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Adventure: Food of the Gods - Part 2 (DM: ryryguy, Judge:renau1g)


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The evening passes with the two groups sizing each other up. Jynxx and Devin swap stories and engage in light verbal sparring, each trying to get the other to give out information about what the respective chefs have planned. But Devin seems too clever to give anything away, and Jynxx doesn't really know what Castofle is cooking up, anyway. The Bacarte mercenaries strut around a bit, but quickly back down when Kaeysari and Chaku give them intense stares.

Bwarli pulls Azryah aside for a private word. "I am happy that your reptilian friend invited this other chef," he says. "It gives us a better chance of pleasing Hulgrimi and maybe snapping him out of his madness. But let me assure you, no matter what the outcome is tomorrow, I will be sure that you receive your zocalti. In fact, should things go well, I hope that you may be rewarded beyond that. In his rare lucid moments, the Honored Ancestor has expressed a desire to acquire a number of different items and commodities that can be found in Daunton. Assuming the one you represent is interested in further supplies of zocalti, I think we may be able to establish a strong formal partnership..." He discusses the details with the deva at length.

Eventually, Balsamae grows impatient and demands to be shown the kitchen. Bwarli shows him in accompanied by Devin, and the two chefs come face to face. "Hello, student," says the master. "I have heard that you are calling yourself 'Castofle' these days, is that right? I've also heard word of your restaurant in Daunton. I hope to be able to visit there one day myself. Some of the dishes I understand that you've created, they sound somewhat interesting, though maybe chasing after that chimera of 'fusionism' I personally find distasteful... but interesting, nonetheless."

Castofle, having just received a rather frenetic pep talk from Papolstaanas manages to keep up a brave front. (apparently the kobold managed to harmonize nervous wavelengths with him or something.) "Good to see you too, master Balsamae," he says with only a slight quaver to his voice. "Yes, please stop by M. Medusa if you're in town. I think you'll find I've put your teaching to good use." He looks down and coughs, then back up. "And some other things I've learned since." Balsamae raises an eyebrow; there is a hint of a haughty smile on his face. The younger chef coughs again. "Well then, I'll leave you to it."

He turns to leave. As he reaches the doorway, Balsamae says casually, "I look forward to seeing what you've learned tomorrow morning. And I look forward to showing you what I've been able to do with this wonderful zocalti..." Castofle freezes for a moment, then leaves without saying anything. Papolstaanas and Azryah find him shaking and hyperventilating outside the inn and hustle him off to try to calm him down.

Once Balsamae has had a chance to settle in, Jynxx and Papolstaanas put their plan in motion. Jynxx enters the inn on the pretense of having just remembered the punchline to a joke he was telling Devin earlier. He soon makes a nuisance of himself poking around and asking questions, allowing the warden to slip in undetected. After the bard has left, Papolstaanas is able to watch Balsamae work. Unfortunately, most of what he is doing is lost on the kobold. He can tell that what the chef is making is not a Bacarte stew... and that's about it.

But he does see one thing that seems significant. Balsamae has the jars which you spotted the mercenaries carrying earlier, and is carefully measuring out their contents to add to his cooking. At an opportune moment, while the chef is in another room, Papolstaanas is able to dart out and grab a small pouchful of the stuff. He takes it to Castofle, who gives it a quick look and then breaks into a wide smile. "Aha! Sugar! I was planning on trying this eventually, back in Daunton, but it's hard to get way out here. Hmmm... yes! I think this could be the key to getting a solid form of zocalti to come together. This could really be great! Thanks, Papol!"

Papolstaanas smiles back - then freezes. He spots a small patch of shadows moving away from the side of the inn towards where the Bacarte mercs are camped. Hurrying over, he is in time to see the shadows melt away to reveal Kanneelas. She is carrying a small bucket in which can be seen a small quantity of milk. She spots her brother watching from across the square and grins at him, then blows him a kiss.

Luckily, a quick check shows that she did not get all the milk - Castofle had put some aside. But now both chefs have each others' secret ingredients...

(continuing shortly)
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The morning dawns crisp and clear. Just after sunrise, Hulgrimi arrives on an ornate palanquin born by a half-dozen wight attendants. All are fully turned out in ornate robes and massive headdresses. The villagers of Newhill, including Jaronel, line the road coming down from the pyramid, lying in the dirt and genuflecting. Most bear expressions of reverence, but a few glance up with looks of resentment. The smallest of the children stare with open curiosity. It seems they have never seen their Honored Ancestor before.

When the procession reaches the inn, the headman bounces up and down with excitement at the sight of the two chefs standing ready to serve him. "Hi! Welcome back!" he calls in his weird, hollow yet cheerful voice. "You brought two chefs from Daunton? Great!" He rubs his hands together.

Balsamae steps forward and bows formally. From behind him, Devin speaks. "Not just from Daunton, honored one. Master Balsamae has come all the way from the Emperor's court on Isolate Prime to server you."

"Oooh!" The lich bounces so much that the wights stagger a bit. A whispered word from the hovering female attendant, and they lower their burden to the ground.

Without waiting for an invitation, Balsamae sweeps into the inn to begin his preparations. Castofle grins nervously at the headman. "Uh... Hi? Yes, I am from Daunton and I'm going to cook for you too. Um... just a sec." He looks pleadingly at the party and whispers, "Help!"

Jynxx steps in and smoothly engages Hulgrimi in conversation, while the others bring Castofle around to the back of the inn and try to reassure him. He seems to draw some calmness from the statue-like presence of Azryah, and after a minute or two has calmed down. "Ok," he says. "I've got something pretty good. It'll be solid food, like you said would be good for his lichy-ness, right? And sort of a sandwich. I've got it mostly prepared... but I'm having trouble getting it to solidify... it's just taking too long. I wish I had my special pressure pot from my restaurant..."

"Pressure?" rumbles Chaku, flexing. "Maybe I can help you out with that." Castofle looks up and nods with a more confident grin. The two enter the inn together and head for the kitchen.

Ten, then twenty minutes pass. Jynxx keeps the lich entertained with stories about Daunton. Jaronel screws up his courage edges close to listen and interject some questions. Before too long, he and the headman are engaged in an animated conversation arguing over what would be the coolest thing to see in Daunton.

Finally Balsamae emerges, trailed by Devin who carries a large tray with several bowls. One is a steaming bowl of zocalti but its color is a much lighter shade of brown, with a creamier texture, than the drink which was served in the pyramid. There is also some kind of spice sprinkled on top. The other plates contain very artfully arranged fruit drizzled with a thick dark syrup, also presumably made from the zocalti. They present the platter to Hulgrimi. "Milk zocalti with nutmeg. Pears and cherries with ground peanuts in dark zocalti syrup," Balsamae says solemnly. "Please enjoy."

The lich stares then sniffs at the bowl of zocalti. He raises it in a skeletal hand and takes an experimental sip. His eyelights glow with a bright yellow light, and he drinks more deeply. He places the half-finished bowl back on the tray and sighs. "Ahh! Now that - that is delicious! Wow! I've never had anything like it. I can still taste the zocalti - but it's sweet and not bitter, and so smooth..." He grabs some of the fruit slices and stuffs them into his mouth. "Mmmm... this is great too! Tart and crunchy... and the zocalti... mmmm! Hey Jaronel, try this!"

Jaronel, and anyone else who wants to sample it, find the dishes much as the lich describes. The contrast between the foul, bitter and spicy drink from the pyramid and the sweet, smooth, heavenly drink is amazing. It's hard to believe that they were made from the same stuff.

But the lich's satisfaction is not complete. A minute after partaking, once again tiny brown drops of liquid appear around the thin skin of his undead throat. He settles back in his chair and frowns. "I don't feel that - that warmth. That zocalti tingle. I still like it, a lot! But..." The color of his eyelights shifts a bit towards the red, and the air around him drops a few degrees. Bwarli looks concerned, and Devin's face fals, but Balsamae remains calm and stoic. Then Hulgrimi seems to pull himself together and the moment passes. "Thank you, chef. I enjoyed your drink very much."

Balsamae steps back and bows once more. "It is an honor to serve you, lord, and I would be pleased to share my humble recipe with your own cooks."

continuing shortly - one more!


First Post
A few minutes pass awkwardly. Jaronel talks with Hulgrimi about the Daunton yacht racing league, but the lich is clearly distracted.

Then Chaku comes out of the inn. The goliath is sweaty and his biceps are bulging even more than normal. He waves Kaeysari over and briefly whispers to her. She nods and leaves the square. Chaku then talks with some of the villagers in his Dwarven version of Magari. His request is fairly simple and he gets it across quickly, though it draws some puzzled looks. But several of the villagers walk to nearby houses.

Chaku begins building a circle of stones in the middle of the square - a crude fireplace. The villagers return with bundles of wood and assist the goliath in building a small fire. The activity piques Hulgrimi's interest. "What is this? Are we having a cookout?" Devin frowns. Balsamae raises an amused eyebrow.

Once the fire is going strong, Castofle comes out of the inn. He carries another tray covered with a cloth. He looks a little tired, but pleased and confident. He kneels on the ground before the fire. "Honored One. I would like you to try - a zocalti bar. The first one ever made, I think!" He pulls back the cloth to reveal a plain, simple block. It looks hard and slightly waxy. The chef cuts into it with a knife, scoring it, then snaps off a large chunk. He walks around the fire to offer it to the lich.

Hulgrimi takes it and stares at it. It doesn't seem too impressive looking. He pops it into his mouth and chews. He doesn't say anything right away, but his eyelights begin to glow more brightly again, a warm golden color. He swallows.

"Fantastic," he whispers, and sits back.

A few minutes pass in silence. No telltales drops appear at the lich's throat. He sighs. "Yes! I can feel it! I want more, but I think I'm - satisfied?" He sounds as if he can't quite believe it.

Castofle has been busy arranging something on the tray. He looks up when Hulgrimi speaks. "Great! But, your highness - I mean, um, honored one - I have one more thing for you to try." Kaesari returns, carrying a handful of sticks of green wood. Each a couple of feet long, she has carved their ends into points. She hands them off to Castofle.

The chef takes them and, one by one, sticks a couple of whitish squares on their ends. He hands the first to Hulgrimi, and passes the rest out to Bwarli, Papolstaanas, and anyone else who wants one. The last he holds out to Balsamae. The master chef looks disdainful, but accepts it. "Now then. These are simple confections of sugar gelatin. Hold them over the flame and they'll carmelize up nicely. Don't hold them too close or they'll catch on fire! Actually that's not a disaster if that happens, but I think it's best if you just roast 'em to a nice golden brown color. Um, honored one, I'd be happy to do it for you if you like, but I thought you might have fun doing it yourself."

Balsamae lets out an audible "tsk" at Castofle's final comment. But Hulgrimi nods and smiles. He holds his stick over the flame and after a couple of minutes, his sugar squares have browned nicely. "Now what?"

"Hold it out to me, please." The lich complies. From the tray, Castofle takes a rough-looking cracker, with another chunk of the zocalti bar balanced atop it. He holds another cracker in his other hand. He sandwiches the sugar squares between the crackers, squeezes and slides them off the stick. Then he hands it back to the headman. "Zocalti-bar-and-sugar-square sandwich on separate-ground wheat cracker. Enjoy!"

Hulgrimi takes a tentative bite. The crackers snap. The lich's pale lips are a mess of crumbs, sticky sugar, and melted zocalti. He chews and his eyelights wink out as he closes his eyes.

Then his eyes snap open again, blazing with white light. He comes to his feet suddenly, and his voice booms out like hollow thunder, his wight attendants cowering before him, their headgear falling askew. "BY THE HAIRY ONE!!! It melts away on the tongue... IT IS PERFECTION! THIS IS TRULY THE FOOD OF THE GODS!" He holds the uneaten half aloft. "After tasting this, I need never eat again!"

The echoes of the lich's voice slowly die away. Then he looks up at the remaining morsel. "No, wait, what am I saying? I do want to eat some more." He shoves it into his mouth and says with his mouth full, "Mmmm! Yesh... 'Smore!"

Castofle looks over at a stunned Balsamae and bursts into loud laughter.


First Post
[sblock=Food of the Gods!]Now I think everyone should have figured out what the "zocalti" is? :)

I got the idea for this adventure after taking a tour of a chocolate factory in Seattle, where they talked about its origins and use in Aztec culture. If you're interested you can read some more about it on these web sites (or google for more):

Erowid Cacao Vault : The Origins of Chocolate

Some random details: Actual Aztec name for cacao is "cacahuatl" which I corrupted to "zocalti". Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent) was the god who gave the tree to people, thus the bad guys being snake worshippers. It was indeed taboo for women and children to drink it. The beans were very valuable, even used as money, and were sent in tribute to the king.

And as we all know chocolate has aphrodisiac qualities, or supposedly does at least, thus the priestesses of Vena wanting it for their rituals... even if they didn't know how to make it so it tastes good. ;)[/sblock]

[sblock=Loot pending]Ok, so Hulgrimi will give you each a pick from his treasury... plus a nice bonus from Hedra for the trade deal (not to mention helping Castofle come up with a recipe which will take Daunton by storm!), should cover your level 2 loot.

I'll do the loot and final XP post tomorrow. One thing though - since I've been so out of touch, can anyone tell me if the "rarity" business with the magic item rules has come into play here at all yet? Or are we still just awarding items as usual?[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]*Applause* (accompanied by pun-induced groaning, of course)

Regarding loot: I haven't seen any discussion about item rarity. I think everyone's ignoring it.

I've actually been thinking for a while now of rebuilding Papolstaanas as a battlemind, which would require retiring/reintroducing him... And pretty much make any further rewards he gets irrelevant, sadly, unless he gets all the way to level 4, which doesn't seem likely. It's a shame there was no Con-primary defender class around when I generated him initially.[/sblock]


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Hi all. IIRC there are no rare items in the compendium. They would be the only restriction I'd consider (the 1/tier) except the rare items are actually weaker in many cases than the uncommon ones. Anywho, rewards for adventure is as normal. [/sblock]


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wrap up

Balsamae samples Castofle's "smore" and grudgingly admits that it is really good, and congratulates his student on his creation.

Hulgrimi's sanity largely restored, he happily delivers ten bushels of zocalti beans. Furthermore, he presents the party with a golden goblet filled with Magari coins, and instructs Bwarli to allow each to pick one item from his treasury.

Kanneelas is heard berating the mercs for allowing her brother to grab the sugar. Otherwise, she steers clear of everyone.

Jaronel has hit it off with the headman, and is appointed his representative for trade with Hedra. He accompanies the party back to Fulcrum where he excitedly books passage to Daunton on a later voyage (waiting until after his hot date!).

The party successfully loads the zocalti onto the Bluebell Lady. As the ship leaves the harbor, a storm arrives from nowhere. The skies darken, and winds and rain lash the bay. The rain is clearly unnatural - in fact, when some drops hit your lips, it has a bitter, spicy taste - it is raining zocalti! (Magari style, not Castofle style.)

Passing by the "horns" of the Isle which are the gateway to the bay, you see a group of howling zocaltipapatlaca gathered on a wide ledge partway up the cliff. Led by a colorfully-garbed dwarf, they are engaged in a frenzied ritual that has summoned the storm. But the zocaltipapatlaca are too late - or rather, the party accomplished their task early, and the Bluebell Lady slips out into the open water before the storm can reach its height.

Hedra accepts the delivery of the beans gratefully. She counts out the agreed-upon fee as Castofle babbles about his exciting new methods of preparing zocalti. Her grimace turns to a smile after taking a bite of the bar he offers, and on the spot, she doubles her payment. "We need a better name than 'zocalti' - I'm thinking, 'chockolatl'!" he tells her. "Then instead of 'showco', we can call the drink 'cocoa'..."

The Temple of Vena holds their rites on schedule the next day, and it is reported that they are the among the most pleasurable in recent memory.

[sblock=The End!]:)

Sorry for pooping out at the end of the adventure. I hope that, on balance, you had a good time![/sblock]


[MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] - hopefully I got all this right...

Time XP: from 9/11/10 -> 11/10/10. Lets just make it an even 2 months, shall we? 416 xp for one month at level 2.

Major Quest Fulfill Hedra's Order on Time (level 2) = 625 XP (125 XP each, doubled to 250 XP)

Minor Quest Tickle the Lich's Withered Tastebuds (level 2) = 125 XP (25 XP each, doubled to 50 XP

Total XP: 716 XP

Loot Gold: including payment from Hedra, various loot, and large "tip" from Hulgrimi: 1800 gp total, 360 gp each.

Time Gold: (Note time breakdown as of 9/10/10...)

4.66 months @ level 1 (126 gp/month) = 587 gp
5.03 months @ level 2 (178 gp/month) = 895 gp

Total Gold: 1842 gp each.
(Kaeysari got a healing potion, so her share is 1792 gp.)


  • 2: Staggering Glaive +1 (Kaeysari)
  • 4: Cloak of the walking wounded +1 (Papolstaanas)
  • 5: Symbol of Battle +1 (Azryah)
  • 5: Chain Armor of Sacrifice +1 (Jynxx)
  • 6: Horned Helm (Chaku)


First Post

[MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] - hopefully I got all this right...

Time XP: from 9/11/10 -> 11/10/10. Lets just make it an even 2 months, shall we? 416 xp for one month at level 2.

Major Quest Fulfill Hedra's Order on Time (level 2) = 625 XP (125 XP each, doubled to 250 XP)

Minor Quest Tickle the Lich's Withered Tastebuds (level 2) = 125 XP (25 XP each, doubled to 50 XP

Total XP: 716 XP

Loot Gold: including payment from Hedra, various loot, and large "tip" from Hulgrimi: 1800 gp total, 360 gp each.

Time Gold: (Note time breakdown as of 9/10/10...)

4.66 months @ level 1 (126 gp/month) = 587 gp
5.03 months @ level 2 (178 gp/month) = 895 gp

Total Gold: 1842 gp each.
(Kaeysari got a healing potion, so her share is 1792 gp.)


  • 2: Staggering Glaive +1 (Kaeysari)
  • 4: Cloak of the walking wounded +1 (Papolstaanas)
  • 5: Symbol of Battle +1 (Azryah)
  • 5: Chain Armor of Sacrifice +1 (Jynxx)
  • 6: Horned Helm (Chaku)

Looks good to me. I APPROVE these awards + an 4 DM credits for ryryguy if/when you come back.

Good luck with the baby ryry and when you get the itch to come back we'll be here :) [/sblock]

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