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Fire! (Dunamin judging)


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Soldier picks a brasscolored plate armor as he is impressed with Solons plate performance then he heads to the Tavern to rejoin his friends.

[sblock=OOC]WOOHOO!!! LEVEL UP!! Second level here I come![/sblock]
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For the initial skill challenge, we had 5 people doing a level 1 skill challenge (100 XP each) and 4 doing a level 2 challenge (125 XP each). Total is 5*100+4*125=1000 XP. Divided 9 ways that's 111 XP each.

The final battle (everyone but Solitaire) had:

Gnome Arsonist: L3 Elite controller (leader) = 300 XP
8 Fire Beetles: L1 Brute, 100 XP each = 800 XP
2 Imps: L3 Lurker, 150 XP each = 300 XP
Total: 1400 XP (divided 8 ways is 175 XP each)

Time XP:
Solitaire played from April 13 to May 13: 1 month's time XP (83 XP)
Everyone else played from April 13 to July 17: 3 month's time XP (249 XP for L1 players, 312 XP for L2 players)

Roleplaying XP:
Soldier gets 33 XP for giving up the jewelled warforged toy (why 33? The toy was worth 25 gp, which is 40% of one month's time gold at level 1; 33 XP is 40% of one month's time XP)
Solon and Goeth get 66 XP each for catching the looters and turning them over to the authorities (each was offered a 50 gp bribe, which they gave up, which is twice what Soldier got)
Kama'zer gets 50 XP for offering to split the chest of slaver gold with the slavers' victims

Total XP rewards (includes time XP):
Solitaire: 111+83 = 194 XP
Soldier: 111+175+249+33 = 568 XP
Galinndan: 111+175+249 = 535 XP
Solon: 111+175+249+66 = 601 XP
Goeth: 111+175+249+66 = 601 XP
Kama'zer: 111+175+312+50 = 649 XP
Mri'Thas: 111+175+312 = 598 XP
Callen: 111+175+312 = 598 XP
Ts'iri: 111+175+312 = 598 XP

The mayor awards you 225 gp each (including Solitaire).

You also get time gold, which represents the discounts the grateful merchants give you while shopping in this quarter. Solitaire gets 62 gp worth of discounts (1 month); the other level 1 characters get 186 gp worth of discounts (3 months); the level 2 characters get 267 gp worth of discounts (3 months). This is pretty abstract: just add that much gold to your character sheet and assume it's the amount you managed to save. I guess some people just have more opportunites to spend money before the merchants' gratitude runs out, or manage to find more grateful merchants, or something.

The following is the items held by each character at the end of the adventure. You're free to trade these (and your award from the mayor) among yourselves. (To be clear, I only have so much listed under Mri'Thas because he physically found it - I'm assuming you'll demand a cut):

Soldier gets a free suit of non-masterwork armour from the PHB (up to 50 gp value).
Galinndan and Callen found a platinum piece (100 gp value), and it's up to them to decide who's carrying it or if they're trading it to a merchant and splitting the value.
Solon has a broken violin (no value).
Goeth has a healing potion.
Kama'zer has a healing potion.
Mri'Thas has a chest of 100 gp worth of residuum, a healing poition, a non-magical wand, the alchemical formula for Alchemist's Fire (70 gp value - for this item only, you can get full price for it from one of the merchants), and a pinch of Flame Rose (200 gp value, but can only be sold for 1/5 that price).
Ts'iri has a healing potion.

Total gold and items (includes time gold):
Solitaire: 225+62 = 287 gp
Soldier: 225+186 = 411 gp, suit of armour
Galinndan: 225+186 = 411 gp, 1 pp (shared with Callen)
Solon: 225+186 = 411 gp, broken violin
Goeth: 225+186 = 411 gp, healing potion
Kama'zer: 225+267 = 492 gp, healing potion
Mri'Thas: 225+267 = 492 gp, 100 gp worth of residuum, healing potion, non-magical wand, alchemical formula for Alchemist's Fire (can be sold for 70 gp), Flame Rose (can be sold for 40 gp)
Callen: 225+267 = 492 gp, 1 pp (shared with Galinndan)
Ts'iri: 225+267 = 492 gp, healing potion

[sblock=About the treasure balance]
I originally intended to award everyone about equal treasure, giving each person something personalized during the skill challenge. It turns out I didn't get opportunity to hand out something equal to everyone. But also, there's been a lot of talk recently about how DM's should check their characters' sheets to see if they're behind where they should be, and give them extra if so. So I decided I'd give the L1 characters about 50 gp extra, and L2 characters about enough to make up the difference if they were behind where they should be. (And everyone who was offered a reward and gave it up gets equivalent XP instead.) Here's how it works out with the split I was envisioning, although you guys can choose to trade things differently:

Soldier: 25 gp figurine, free scale mail
Galinndan: 50 gp (half a platinum piece)
Solon: 50 gp bribe
Goeth: 50 gp bribe

L2 chars should have 952 gp worth of stuff
Kama'zer is already 248 over, which is why I had the chest of gold stolen and gave 50 XP instead
Mri'Thas is 172 under: 100 gp worth of residuum, 70 gp value alchemical formula
Callen is 172 under: 50 gp (half a platinum piece), 200 gp value Flame Rose
Ts'iri is 12 under: nothing needed

So assuming Callen takes the Flame Rose since he's the only one with fire-based spells, he comes out slightly ahead (since I'd already awarded him half a platinum, and I couldn't find anything I wanted to give him worth 120). If Galinndan keeps the entire platinum piece instead, he comes out 50 gp ahead and callen comes out about 25 gp ahead. Maybe you guys can find a more satisfying way to split this up, it's up to you.

Veeery elaborate and carefully planned, Joe. I note that Kama'zer's XP adds up to 648 rather than 649, but far be it for me to take 1 single point of XP from a player. ;)

Congratulations, guys!


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Galinndan thanks Mayor Brunt for the generous reward and begins to make his way through the crowd. He sees Callen and offers him 50gp for his share of the 1 platinum piece. "If you feel this is an acceptable share for the platinum piece I would very much like to keep it as a souvenir of our adventure", Galinndan says to Callen. After Galinndan gets Callen's response (whatever it is) he begins to make his way to the Hanged Man to join his comrades in a celebration drink. "The first round of Ale's on me fellow adventurers! Come join me at the Tavern", shouts Galinndan. Then Galinndan heads off to the tavern to tell his tale to anyone who will listen.

[sblock=OOC]Thanks a ton for the great adventure JoeNotCharles! I had a great time and I thought you did a great job DM'ing.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Post Mortem]
Glad you all had fun! I thought it worked out really well.

The last encounter wasn't nearly as tough as I was expecting - sure, Soldier almost died, but after that it was a cakewalk. I'd heard that Fire Beetles were overpowered for their level, so I figured that an encounter 4 levels above you guys, mostly made out of them and an Elite, would be pretty tough. But it turns out they do a lot of DAMAGE for their level, but they needed some heavier support to be a lasting threat.

Also, I messed up the Gnome a couple of times - I didn't notice until halfway through the fight that Startling Glamour was a minor action, so he could have been using it to slide people into the beetles' blast zones as well as attacking, which would have been AWESOME. As it was I mostly ignored it in favour of the more damaging attacks until it was too late. Then I got Fey Step and Fade Away mixed up and thought he'd used both already, so I let him take a bunch of damage without going invisible.

So I probably could have made it a bit tougher, but still - those potions really weren't needed at all.


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I'd heard that Fire Beetles were overpowered for their level
They can suck REALLY bad. It all depends how often they recharge and if they can keep everyone in their attack area. I've seen parties die when lucky beetles were combined with a small enclosed space. :.-(

I'm just glad our beetles weren't all that lucky. ;)

Another creature that's bad is the guardian drake. By themselves they are fine but have two of them together? Their d10+9 attack tears through people like a hot knife through butter. Last time I met two of them, I lost 35 out of my 40 hp before I got my first action.


First Post
Yeah, there were three turns in a row at the end where I was just begging for one of the two in the corridor to finally recharge - nope.


Thanks for the great game JNC, I had a lot of fun especially in the last encounter. Callen will take his share of the coin but offers to share a ritual or two with Galinndan. Callen will front the cost of the ritual as it is scribed into Galinndan's spellbook. That is if he has any that Galinndan wants.

wee now to plot out 3rd level!

Voidrunner's Codex

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