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[Adventure] The Second Day of Mourning (Judge: renau1g)

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She looks over at the dwarf, oggling for only a second before responding.

"Well, once you have em, an' ye tie em up, I'll be callin th'thorities t'take em away. When yer all ready t'go, I'd like t'git home afore they git there. If the sum be agreeable, follow me."

Gurdis stands and waits for them to do the same and gather their gear before she steps out of the room and through the Tower's Shard and into the busy streets of Sharn, leading you to her home in higher levels.

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Alexia turns to Gurdis, a look of slight confusion on her face. "Well, that sounds quite reasonable, madam. Out of curiosity, though, if no one attempts to burgle your house before the week is through, will you really be put at ease? Especially since our arrival may scare the would-be thieves into waiting for us to depart before attempting to rob you." She then smiles pleasantly and continues, "Although I suppose if the item in question is only scheduled to remain in your home for a few days, then obviously we will be capable of guarding it during that time."

She takes another sip of water and mutters, "I hope."

When the rest of the group gets ready to leave, Alexia heads up to her room in the Shard and returns with her equipment. While most of her possessions fit inside her backpack, a longsword, a lute, a large book wrapped in chains, and a shield bearing the insignia of Karrnath are all tied to the outside. As she walks through the streets, she busies herself with transferring some of these to her belt.

[sblock=ooc]Otakkun, are you sure you submitted your character to the right address? I don't think I got the email. When did you send it?[/sblock]
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Well, this seems interesting. I'd like to ask a few question to those thieves as well, replies Garrick.

Thieves who steal unusual items? Perhaps they work for an arcane collector or are trying to perform some strange rituals. I'm interested in what we can find.


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[sblock=DM Kalidrev]
I'm done! Woot!: Remember the goliath who entered the room earlier. He's not really a goliath. It was all an illusion. He's a dragonborn. So, for now on, please visualize Lo-Kag as a dragonborn resourceful warlord.

I've submitted the character sheet to the judges for review and have attached a copy of the sheet in my signature.



After listening to the dwarf, Lo-Kag gets up as well and stretches a bit, always finding it uncomfortable sitting in chairs: rubs his scales wrong when he sits down. Looking at Garrick he states "I was thinking the same thing as well Garrick. Let's move out and see what's actually out there." He chuckles to himself, "Why do I get the feeling that this quest is going to be much more difficult than what we've been told here?"

[sblock=Lo-Kag's Stats]
Lo-Kag: Dragonborn (Resourceful Warlord): Level 4

Adverse Conditions: None

Initiative: +4
Passive Insight: 11
Passive Perception: 11
Senses Normal: Vision
HP 45, Bloodied 22
Surge Value 12
Surges Per-Day 8
AC =20 Fortitude 19 Reflex 18 Will 18
Speed 5 or 6 (Armor power)
action Points:1 Not Used
second wind: Not Used
basic attack: Sacrificial Longsword +2:
To Hit: +10 (+1 if bloodied): Damage 1d8+6: Crit: +2d6
at-will powers:
*Opening Shove
*Commander's Strike
*Versatile Armor Power
encounter powers:
*Hammer and Anvil
*Adaptive Stratagem
*Dragon Breath: Acid
*Inspiring Word
*Bloody Ending
Daily powers:
*Calculated Assault
*Sacrifiicial Weapon Power
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Gurdis turns to the goliath to address her concerns.

"Ah! But I almost be forgettin'! Quickly now, be placin' these medalions 'round yer necks. They'll only last an hour, but it'll make ye und'tect'ble b'normal sight. Th'whole reason I be hirin' 'venturers 'stead o' tellen' th'thorities ina first place is cause I don' wan' th'thieves t'know I be havin' anyone over. This way, they be more likely t'try somethin' stupid, hahaha!"

She hands out the pendants to the six party members and waits for them to place them on so that she can lead them to her home.
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Alexia is somewhat surprised by the sudden and urgent introduction of the amulets. While the rational for them is sound, it seems strange that their employer would nearly forget such a vital part of her plan. She tilts her head and stares at the dwarf, looking for any sign of duplicity, smiling slightly all the while.

ooc: Insight 27(!) to determine if she is on the level regarding these amulets. Also, I think there are only six of us, right? Two defenders, two leaders, two strikers.


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[sblock=Alexia] From the way she is talking and moving, you can tell that she is not being duplicitous, rather, she is simply in a rush (as it is close to getting dark) and you guys have a long way to travel. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] You're right, for some reason I was thinking pathfinderq1 was in the party. We have six players, I have edited the above post to reflect this [/sblock]


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Grryth takes the offered amult and puts it on.
He looks at Gurdis and gives a slight nod "All ready. Lead the way".

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