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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island


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Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island

An Adventure for Levels 2 - 3

Party Members
Gloom – Shifter Paladin (lvl3) [played by Velmont]
Gellan – Halfling Barbarian (lvl2) [played by RedBeardJim]
Thorn – Shifter Fighter (lvl2) [played by Banesfinger]
Zharne – Elf Druid (lvl2) [played by Ozvmandias79]
Minharath – Kalashtar Cleric (lvl2) [played by Tomalak]
Martelai Luinil - Half-Elf Warlock (lvl3) [played by Neurotic]

Treasure Earned:
none yet

XP Earned
none yet

Major Quests:
none yet

Minor Quests:
none yet

Date Started:
July 1, 2010

[sblock=Rules and stuff to know...]

1. I would like everyone to use a mini-stat block for their characters. Please include your quick stats in your post on the first post of a new page, on each post in combat, and on the first post where your status has changed. You may also place your mini-stat block in your signature as well.

[sblock=Example Mini-stats]
Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: +9, Passive Insight: +9
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack

[FONT=&quot]In combat I will track your hit points and status effects but I'd like you to please do the same in your mini-stats for your own reference.

[/FONT] 2. I’d like you to have a wish list of magic items that your character would like ranging from levels 1 to 7 (don’t worry if a couple of levels are blank) and put it on your character sheet. I will attempt to pick items out of these lists if at all possible.

3. When the group receives treasure it’s going to be up to the party to split it among themselves. Keep in mind that I will attempt to include items off of your wish-lists so although an item may come from a particular PC’s wish list, it is up to the party to decide who gets it.

4. If a spoiler block is labeled for another character, please try not to read it. If one character has certain information, it’s up to him or her to reveal it IC.

5. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will post for you. I will only use At-Will Powers. If you know you are going to be unable to post for more than 2 days, please let me know.

6. Skill Challenges and Combat encounters;

[sblock=Skill Challenges]
I hate limiting my players as to what they can and cannot do, so here is how I am going to handle skill challenges.

· Each player describes an action that his character is doing, whether it’s tumbling past a guard or talking with a duke and the skill they feel is appropriate (plus the roll..)

· There will be a primary DC for the challenge set be the DM. If your description and skill choice fit the challenge it will be against the Primary DC. If it seems like a stretch to me, then it will be against a higher DC (the stranger the attempt, the higher the DC).

· If the player gives a particularly good description or role‐plays well, the DM can give him a +2 to the skill check.

· Not all characters will be built for all challenges. If you feel like you do not have anything useful to add to a particular challenge and would do more harm than good, then you can always role-play the situation and attempt to assist another character with their skill check. [FONT=&quot]


We will be using Mal Malenkirk’s combat rules. For those of you not familiar with those rules here is some detail;

· I roll all initiatives. Waiting two days before everyone has had the chance to roll theirs is a waste of time.

· I roll a single initiative for my bad guys and play them all in the same turn. It loses some of the tabletop experience but it plays a lot faster than individual initiative. Occasionally there may be a bad guy or two that acts on its own initiative, but that would be rare.

· I’ll post relevant monster stats so you can determine the outcome of your action. This will be very basic information regarding defences and hit points. If more information is revealed through a successful knowledge check, I will add that information once it is revealed. This way you don’t have to wait for me to tell you if your roll hit, of if the bad guy died and it speeds up the game.

· I don't care in what initiative order you post; your action takes place at exactly the moment you post and as long as you only act once per round, it's all good. You can always edit your post as long as no one else has posted after you – including the DM. If you need to revise your actions for any reason, I will let you know.

The initiative in practice is only relevant once; the very first round.

Let's say initiative is:

Mesa 22
Matlal 17
Tor 12
Montroya 9
Andrec 8
Jarel Karn 5

That means Mesa and Matlal get to act before the BGs. I don't care in what order! If Matlal log in the thread before Mesa, don't wait, act first!

Once they have both acted, I play all of the Bad Guys.

Then everyone act, in whatever order.

It is possible that Mesa and Matlal will log on the thread before Tor, Montroya, Andrec and Jarel Karn have all acted. It doesn't matter, they can act! Once all 6 of PCs have acted (and acted only once, of course!), I run bad guys and then it's once more your turn. That simple.

I repeat; your actions take place when you post. Should you want to delay, then simply wait for the others to post.

It is very common when you play that way for a player to log last in a turn and then be the first to log back after I have updated the fight and played the BGs. This leads to a PC acting almost back to back. It matters little; in the end he still has acted only once in either round.

This saves a lot of time especially because most players can't log on the thread thrice a day to see if it's their turn yet. If you log on at any time after I have run the BGs turn you are free to post without waiting for your buddies to act in order.

Two frequent rules issues arise from this practice:

1 - What about effects that last 'until the end of PC's X turn'?

Often a leader will grant a bonus to someone else 'until the end of the leader's turn'. This will usually be interpreted as 'Until the end of the target's turn' instead. Good old common sense. The target doesn't lose the bonus if the leader acts before him and doesn't gain TWO turns of using the bonus if he manages to act twice before the leader acts again.

2 - What about PCs who purposefully delay taking their turn in order to give a chance to their allies to grant them a free save?

Ongoing damage and others conditions effect occurs at the beggining of your turn. If you know someone might grant you a free save (leaders can often do that) before you act, it may save you damage or avoid a stun effect to purposefully delay taking your turn, giving a chance for the other PCs to help you... That's cool. I don't mind. It just increases the value of team work which is a good thing.


7. Choose the dice roller that works for you. Your options include: Invisible Castle, Dice Room, or CoCo Dice Roller. Please make sure to fill in the campaign name and character name for each roll, I will do the same. If you are using Dice Room then use your character name and the name of this adventure (title above, punctuation and everything) as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.
I prefer the CoCo Dice Roller as it is easy to use and in my time using it has never been down (unlike Invisible Castle…..)

8. Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.

9. I will award XP during extended rests (or at least try too if possible).

10. Have fun! If you’re not having fun for any reason, please tell me about it so we can get back on track.


Just wanted to get the thread up today - more to come soon.....
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First Post
The time passes quickly, some of you enjoying the fine delicacies laid out before you, some looking through the wares of the Emporium, and some just resting contently. Lord Ogglebottom finally returns to the room, a young boy of perhaps 15 years following a few steps behind.

"Alright everyone, I hope you have filled your stomachs and replenished your gear. Leonard here is ready and I have made all the necessary arrangements." He looks back at the boy and motions him to come forward. "Say hello to your new bodyguards Leonard" he says to the boy, motioning towards the group.

"Hello" he responds, not really looking at the group and sounding extremely disinterested.

"So if everyone is ready to go we can be underway..."

OK everyone this is the new thread for L.O.O.T. II. Please let me know if you are ready to go (ie: finished your shopping, leveled up your character, etc.). If you could please ensure that your PC entry on the new Wiki is up to date that would be fantastic, as I will be using that to reference information on your characters for the most part.

I will be pretty busy from now till Monday the 5th, but will check in when I can but probably won't be making any major posts till then.


First Post
Zharne yawns

[sblock=Zharne Redcloud stat Line]Zharne Redcloud- Male Elf Druid 2
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
AC:18, Fort:13, Reflex:16, Will:16 -- Speed:8
HP:36/36 Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +5, Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Swarming Locusts, Chill Wind, Darting Bite, Elven Accuracy, Savage Frenzy, Fleet Pursuit


First Post
Gellan steps from the back room where he has been having his armor worked on. Settling the beasthide back around his frame, he rolls his neck and nods to the youngster. "Greetings to you."

[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 2 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +4 Senses: Normal
AC: 19, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 33/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy

Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Subscribe only (those who speak eladrin recognize Martelai Luinil as a phrase "unifinished star" probably not his true name since it's somewhat derogatory meaning someone without patience to finish what he started) - but then, to long lived eladrin, half bloods always seem impatient ;)

[sblock=Martelai Stats]

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 38/38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Level 2: Improved Fate of the Void

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Dilettante: Cutting Words
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention

Blackleaf Gloves Teleport

Decree of Khirad

Elixir of Will


First Post
Gloom simply nods at Leonard.

[sblock=Gloom]Gloom - Level 3 Longtooth Shifter Paladin
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Initiative: +1 Senses: Low-Light
AC: 20, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 13, Will: 17 -- Speed: 5, Size: Medium
HP: 39/39, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges left 11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Ardent Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge
Longtooth Shifting, Divine Mettle, Divine Strength, Heedless Fury, Fortune Spurred Smite, Call of Challenge
Blood Fury Longsword
Ardent Vow (4/4), Blood of the Mighty
Verve Plate Armor[/sblock]


First Post
And they're off....

"Alright now that we are ready we can be underway." remarks Lord Ogglebottom. "Leonidas here will lead the way" he says gesturing to the large warforged, "The plan is that you travel to Bacarte via the portal at the Hanged man Tavern, which I am sure you are all familiar with. From there Leonidas will lead you to the next destination. Please forgive me for being slightly tight lipped about the details, but if it were your son in danger you would understand".

With that he turns and places his hands on the younger Ogglebottoms shoulders and looks him in the eye, "Alright Leonard, these men will keep you safe and out of danger. It is very important that you listen to them and do what they say. Do you understand wh.."

"Ya I get it - stay with the goon squad here and stay out of trouble" Leonard interrupts his father in a bitter tone of voice. "I don't know what the big deal is.."

"The big deal is that someone had planned on kidnapping you and holding you for a ransom. What do you expect me to do, just have you sit in your room and wait for the brigands to come and take you?" Lord Ogglebottom replies, his voice raising in volume as his temper flares.

"Whatever..." is all Leonard gives for a reply in a defeated tone as he stares off at the far wall. He looks over to Leonidas. "Lets go big guy" he states, slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking towards the door. Leonidas quickly follows and turns to the group "Follow me please" he states.

You make your way out of the Emporium following behind Leonard and Leonidas, who almost knocks over a half-elf wearing a dark blue coat who was just about to enter the building. Steadily you make your way to the Hanged Man Tavern, a familiar sight to most of you. There are only a few patrons in the tavern, two sitting at the bar and three more sitting around a table and you easily make your way to the Portal at the rear of the room. As he passes by Leonidas tosses a bag on the bar near the barkeeper which rattles with the telltale signs of many coins. "For passage" the stoic warforged remarks as the bag slides into the barkeeps hands and he and Leonard enter the portal.

You come out of the portal into another tavern not so unlike the one you just left, albeit a little rougher and the clientele a little more rowdy. Not wanting to tarry Leonidas grabs Leonard by the arm and hurries him out of the place, the rest of you following behind trying to keep up. They exit the Drowned Man and turn towards the mercantile district of town. Soon you all find your selves standing in front of a Pawn Broker shop, Hainsworths Holdings to be precise.

Leonard looks up and then over at Leonidas questioningly. "We are going to hide out at dads pawnshop?" he asks, "That's a fantastic idea - no one will ever find me here..." his voice dripping with sarcasm.


First Post
"Sorry boy, but that's what your father want and pay us for. If it is there he want to hide you, we will hide you there. And if people find you there, we will... 'subdue' them." replies Gloom.

Voidrunner's Codex

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