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D&D Movie/TV More information about Honor Among Thieves

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor! They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages. They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures...

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor!


  • They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages.
  • They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures for Wandavision.
  • They built 120 sets for the movie.
  • Paramount has the distrubtion rights for the whole world except for Canada and the UK, Hasbro/Eone has ths distribution rights for the UK and Canada.
  • They shot an active volcano.
  • People got so caught up in the movie, folks were in tears at times.
  • It did as well among women as men during test screenings, same with none D&D fans & D&D fans.
  • Led Zepplin songs are hard to get, you can't just throw money at them, they have to like the thing enough to let you use their songs, so this movie already has Led Zepplin seal of approval.
  • The movie has a lot of Easter Eggs.
  • They used D&D Beyond & FR Wiki a lot.
  • Justin Smith was really hard core into the D&D details for his sorcerer character.
  • Jean's paladin required a lot of training and apparently gave him the best butt his ever had (his words).
  • They made the characters contempory in some ways, like some times they question why certain things are the way they are, but not in ways inappropriate to the genre and setting.
  • This movie was clearly made by D&D fans.
  • They didn't design this movie with an eye towards future movies, beyond the fact of making as amazing as possible.
  • This was inspired by ironically the MCU where the foundation was created by 3 solid self contained movies. Latcham insisted on it.

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So... Which movie will Drizzt appear in? Is it one of the base movies or the one where they team up to fight the SuperBBEG. Maybe he is the DMNPC leader of the super team.

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One piece of information from the official blue ribbon D&D twitter account is tye D&D movie got over 100 million views in 48 hours. If the D&D movie made $10 from each of those views it'd have billion dollars. I think alot of folks are under estimating how much money this movie will make.
What exactly did they say, though?

Because their own pinned trailer tweet has 11.1 million views, not 100m+. And the official D&D movie trailer has 17.7m views on YouTube (can probably add another 1m from the Australia version too).

Whereas if we look at Wakanda Forever, the first trailer has 40m views on YouTube, and the more recent one (two weeks ago) has 27m.

Avatar: The Way of Water, which some people claim "has no fans" and "nobody wants" has 25m views on YouTube on the official teaser trailer.

Violent Night, the "Santa Die Hard" movie trailer from 2 weeks ago has 29m views on YouTube! Obviously that's meme-y/dank as hell, and benefiting from that, but it's still quite a lot more in a lot shorter period. And I don't think that movie will actually do that well (just like Snakes on a Plane didn't).

So I think you might want to double-check the claim they were making (I can't find it in their Tweets myself - be interested if you can link it). If we're looking at say, just YouTube trailer views as an indicator of level of interest in a movie, and level of likely ticket sales, then we're looking at numbers that definitely indicate a successful movie, but not one that's going to be blowing minds with its box-office take.

The big difficulty here is the international factor. If this movie is big outside the US, the total take could be wild. But that is very hard to predict (even for the studios themselves), and generally the smarter and more witty the movie, the less well it does internationally, and the dumber and louder it is, the better it does (with some notable exceptions).

But if HAT makes significantly more than $400m international I will be very surprised - here are 2022's international grosses: 2022 Worldwide Box Office

My guess is it does in the $200-300m range, which will be nice, and a success, but won't necessarily guarantee further D&D movies. It's also possible it'll just go absolutely nuclear, but I'd be surprised, given current apparent levels of interest.


Unknown so far, a cameo in Honor Among Thieves is possible, but unconfirmed.
I guess if they are running around Neverwinter area they might go to Gauntlgrym and see Drizzt and Bruennor. My post was a bit of sarcasm in hoping they do not put them in the movies, but fans may want them.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
As I remember, early D&D didn't have much in the way of Christianity-inspired "angels". The few celestials in the early stuff where from other cultures, such as coatls and ki-rin. Devas, etc, seemed to come in in 2nd edition, or at least towards the end of 1st.
Coatls and ki-rin were in the AD&D Monster Manual 1, and Devas (which in name weren't angels, due to Gygax's objections, as expressed in Dragon magazine) were in Monster Manual II. All AD&D, all before Gygax had permanently left the building.

Coatls and ki-rin were in the AD&D Monster Manual 1, and Devas (which in name weren't angels, due to Gygax's objections, as expressed in Dragon magazine) were in Monster Manual II. All AD&D, all before Gygax had permanently left the building.
But not Gygax's creations, and long after The Other Guy had left the building.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
What exactly did they say, though?

Because their own pinned trailer tweet has 11.1 million views, not 100m+. And the official D&D movie trailer has 17.7m views on YouTube (can probably add another 1m from the Australia version too).

Whereas if we look at Wakanda Forever, the first trailer has 40m views on YouTube, and the more recent one (two weeks ago) has 27m.

Avatar: The Way of Water, which some people claim "has no fans" and "nobody wants" has 25m views on YouTube on the official teaser trailer.

Violent Night, the "Santa Die Hard" movie trailer from 2 weeks ago has 29m views on YouTube! Obviously that's meme-y/dank as hell, and benefiting from that, but it's still quite a lot more in a lot shorter period. And I don't think that movie will actually do that well (just like Snakes on a Plane didn't).

So I think you might want to double-check the claim they were making (I can't find it in their Tweets myself - be interested if you can link it). If we're looking at say, just YouTube trailer views as an indicator of level of interest in a movie, and level of likely ticket sales, then we're looking at numbers that definitely indicate a successful movie, but not one that's going to be blowing minds with its box-office take.

The big difficulty here is the international factor. If this movie is big outside the US, the total take could be wild. But that is very hard to predict (even for the studios themselves), and generally the smarter and more witty the movie, the less well it does internationally, and the dumber and louder it is, the better it does (with some notable exceptions).

But if HAT makes significantly more than $400m international I will be very surprised - here are 2022's international grosses: 2022 Worldwide Box Office

My guess is it does in the $200-300m range, which will be nice, and a success, but won't necessarily guarantee further D&D movies. It's also possible it'll just go absolutely nuclear, but I'd be surprised, given current apparent levels of interest.
The 100 million views was "on all channels" iirc, which because of the way they did the launch was on the Paramount controlled social and YouTube, and the Wizards controlled social (and this was spread across a few different sub-brands) and YouTube, and the eOne controlled social and YouTube. They didn't have a unified plan where everyone was sharing the same vid, instead they uploaded it on each channel.

I'll take the over on 400m. 2022 is not a great predictor for 2023 movie gate as the two countries that most fund movie gate still both had restrictions (China still does) on indoor gathering.

The 100 million views was "on all channels" iirc, which because of the way they did the launch was on the Paramount controlled social and YouTube, and the Wizards controlled social (and this was spread across a few different sub-brands) and YouTube, and the eOne controlled social and YouTube. They didn't have a unified plan where everyone was sharing the same vid, instead they uploaded it on each channel.

I'll take the over on 400m. 2022 is not a great predictor for 2023 movie gate as the two countries that most fund movie gate still both had restrictions (China still does) on indoor gathering.
I'm pretty skeptical of the 100m views, because I'm seeing stuff like eOne UK and Paramount Australia and stuff on YouTube, and they just don't have that many views - 937k and 1m each. WotC's D&D channel version, which has WotC people introducing it has 437k views and so on. I think if you add them all together you might get over 20m, but not near 25m.

Even adding in Twitter stuff (which seems to universally have lower views, for the obvious reason that Twitter video is hideously compressed and anyone sane just goes and watches it on YouTube) I'm really not seeing how that's going to end up adding up to 100m views, and I suspect if we applied similar metrics to other movies we'd also be seeing pretty exaggerated numbers of them.

Re: $400m, if it does that, it'll likely get a sequel. If it goes over $600m as essentially a new franchise, Hollywood heads will snapping around and I think we might even see OTHER TTRPGs get movies at that point as people try to "cash in" on it. Honestly quite a few TTRPG franchises are sort of begging to have movies made of them.

I'm pretty skeptical of the 100m views, because I'm seeing stuff like eOne UK and Paramount Australia and stuff on YouTube, and they just don't have that many views - 937k and 1m each. WotC's D&D channel version, which has WotC people introducing it has 437k views and so on. I think if you add them all together you might get over 20m, but not near 25m.

Even adding in Twitter stuff (which seems to universally have lower views, for the obvious reason that Twitter video is hideously compressed and anyone sane just goes and watches it on YouTube) I'm really not seeing how that's going to end up adding up to 100m views, and I suspect if we applied similar metrics to other movies we'd also be seeing pretty exaggerated numbers of them.

Re: $400m, if it does that, it'll likely get a sequel. If it goes over $600m as essentially a new franchise, Hollywood heads will snapping around and I think we might even see OTHER TTRPGs get movies at that point as people try to "cash in" on it. Honestly quite a few TTRPG franchises are sort of begging to have movies made of them.

Here is the post, it's a blue check mark account. My guess is an algorithm searched youtube for all postings of the trailer, and counting each postings views. Not all views were through Paramount's English YouTube channel. It likely got posted in Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, etc..., just a hypothesis.

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