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[Adventure]Curious & Curiouser (Judge: Stonegod)


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"I agree for the most part with what the others have said," growled the dark-furred leopard, speaking with a rough voice, barely recognizable as a woman's. "But I would be seeking out these creatures on my own, if they are connected with Baldwin and his folk. If we find out any information on their plans or motivation, we will bring it to you- but we do intend to hunt them down regardless..." At that point her speech ceased, as she was wracked by a heavy series of wet coughs.

OOC: Should be leveled up and ready to go

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Quan coughs to but whether it is the Filth Fever or the stiff drink, it is not clear. We only have to talk to them? Okay, but how much compensation are we talking about here?


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In response to the party’s comments, Vandrol says, ”Please, call me Vandrol, I have never been one for titles. To answer your questions, I would say that the primary goal would be to ascertain the source of these attacks. The secondary task would then be stopping that source. As I mentioned earlier, you have proven yourselves to be a capable group. If you find yourselves in a position to end this threat, by all means, do so.”

Starting with Quan, he looks each of you for a moment, gazing down at the dwarves, up at the goliath. If he was surprised at Rikka-in-cat-form, it didn’t show. ”Once you agree to our commission, each of you shall receive 350 gold pieces, paid up front, with a bonus if you can return and prove that this threat is ended.” He gestures towards a silver coffer setting on his desk, easily large enough to hold coin enough for your payment.

”Now as reward for defeating Baldwin, please accept these gifts, from the Church of the Silver Flame.” Vandrol opens a drawer and draws out a scroll tube (made of bone), three single vials, a cloth wrapped bundle that clinked when set on the desk, and a wooden box (artfully crafted in cherry, the symbol of the Silver Flame carved on the top), setting each on the desktop. He then stands, and walks around the desk to stand before you.

Vandrol picks up the cloth bound object and unwraps it, displaying its contents. "First, here are 10 platinum ingots which should compensate for the value of our sword's return to our church."
GM: The ingots are worth 100gp each; 2 per PC.

To Muzdum, Quan and Rikka, he says, ”I can see those vile rats have spread their disease among you. The Silver Flame shall purify all those tainted by vile filth. He walks to a gilded chest resting on one of the book shelves. He opens it and selects a ritual scroll and once unrolled, immediately spouts off a litany of prayers. You hear your names spoken as well. A fierce pain briefly seizes you and then suddenly, an inky black smoke begins to seep from your pours only to dissipate in the sunlight filling the high priest’s solar. After the ritual, he returns to stand near his desk, and picks up the glass vials. ”Also, a healing potion for each of you, for your task might prove dangerous.”
GM: Muzdum, Quan and Rikka have all been successfully cured of Filth Fever and each receive a potion of healing.

He picks up the scroll tube and turns to Braddock. ”I have prepared a scroll for you to use if you or your companions should become afflicted once again. Also, you are named Braddock the Historian, so the Church shall grant you access to our many volumes of the histories of Khorvaire to peruse should you need to. Upon your return, I’ll have a writ of access sent to you stating this effect. With that writ you shall gain entry into a library the likes of which few are invited. Is it not said that ’Knowledge is the truest weapon’?”
GM: Braddock has been given a scroll of Cure Disease

Vandrol actually has to look up at the massive goliath. ”And last but not least for you, sir, we give the gift of life.” He reaches for the wooden box. Lifting the lid reveals three glass vials containing the familiar color of healing potions and one vial with russet colored liquid. ”These potions of healing are blessed by the Silver Flame and will keep you hale when facing the evils in the world. The last one is a concoction that will help replenish your lifeblood when in dire need. Since you are also a healing warrior, I know that they will be put to good use.”
GM: Orsik gains 3 potions of healing and 1 potion of regeneration

”Now the Keeper of the Flame and I want this issue resolved as soon as possible. How you travel to the King's Forest is up to you. If you should agree to our commission, we would like you to start right away. What say you?”
[sblock=Pooled Treasure from Hysteria's Ascendency]I went back and updated the Pooled Treasure block.
[sblock=Pooled Treasure]a gold locket (25gp), 175 gp in loose coins (Quan claimed the lady's undergarments), 120 gp, 3 moonstone (100gp each), elixir of dragon breath (fire), 430 gp, gold ring w/jade (250gp), 600gp, a large topaz (500gp), a finely wrought sword (see above). [/sblock]
That would be 480gp each.
*NOTE: The value for the sword is NOT included here. See above.[/sblock]

OOC: I would note I didn't receive my parcel on leveling up to 7th...unless these potions are it.

"I would request a boon of you, if you would be willing to grant it. I'd ask an access to the library. I am willing to return the potions for it if you so ask. I may not have the title of historian, but I am a student of it. There is a great gap in my knowledge of the worlds events especially Khorvaire."


First Post
OOC: So 680 gp (200 +480 from pooled treasure), and a potion of healing, in addition to the curing ritual? Will update CS, then ready to go

Rikka gave a loud growling purr as the curative ritual did its work. She shifted back into her elven form just long enough to stow the potion in one of her pouches, then immediately returned to her leopard shape. Once back in her preferred form, she looked around the rest of the group. "Are we ready to depart soon? I've no further business in town, and I don't think we ought to give our foes more time to prepare- since those things fled, I bet they know we're coming..."


First Post
Braddock gracefully accepts the scroll and stores in inside a pocket inside his cloak. He does the same with his ingots, but this time makes sure Quan can not see where he places them.

OOC: Braddock was approved for level 5 (thanks jsb and THB!), so if it's okay with jsb, I'll level him up to six and update his wiki now :) Don't wait for next step for me, I'll probably have him ready to go today/tomorrow


Quan doesn't wear a backpack, but the ingots quickly disappear somewhere on his person. The potion goes into the dirty belt that ties his robes. The thin elf will probably need it. Let's go, but maybe we should stop by the Tower's Shard for a drink before going out of town?

[sblock=OOC] TwoHeadsBarking is my second approval, and I think I fixed everything[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Well thank ye!" Gratefully says Muzdum, as he quickly pockets everything that is giving to him, as if he wouldn't even want the others to merely see it.


First Post
Vandrol looks at Orsik, ”But of course, my giant friend. Return with Braddock upon completion of your task and a writ of permission shall be waiting for you as well. Accept the healing potions with the Silver Flame’s blessing; use them upon yourself or your brave allies here.”

”Now that you’ve accepted the commission, you must ready yourselves for travel. Our information says that a nomadic village of shifters stays within the southern edge of the King’s Forest, near the town of Zilspar. This information is at least a few weeks old so the exact location of this village is unknown. The tribe is said to range many miles, and there are numerous sites that have been used by them. A trade route, maintained by House Orien, will lead you to Zilspar. From there head north and a few miles into the forest, you should start seeing signs of this village. Mounts can be found at one of House Orien’s outposts in Tavick’s Landing. Once the threat from the King’s Forest is ended, return here with your findings. Go now with our blessings. May the Silver Flame light your way!”. That said, Vandrol clasps forearms with you and your allies (a little awkwardly with Rikka) and the door behind you opens, the door guards escort you out of the church. You and your allies make their way back towards the Tower’s Shard.
GM: Go ahead and make any final purchases.

The following morning, everyone meets in Tavick’s Landing and you go through the process of renting mounts and then head out for Zilspar and the King’s Forest lie directly east of Sharn and the Dagger River. It takes about four - uneventful - days on horseback to travel to Zilspar.
GM: Eberron Wiki says 284 miles to Zilspar from Sharn.

Upon arriving in Zilspar, you drop the horses off at an Orien outpost. After discrete inquiries, you proceed to find lodging for the night. So as to not attract any unwanted attention, it is decided that you will continue on foot.
[sblock=Streetwise DC 16 (trained only)]Talking quietly with one of the stable boys you hear rumors of creatures attacking travelers and even bandits attacking guarded caravans. The boys’ own uncle was cut down last month.
[sblock=Streetwise DC 23+]You are able to figure out that the stable boys’ uncle was attacked during the last full moon.[/sblock][/sblock]
You wake-up refreshed and ready to make your trek to the King’s Forest. You set out again, your travels are uneventful and another day sees you at the southern-most edge of the King’s Forest. Rikka quickly finds a game trail leading into the forest and you enter the forest; the sky vanishing behind the thick canopy of dense foliage above you, only allowing small amounts of light to filter through. Warily you continue.

Before long you pick up a scent of smoke and ahead you hear the clash of arms and the howling of wolves among the cries of the wounded. You race ahead, weapons drawn and enter a clearing next to a river. You have found a village, whether it’s the one you’re looking for or not, you are not sure. Figures rush around wielding clubs, swords, even large hammers. Scared villagers run, only to be taken down from behind by giant wolves and werewolves! A large brutish–looking man covered with wounds bursts from a partially burning hut and his shape begins to blur, shifting into a wereboar! Over the ringing of blades you hear, ”Narona, you she-bitch, I’m coming for you!” then the wereboar charges a woman in dark leathers. ”Come then, Totoruan, come meet your doom you pig! It’s been long overdue!” then she shifts into her wolf-form and the two werebeasts clash and begin to fight in earnest.

Village Attack: Round 1
GM: Initiative time!
Braddock: 1d20+3=8
Quan: 1d20+7=20
Orsik: 1d20+4=20
Rikka: 1d20+9=27
Muzdum: 1d20+6=19

Monsters: 1d20+7=18

So everyone gets to go before the monsters except for Braddock


Trees: blocking terrain
Rocks: blocking terrain; 4-feet tall
Water: 5-feet deep; difficult terrain
Camp fire (L9, AA10, AH9): hindering terrain: any creature entering the square occupying the camp fire takes 3 fire damage.
Tents & Huts: 8-feet tall; blocking terrain; provides total cover if hiding behind
I1:L4: not on fire
J11:K12: fully inflamed
N7:O8: partially on fire
V3:Y7: partially on fire
X11:Y12: partially on fire
AB7:AC8: partially on fire
AF11:AG12: partially on fire
AJ7:AK8: fully inflamed
Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to a fully inflamed hut takes 5 fire damage. If nothing is done to prevent the fires from spreading, the fire will continue to spread at the rate of one square every other round. It takes a standard action to stop the flames and a standard AND a minor to put out one square. Any attempts to put out the fires must be made while adjacent to the inflamed hut.
[sblock=Combatants]Narona, Werewolf Leader: 108/108 HP; AC 20; Fort 20; Ref 19; Will 18; MBA: Morningstar: +12 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage; MBA: Bite: +12 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and contracts Moon Frenzy; Blood Rage: Narona deals an extra 4 damage against bloodied targets; Skirmish: If Narona moves at least 3 squares from her starting point, she deals +1d8 extra damage on her next melee attack until the start of her next turn; Regeneration 5 (unless damaged by a silver weapon); Aggression Aura: aura 2; any ally that starts its turn within the aura gains a +2 to its next attack this turn.
Narona (O4): 108/108 HP; Status:
Werewolf: 88/88 HP; AC 19; Fort 19; Ref 18; Will 17; MBA: Greatclub: +10 vs. AC; 2d4+4 damage; MBA: Bite: +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and contracts Moon Frenzy; Blood Rage: A werewolf deals an extra 4 damage against bloodied targets; Skirmish: If a werewolf moves at least 3 squares from its starting point, it deals +1d6 extra damage on its next melee attack until the start of its next turn; Regeneration 5 (unless damaged by a silver weapon)
Werewolf 1 (O2): 88/88; Status:
Werewolf 2 (S5): 88/88; Status:
Werewolf 3 (Ai6): 88/88; Status:
Dire Wolf: 67/67 HP; AC 19; Fort 18; Ref 17; Will 17; MBA: Bite: +10 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage or 2d8+4 against a prone target; Combat Advantage: The dire wolf gains combat advantage against a target that has one or more of the dire wolf’s allies adjacent to it. If the dire wolf has combat advantage against the target and hits it, the target is also knocked prone.
Dire Wolf 1 (AD10:AE11): 67/67; Status:
Dire Wolf 2 (D13:E14): 67/67; Status:
Dire Wolf 3 (AL6:AM7): 67/67; Status:
Dire Wolf 4 (J9:K10): 67/67; Status:
Totoruan, Wereboar Leader: 106/106 HP; AC 20; Fort 19; Ref 16; Will 17; MBA: Maul: +11 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage, and slide the target 1 square, and Totoruan shifts into the vacated square; MBA: Gore: +11 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts Moontusk Fever; Battle Lord Tactics: When flanking, Totoruan and its ally deal an extra 1d6 damage against an enemy currently flanked; Battle Talent: Totoruan can score a critical hit on a 19-20; Inspiring Assault: Whenever Totoruan scores a critical hit, he and any ally within 5 squares regains 4 hit points; Bloodied Resilience: When Totoruan is bloodied, he gains a +2 to all defenses and his gore attack deals ongoing 10 damage (save ends) instead of ongoing 5 damage; Regeneration 5 (unless damaged by a silver weapon)
Totoruan, Wereboar (O3): 53/106; Status: BLOODIED
Wereboar: 61/61 HP; AC 18; Fort 18; Ref 16; Will 16; MBA: Mace: +9 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; MBA: Gore: +9 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) and the target contracts Moontusk Fever; Regeneration: Death Strike: the wereboar makes a gore or a melee attack when it is reduced to 0 hit points; Bloodied Resilience: While the wereboar is bloodied, it gains a +2 to all defenses and its gore attack deals ongoing 10 damage (save ends) instead of ongoing 5 damage; Regeneration 5 (unless damaged by a silver weapon)
Wereboar 1 (AM8): 30/color]/61; Status: BLOODIED
Wereboar 2 (AD12): 30/color]/61; Status: BLOODIED
Longtooth Shifter Villager: 1/1 HP; a miss never damages a minion; AC 19; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; MBA: Longsword: +10 vs. AC; 1d8+1 damage; RBA: Longbow: Range 20/40; +10 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage; Longtooth Shifting: minor: the longtooth shifter gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of its next turn.
Longtooth Shifter Villager 1 (AJ6): 1/1; Status:
Longtooth Shifter Villager 2 (AE7): 1/1; Status:
Longtooth Shifter Villager 3 (T5): 1/1; Status:
Longtooth Shifter Villager 4 (i8): 1/1; Status:
Longtooth Shifter Villager 5 (L10): 1/1; Status:

Braddock (R17): 52/52 hp; HS 11/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Quan (Q15): 37 /37; HS 7/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Orsik (Q16): 53/53 hp; HS 10/10; AP 1 ; Second Wind; Stone’s Endurance ; Rune of Mending [1] ,[2]; Status:
Muzdum (R16): 62/62; HS 12/12; AP 1 ; Dwarven Resilience ; Status:
Rikka (R14): 50/50 hp; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy ; Status:[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Oi! So much furries! Who I smack down first?!" the dwarf asks in confusion, not really know who's friend and who's foe.

OOC: Purchased a couple of items, none change the basic stats of Muzdum. Got Helm of Exemplary defence and Gauntlets of Ogre power.

[sblock=Muzdum Firebelly]

Dwarf Brawler fighter, level 7

Initiative 6; Senses: Passive Insight 13,
Passive Perception 13HP 65, Bloodied 32, Surge Value 16, Surges 11
AC 25; Fortitude 24, Reflex 19, Will 15Saving Throws +5 racial vs PoisonSpeed 6
Inescapable Waraxe +2 (Standard; at-will)+13 vs AC; 1d12+11+1. Versatile.
[sblock=Opportunity actions on Marked or not Marked targets]
Combat agility (no need of a mark)
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you takes an action that provokes an opportunity attack
Effect: After the triggering enemy completes the action, you shift 3 squares. You must end the shift closer to the target than you were when you began the shift. Then make the following attack: +13 vs AC, (HIT) 1d12+11+1+2, and you knock the target prone.
Combat challenge (needs to be marked)
Effect: Whenever an enemy marked by you is adjacent to you and shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy: +13 vs AC, (HIT) 1d12+11+1+2
Bare-Knuckled Rebuke Attack (In case Bare Knuckled Rebuke is in effect)
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you misses you with a melee attack; Attack: +13 vs AC (unarmed), (HIT) 1d6+8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.[/sblock][/sblock]
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