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D&D Player’s Handbook (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Player’s Handbook (2024)


In fact, I wouldn't mind talking about something that I touched on above: RE: The SIZE of the upcoming PHB.

One of the things that I think is going to surprise people with these new Core books, is something that WotC has touched on in interviews, but we've only got a few small previews to give us a hint about how it's going to shake out. But here's what I expect from what we've seen and heard:

They're going for a bigger font, using artwork to space-out entries. Things like "each subclass has Art". The thing that I think is really going to stand out about this book (and Ditto for the other Core) is that, for the first time ever, I believe, they are not going to have text that drops off a page and continues on the next in the way that it has. They are going to lay-out the books so that everything fits. It's an organizational idea that will, IMO, VASTLY improve the books.

We've seen an example with the backgrounds. They showed TWO Backgrounds per page, with art that evokes said background (er, in the background behind the text). I expect each subclass to have its own page. Etc etc.

This is one of the things that I think might cause many of the folks who are posting "No" or "Wait and see" on the Poll thread about adopting these books... to change their minds. This is, of course, IF the books are organized as well as I imagine them to be. We'll have to see.
Might be worth putting up the pages we saw from the PHB (h/t @darjr )


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Heh, I am sensitive to sticker shock. D&D prices continually scandalize me.

But I honestly feel the prices are fair − because the SRD (CC/OGL/Basic) is free.

With regard to persons who are poor, there is a way to play and enjoy the D&D game without much cost. Maybe they might need a computer, but there are workarounds. Sometimes a library computer. Especially if they hookup with a group, they can play the game while consulting the books of others, at no cost, and maybe print out a relevant page.

The numbers of how many players there are, matters for the success of the D&D game. Encouraging the poor to play D&D is just as important as encouraging the secure or wealthy to play to financially support D&D.


Heh, I am sensitive to sticker shock. D&D prices continually scandalize me.

But I honestly feel the prices are fair − because the SRD (CC/OGL/Basic) is free.

With regard to persons who are poor, there is a way to play and enjoy the D&D game without much cost. Maybe they might need a computer, but there are workarounds. Sometimes a library computer. Especially if they hookup with a group, they can play the game while consulting the books of others, at no cost, and maybe print out a relevant page.

The numbers of how many players there are, matters for the success of the D&D game. Encouraging the poor to play D&D is just as important as encouraging the secure or wealthy to play to financially support D&D.
An area which WotC has always been leaps and bounds ahead of where TSR was.


They do happen from smaller companies, but if WotC cut up one of their Campaign books into ten softcover and then charged the same price Goodman Games does, people would complain about the price.
Like, if I as a self publisher would do that as Print on Demand over like amazon, a 40page (can do 32 pages but 40 pages is the same price) premium color softcover I could sell for 9,99 (or 6,99 for a Black and White 102 pager).
But at that price point I would have to do everything myself. To hire artists, editor, layout, it would be more around 15 to 20$. As a PDF they could go for like 5$.


Like, if I as a self publisher would do that as Print on Demand over like amazon, a 40page (can do 32 pages but 40 pages is the same price) premium color softcover I could sell for 9,99 (or 6,99 for a Black and White 102 pager).
But at that price point I would have to do everything myself. To hire artists, editor, layout, it would be more around 15 to 20$. As a PDF they could go for like 5$.
And that doesn't take into account that WotC isn't doing direct sale (well, they are. Alittle bit now), but going through distributors who sell to retail, both of whom take a cut.


Golden Procrastinator
Amazon or other vig retailers will have it at a lower price basically immediately.

As stated, though, the MSRP for 2024 D&D books is lower than it was a decade ago: WotC increased their prices behind inflation.
I agree with your assessment regarding inflation and I will get the book, but my salary has also increased way below inflation, while my fixed expenses, such as utilities and groceries have not. Maybe in the US that's uncommon, but over here unfortunately it is not.


I agree with your assessment regarding inflation and I will get the book, but my salary has also increased way below inflation, while my fixed expenses, such as utilities and groceries have not. Maybe in the US that's uncommon, but over here unfortunately it is not.
No, unfortunately, it has been rough here, too. But it is not an unfair price on the market of similar books as it stands.

My main economic scale has always been the "burrito test" of how many Burritos something is worth, and currently the books are worth about 4 standard food truck burritos. I will get more than 4 metric burritos worth of enjoyment from them, so...

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