of the prison fortress, information on how the obelisk works, and finally how to get rid of Velkiss easy.

The fight again takes quite a few resources before they manage to turn the situation around. At the end they are left with the nullifiers and the aboleth, after Koren left. They dispatched the nulliefiers and decided to leave the aboleth alone. It cannot follow them, and killing it is not part of their mission right now.

They did however mention to Commander Xavious that the aboleth is alive inside, and that he should not send anyone inside.

DM note: It was late and no one really wanted to finish a fight that they did not have to, by spending more resources, than what they had so far. The conclusion is that the eye is still functional, and the aboleth is still alive. I am not sure if that will be something I bring up later, but I might let it be known that it is because of the eye that the enemy knew they were coming in chapter 9. We’ll see.

End of session.


The party

Galion – Elf ranger lvl. 5 / Rogue 2 / Assasin 8
Shaith – Fire elf Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/Druid 5/Arcane Hierophant 9
Killian – Human Wizard 1(with precocious apprentice feat)/priest of Heironious lvl. 3 / Mystic theurge 10 / frost mage 1

Lieutenant Waxillian Ricky – Paladin 15
Torrent, Cleric 14, fight 1
Crystin, Sorcerer 6/monk 2/ enlightened fist 7

July 17 - continued

After the fight the party use the magical trinkets they got from Seaquen to turn invisible and to able to fly, and they head out towards the prison, continuously making the signs warding them against the Forbiddance spell.

After some time they fly above a little rise on the ground and see a gnome waving at them and calling out to them, even though they are invisible.

DM Note: They looked like they were expecting an ambush for some reason 

They notice that the gnome is somewhat transparent and that he is completely oblivious to the fact that he is quite clearly dead. After spending a few seconds in his company they quickly realize that nothing will stop him speaking, and settle for listening to his story.

DM note: They got a resigned looks in their faces quite fast. It kinda translated to: Get on with it, dude. They did however take notice of his descriptions of torture and fight to stay “alive”.

The gnome has quite the tale to tell. He was guilty of helping and hiding a mage that the Ragesians wanted to apprehend, and was caught. He was then tortured, first by some inexperienced guys, whom he taunted a in a stubborn and somewhat childish way. Later he was tortured by a real expert, who even had a pet ghoul to gnaw at his fingers.
He also had quite a few anecdotes related to his mother.

DM Note: In pure Monty Python style he changed his voice to a highpitch whenever he quoted his mom, and he did quite a few times. Like my dear old ma always said… :)

Suddenly he stops talking, saying he heard something. Three creatures arrive, nullifiers like the ones from the eye, and suddenly the gnome starts bleeding and then he drops dead - again.
The party decide to save their resources and energy and fly away in a hurry, leaving the blind nullifiers behind them.

Soon thereafter they arrive at the prison fortress, which is heavily fortified with lots of barracks and soldiers on alert. On top of that, the entrance is blocked off by a gigantic prismatic sphere, a lot bigger than if it was cast as an ordinary spell. There is no doubt in their minds that it is the result of a spell cast through the obelisk.

The mask suddenly speaks to them; it is Pilus who tells them that he will take care of the sphere. Out of the sky an enormous flying ship appears. The ship has a very large eye in the middle and they realize that they have seen it before; in the sky above Pilus’ secret laboratory.

A white light appears and blinds everyone, knocking them flat. When they are able to see and hear again they see that all the barracks, the soldiers and the prismatic sphere are gone. All there is left is a single guard tower, that was under the sphere. The entrance to the prison now lies open to them.

They noticed a cloud giant and several Ragesian soldiers around the tower and decided not to waste their time on taking those out now, even though it meant leaving behind obstacles to take care of on the way out. As the players were still hidden by invisibility and flying it made it easy to move past the guards without being noticed.

They manage to open the door to the prison facility without any problems and close the door behind them. Just as the door closes they hear Kreven’s voice. He tells them that he will kill them and enjoy doing so. He is rather busy right now, but urges them to run and hide. It won’t help them though, as he will find them and kill them.

Shaith had planned the trip well in advance, and had memorized spells like passwall and stone shape to ensure that the party wasted as little time and resources in getting to the Obelisk. He was rather annoyed with the architect of the dungeon, who had foreseen such moves.

DM Note: At first they were sure that it was something I had made up to keep them on track. I decided to read the description in English to them from the book, just to prove my innocence (for once :]). That led to a few minutes out of character discussion. They settled on the fact, that most likely one of the playtest groups had come up with the same idea and ruined the setting for the author, and he had installed those annoying defenses just to make sure it never happened in a campaign.

The question is, Ryan…, were they right?

They accept the fact that they have to take the long way round and set to it, fighting enemies along the way, almost passing by the heavily locked armory in favor of saving time and getting to the Obelisk fast. However they decide to force the door open and look inside, which they did not regret, as the room held treasures valuing above 250.000 gp in total.

DM note: I simply couldn’t let them pass it by, not without at least having given them a hint the size of the Koren Obelisk that they might want to check that room out. See… I can be nice… sometimes :). I am sure they never would have forgiven me for missing out on that treasure, and honestly I thought they needed it bad for this adventure.

On the way to the Obelisk they investigate a room, which is filled with child warriors and some nullifiers. The children attack them and Galion shows no remorse in slaughtering them, which really makes Killian wonder if Galion really is a good guy.

DM Note: He isn’t by the way :]

Galion, as usual, manages to miss a will save and is thrown into one of the cages, but the fight ends pretty fast and nothing happened to him besides hurting his pride a bit.

The fight with the Elder Black Ooze was rather uneventful and the party went down the stairs into a room, that turned out to be antimagic.

DM Note: I decided that the Obelisk could make antimagic area that suppresses even artifacts, since the Obelisk is an artifact as well, at least in my opinion.

The giveaway was that the torch suddenly did not shed any light, and suddenly there was a fight on. The party, however, were cautious and did not get far enough into the room to be surrounded and Clark the clerk was unfortunately enough to try and sneak attack the only person in the room, that was a higher level sneak attacker then himself, so his attacks were pretty harmless.

In the end the fight ended in a stand still. The party and Clark negotiated a truce, and the party were allowed to pass through unhindered, if they let the soldiers live. They agreed to that and went on.

As they enter the hallway they once again hear Kreven, who is getting annoyed with them. Once again he tells them that he will kill them, but this time he also adds that he will raise them and have them lead the Ragesian army against the pitiful little rebellion. When he is done talking, the water shoots out of the cylinders in the hallway. Shaith tries to cast a wall of force to hold off the water the current is too strong and breaks his concentration sweeping the party with it down the hole in the antimagic room.

DM Note: Since they would have to go down there anyway to finish the adventure, it just felt more right to have them end the chapter with the fight with Kreven, so I made the concentration check pretty high. Not impossible, but very hard.

The flood deposits them in the prison, in a very long hallway with a golem walking towards them, and the past them without noticing them. Behind it comes a prisoner, who introduces himself as Harry. He invites them to a party, but midsentence he falls to his knees screaming in pain. Half the party does as well.

DM Note: One major issue I have in this adventure is the differences in saves. Shaith and Killian can barely miss a DC 30 will save, as their saves are around +25 - +27 atm., while Galion has will save around +15. As it is they were both immune to the effect in the prison.

After visiting Harry’s party they are led to the leader of the resistance, as they called it, in the prison, a Pelor paladin by the name of Theren. He tells them about the prison and about the other notable guest they had not so long ago, Guthwulf, the Minister of Pain. Guthwulf apparently feels betrayed by Ragesia and came down here on his own accord. He has no real interest in the other prisoners and stays by himself, with his pet ghoul.

DM Note: The name Guthwulf stirs some memories, and Shaith recalls that he has an autographed book on torture written by him. The mention of a pet ghoul also brings the story of Ander the gnome to the front of their minds.

They decide to pay him a visit, and mostly manage to escape the traps on the way. Torrent did not and was unable to pass through the repulsion field.

Guthwulf turns out to be charming, well behaved and honest about having tried to kill the party and about his own evil deeds. He laughs heartily about the fact that it is his lack of funds that led to using low quality devils in dealing with the players, which led to his failure, which led to him being down here. And he does not blame the players, he is actually rather impressed by them.

One thing Guthwulf will not stand for is betrayal. One stays loyal to friends and allies at all times. And Kreven/Ragesia did not and decided that he had to die. That means that he is now looking for allies, and hopefully in time also friends, to kill Kreven kick the masked bitch’s bony ass.

They do not really trust him at first, but they cannot help like him and end up teaming up with him, as he has the same goal.

DM note: Once more the campaign manages to put aside the classic good vs. evil perspective and keep the world in the shade of grey. There are friends/allies and foes, and this time the former master torturer of the Ragesian empire is one of the allies. Even if he is evil as sin, he is both smart and charming and very likable.

Well done!

The party decided that if they are working together, they might as well lend Guthwulf and Augustus some equipment, otherwise they would be in a tough spot. Together with Guthwulf they break through the wall into the Obliette and there they see a creature of legend, at least to the Seela. Etinifi the longwalker is chained to the floor, singing the song of forms, and only speaking in rhyme

DM note: I had written a lot of rhymes down in Danish for him to say regarding the things I knew he would speak of. Outside those areas he did not speak in rhyme – improvising rhymes is not one of my strong suites :).

Out of the hole they see a creature crawling out, and they instantly know that it is a trillith. Wax the paladin decides to detect evil to know if smiting would work, but gets quite a different answer from what he expected.

DM Note: Wax is an NPC that Galion controls, and he knew that the detect evil would mark himself as evil, but it still made sense to the NPC, as Wax is both a very good guy and had also heard of non-evil Trillith.

There are four evil entities in the room, but the Trillith is not one of them.

DM Note: Watching Killians face was fun. Guthwulf and Augustus were two of the evil people in his mind, and he knew that Wax, Crystin (as he controls her) and he himself was not evil. That left Shaith, Torrent, Galion and Etinifi – and two of them were evil. His eyes were fixed on Galion, and his dislike of him became even greater.

Even though the Trillith wasn’t evil they decided to kill it anyway, expecting that to be the only way to end the fueling of the Obelisk. The fight itself was not that memorable and is quickly over.

DM note: One of the fun things about fighting Trillith is watching the party trying to figure out the unique DR they each have. They did not manage to figure out Agony’s during the fight, but I told them afterwards.

After the fight is done, they free Etinifi and he tells them his story of love and betrayal. The story of how he betrayed the woman he loved, and helped turning her into a vindictive woman, who in turn betrayed him (according to him) and left him here to rot. He also tells them that he knows how to kill her.

DM note: I like the fact that he hates her for her betrayal, completely ignoring the fact that he did it to her first :D

Nicely done, once again.

End of session.

It was a lousy place to stop, but the hour was late, so it could not be any other way.


A question about chapter 9, that I have been thinking of, and not found an answer to yet.

It is regarding the trade off between rescuing the prisoners or going to the Elves to negotiate. The downside to going to the prison is, of course, getting a lousy deal with the Elves. But what is the downside if they choose to go to the Elves. I cannot see it in the material.

I have been thinking along the lines of having Diogones and Erdan Menash captured, tortured and killed. It is purely flavor but might give them a bad conscience for having to spend hours wining and dining with Elves during the negotiations.

The question is - did I miss something in the material? And if not, do any of you have any other / better ideas for downsides to choosing the elven path first?

The anti-Passwall thing was there from the start. It's the inquisitors; they're experts at dealing with spellcasters. Of course they don't want hostiles bypassing their defenses. They want to funnel people into their murder room.

Adventure 9 is a bit fuzzy in my memory. I don't recall if I had consequences in mind, or if I just assumed the party might hate Shaaladel and skip it. I'd have to reread the adventure to see if there's supposed to be some consequence for leaving Vigilance in the jail.

Voidrunner's Codex

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