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[Adventure]Curious & Curiouser (Judge: Stonegod)


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Curious & Curiouser
A sequel to Hysteria’s Ascendency
5-8 Level Adventure – LEB

1. Braddock the Historian (fourmonos) - male dwarf vestige warlock 6
2. Quan Reah (johnmeier1) - male elf monk 5
3. Orsik the Small (metavoid) - male goliath runepriest 7
4. Rikka Pouncequick (pathfinderq1) - female elf druid 7
5. Muzdum Firebelly (Voda Vosa) - male dwarf fighter 7
Judge: Stonegod
[sblock=The Story Thus Far...][sblock=Hysteria’s Ascendency] Baldwin leads the adventurers to a ruined warehouse where he (attempts) to ambush them with his wererat minions, but fails to kill the PCs. Baldwin escapes, sacrificing his own troops to flee.
Next, the heroes enter the sewers and are ambushed again by filthy wererats and their pet otyugh.
Defeating the were-men, the PCs delve deeper into the Cogs beneath Sharn to locate the wererat warren/temple but failed to do so (skill challenge - failed). Instead they found a werecrocodile, Mangore. The heroes found out that Baldwin paid this creature to keep an eye out for them and to kill them on sight.
The PCs must retry the skill challenge to find the warren/temple.
The PCs (finally) find the wererat warren during an evil rite to animate an unholy golem to unleash upon the world above. The PCs manage to kill Baldwin and the rest of the wererats and eventually destroy the golem as well.
After the last monster falls, two forms detach from the ceiling, a pair of werebats circle over the heroes, daring them to enter the King's Forest at their own peril, taunting them with their destruction at the hands of his "Wicker-man".
The story continues in Curious & Curiouser...
[sblock=XP Awarded] [sblock=Baldwin’s Ambush]505 XP each
NOTE: no time bonus awarded yet.[/sblock]
[sblock=Sewer Scramble]483 XP each
NOTE: 2 RP were awarded[/sblock]
[sblock=Skill Challenge (Failed)]362 XP each
NOTE: no time bonus awarded.[/sblock]
[sblock=End Game]959 XP each
NOTE: 1 RP was awarded[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Rules]-Please use grey text, spoilers blocks ("sblocks"), or
OOC: function for Out of Character discussion. If you’re unsure how to use them go HERE (warning: you are leaving ENWorld.org)

-Please use Invisible Castle for dice rolling (be sure to register). ENWorld has a dice roller (but it takes up a lot of space). If you can't use either dice roller for whatever reason, post a link to the dice roller you want to use and I will OK it.

-If you know you will be unable to post for a couple days because you will be out of town, or whatever, please say so and me or someone will NPC your character until you come back if there is a skill challenge or battle encounter. I would like to keep to a 48 hour per post per PC, to help speed the game up (you don’t have to wait a full 48 hours though). Once the allotted time has passed, ONE message will be posted in the thread and if not responded to within 12 hours of that message, your PC’s actions will be made for you (using at-wills only).

-I will be using the honor system for skill checks. If I post a sblock that says "Arcana 18" that is the DC you have to roll to be able to read it. (please don't click on it unless you succeed the roll!) If it lists a character's name, only they can read it. If it is directed at a specific person anyone can read it. You can share the information with other people, but don't just copy and paste it directly. You of course can do other skill checks that I do not post.

-I will roll the monster’s initiative all together, averaged out and post that number. I will also roll the character’s initiatives, and any that are higher than the number I posted originally will be able to act before the monsters. Thereafter, turns will be posted in “block” format (monsters, PCs, monsters, etc). I will record the PC’s actions in the order they are posted.

-Please always post what the attack or ability does in its entirety, even if it is for the 100th time. I have all the class books, but I don't have every power memorized.

-During an encounter, I will post the defense stats and (after you know the monster is not a minion) the HP of monsters. This way you know right away if an attack hit. If your character’s actions provoke an Opportunity Attack, you can include it as part of your post. For such occurrences, I will only list Basic attacks. Other powers won’t be revealed.

-I will pass out XP at the end of each encounter, as well as dish out any treasure/gp (unless specifically mentioned as part of the adventure).

-You can distribute treasure however you like, but be sure to list any wishlist items on your character sheets, and if reasonable, I can include such an item into the treasure parcel. I like to choose the items as the adventure progresses (i.e. your PC has a low FORT and during the encounter that PC was constantly being hit as a result of the low FORT, I’ll add a neck slot item to help boost that defense up, etc).

-Each player chooses a color. Please post your speech and thoughts in your character's color, using italics for the latter. On the battle map I attach to an encounter, any PC mark, I will highlight the target creature with that color for easy visual reference.

-I will always be happy to answer any questions, comments and concerns. If I make a mistake (god forbid) please feel free to PM me or post your reasoning. I’m not a rules Nazi. I feel that flexibility as a DM is a must.

-Last, but not least, have fun![/sblock]
After arriving back on the surface, the heroes separate in order to take care of any personal errands they may have. While out and about, each hero is approached by official-looking human steward, behind him stand two guards wearing platemail armor. All three bear the holy symbol of the Church of the Silver Flame upon their breast. To each is presented a scroll bearing their names as well as the church’s holy symbol.
[sblock=Reading the Scroll]Attention please.
Your presence is requested before his holiness, Vandrol Sol, High Priest of the Silver Flame at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame at mid day on the morrow. Please arrive promptly and bring the holy relic found during your latest encounter.

May the Light Shine upon you,
Dendron Belson
High Steward to the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame[/sblock]
At the appointed time, everyone arrives at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame, in mid-Sharn. Upon entry, you are immediately escorted to the High Priest’s opulently decorated solar – clearly meant as place to entertain high ranked officials and clergy - and asked to wait patiently for His Holiness. Numerous murals cover the walls, depicting many scenes throughout the history of Sharn and of the Church of the Silver Flame. Bookshelves filled with tomes of many shapes and sizes, subjects ranging from basic agriculture to more esoteric subjects, curses, afflictions, and the like.
[sblock=History Check (trained only) DC 17]You recognize one of the hanging murals as depicting what was known as The Great Purge, a noble paladin of the Silver Flame striking down a wolf-like humanoid.
[sblock=History ( DC 23+)]You recognize the Paladin as Jolan Sol.[/sblock][/sblock]
After a few moments, a middle-aged human enters and apologizes for his tardiness and makes his way to sit behind a finely made desk. He introduces himself as Vandrol Sol, High Priest. He appears enthusiastic at your appearance, and very much honored to have such heroes within his presence. ”Your most recent successes have already reached the ears of our clergy. I must congratulate you and your allies for ridding our fair city of Baldwin and his wererat minions. I have faced that one many times and he always has been able to escape his fate. You have ended a dire plague infecting our great city.” He looks each of you in the eyes, you can see his sincerity clearly upon his face.
[sblock=Insight Check DC 20]You can see numerous similarities with Vandrol and the paladin depicted on the mural, enough to be some ancestor of his.[/sblock]
Vandrol continues, ”For such a noble act, please allow the Cathedral of Cleansing Flame to offer a boon to each of you. But first, you were asked to bring the holy relic. Might I see it?”

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Braddock arrived with his companions to the offical summons. He did not return to the tavern, but received his invitation nonetheless. He has groomed himself and appears to be wearing his nicer clothes to meet with the High Priest.

"Ah, I made sure to secure that before the monk got his sticky hands on it."

Braddock pulls the artifact from a pouch that should not be able to hold such an object from the inside of his cloak. He hands it respectfully to the priest.

[sblock=history 14] 1d20+10 → [4,10] = (14) Roll Lookup That is just sad for someone who calls himself a Historian :( [/sblock]

OOC: I've decided I'm going to keep Braddock level 5 until he is officially approved and can accept the xp from Hysteria's Ascendency. If it is approved and there is an extended rest, I can always level him up then. Or whenever :)

Also, did we distribute money? I would like to buy a healing potion or two before the adventure starts.


Quan enters with the rest, looking just as dirty but with a different stink on his breath, mint spirits perhaps? He seems to grow more and more reticent as they get into the cathedral but perks up at the mention of a boon. After Braddock's disparaging remarks, Quan wipes his hands on his robe only to have them come back more dirty than before.
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Rikka followed the others into the room, still in her favored leopard-shape. From time to time, she gave a harsh, hacking cough, and as soon as introductions were completed, she flopped in a heap on the floor. For all the world, it looked as if she were sleeping- but a close glance showed her eyes were still partially open, and they tracked every movement warily.

OOC: also waiting to hear whether we divided up the gold- and if so, how much each share was worth. Except for that, and any possible purchases, Rikka is ready to go.


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Vandrol turns towards Orsik and Muzdum and says, ”Our goliath-friend here is correct. I have reason to believe that you have found a certain relic of the Silver Flame.”

He leans forward in his chair to take the proffered sword from Braddock, hilt first. ”Truly Amazing! Found after all this time. This is one of the bright moments in our recently clouded past." He bows his head reverently. You can see his lips mouthing a prayer to the Silver Flame. After a moment, he looks up, carefully lifts the longsword, and then once again studies the divine blade.

"It is as I had feared. This was once one of the finest blades within our order. Many a long list of champions used that blade to deliver justice and cleansing flame. It was lost almost 120 years ago, during the Purge. All of its divine enchantments have been stripped leaving only an empty shell, albeit an expensive one.”
He studies the magnificent silver blade a few seconds longer before setting it down on the desk top in front of him. "You have earned our deepest gratitude for the return of this blade. As such, you and your companions will be compensated accordingly."

Vandrol goes on to say, ”But first, I wish to discuss the main reason why I requested your presence. The Church of the Silver Flame has need of brave adventurers, such as yourselves. You have already proven yourselves capable by ridding Sharn of the threat below. Rumors have been coming in from the countryside surrounding Sharn – particularly within the area around the King’s Forest. Rogues and bandits, and even wild creatures are attacking caravans and travelers heading to our fair city. Survivors – what few there are – claim to have seen beasts covered in hair, not like goblinoid, but more feral-looking humanoids, wild and barbarous. Those within our order believe that lycanthropes are to blame. One such group of beast is known to reside within the King's Forest. Our church would like you to find these were-creatures and bring them to justice, in the name of the Silver Flame. Historically, our normal response would be to start a crusade and simply eradicate those we find unjust. Many of our number would gladly join such a warband, but I feel that we must learn from our histories, to investigate the situation, and then deciding on the best course of action.” He gestures towards the bookshelves containing numerous volumes, row after row, shelf after shelf, holding centuries of the Church of the Silver Flame's histories.

Vandrol gives a sigh, almost forlorn before continuing. ”I have communed with the Keeper of Flames, and we fear that this could be the start of another Purge. We must choose tolerance over apathy. Lead with our hearts and our faith in the One Flame. We don’t know how our beloved church can survive another failure. Before that can be allowed to happen, we require more information. Your task would be to travel to the King’s Forest and locate this group of lycans, discover their intentions and their plans and then return here and tell us your findings, upon which time you and your allies shall be rewarded for your service. Although, I cannot condone violence, should the criminals choose to resist and attack you, by all means defend yourselves as you see fit. Now, what say you?”

Vandrol leans back into his chair and steeples his fingers before him awaiting your responses…
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"I would refuse to be part of eradicating people, any people from the land. But if they act as Baldwin has, they deserve to be removed as threat to the people. Tribes prosper if no bandits are around. They know what happens if they break the law."

"We already know some other kind of were creatures were in league with Baldwin. So now I get to fulfill my promise to that filth."

After a breath length of pause
"What do you mean, you need only information? Do you really think they'll just let us walk in, question them and leave? We'll try and bring one of them to you for questioning, but I fear it will fall to us to destroy that group."

Voda Vosa

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The dwarf shrugs at Orsik's statement. "I don''t really care 'bout a bunch of were things. Kill them all if that suits you. Heck, I'll even give ye a hand, just fer the fun of it. But your highn..." the dwarf doubts on how to name the priest. "My holyn..." he doubts again. "My leas... My 'higholyleashness' ..." he finally says, adding all the titles together. ..here want us to sneak in and try to get the intelligence without the unglies notice. Or discover why are they attacking the caravans, yes?"


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"Aye, I'm for helping ye. But I agree with Orsik, there will be bloodshed on this."

He looks around at his companions.

"Some of me 'mates were affected by the were-rat filth. Could ye be helpin' us with that, you Holiness?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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