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WotBS MrPereira's WOTBS D&D 3.5 Campaign (SPOILERS IN THE POSTS)


Wow. Do you and your players live in a retirement home? How do you have sp much free time? :-D

Sorry it didn't come together quite right. But congrats on fighting to the end!

Sometimes it feels like that when you wake up the day after a gaming session :) No, we have made a deal of prioritizing a gaming day once each 4 weeks (ideally that is, in reality it sometimes becomes less). We usually meet up at around 10 AM and stop around midnight +1-2 hours. We don't play full time, as we do spend time making a nice dinner etc. as well.

Is it popular at home? Not always :) but it is nice to be able to still play and have fun.

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Also, grats on making it through the whole AP! So... which of your characters became the new heart of the world? Or did your party go a totally different route? Or... do you simply don't wish to spoil that info yet?

Also, I know of two elves who would really appreciate the Shaaladel-statue and would gladly place it in their garden for decoration.

Killian the torchbearer sacrificed himself. The player was smiling all over his face when I told him about it. As he put it, he had a Gollum-like moment and would rather hold on to his precious torch than ever let go. And to end up like a Divine, saving the world on top of it, was the ultimate ending for the character.

I thought they would have loved to smash the statue in an "accident" as petty revenge. But Shaith showed remarkable constraint. He said that he did not feel he had hard prove of who burned down Innenotdar, although he was not in any doubt deep inside. But without prove he did not want to condemn Shaaladel, and he had no use for petty revenge, so he turned him back to life and let him live. I had not expected that.

I decided to let it be up to Killian whether or not Innenotdar could be brought back to life, since the living blade was dead. I thought that as a Divine he ought to have some say in the future. He told me, when he gave up his life, that he had no real feelings for Innenotdar, so he would consider it, but probably not bring it back. When Shaith saved Shaaladel; Killian had a change of heart. He felt that there was som good and compassion in Shaith and decided to reward him for his actions by bringing Innenotdar back to life.

Voidrunner's Codex

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