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ZEITGEIST BSI: Bosum Strand Irregulars


formerly roadtoad
To the Vineyard! (and beyond)

Putting aside the trepidation they felt after the complications at the Crypt, the constables continued to the Quital Vineyard. There they asked the building, the objects therein, and the help for information on Leone Quital’s movements. They learned that he had been there, but not for very long. Cazara had a quiet talk with the road, which complained that Leone had elected to take the “stupid new road,” and that it could not understand why one would choose such a conveyance over the freedom and quiet of humble passageways like itself.

And so, of course, the constables headed out to Drakr to search the rail lines.

They stopped first in Trekhom, where Summer felt a pull from the Arc. She led the constables to a tavern, where a group of Eladrin men were drinking and talking.

The memory began, and as the group in the tavern were drawn into it Kasvarina stalked up to one of them, a man heavier and shaggier than the Eladrin norm. The man in the memory was asleep in a corner, and Kasvarina doused him with water before dragging him outside. She asked about his mission, and the man (who the constables, through the magic of the Arc, knew to be Bhalu Varal, one of Kasvarina’s less-important husbands,) complained that she had sent him to kill too many people; that he didn’t think the relationship was worth the missions anymore. He thought maybe it was time for the Eladrin to die, anyway. With some boast, he said that he had vowed to devote his life to his mind, and to punish his body with the greatest beer the dwarves had crafted.

Kasvarina told him she would clean him up, that he was too valuable, but he was unconvinced. When the memory faded, Bhalu, having just witnessed his ex walking into his favorite bar AGAIN only to relive the end of their relationship in front of all his friends, seemed stunned. Summer awkwardly apologized for what she must have put him through, and Bhalu did not have much to say.

The constables moved on. They questioned the terse locals, and the rails themselves, and learned that Quital had been riding the rails in a private train all over Drakr. His pattern seemed random, but the constables remembered the unimpressive kobolds and requested their help. They learned through that information and a bit of elimination that Quital was probably in Mirsk.

The constables reached Quital’s private train just as it was pulling out of the station. Cazara jumped to the top of the train and started running to the engine, pulling far ahead of the group with her superior speed. The rest of the constables managed to board before too long, and followed at their own paces, employing magical help when the cars started to decouple to keep from being left behind. Guards appeared on top of the front cars and Alienor shot at them with gusto.

Cazara came to a car that seemed different, and she descended into it to see what it held. She ignored the inert iron golems she found there and continued forward, quaffing a potion of invisibility and phasing silently into the front car. There she came upon Leone Quital, eyes closed, concentrating. There was a rending behind her as Oksana attempted to block the mechanism that allowed the golems to ascend, but Quital, with his steel shaping, effortlessly repaired his defense and deployed it.

Alienor was shooting the guards, Ironpeak and Oksana found themselves amid a couple of very violent mechanical men, and Summer clung invisibly to the ladder between two cars. Another guard attempted to leave one of those cars and climb up top, but reconsidered after encountering an unseeable derrière halfway up the ladder he was reaching for.

Cazara, still invisible, still moving through walls, advanced upon the oblivious steel shaper and with a practiced motion slapped a pair of mage cuffs on him. The cuffs immediately started whistling shrilly and smoking slightly as Quital opened the top of his car like a tin of sardines and rose into the air. Oksana grabbed her chance and managed to get a thought into the man’s head that kept him, for a time, from doing much more damage to the party. He simply hovered, in step with the train, as he fought off the invading cogitation. Oksana, too, was stationary, and quite in the way of Ironpeak’s work with the iron golems.

It was in this way that, when Ironpeak felled one of the constructs, causing it to explode, Oksana was caught in the blast and thrown helpless from the train. Summer, shaking off her unintentional molestation, remembered her divinity and managed to bring the young dwarf back from the brink of death even as the train raced away from her.

Quital, still floating, battered by bullets and magic and anti-magic cuffs, recalled that he was in pain and shook off the lingering effects of Oksana’s unique magic. He flew from the train in a rage, lifted the entire contraption from the tracks and spun it, sending the constables flying.

By some grace none were under the train when he dropped it, and Alienor mounted its smoking remains with a Pemberton-manufactured grenade launcher over her shoulder. The blast from the Dragon’s bomb did for Quital, with a little extra drubbing from Cazara.

The Crisillyiri subdued, the constables encouraged Grappa’s consciousness to surface. He told them about a certain Frost Giant Lich with whom he had been in contact - a creature the Obscurati had considered for an ally some time ago - who was trapped in a glacier somewhere to the north. He bid the Constables take him there, where the Lich had agreed to give him control over Quital’s body, and to give him the rituals necessary to do such soul-work himself. It was in this way, Grappa said, that the constables could slip unnoticed into the very midst of the conspiracy and so work to break it from the inside. The constables thanked Grappa for this information and folded him in Quital’s body into the Absurdist Web.

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formerly roadtoad
Recaps are a month or two behind, but ObCon is in full swing. The first vote:



formerly roadtoad
Wow, so it's been forever since I'e had time to write up reports on our progress, but I wanted to share a picture one of my players made of his character, especially because it is so indicative of how her story is intertwined with the plot.


This is Alienor Contessa Soliogn-Stark, mother to Mort Stark, who died when RHC headquarters was ground zero for an extraplanar disaster caused by Sijhen. She was raised by Gale, who belonged to her adoptive family. She was adopted into the Soliogn family when, as a young child, she survived the shelling of an orphanage in Cherage by future king Aodhan of Risur. She wears Lorcan Kell's coat, which she took after killing him in the Obscurati facility beneath Cauldron Hill. She also wears her mask of office, as the newest member of the Unseen Court and ambassador to Risur. Her right arm was severed in a duel with Lya Jierre during the Beran Revolution which saw Bruce Shantus assassinated. The baby she carries in her new mechanical arm is the newborn son of King Aodhan, born in the Dreaming and just now returning to the real world.

Campaign update: our group has just faced off against the Voice of Rot in the Dreaming and surrendered. They are probably on their way to the capital in our next session. I think it's time to compose a 4-month summary of events. :)


formerly roadtoad
Woo. We took an extended vacation in Barovia to give Ryan Nock & co. some time to put the final polish on the Zeitgeist Compilation. We will return to Zeitgeist tomorrow night!

A sort of "current status" update which will only make sense to those who have their own Zeitgeist Adventure Path to follow along in:

The Constables managed to create a new consensus at ObCon, crafting a new set of rules for the ritual. These rules have been published by Wizards of the Coast as Fifth Edition D&D. They didn't know that's what would happen when they did it, but we were all getting tired of the 4E character bloat.

After ObCon, the Constables finished up Summer/Kasvarina's memory collection by going to Methia and facing off with Nicodemus and Borne. They managed to open one of the portals atop the tower, but while everyone was trying to escape, IronPeak and Nicodemus's consciousnesses were both ripped from the bodies they were using, freeing Mr. Mapple and IronPeak's old friend TitanFist to control their own bodies. They leapt through the portal to the Dreaming without a second thought.

In the Dreaming, the Constables solved the "murder" of Rock Rackus easily enough, but played along with the various fey schemes just long enough to see who wanted them to do what. James decided to stay in the Dreaming, passing his Constabulary duties on to his Remarkable Mechanical Hat, which had gained sentience and was probably responsible for most of James's competence over the past year. The Hat built itself a new mechanical body and "Ms. Gear" is now the party's warforged wizard. The party ended up siding with the Hedgehog Court, which took over the Dreaming and became the new Unseen Court. Alienor became the new ambassador of the Unseen Court, and Beshela helped her deliver her baby, which she had kept secret from the group for a good 6 months. Mistah Knives tagged along with the group to be Alienor's nanny.

Summer successfully wooed Rock Rackus and the two were set to be married, but the Voice of Rot had to be dealt with first. They left Rock in the city while they rode with the Wild Hunt to the Black Needles. There TitanFist, whose fate was linked with IronPeak's through shared Goliath tattoos, took up the sword and surrendered to the Voice, launching the party and the Hunt back to Risur just in time to try to prevent King Aodhan's assassination.

They failed.

Lya Jierre slew Aodhan in front of them and then got away again. Alienor ran to her lover's side, offering to bring him back from the dead, but Aodhan refused. He could not even be swayed with the news of his newborn son. During the fight, the group managed to capture Catherine Romana. They used a variation of ritual they had used to infiltrate ObCon to eject Catherine's soul and finally free Xambria from Cazara's head.

Kong Aodhan proclaimed the entire party to be Duchesses to prevent Romana's political takeover. After the King's death, Harkover Lee informed TitanFist that he had named IronPeak as his successor. Since TitanFist looked like IronPeak, she would be expected to act the part until IronPeak's consciousness could be freed from Nicodemus.

side note: IronPeak and TitanFist were part of a Beran attachment to the Risuri Armed Forces in the Fourth Yerasol War. After the war, they accepted scholarships to the Citadel military school outside of Flint. Somewhere along the line, they were subjected to horrible super-soldier experimentation that only allowed one of them to be conscious at a time, essentially giving the conscious one the powers and abilities of both combined. The "IronPeak" we've known this entire time was IronPeak's consciousness driving TitanFist's body while IronPeak was supposed to be the dormant one. Nicodemus's psychic meddling finally gave TitanFist the ability to be herself, and she was not willing to be a team player. This almost sidetracked the entire plot until Harkover (or me as DM) convinced TitanFist ('s player) that TitanFist would be motivated to recover IronPeak so she wouldn't have to be acting King.

Back to main plot: the Duchesses went to stop Stanfield's portion of the Ob ritual. They missed their fifth or sixth opportunity to kill Lya Jierre, making her the best nemesis I've ever had in a D&D game. They ended up using the destruction lantern to destroy enough other lanterns that the ritual failed. When Stanfield rose as a Rakshasa after a long, two-session encounter, they players almost rebelled. He was immune to their attacks and teleporting after people. Finally, someone told TitanFist about the Arsenal of Debhisu she carried, and TitanFist put an end to Stanfield.

After the celebrations, TitanFist went to the Citadel to find IronPeak's body in hopes her consciousness had made its way back home. There she found out that the body had been sent to the Malice Land country of Arrovia (from which Wolfgang von Recklinghausen came), under Stanfield's order.

Alienor stayed in Risur to tend after Aodhan's young son (whose name I've forgotten, but I think it's French for "Matchstick"). Her daughter Bette, who was a cleric, joined the group for the excursion to Arrovia.

We used Curse of Strahd to get the players and DM used to 5e. We converted all of the characters to 3rd-level versions of themselves. Harkover took most of their treasure back. He claimed that in a crisis, such expensive items needed to be kept by the government. Everyone suspected him of just making a nice treasure horde to sleep on.

Lots of Curse of Strahd spoilers here. IronPeak (body and mind) was found. Strahd was defeated. TitanFist took over in his place as Dark Lord of (B)Arrovia. Bette stayed in the country to preach to the desperate.

And last week, we got Alienor and IronPeak made into 5e characters and Harkover presented King IronPeak with a list of four domestic and four foreign issues that needed dealing with. (I'm smushing adventures 10 and 11 together, letting them decide to deal with the four titans, Ursaliña, Drakr, Crisilyir, and the Forward Symposium in whatever order they like. I've got El Extraño working with Harkover to get foreign info in even though She Who Writhes still blockades the seas. I might have Pemberton come cruising in with his airship if they decide to just leave SWW in charge of the oceans. It's "epic tier." The books are just sort of vague outlines at the moment.

Anyway, I have a Father of Thunder to convert and only 20 hours left to do it!

Some day, maybe I'll backfill all the details.

maybe... :)

I dig Arrovia as Barovia, especially since Wolfgang von Recklinghausen was clearly a Dr. Frankenstein homage, and what good is a Frankenstein franchise without a Dracula?


formerly roadtoad
I dig Arrovia as Barovia, especially since Wolfgang von Recklinghausen was clearly a Dr. Frankenstein homage, and what good is a Frankenstein franchise without a Dracula?

Yeah, we had a Vampire PC early on in the campaign and that player and I pretty much agreed that Arrovia and Barovia were the same thing in our world. :)


formerly roadtoad
some 5e conversion work-in-progress:

Fifth Edition Rites of Rulership effects for King IronPeak:
Lord of the Land:
- As a bonus action, move up to four 5-ft cubes of natural terrain up to 5 feet each.
- Name a creature to prevent it from entering Risur via magic for one month
- When engaged in battle with a person or group vying for control of Risuri territory, gain the following benefits, based on the most powerful individual in that group:
-- A bonus to all six attributes equal to the difference in Hit Dice (max 30)
-- A bonus to regeneration equal to the difference in Hit Dice
-- Can treat self and opponent as the same size for any effect.

Monarch of the Masses:
- Regeneration 10
- Advantage to saves vs Charm, Fear, and Poison effects.
- When dropped to 0 hit points, all allies within three miles are knocked prone and cannot take reactions until the start of their next turn.
Crown of Risur:
- Treat Intelligence as 19 (does not stack with Lord of the Land bonus when fighting powerful enemies) (she had a Headband of Intellect already, so I had Harkover combine them)
- Know the names of all you can see.
- As a bonus action, say someone's name to end a Charm, Fear, or Poison effect on them. Once per creature per day.
Last edited:


formerly roadtoad
The Duchesses headed to Bole and managed to wrangle the Father of Thunder amidst his gigantic stampede by distracting him with vats of fungus beer and then climbing up him. Several Duchesses were riding him at once when he finally came crashing down. He thanked them for a glorious fight and promised that he could give them all healthy babies. They all refused, but he offered to help the Risuri harvest with his titanic fertilizing powers. He also said that anyone who did want lots of healthy babies should come back to this exact spot on the first day of spring.

From there, the Duchesses headed to Ber, where they had heard from Executore Glaucia Evora that the city of Ursaliña had gone silent. After talking to Glaucia, they dispatched some Ob shadow assassins whose boss seemed very upset about having to go back to the Ghost Council and break the bad news to Nicodemus. They used Glaucia's Divination spell to ask what would help them the most in Ursaliña. The divination told them to "Get out of the sun and into the bowels of the singing whale."

Not quite knowing what to do with that, they headed to the city and sought one of the few leads Glaucia had given them: a merchant named Flida. Flida recognized them as foreigners and asked them to "come in out of the sun." Flida told the group about the glowing flying thing she had witnesses recently and that locals had been acting strangely and disappearing. While this conversation was happening, a flying Gidim occupier known as an Oculus spotted the group and called in some reinforcements. The group mostly fell under a series of Modify Memory spells. Cazara and Summer did not fall under Gidim mind control, but thought it best to follow along and pretend they had.

The Gidim built up some fake memories of a detailed investigation that led to the Jaula de Oso fighting colosseum, where they hoped the King of Risur would be killed by the weird fleshwarped hybrid beasts the Gidim had been creating there: wicked creatures with the heads of owls and the bodies of a bears!

(The fight went quickly pear-shaped when Ms. Gear penned everyone in with her wall of fire and the owlbears started throwing themselves into the fire, dying, and being absorbed into an uberbear. As the TPK drew near, I advised everyone to thank Nicodemus for the fact they couldn't die from death saves. Cazara escaped after everyone else was down and I adjusted the Gidim plan to one of possessing them after they were unconscious)

After their horrible defeat at the arena, most of the Duchesses were taken into the Gidim Leviathan beneath the Bards' College. Cazara had vague memories (by way of having shared her brainspace with Xambria, who had shared brainspace with Sijhen) of how to implant an Oculus Prism in the base of her neck to appear to be a loyal Gidim thrall.

The infiltration went well enough. Cazara found Gear in a pile of discarded equipment, which included almost all of the group's gear (heh) except the crown of Risur.

more later...

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