• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

ZEITGEIST BSI: Bosum Strand Irregulars


formerly roadtoad
Man, I'd already forgotten about the omnibear. I'm kinda amazed the Gidim took them down. Go go mind monsters!

What's the party roster now?

They just reached 10th level in 5e.

We have:
Cazara: Tabaxi Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
IronPeak: Goliath Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Alienor: Tiefling Fighter/Rogue (Battlemaster/Assassin)
Summer/Kasvarina/"Sassvarina": Eladrin Bard (College of Lore)
Ms. Gear: Warforged Wizard (Abjurer)

Alienor has a disgusting sniper build that can drop an average of ~130 damage on a surprised foe, but she hasn't had the chance to set it up yet. Cazara very-slightly rebuilt as Tabaxi (from Shifter) when Volo's came out.

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formerly roadtoad
How are you planning to handle leveling through the last few adventures in 5e?

Well, I realized too late that I had them several levels below where I wanted them. My first feeling was to level after each of the 8 major challenges presented by Adventures 10 & 11. But the Titans are all parts of one act, while the foreign problems are each an act unto themselves, so the balance felt off. I'm thinking of leveling them after each foreign problem. They just finished Ursaliña and made 10. I had Benedict Pemberton come swooping in on his airship as the jumped out of the self-destructing Leviathan. They're off to Granny Allswell next and then probably Axis Island and Drakr. Another level after Drakr feels right, since they probably won't face the Danoran fleet at Axis Island.

Since I'm adapting everything anyway, the levels don't matter too much. I just try to adapt things to fit their level. Still getting used to the balance there (see owlbear TPK), but thankfully Nicodemus had me covered there with the auto-stabilization. They probably won't make 20 at this rate. I'd like them to at least make 17 so the casters have 9th level spells. I may also just warp them to 20 for the final adventure or encounter, just so they get all of their class features.


formerly roadtoad
When last we left our intrepid Duchess-Constables, they had been taken prisoner by the Gidim in Ursaliña.

Cazara escaped the prison and headed toward the Bards' College, where she suspected the Gidim base to be. She managed to find her way to a tunnel leading down to a strange sphincter which led into a large bio-ship. Outside the ship, there was a great pile of discarded equipment: guns, armor, entire warforged wizards, etc. She revived Ms. Gear and the two of them gathered up everyone's gear (except the Crown of Risur, which was missing) and -- through Cazara's memories of Xambria's memories of Sijhen's memories --were able to convince the Gidim bio-ship that they were Gidim thralls who were authorized to enter.

Once inside, they proceeded along a fleshy tunnel that led to a larger cargo bay / mouth area. Gear made them both invisible and they snuck further into the biological vessel, which resembled a whale, or at least what one would expect a whale to look like from the inside. Traveling down a throat-like hallway, they came upon a sort of vivisection chamber. The unconscious form of Summer was laid out on a table wearing only a simple gray garment. Various tubes and tentacles had connected themselves to her body.

Gear and Cazara were able to reverse-engineer the connection process and revive Summer. However, they remained invisible, causing Summer to have a bit of a crisis as she tried to determine whether she was hallucinating or not. They got her cleaned up and began to explore the experimentation/medical area of the ship, where they found Alienor hanging inside a chamber in the wall. Gear managed to order the Gidim tentacles to deliver her to the "operating table" and also disconnect her from the ship. IronPeak was similarly freed. However, the king was not happy that her crown had not been recovered.

The group explored further into the titanic beast. They found a large control-room chamber. In that chamber was a ten-foot-tall pillar that was projecting a semi-translucent image of the entire city of Ursaliña. Beyond that pillar were many eye-like displays showing various areas around the ship and city. Near all of these controls was a single, somehow-familiar Gidim, holding the Crown of Risur.

"Hello," said Sijhen into their heads. "I am ready to negotiate the surrender of Risur."

When the various Duchesses who had met Sijhen mentioned that he had died, he explained that you could not kill a thought. This did not stop the group from trying. Sijhen's terms were that IronPeak would surrender control of the nation, and in exchange the Gidim would allow the entire nation to live. The Gidim would treat the people of Risur as their most favored livestock, keeping them alive for the purpose of consuming their thoughts. When tempers flared, Sijhen commented that they Duchesses were thinking delicious thoughts even now.

The negotiations were over. As the Duchesses attacked, Sijhen kept splitting into duplicates. Alienor used some grenades to seal the two entrances to the room, keeping Gidim reinforcements from arriving, but Sijhen was doing his best to be an army of his own. That all ended once Alienor broke out her repeating musket. She was able to keep Sijhen down to no more than two copies of himself at once. Cazara avoided the fight and tried to steal the large projecting rod from the center of the control room. Unfortunately, she lost control of her mind at this point and instead tried to attack IronPeak, which was mostly ineffective. The ship started to move out into the air above Ursaliña, flying higher into the dark sky as the fight progressed.

Eventually, the Duchesses prevailed and Gear was able to identify the large rod as a detector of planar energies. The group felt they might need this powerful piece of Gidim technology and removed it from its place, causing the Gidim ship to initiate its self-destruct sequence. Since Alienor had sealed the only entrances to the room, the group had to get creative. They worked out that the display panels were actually at the base of numerous eye stalks. Hacking their way into and through these muscular tubes, the were able to cut their way to the outside of the ship before it exploded.

Unfortunately, most of the Duchesses had used up their Jaunt abilities in the fight with Sijhen and could not easily escape from the ship. Fortunately, a flying ship swooped under them and they were able to jump down to the deck where they were greeted by Benedict Pemberton and his pantsless gnoll sidekick, Pardo.


formerly roadtoad
We have an important, nearly-live update from the Golden Legion Command Center on Egalitrix, where the Duchesses have crashed a stolen skiff into a diabolical conference room:

crash a meeting.jpg
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formerly roadtoad
I missed it. How did it turn out? Anyone sucked into a golden mirror and turned evil?

We actually had to cut the session in the middle of the combat.

Alienor snuck past a bunch of mirrors invisibly, so there was no reflection. Gear just got chained up and will be dragged to the mirrors at the start of next session. She tried to become a Lich in Ravenloft, so the player is ready to join the Golden Legion as well.

Cazara and Chyak are just doing wire-fu at each other while Paelyrion tries to duel Summer and IronPeak throws Pit Fiends around.

They brought Sargon of Uggat, whose father was the cup-bearer to Ur-Zababa along. He ditched them before the crash to raid the treasury. Paelyrion then dumped a chunk of treasury on top of Rock Rackus (killing him, but for Rock's naivete). the little mummy popped out of that pile of gold and disappeared again. He'll probably be handy in case this very bad frontal-assault-with-no-support plan goes TPK-shaped. :)

Gotta do a summary write-up taking us from Adventure 10 to Adventure 12. It's just too hard to remember details 6 months down the line, unfortunately. :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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