• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Critical Role Critical Role's New Show - Exandria Unlimited!

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited. "Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack...

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited.


"Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack nearly 30 years later."

The show features Matt Mercer (as a player not DM), Aabria Iyenger (who will be the DM for this show), Aimee Carrero (who currently plays She-Ra), Robbie Daymond (voice of Marvel's animated Spider-man), Ashley Johnson (co-founder of Critical Role), and Liam O'Brien (also from the main Critical Role show).

I am so hyped for this!


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He's apparently super professional while working and just a goofass on the show
It's easy to assume he's a fool because he plays it so well. But he's surprisingly smart and knows what he's doing
We are (all) far too quick to assume a lack of competence, discipline, or good intent from people who make jokes, might be overweight, or don't conform visually. It's so socialized into me I have to catch myself. 🤯

I would much rather have a legacy of making people smile, than a legacy of being stoic.

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We are (all) far too quick to assume a lack of competence, discipline, or good intent from people who make jokes, might be overweight, or don't conform visually. It's so socialized into me I have to catch myself. 🤯

I would much rather have a legacy of making people smile, than a legacy of being stoic.
Why not both?


Last time they revealed sub numbers they were at 20,000 or $50,000 a month. Some of that going to bills and studio space (likely half)
Critters guestinate they're around 40,000 subs now
That's $75,000 for the cast and crew
Probably $3-4,000 each per month
Plus ad revenue (dndbeyond.com and one other plus a couple during the break), merch sales, licensing deals for Pops, comics, novels and miniatures
They're likely doing quite well

For some (Sam, Liam, Tal) it's their side hustle. A thousand bucks for four hours "work" goofing with friends
For others it's more of a main job. Laura really focuses on the merch, Travis manages the business while Marisha is a producer and Ashley does the charity. But even then, Tal and Liam took point on the art books
Sam does feel like he does less with the brand. But he's also the one with the more successful day job, being an Emmy award winner
I believe your sub numbers are under by a bit. Further, they're likely getting more than the typical 50%. Even at 50%, their 45+K subs is about $115K per month. The estimates Youtube (alone) revenue numbers are another $25K estimated per month. Beyond that, they sell considerable merchandise, and likely are getting a decent penny off of things like the Wildemount book and minis. They have a cast and crew who have other jobs as well, but I think they're seeing their profits increase on a regular basis. I would be surprised if the cast are not averaging $100K from Critical Role in 2021, and would not be shocked if it was double, triple or more than that. And that is with a lot of other people in their cast collecting reasonable paychecks.

We've seen parts of their homes from the 'from home' shows they did over the past year. They're doing well.

However, the cash cow has to be the Legend of Vox Machina. The majority of the amount raised offset production costs, so there is going to be a huge profit margin for that show if it hits big, and I expect it will. The amount they raised allowed them to make the show without giving up equity. In essence, that money was free money that goes to production and removes downstream profit participation by others leaving more revenue for them. If it hits huge, it would quickly massively change their lifestyles.

All of them spend a lot of time working on the show in different ways.

And in terms of their success in their non-CR careers - they're all quite accomplished and well paid for their recognizable names and voices. Laura has won 3 BAFTA game awards, for example. They can all choose when and where to work these days, rather than begging for jobs.

I believe your sub numbers are under by a bit. Further, they're likely getting more than the typical 50%. Even at 50%, their 45+K subs is about $115K per month. The estimates Youtube (alone) revenue numbers are another $25K estimated per month. Beyond that, they sell considerable merchandise, and likely are getting a decent penny off of things like the Wildemount book and minis. They have a cast and crew who have other jobs as well, but I think they're seeing their profits increase on a regular basis. I would be surprised if the cast are not averaging $100K from Critical Role in 2021, and would not be shocked if it was double, triple or more than that. And that is with a lot of other people in their cast collecting reasonable paychecks.

We've seen parts of their homes from the 'from home' shows they did over the past year. They're doing well.

However, the cash cow has to be the Legend of Vox Machina. The majority of the amount raised offset production costs, so there is going to be a huge profit margin for that show if it hits big, and I expect it will. The amount they raised allowed them to make the show without giving up equity. In essence, that money was free money that goes to production and removes downstream profit participation by others leaving more revenue for them. If it hits huge, it would quickly massively change their lifestyles.

All of them spend a lot of time working on the show in different ways.

And in terms of their success in their non-CR careers - they're all quite accomplished and well paid for their recognizable names and voices. Laura has won 3 BAFTA game awards, for example. They can all choose when and where to work these days, rather than begging for jobs.
That site is weird
It says they're at 45,367 subs but looking below it also says they're at 22,302 for June 2021
(also, what the heck happened after June 2019 when they went from 48,000 to 23,000??)

The cast also isn't keeping all of the monthly $140k you estimate
They have two dozen people working for them: The Team | Critical Role
Some of them might even get paid more because it's their fulltime gig not something they do on the side

And THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA isn't paying them much. They're working for scale on that. The funding for that is going to the animation teams

And, yes, they're all ridiculously well off compared to plebeians like you or I
Matt might as well start the show by saying "Welcome to CRITICAL ROLE, where a bunch of us nerdy-ass one-percenters play Dungeons and Dragons"


And THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA isn't paying them much. They're working for scale on that. The funding for that is going to the animation teams
I think the suggestion is that it will be paying them a lot, in the future. Basically, the Kickstarter provided all the funds they needed in order to fully produce the series and make a modest profit on it, so if that's all they'd done it'd have been a success.

But the show's been picked up for streaming by Amazon, which basically means that whatever revenue they get from that will effectively be free money, at least for the initial seasons whose production is already fully-funded.


That site is weird
It says they're at 45,367 subs but looking below it also says they're at 22,302 for June 2021
(also, what the heck happened after June 2019 when they went from 48,000 to 23,000??)
A lot of their subs are monthly. And June 2019 was the move to their own channel.
The cast also isn't keeping all of the monthly $140k you estimate
No, but note that that was just Twitch + Youtube. Not the merchandising or other revenue streams. Their merchandise is not cheap, and they sell a lot of it. The 'at least $100K (likely X2, X3 or more) factors in the rest of it. They started doing merchandise for the fans. It was small relative to the size of the audience - and they sold out of it within 6 minutes of it being announced. If you rewatch the show, pay attention to how they discuss the merchandise over time. It evolves QUICKLY in early campaign 1. $ $ $ $ $.
And THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA isn't paying them much. They're working for scale on that. The funding for that is going to the animation teams.
Up front, yes. However, profit participation is pretty much all them. So, if the show fizzles and is dropped from streaming in a year or two they'll come out with little. If they get multiple seasons that play in perpetuity and get to claim all the profits themselves... It could be massive. They were saved in the ballpark of $10M on their production costs. That money will eventually find a way back to their pockets if they are moderately successful.
If it is a massive success, which many indicators point it to being, they could be earning a lot off of it. I expect a few of them will be moving to new homes in 2023.
And, yes, they're all ridiculously well off compared to plebeians like you or I
Pshaw. We're just highly invested in illiquid miniatures futures and board game derivatives.
Matt might as well start the show by saying "Welcome to CRITICAL ROLE, where a bunch of us nerdy-ass one-percenters play Dungeons and Dragons"
They have larger bank accounts and larger incomes - but half of them are people that rose up, mostly from struggling families, to create middle class lifestyles as voice actors before rising to the positions of relative wealth they have now. The other half seem pretty all-right people. Power corrupts, money is power, blah blah ... but it isn't instantaneous and they all seem like good enough folk. Except Sam. Evil.

I think the suggestion is that it will be paying them a lot, in the future. Basically, the Kickstarter provided all the funds they needed in order to fully produce the series and make a modest profit on it, so if that's all they'd done it'd have been a success.

But the show's been picked up for streaming by Amazon, which basically means that whatever revenue they get from that will effectively be free money, at least for the initial seasons whose production is already fully-funded.
Pick-up by Amazon Prime means Amazon is paying for the production of season 2 and 3 rather than Kickstarter. And probably gave them extra money for the rights
But it also means if it does well in terms of ratings and ad revenue, that goes to Amazon not them
They're not going to get much more from the show in the future apart from the paychecks for doing the VO in later seasons. And maybe some extra cash if Amazon chooses to renew for a season 4 or 5

The cartoon really just becomes advertising for their merch and the stream. If it attracts a wider audience, then they make more money. If it's only watched by existing fans it's a small bonus

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