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Adventure: Food of the Gods - Part 2 (DM: ryryguy, Judge:renau1g)


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The building is a rough inn which Bwarli seems to have commandeered for the event. He has also provided a decent quantity of zocalti beans for the chef to use - not nearly enough to fulfill your order, but enough for a decent amount of culinary experimentation. Castofle pronounces the kitchen adequate, unpacks his ingredients and some knives and other equipment, and sets to work.

Over the next few hours he produces a number of dishes. First he tries zocalti with milk, straight. "Definitely better," he proclaims after a taste. "Not sure if it's good enough... but definitely better." He tries it with various spices, including those he gathered at the Jadite market. Next he moves on to a number of sauces for meats and attempts at solid dishes - cakes and breads. "This lich guy is used to drinking it, right, so maybe making something for him to chew on would be a good change of pace. Um, he does have teeth, right? Are they pointed, like fangs or something? No? Okay..." But the chef seems disappointed with these results. "I can't really get the zocaltito blend right... I just can't mask the bitterness without hiding the flavor, the richness..."

Dusk falls. It seems that Castofle will be puttering well into the night. Bwarli, who has been hovering around nervously, clears his throat, and motions for the group to speak to him outside in the square. "I will return to the pyramid, and tell the Honored Ancestor his zocalti tasting will take place here first thing in the morning, just past first light. That should give the chef enough time to get ready, and still let you keep your schedule, right?"

Before anyone can answer, there is a small commotion among the handful of villagers who remain in the square. A group of newcomers has arrived. First is a familiar hobgoblin, followed closely by the rest of the band of mercenaries. They scowl menacingly at the villagers near them, who hastily move away, clearing an area at the edge of the square.

Then, from around a hut four more figures appear. One is Papolstaanas' sister Kanneelas, with a wide grin on her face. She catches her brothers eye and winks. Next to her is a portly, older man whose features reveal some elven blood. He is wearing expensive-looking travelling clothes and uses an unstrung longbow as a walking stick. He leads a laden mule.

The third person stands is a very tall, very lean eladrin. Nearly six and a half feet in height, his gold hair falls unbound around his shoulders and his exceptionally long hands are empty. His pale skin and violet eyes gleam in the fading light. He stares straight ahead with an insufferably haughty expression. The robe that he wears is elegant, but rather simple, almost utilitarian.

Very close to him is the fourth figure. Clearly a construct of some sort, though not a warforged, it is easily the size of Chakku, and probably more massive. Its two arms flare out to form broad, shield-like shapes. Its head is tiny, and featureless except for a ring of gleaming stones that seems to go all the way around. A large rune is painted on its chest.

[sblock=Arcana DC 20]The construct is a shield guardian, an extremely effective artificial bodyguard.[sblock=Arcana DC 25 (same check)]The shield guardian is keyed to defend a particular master - the eladrin, it would seem. As long is it is close to him, it improves his defenses and absorbs some of any damage he takes.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=History DC 15 (auto for Kaeysari)]The rune is the personal mark of the Emperor of the Imperium himself. It is a serious crime to employ it without his personal dispensation.[/sblock]

The older man steps forward and smiles warmly, opening his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Greetings, gentle folk of Newhill," he says in Allarian. "Please allow me to introduce Balsamae Bellora, world traveler, favored of the Emperor, and the greatest chef of the Imperium, living or dead." He gestures with a flourish to the eladrin, who inclines his head slightly. "Master Balsamae has traveled here to humbly offer his new and exciting zocalti creations in hopes of pleasing your leader." The man clears his throat, then repeats his speech in what sounds like rather poor Magari.

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[sblock=rolls] Arcana and History 1d20+1=8 1d20+1=11 not so much.[/sblock]
Papolstaanas leans closer to his companions. "That shield-armed thing is pretty weird, isn't it?" he whispers. "What's that symbol on its chest?"


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[sblock=roll]Arcana: 1d20+1=18
Close, but no cigar.[/sblock]

"It's the Imperial Crest," Kaeysari says. "Personal sigil of the top man himself. Whatever that thing is, it's got friends in very high places."


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[sblock=Rolls]Arcana: 1d20+4=13
History: 1d20+6=24[/sblock]

Azryah sighs, quietly enough that only those closest to her can hear, and though you think by the tone that a normal person would be shaking her head in resignation of events that displease her but are out of her control, she remains totally still. The low sigh is the only sign of her feelings.


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Papolstaanas chuckles at the thought of a weird-looking machine with highly placed friends, then notices Azryah's reaction. Knowing that getting Balsamae involved was his fault, he looks down apologetically at his feet.


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[sblock=ooc]Just giving Jynxx and Chaku (or anyone else, but all the rest have posted) a little more time to say something before the other NPCs react...[/sblock]


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Chaku quietly fidgets behind the group, letting Papolstaanas and those more learned deal with his girlfriend and her cohorts.

[sblock=OOC]Chaku's been quiet lately, but that's not for lack of me checking, he's just letting the others take the lead. He doesn't really know what to do, so he's keeping his mouth shut.[/sblock]


Jynxx smiles warmly at the group, "A very nice introduction! I dare say that claim to be bold indeed, the best chef alive or dead? I do so hope to taste your designs someday!" Jynxx glances at Kaey, and tosses her a telepathic thought: [sblock=Kaey]"One cannot wear the Imperial insignia without permission... would this mean they were sent by the ruler of the Imperial Land?"[/sblock]

"I fear that, unless things are set aright, we have started off on the wrong foot. I believe that at least one of each of our companions know each other, and believe it to be quite rude of us to delay a proper introduction." Jynxx goes into a formal rant on each of his companions, using proper titles and a rather liberal view of their history. So he may of made each seem slightly more heroic... whoops.

When finished introducing each of them, he bows low and sweeps off his hat. "I held myself for last, not due to arrogance or pride, quite the opposite actually. I am Jynxx, but those who know me refer to me as Lucky. I cannot entirely say I have not earned that nickname. I have no such merits as my companions, for I simply follow travelers so that I may be able to sing more songs. Would you like to hear one?

Arcana, History check (1d20+5=15, 1d20+2=16)


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If Castofle is still in the kitchen messing about with his recipes and hasn't noticed the commotion, Papolstaanas will run in quickly to tell him that Balsamae has arrived.


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[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the delay... RL blew up on me the last couple of days.[/sblock]

The newcomers listen to Jynxx's introduction. The mercs scowl, Kanneelas smirks, and Balsamae raises a skeptical eyebrow. The construct betrays no reaction whatsoever.

The half-elf, though, smiles and returns Jynxx's bow warmly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lucky - if I may call you Lucky? - and your companions," he says. "My own name is Devin. I have had the honor to travel along side Master Balsamae for many years, chronicling his journeys, discoveries, experiments and triumphs. When I say that he is the greatest chef of the Imperium, living or dead, it is no idle boast. I have seen it with my own eyes, my friend. I have seen mighty kings, wizards, angels, devils and even dragons overcome by pleasure in his dishes. The Jade Emperor himself was moved to tears by the master's rabbit-in-pastry. And of course he is a favorite at the court of the Emperor, honored to cook for him many times and provide the fare at the weddings of his children. It is a sign of his deep respect that the Emperor has provided an ever-present honor guard for him, lest his talent be tragically lost." He gestures at the construct.

"I'm sorry, I have rambled. We would be happy to hear some of your songs, Lucky." The hobgoblin mercenary makes a choking sound, but Devin ignores it. "But we have traveled far to get here, and could use a chance to rest and bathe first. Might there be an inn in this fine village?"

Bwarli, who has been gawking at the newcomers, then listening to the interchange with open mouth, shakes himself and closes his mouth with a click. "Yes! Um... First, I am Bwarli, a servant of the Honored Ancestor who rules this village. We are honored by your visit. I'm very happy that not one but two master chefs wish to please the Honored Ancestor, and I'm sure he will be doubly excited at the news. Uh... as far as an inn, there's only the small one here, and this group has already filled it." He looks down, embarrassed. "Perhaps we could find room for you in one of the houses, or the pyramid..."

"There is no need." Balsamae speaks for the first time. His voice is rich, but has a sharp and slightly cold tone, lightly accented. "Do not strain yourselves. We are accustomed to sleeping under the stars when necessary. I will just need to see the kitchen at some point tonight." He waves a hand dismissively.

Meanwhile, inside, Papolstaanas finds Castofle still at work in the kitchen. He is covered in patches of coarse brownish powder, holding tongs. He seems excited. "This spice - it's great! It's perfect for this kind of flatbread I'm making out of this special flour - what a pain to make, you have to grind the different grains separately, but - the spice really kicks it up a notch!"

When informed of Balsamae's arrival, the color immediately drains from his face. "H-here? What? Why?" The tongs fall from his nerveless hands and clatter loudly to the floor. "Does - does he know I'm here?"

[sblock=ooc]I'm happy to continue roleplaying as long as it's fun, but we can also skip ahead to the cooking and tasting as soon as you are ready. There is stuff you might want to do before then. It's pretty much wide open for whatever you can think of, but here are a few things you might consider:
  • Setting "terms" with Bwarli - will this be a winner-takes-all competition or a friendly demo? It's not clear yet, but you may not want to just let the others push him into something to your disadvantage
  • Trying to keep Castofle from completely freaking out
  • Somehow trying to help Castofle in the kitchen (with tasting, or... ?)
  • Finding out what Balsamae is going to make
  • Sabotaging with what Balsamae is going to make :devil:
  • Anything with the villagers, or maybe the Honored Ancestor?

Or again, just skip ahead and let the chips (mmm, chips!) fall where they may...[/sblock]

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