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D&D Movie/TV More information about Honor Among Thieves

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor! They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages. They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures...

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor!


  • They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages.
  • They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures for Wandavision.
  • They built 120 sets for the movie.
  • Paramount has the distrubtion rights for the whole world except for Canada and the UK, Hasbro/Eone has ths distribution rights for the UK and Canada.
  • They shot an active volcano.
  • People got so caught up in the movie, folks were in tears at times.
  • It did as well among women as men during test screenings, same with none D&D fans & D&D fans.
  • Led Zepplin songs are hard to get, you can't just throw money at them, they have to like the thing enough to let you use their songs, so this movie already has Led Zepplin seal of approval.
  • The movie has a lot of Easter Eggs.
  • They used D&D Beyond & FR Wiki a lot.
  • Justin Smith was really hard core into the D&D details for his sorcerer character.
  • Jean's paladin required a lot of training and apparently gave him the best butt his ever had (his words).
  • They made the characters contempory in some ways, like some times they question why certain things are the way they are, but not in ways inappropriate to the genre and setting.
  • This movie was clearly made by D&D fans.
  • They didn't design this movie with an eye towards future movies, beyond the fact of making as amazing as possible.
  • This was inspired by ironically the MCU where the foundation was created by 3 solid self contained movies. Latcham insisted on it.

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Doesn't Deadlands also have the problem of needing to make it clear that the ex-Confedarates aren't meant to be viewed as noble heroes of the lost cause? (An issue that Firefly has, in retrospect, for many people now. No, the Browncoats there weren't actually slave-holders, but there's a lot of call-outs that make it clear what a major inspiration for them was.)
Good point, I'd forgotten that rather dated and face-palm-y aspect of Deadlands. Well, there's always rugs to sweep these things under.

I think a bigger bar is that, aside from the 1960s Wild Wild West TV show, pretty much every movie/show that tries to do a magical or sci-fi take on the actual Old West turns out to be absolute drivel and a flop on top of that (with the possible exception of Bone Tomahawk, which I haven't seen but hear works decently). Whereas modern-day-set Westerns with supernatural themes often do well.

No more worried than they would be about a studio acquiring a D&D adjacent novel franchise (e.g. Riftwar). Same trappings, none of the brand recognition.
Yeah even if other studios decide to get in on RPG-inspired movies, I think it's going to be down largely to the quality of movies and the audience engagement with them, and they'll all have more of an uphill battle on brand recognition than D&D.


Good point, I'd forgotten that rather dated and face-palm-y aspect of Deadlands. Well, there's always rugs to sweep these things under.

I think a bigger bar is that, aside from the 1960s Wild Wild West TV show, pretty much every movie/show that tries to do a magical or sci-fi take on the actual Old West turns out to be absolute drivel and a flop on top of that (with the possible exception of Bone Tomahawk, which I haven't seen but hear works decently). Whereas modern-day-set Westerns with supernatural themes often do well.

I thought Brisco County Jr. Was fun (if nothing else, its theme song had a great second life...).
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Interview with the Music composer for Honor Among Thieves, as well as Black Adam and Top Gun: Maverick.


Not surprised that the composer was a gamer. I swear, so many musicians I've met and gigged with used to play or played D&D.

Interview with the Music composer for Honor Among Thieves, as well as Black Adam and Top Gun: Maverick.


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