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WotBS Errata for WotBS #1


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Inconsistency: on page 11, Torrent suggests taking shelter in a nearby temple to a god of music and revelry. On page 12, Torrent guides the party to a nearby temple of the Order of the Aquiline Cross.

The latter seems better suited to the grim mood with priests tending the wounded and demoralized.

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Scene 5 on page 12 doesn't introduce the warehouse. What and where is this warehouse? The jump from the monologue to the tactical encounter is sudden and requires fleshing out.

Page 45 mentions some windows and holes in the wall by the inside doorway. I don't see these windows marked on the map, and I'm unsure what the inside doorway refers to.

Page 46 first refers to the pseudodragon and then to "the drake". This is ambiguous and should probably refer to pseudodragon only.


First Post
Scene 6 on page 13 mentions that Torrent is still gone and Rivereye is recuperating and in the safe house. This seems contrary to the monologue on page 12 that mentions that Torrent is leaving together with Rivereye.


Hi, Thanks for all the input. It's amazing how a inconsistencies can creep in beween draughts of green tea with ginseng and pomegranate smoothies!

I'm looking into the art stuff on Monday, so the windows and such should be cleaned up.

The other items will also be investigated.

Page 46 first refers to the pseudodragon and then to "the drake". This is ambiguous and should probably refer to pseudodragon only.

According to the MM 'A Pseudodragon is a fickle drake with a poisonous sting.' pg. 91. I'm not sure there needs to be a correction for that.


A few other things that I have spotted while reading WotBS #1:

On Page 3, the alley on the right side of the Poison Apple Pub is described as “the alley is blocked at the end by refuse and broken furniture”. However the maps on Page 5 and 39 do not show this large pile of refuse blocking this alley.

Page 16, can the statblock for Kurychek the imp be added, instead of just referencing an external book?

On page 40, Kathor is described as wearing Full Plate, but it is missing from his listed Equipment.

On page 40, the trigger for the collapsing ceiling trap is listed as “Roll 1d6”. When is this 1d6 rolled? At the beginning of the round? Or, is the trap’s initiative rolled at the beginning of the combat, and the 1d6 rolled then, and then a new initiative step of when the ceiling actually falls rolled afterwards?

Page 41, could the statblock for the Riding Horse be included in the PDF? I like to see all the details I need for an encounter shown, without the need to flip through other reference books, particularly since this horse will quite likely be involved in combat.

Page 43, The map for the Third Floor should swap which stairs are shown as going up vs. down. The stairs going up from the Second Level is in the NE corner of the room, so the Third Level should show stairs going down in this same location.


Stat blocks are funny things. so is artwork.

The imp is an oversight and I would play him as fleeing the minute a combat starts. Let him use his Vanish power and go away. His stats were left out originally for GSL reasons and then time got away from us before they could be massaged into an acceptable form.
The warhorse was a similar deal except that there are a TON of stat blocks for that encounter already. Not everyone would encounter Kathor, so the horse was dropped to keep everyone from being overwhelmed with stat blocks.

On Kathor's Armor. I have a bug in my stat block maker program. need to fix that for equipment.

On the art. The Pub art was originally done by Sean McDonald and very little was done to change it - thus no alleyway changes.

The map on page 43 is unchanged from Sean's original work - never noticed the issue before.

How to run the Collapsing Ceiling
The 1d6 roll should be made at the beginning of the combat round to see if it will collapse. If it will, roll Initiative right then. The current initiative step is used to start a countdown to when the ceiling actually collapses. If the hazard's initiative is higher than anyone else's Initiative step, the ceiling will come down quickly and with little warning. If the roll is lower than anyone else's step, the ceiling groans and shifts visibly until its Initiative step. Any character acting in between the time of triggering and collapsing will be able to notice the collapsing timbers and judge where things will land. He should be able to avoid being attacked by it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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