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Kickstarter [Zombie Sky Press] Psychonaut: A Zine Devoted to Psionics for 5E


Calling all the fans of psionics!

Psychonaut is a new serial zine from Zombie Sky Press, presenting psionic options for gamemasters and players alike who are looking for something a little different for their game. Everything is fully compatible with 5E.

The first issue contains several fantastically psychical options:
  • Archon. New base class. Hybrid psionics/magic user. Akin to the warlock. Tentatively eight subclasses, including the psychopomp. Will be made available to backers after the Kickstarter campaign for playtesting.
  • Efts. New salamander-like playable psionic fey. (They are masters of fire with lore that ties into The Faerie Ring Campaign Guide.)
  • Psicrystals. Crystalline creatures with a strange, intertwined history with meatbag humanoids.
  • Powers. An assortment of new powers (or "psionic spells"). The power set will be gradually built out so that ultimately it can replace standard spells for those that want it.
  • Plus design notes!

The Kickstarter campaign launches Wednesday, February 22: https://www.kickstarter.com/project...ine-devoted-to-psionics-for-5th-edition-games

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Kickstarter Update: Archons​

The mystic mantle you take on as an archon is a role of cosmic importance—at least to you. It focuses your deep reservoir of psychic potential into a specific purpose. There was no “higher being” that anointed you to your role. You came about it on your own as you discovered your power and what it meant to you, and you followed your calling. That’s why no two archons are ever alike, all of us coming from such disparate backgrounds with no real teaching, only our own stubbornness and curiosity. There’re no guidelines, no rules laid down for our calling, for our mantle. You just do it. And hopefully learn from your mistakes.

Oh sure, some have claimed it’s the multiverse itself calling out to those who possess the capacity, leading them, unbeknownst to themselves, toward their “life’s goal.” But that’s for the scholars and priests to argue about.

To Be an Archon​

The archon is a new base class with which you can explore the multiverse. As an archon, you take on a particular role: maybe that’s as a psychopomp, ushering the confused dead to their final rest, or maybe as a ghost hound, investigating anomalous creatures and places, ensuring they don’t damage the fabric of the multiverse. There are many, many roles that you might find yourself in.

To help you accomplish this, you wield magic, though this is limited compared to some other spellcasters (similar to a warlock). However, you also have a special affinity for psychic implements—mystical tools that are bound to you and that channel your innate psionic abilities. These are varied from one archon to another and often take the form of grimoires, tattoos, psicrystals, psychoactive skins, third eyes, even bound weapons with minds of their own. You’ll choose your favorites, the implements that prove most helpful to you, and together, you’ll find your way. This is how you’ll shine and chase your dreams.

The archon base class is included in the first issue of Psychonaut along with several subclasses.

Join us today: https://www.kickstarter.com/project...ine-devoted-to-psionics-for-5th-edition-games
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Kickstarter Update: Psicrystals​

By what is generally considered as little more than a remarkable coincidence, the thoughts of sentient creatures are able to be embedded within certain crystal matrices. (Also remarkable is that so few scholars seek to probe the ramifications of this, the why of it all: is this simply the realities of evolutionary theory in inorganic life forms, or is there a deeper mystery to be considered. Our task here though is to present the state of research in the field and not to descend into either religion or pseudoscience.) What follows is a brief summary of the realities of psicrystal evolution.

The intricacies of embedding one's thoughts into a crystal are not to be minimized but are only discussed here in broad strokes. It is sufficient to understand that only certain crystalline lattices are suitable for holding the patterns of complex thought, especially when considering long-term storage. Thought corruption within the lattice is a nontrivial concern and many investigators have paid dearly for their lack of proper precautions. Of course, as with all things, magic makes the process quicker and safer. It should not be lost, however, that those earliest of psychic delvers made these remarkable discoveries without the aid of external magicks—sufficient time and intention is really all that is required. Truth, even some "baser" beasts have been shown to develop rudimentary psicrystal "companions," as it were, under the right circumstances. (See also Rutherford's fascinating observations of an octopus in his care and the "inseparable crystalline companion" with which it had developed a bond over their years of proximity.)

What Is a Psicrystal​

Many a crystal matrix can be imprinted with a copy of some fragment of thought from another creature. This creates a recording of said thought (to be clear, this is a nonmobile object and capable of no action on its own) that gifted researchers can then access independently. An actual psicrystal is formed, however, only when a sufficient amount of thoughts are embedded within a given crystal to give it a semblance of life. (The threshold for sentience in psicrystals is a hotly debated topic, but the standard at present is that these psicrystals are little more than automatons and not to be considered sentient. It is still considered inappropriate by many to even consider the idea of an "inorganic life form," though that sentiment seems to be fading, and the designation is now seeing common usage.)

At their simplest, such psicrystals mimic those patterns recorded within their matrix. You can see how this might cloud the issue of whether they are a unique life form or merely a constructed copy, an object that merely acts upon those processes written within its form. When imprinted with the more instinctual thoughts of beasts, the new entity is deemed a crysmal and will display "personalities" mimicking the model creature.

Psicrystal familiars are more advanced specimens, imprinted with the more complex thoughts of intelligent creatures, and they can exhibit some truly fascinating abilities. They begin to raise the question of actual sentience in the life forms. A typical such psicrystal appears indistinguishable from a small sample of the type of crystal is was formed from. It can, however, quickly grow spiderlike, crystalline appendages to move around and manipulate objects, and it can display other remarkable abilities, such as levitation and electrical discharge.

The entities grow by accumulating more imprinted thoughts, patterning additional and increasingly complex thoughts of other creatures within their matrices, causing their forms and abilities to become all the more varied and strange. It is in these stages that one can find aggregations (or colonial psicrystals) and corrupted forms (psicrystals whose patterning has become altered in such a way as to make them unpredictable and prone to lashing out), among other types.

It is the crystlid that have put many notions of psicrystal evolution to the test though. Crystlids are a recent discovery as some psicrystals seem to have inarguably developed an intelligence all their own. (There are still many researchers that argue that a mere collection of processes, no matter how complex, when copied from another organism, cannot be considered intelligence. Crystlids will have to deal with much fear and hatred in their lifetimes.)

(Issue one of Psychonaut will contain four to six statblocks detailing various psicrystal varieties, including some heavy hitters. The crystlid lineage player option will be detailed in issue two.)

Join us today: https://www.kickstarter.com/project...-psionics-for-5th-edition-games/posts/3745996
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Just a quick update to let everyone know that add-ons have been added to the campaign. If you want Along the Twisting Way: The Faerie Ring Campaign Guide and/or Player's Guide (in either print or PDF, both at a small discount), you can add them to your pledge. (If you've already pledged and want them, you should still be able to go in and modify your order.) Note that the printed add-ons require that you be backing a tier that already has printed items.


Was able to get a draft of the archon ready for viewing. This is very much a work in progress (not final rules or text or layout), and some elements need to be better balanced for sure, but it's complete enough for a preview.

The archon is built on warlock-style casting but with limited spell options (that is, only two schools) in favor of psychic implements that can be up-powered using the character’s power points. One subclass is presented here, the psychopomp, and additional subclasses would appear in the final.


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