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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island

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The battle rages on, with both weapons and arcane prowess drawing blood. As the queen is struck you notice her slump down a little, visibly worn from the fight. As well the hatchling swarm in amongst the locust swarm seems to have thinned noticeably.

But even as the signs of battle turning in your favor are obvious, the fight is far from over. The Queen swings forth her claw, catching Gloom in the midsection, and tearing a nasty gash through armor, clothing and flesh. She then takes a step back and once again spews forth a caustic cloud which burns the eyes and lungs of all within it's cloud.

Martelai & Thorn take 6 damage each for starting their turns within a swarm.

The Queen attacks Gloom with her claw, hitting AC 25 for 15 damage.
Shift to L10-M11.
Uses Action Point
Acid Blast from K8-G12. Attacks are vs Fort: 26 vs Thorn, 29 vs Gloom, 27 vs Zharne & 23 vs Leonard. All hits for 9 damage & ongoing 5 Acid damage & targets are weakened.


Gellan – HP: 17/33; HS: 4/9; AP: 1 ; Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both); Used Swift Panther Rage, Second Wind

Gloom – HP: 1/39; HS: 7/11; AP 1 ; Bloodied; Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both); Used Blood Fury Fullblade, Longtooth Shifting, Second Wind

Martelai – HP: 20/38; HS: 5/9; AP 0 Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both); Used: Ethereal Step

Minharath – HP: 11/29; HS: 8/8; AP 3; Bloodied; Used Beacon of Hope, Healers Mercy

Thorn – HP: 20/35; HS: 4/11; AP 3; Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both); Used Grit and Spittle, Second Wind, Longtooth Shifting

Zharne – HP: 27/36; HS: 6/9; AP 2; Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both)

Leonard - HP: 11/20; HS: 1/1; Ongoing 5 Acid and weakened (save ends both)


Now I realise that where I have placed some of you on the map isn't exactly where you stated, but things didn't all work out with the actions you posted, so instead I just went with what I felt was closest to your intentions. This campaign is dragging on far too long and I didn't want to waste any more time than necessary.





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Gellan hisses as the queen's caustic secretions burn through to his skin. "Enough of this!" he roars as he dashes around the monster, thrusting his tan'gat into its flank. A feral light shines in his eyes as his blow strikes home, and new strength flows into his muscles.

[sblock=Actions]Beginning of turn: Take 5 acid damage; now bloodied.
Minor: Designate queen as Hunter's Quarry.
Move: Use Combat Sprint to walk to M-11 (gets an extra +4 AC bonus against an OA, if the queen takes one)
Standard: Attack queen with melee basic attack. Hits AC 26 for 8 damage, because Weakened.
End of turn: Save vs. Ongoing acid & weakened: 17. Success![/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 2 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +4 Senses: Normal
AC: 19, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 12/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 4/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy

Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]I'll go last, just in case someone could heal him at least 3 points of damage (with regeneration 2, he would still be standing after the start of his turn).

If nobody can or find something more useful, I will use my Verve Armor to transform my death saving throw into a 20 and be able to spend an HS... but with +2 to death saving throw, I might roll 18+ and not spend that power :p

Verve armor! Or just a pretext to have Lauto not allowing him to follow his tribe to the other word.

Also, I plan to take Unfailing Vigor as next feat. Which mean I could spend a HS on a 18+, and with Verve armor that gives +2 to Death saving throw, that mean I would need a 16+... Gloom's death wish might never come :p [/SBLOCK]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonard gasps at the attack and retreats, trying to clean off the acid. He does it expertly and quickly, but he's still dangerously hurt.

[sblock=Leonard's actions]
Start: take 5 damage
Move: H4, avoiding OAs
Standard: Heal check on self trying to gain ST Heal Check (1d20=4) fail

End of turn:
Saving throw (1d20+1=21)

[sblock=Leonard Ogglebottom, Human rogue level 1]
Hit Points:6/20, Surge Value:5, Surges per day:1
AC:16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 17, Will: 13
Skills: Thievery +9, Stealth +9

Class Features:
First Strike = at the start of the encounter you have combat advantage against any creature that has not acted yet.
Sneak attack = deal +2d6 damage against creatures you have combat advantage against.

At Will = Deft Strike; melee or ranged 5/10; +8 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage. Can shift 2 squares before the attack.
(spent)Encounter = Shadow Strike; melee or ranged 5/10; +8 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage. If you are hidden when you make the attack make a stealth check to remain hidden after the attack.
(spent)Daily = Trick Strike; melee or ranged 5/10; +8 vs AC, 3d4+4 damage & you slide the target 1 square. Effect: Until the end of the encounter each time you hit you can slide the target 1 square.

Leather Armor
10 Daggers

Martelai moves after the boy, getting out of the swarm and calling another shaft of light from the hidden heavens. He dares not move enough

Move: H5, shadow walk concealment
Standard: Dire Radiance vs Swarm's Fort; radiant damage; curse; additional damage (1d20+5+1=18, 1d6+4=8, 1d6=5, 1d6+4=5)
Minor: Draw the dagger if didn't before...

Save vs acid and weaken (1d20=15)

[MENTION=55230]DMDanW[/MENTION], I'm done, sorry for the delay, I hurt my back so was lying down more then sitting up :(
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[sblock=updating]Unfortunately, my access to the internet is sporadic these days. If the game seems to be waiting on my character, I would request that someone else dictate his actions so the game can keep moving.[/sblock]
[sblock=actions]minor to Healing Word on gloom, move to go next to leonard (if neccessary, I'm having trouble keeping track of the map, just take the safest route and pray that it works), standard to grant the boy another saving throw.[/sblock]


First Post
Gloom receive the acid in the face. Blinded a moment as he swings his sword, he miss the queen. He then suddenly feels the acid dissipate. "Lauto would like to have your soul, beast. He need something to guard some souls!"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Free: Spend an HS => HP: 26/39; HS: 6/11
Start: Ongoing damage => 21/39
Minor: Divine Challenge
Minor: Ardent Vow
Standard: Holy Strike vs AC on Queen (1d20+11=13, 1d12+20=30) Miss :(
End: Save (1d20=3)
Free: Verve Armor. Saved![/SBLOCK]

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