• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Critical Role Critical Role's New Show - Exandria Unlimited!

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited. "Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack...

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited.


"Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack nearly 30 years later."

The show features Matt Mercer (as a player not DM), Aabria Iyenger (who will be the DM for this show), Aimee Carrero (who currently plays She-Ra), Robbie Daymond (voice of Marvel's animated Spider-man), Ashley Johnson (co-founder of Critical Role), and Liam O'Brien (also from the main Critical Role show).

I am so hyped for this!


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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I don't know. I've seen all sorts of dangerous things in tunnels like Jaguars, Mustangs, Vipers, Barracudas, Stingrays, Cobras, Firebirds, Cougars and Raptors.
True, but those aren't usually things you would need to talk to the DM about. That would be a call to Maintenance or to Animal Control (the modern Adventurer's Guild). ;-)
But what fell sorcery narrowed the tunnel? And did they explore cost savings for tunnel construction via charming a purple worm, using disintegrate, hiring a few apprentices with mold earth, or the use of a Sphere of Annihilation?
Oh man, I would love to have a real-life Disintegrate spell, or a Mold Earth spell. That would make my job so much easier.

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I have a feeling this show makes a lot of money and they are all getting a piece of it
Last time they revealed sub numbers they were at 20,000 or $50,000 a month. Some of that going to bills and studio space (likely half)
Critters guestinate they're around 40,000 subs now
That's $75,000 for the cast and crew
Probably $3-4,000 each per month
Plus ad revenue (dndbeyond.com and one other plus a couple during the break), merch sales, licensing deals for Pops, comics, novels and miniatures
They're likely doing quite well

For some (Sam, Liam, Tal) it's their side hustle. A thousand bucks for four hours "work" goofing with friends
For others it's more of a main job. Laura really focuses on the merch, Travis manages the business while Marisha is a producer and Ashley does the charity. But even then, Tal and Liam took point on the art books
Sam does feel like he does less with the brand. But he's also the one with the more successful day job, being an Emmy award winner

To me, this just seems like a business decision. Critical Role started as a show on someone else's network. Then it became a show on their network. Now they want to spin off new shows to grow their network. I mean, why would they do anything else?


He's apparently super professional while working and just a goofass on the show
It's easy to assume he's a fool because he plays it so well. But he's surprisingly smart and knows what he's doing
Even in game, he often makes some pretty smart moves. He's goofing because it's a game, which I respect. He's winding down.

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