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D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

Plan to adopt the new core rules?

  • Yep

    Votes: 262 53.1%
  • Nope

    Votes: 231 46.9%


I'm not going to argue about how someone from nowhere-valley who's gone exploring the world suddenly has notoriety and friends no matter where they travel or even if it's on other planes of existence. Maybe your adventures never take the PCs more than 30 miles from home, mine do and pretty much every game I've ever played has. Several of the best selling popular modules do as well. IMHO it world-lore breaking to have background features that rely on being known or who you know no matter where you go.

You do you, I don't want to play in a game where logic has to be stretched to the breaking point to make background features work whether I'm player or DM and we're just having this argument on spin cycle.
It just feels like you want to artificially limit characters out of a knee-jerk reaction, rather than spend a minute or two at most coming up with a decent reason to let their background shine. Which is not, IMO, a very cool thing for a GM to do. It turns the game into "mother may I" and makes the players second-guess their every decision since they'll never know what you arbitrarily decide isn't "logical."

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It just feels like you want to artificially limit characters out of a knee-jerk reaction, rather than spend a minute or two at most coming up with a decent reason to let their background shine. Which is not, IMO, a very cool thing for a GM to do. It turns the game into "mother may I" and makes the players second-guess their every decision since they'll never know what you arbitrarily decide isn't "logical."
It feels to me like you put too high a priority on the letter of the rules for something that is not a supernatural ability and little to none on in-world logic. My reasoning is never arbitrary, my players are happy with the way I run my games and they tell me so on a regular basis.

I may not be the DM for you but then again, I don't want rules lawyers in my game so there you go. 🤷‍♂️


I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying PC's background features don't apply when they're in places they aren't from?
I don't know if you've ever played or run Ravenloft. He's saying that according to the module, they don't know anything about Barovia and no one knows them.


Victoria Rules
You'll have to explain what you mean. Take the False Identity feature from the Charlatan background. It's in no way dependent on being in a specific area. You can assume your created persona and forge documents no matter where you are.
Assume your created persona? Yes, any time.

Forge documents? Not so fast there, bucko, unless you are literate in the local language or are willing to try to pass obviously-foreign documents as legit.
I think, as a component of PC-build, players are supposed to care about their backgrounds almost as much as their race and class. If they don't, then I think something has gone wrong.
Players can care about their characters' backgrounds as much or as little as they like. The question is whether those backgrounds are there merely as lore to help the player roleplay the character and that may or may not ever become relevant in play at some point (my preference) or whether they have actual mechanical heft like species and class along with a built-in expectation that the DM will provide opportunities for this heft to make a difference (not my preference).


It feels to me like you put too high a priority on the letter of the rules for something that is not a supernatural ability and little to none on in-world logic. My reasoning is never arbitrary, my players are happy with the way I run my games and they tell me so on a regular basis.

I may not be the DM for you but then again, I don't want rules lawyers in my game so there you go. 🤷‍♂️
I'm putting a high priority on players enjoying their characters, and arbitrarily shutting down their actual abilities isn't fun, especially when it literally takes less than a minute to come up with an extremely logical reason why it would work just fine.


Victoria Rules
I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying the PCs' background features don't apply when they aren't from the setting?
Depends on what those features are and whether they are tied to the setting. If you're a criminal with contacts in the underworld in various cities, that's setting-tied*. If you're a titled noble with a small castle, lands, and a reputation, that's setting-tied*. If you're an ex-soldier with contacts in the Roman Legions, that's not just setting-tied but nation-tied.

But if you're a baker or a poet or an entertainer, you can do those things anywhere you can find the requisite supplies, equipment, and-or space; they're not setting-tied.

* - unless the character has somehow travelled off-world before starting its adventuring career, but unless the campaign is starting in a planar nexus e.g. Sigil or the City of Brass, one thinks that would be an extremely rare case.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I'm putting a high priority on players enjoying their characters, and arbitrarily shutting down their actual abilities isn't fun, especially when it literally takes less than a minute to come up with an extremely logical reason why it would work just fine.
Which is why background features like this are problematic if you don't want to change the setting or bend plausibility to accommodate them. I'd rather not bother with them mechanically at all if that's the case.


I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying the PCs' background features don't apply when they aren't from the setting?
There are a great many times when a player's background feature would be absolutely bonkers to apply. Not from the setting when the setting is one so difficult to scces/escape like ravenloft is quite possibly the most obvious example. Ravenloft keeps getting used as the example because it's such an obvious unquestionable example with so many aspects supporting the exclusion.
Of course iif you don't like the ravenloft exampl... Itmight be more productive to discuss if the support for background features remaining in the phb boils down to their ability to convince players they can seemingly force the GM into accepting them rather than the gm being able to decide when and how a background might be relevant.
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I'm putting a high priority on players enjoying their characters, and arbitrarily shutting down their actual abilities isn't fun, especially when it literally takes less than a minute to come up with an extremely logical reason why it would work just fine.

I'm putting my priority on building a living, breathing world that people enjoy playing in. One that's logically consistent and if I think a background feature isn't appropriate I'll tell you why. It has everything to do with making the game as fun for my players as I know how.

If my style doesn't work for you, if you insist on always follow the letter of the rules, then I don't know what to say. Find a different DM.

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