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[Adventure] The Second Day of Mourning (Judge: renau1g)

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Lord Jarot enters standing up strait in a regal manner, "Never fear My Lady, for I will do everything in my power to alleviate that which distresses you!" Gesturing with his clenched fist, which is still holding the Newspaper, "simply point me at the scoundrel." At this point he sees the paper and with a shrug and a sheepish grin he puts it in his pack as he sits at a open chair.

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The dwarf looks at Lord Jarot sadly.

"I wish 't'were that easy. If'n it were, I'd have simply called th'authorities 'n'been done w'th't. I be look'n fer one more t'join us, then I'll speak my mind and we can do the usual back'n'forth on th'price o'yer services."


Garrick looks at everyone for a split second before finding a place to sit. Well, I'm intrigued on what all of this is about. Interesting group of people we have here as well. he continues, noticing that everyone seated seems to be a seasoned warrior.

From what I can see so far, it seems that diplomacy won't be the main focus of this request, isn't it?
[sblock=OOC]I've already submitted my char and sent the mail, just waiting to get the heads up, I'm almost sure there shouldn't be any problems with Garrick[/sblock]


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Gurdis welcomes the latest newcomer to the group with a nod and a smile.

"Good. Now that ye be all here, I c'n git started. We'll need t'hurry since it be almost dark n'we have a ways t'travel back to me home. Here's th'deal. There been rumors lately o'some roberries in the upper sections o'Sharn. They been takin' some really odd things (you can read 'bout it in th'Inquisitive) and not takin' what robbers normally be takin'. Last two nights, I seen a couple o'shadowy figures near me home. Look like they be casin' the place. I got things what I don't want taken' an I be likin' t'see these thieves git what be comin' to em! I want you all t'guard me home and set up a trap fer em. I don't much care how ye do it as long as it don't destroy me home 'r property and ye keep me valuables safe.

I be willin t'give ye six hunnerd gold fer yer work, an I'll 'spect ye to stay at me place fer a week or until ye catch them thieves, whichever comes first, though I be 'spectin they won't make ye wait a week. There been a robbery every night for th'last few nights 'n with the way them shadowy figures been hangin round, I guess it'll be soon that they come t'git whatever they be searchin fer. So what say ye?"


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"Of course my Lady. No theves will defile your house if I have any say," states Lord Jarot. "May I ask what you may have that such unusual thieves may be after?"


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The door smashes open, butting against the wall. The large warrior who did it tries in vain to catch it before hitting the wall. Too late. He chuckles, inspecting the damage turns and inspects the party in front of him, nodding to each as his fierce, but intelligent appraizing eyes stare at each adventure. Satisfied with what he sees, he gazes now to the person doing all of the talking at the moment and states, "Sometimes I don't know my own strength... I'm looking for work. Do you have a spot open for one more?" Pausing, but not waiting for a reply and stating with extreme confidence "I'm sure that my experiences and skill in combat would be useful and most helpful for this problem you want solved."

Goliath Bravura Warlord Level 4
I'll have my character submitted to the judges by tonight

Am I too late? Let me know.



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The female dwarf startles at the sound of the goliath crashing through the door.

"Oh dear! Well, ye have remarkable timing. I be just tellin' e'eryone what th'job be. Yer right on time. Here be th'short o'it (since I just be sayin' it t'the rest). There be thieves that I be 'spectin' will be trying t'rob me house sometime in th'next week. I want y'guys t'stay at me place fer the week n'capture th'thieves. As fer what I have what be valuable 'nuff fer th'thieves t'be wantin'? Well, I'll show ye when we git t'me house."

[sblock=Not Too Late] You are right on time! Welcome to the group! Please post a link to your character sheet [/sblock]
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Grryth raises an eyebrow and looks straight at Gurdis. "So what yer sayin is that yer guna pay us 600 gold peices for crashing on yer couch fer the week and scare away any unwanted visitors? I'm in for that." Grryth states in his usually gravelly tone.


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"Aye, I think I could do it myself, lass, only I wouldn't want to take all the fun for myself!" Gurdan says, grinning at the others.

The dwarf takes on a pensive look as he pulls gently on his beard. "Only question is - what do we do with the thieves once we've caught 'em? You got a dungeon in that fancy house of yers?" he says, smiling inappropriately.


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Gurdis nods at Grryth.

"That be pretty much th'sum o'it. 'Sept I'd like t'see ye catch em, not just scare em away. An if'n ya happen t'bust a few'a their heads in'a process. I won't be sheddin' no tears!"

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