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ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] The Yellow Dogs play Zeitgeist (Adventure Logs)

Karma Kollapse

First Post
Player is writing the log. Probably never saw the name written down.

Which is true, but let's not blame the players here: I pronounce Sechim (and Quital, for that matter) wrong. This led to a whole conversation between two of the older players about Harry Secombe and the spelling probably stuck in Richard's head. Despite telling him the correct spelling, and that I'm pronouncing wrong... my pronounciation has stuck and so has the spelling. He spells Toble wrong a lot too.

I generally don't try and correct the write-ups as I think of it as tall tells told by a docker after the fact.

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There's an Actual Play podcast of a group playing ZEITGEIST, and they call the nation Rise-er (rhymes with fries, sir), instead of Reeser (rhymes with fleece 'er). And Daynor instead of Dan-or. And everyone mispronounces Aodhan. :)


Apparently I kept pronouncing Lorcan Kell as Lork-AN Kell. That threw off my players because they thought I was saying Lork AND Kell......two different people. When they meet him for the first time, I was asked by my players, with all seriousness....Is this Lork or Kell?

Karma Kollapse

First Post
Well it doesn't help with Aodhan that there's a correct pronounciation and an incorrect one and we're meant to remember both! Argh! I'm so glad I haven't had to say his name all that much so far....

Just like I'm glad I haven't had to say the name of that Italian-ish country. Chris is sillier than something....

Karma Kollapse

First Post
GMs Note: Vash's player finally managed to attend a session in Adventure #2! Also we got a new player for a few seesions who is playing Murdoch; unfortunately other commitments meant he couldn't stay with us for very long. Also, for the life of me I can never remember the correct spelling of his character's name, and nor can Richard, who I'm sure spells it different everytime.
Adventure #2 - The Dying Skyseer
"Cloudwood Confusion"

As Regan, Maisie, Tobal and Gideon extracted themselves from the old abbeys sewage system, Vash and Murdoch were settling down to a pleasant nights sleep. The half-orc dandy Murdoch had been seconded to the team and had spent the day with Vash trying to track down the people that had provided the Maid with the invisibility potion she had used during the Danoran Embassy heist. Charismatic for a half-Orc, Murdoch always cut a dashing figure in tight waistcoat and flowery cuffs and was eager for results. Suspicion of illegal potion supply fell on an boutique run by a pair of gnomes in Parity Lake. It transpired that they had supplied said potion, but denied any wrong-doing, pleading that the relevant authorisation documents were presented when the potion was made and sold. Unfortunately any useful audit trail covering the transaction had become fully obscured in the bureaucratic nightmare of the Gnomes cluttered shop. Exasperated, Murdoch promised to send 'others' to try and find evidence. On return to RHC HQ he assembled a sizeable squad of the biggest, clumsiest and ham-fisted group of RHC constables he could find and despatched them to the Gnomes establishment. It is likely that the level of clutter and chaos in the shop rose substantially after their visit.

The other party members returned to RHC HQ with the Doctor and the documents he had been given by the Maid as she lay dying on the rails outside the Danoran Embassy. After about four hours sleep they were called to a meeting with Chief Inspector Delft where they with bleary eyes and a faint tang of old sewage hanging in the air, explained all that had befallen them over the last 48 hours. Delft suggested that it may be worth their while to pay a visit to Nevard Secombe, the dying Skyseer, who was on his sick bed at the top of a mountain in the Cloudwood. Relishing the opportunity to get out of the city and into some decent woodland, maybe touching base with some other Druids in the process, Tobal confidently led the party into the forest and up the mountain.

Their journey was interrupted by shouts and gunshots from ahead up the path to the mountaintop. Two individuals could be seen crouched behind a wagon, which was perched dangerously on a bend in the path, who were trading bullets and crossbow bolts with a group of assailants hidden in the trees around them. Regan, in a deluded attempt to scare off the unseen bandits, ran shouting up the path firing both pistols randomly into the air. Tobals eyes brightened at the opportunity to cast an Entangle spell without having to rely on the pot-plant he carried to make it function in grimy city streets of dust and stone. He may have got a little carried away, for the resulting mass of writhing vines and creepers that swelled up to engulf the hidden bandits also blocked access to the wagon further up the path. An attempt by Gideon to bludgeon his way through revealed his impotency in the face of Mother Nature unleashed. Regan attempted to scale a steep slope to gain the upper path and fell unceremoniously back in a tangle of limbs. Murdoch met a similar fate to Gideon as he tried to sneak around behind the bandits.

He no doubt considered how fortunate it was he had 'dressed-down' into clothes which did not have their general appearance significantly impacted on being scoured by sharp thorns and plastered in crushed leaf residue.

Two things then occurred.

First, both Tobal and Regan clearly heard a female scream from the wagon and the words 'What are you doing? We are trying to save her!!' shouted by one of the foliage blighted bandits. Vash also recognised the two pistoliers sheltering by the wagon as hooligans in the employ of Lorcan Kell. The pistolliers confirmed their unpleasantness by attempting to push the wagon, complete with screaming woman, off the edge of the cliff. Maisie reacted quickly, using the Earth Sigil to create a block of stone under the wagon which frustrated the ruffians attempt to send it crashing to destruction below. Vash used the Air Sigil to levitate himself neatly into the wagon, where he grabbed the now dumbstruck woman and hauled her to safety.

Tobal, his glow of pride in the impressive entanglement he had created dulled slightly by the collateral damage it had inflicted, bounced on the back of Knuck up the path and collided with the pistolliers by the wagon in a feather bristling storm of retribution. One of Kells men went down, the other, in line with Vashs' request to 'take prisoners' fell to the floor in a bloody heap minus his right leg. It had been sheared off by a perfectly placed (or extremely lucky) Magic Missile bolt unleashed by Vash himself, who hadn't specified whether the prisoners were to be alive or dead when they were taken. The hidden bandits emerged from the trees, picking an assortment of tangly plant life from their clothes, and weapons were lowered by all those that remained standing. Regan handcuffed the wrist of one of Kells unconscious men to the remaining leg of the other and threw them both in the wagon. Maisie and Regan, after writing a brief note explaining the consequences of messing with the RHC which they put in the jacket pocket of one of their victims, set about attempting to push the wagon off the cliff with the two barely breathing pistolliers heaped inside it.

Vash stopped them, pointing out that their actions were both 'Not very RHC' and threatened to enrage Lorcan Kell and trigger an explosion of gangland vengeance in Parity Lake. The deadlock in this particular debate was eventually broken by Knuck, who stepped forward and with a firm beak thrust pushed the wagon over the cliff. Regan attempted for the first time ever to pat Knuck on the head, but got an unfriendly snarl in response from the Axe Beak.

Tobal smiled at everyone, shrugged and raised his hands palm upwards in a gesture of resignation. There was not much point trying to argue, reason with or castigate a five foot high carnivorous bird with a beak capable of breaking open coconuts with a gentle tap and the mentality of a five foot high carnivorous bird.

The party continued, escorted by the Bandits to ward off any further trouble, to the mountain top. They found Nevard Secombe there, looking pale and ill in bed and attended by a number of Druids.

It transpired that the enfeebled Skyseer needed to bolster his life force to enable him to get a clear vision of what the future held for Risur. This necessarily involved the use of some fairly dark magic and the blood of a child, though Regan was sure they said the blood of a chicken. This plan was objected to in principle by Gideon and Vash. The others decided to duck any personal morality issues for 'the greater good' and agreed to take part in the ritual if it meant they could learn something useful….. even if a few innocent chickens had to die in the process.

The only thing that remained was to get permission to go up Cauldron hill, a place it seemed only frequented by those of a decidedly demonic nature or mad, sociopathic Witches. Why anyone would deny access to Cauldron Hill was a bit of a mystery, unless it was officially considered a suicide attempt in which case a certain archaic piece of legislation stood in its way. Regardless the Mayor of the District was duly consulted and the party, with Skyseer in tow, were warned of the dangers they faced. The stakes were raised for those that had agreed to the Dark Magic ritual, as it seemed they would need all their strength to confront the unpleasantness ahead.

While the rest of the party considered and debated the life, soul and potentially world threatening issues they were confronted with, Tobal went off to talk to a horse.

It belonged to an annoying Courier, who had taken it upon himself to smugly brief the party on what was likely to happen to them. Nobody knew who he was or why he felt the need to interfere, but only Tobal was wound-up to the extent that he felt some action was necessary.

His effort to communicate (as Druids do) with the beast in an attempt to get him to ensure his rider met some sort of unfortunate accident, was a failure.

When he asked the horse to fake a stumble and throw its rider, the horse only answered 'Neigh'.

With Tobals Druidic Animal Friendship credentials in tatters and a fair bit of inter-personal disgruntlement shrouding them, the troubled party set off for a date with destiny on Cauldron Hill.

Karma Kollapse

First Post
GM's Note: So there was a big conversation before this session about supplies the party would need. I was using the old adventure PDF with the incorporeal versinos of all the monsters. I was tempted to change them to non-incorporeal, but after reading up on other player's experiences I decided that perhaps I was being too anxious, and just let the players know that maybe they should consider arming themselves for 'undead type things'. This resulted in one of the players suggesting carrying lots of holy water. I let them house-rule inventive things to do with holy water, like dipping their swords in holy water to cause splash damage, extra. In the end people just threw a lot of holy hand grenades about. It was a fun encounter.

But mostly I want to talk about the Holy Water Cannon idea which previously gets mentioned in Richard's write up. One of the players mentioned the idea and it spilled out into a huge discussion as to what would be required in making such a thing, which apparently would need 1400 priests and 40,000gp in powdered silver to get a minute's worth of water. I told them they might have trouble finding the priests, and the money... and naturally enough water pressure for a water cannon that could be taken up a hill.

Adventure #2 - The Dying Skyseer
"Cauldron of Chaos"

Having been unable to procure a high pressure Holy Water Cannon, the party turned to more traditional means for combating the Supernatural and Undead. They gathered as much blessed water as they could and fashioned a great many clerical equivalents of the simple but highly effective Molotov cocktail. They set off up Cauldron Hill with Vash and Gideon rolling barrels of Goat Blood ahead of them, to be used to distract anything unpleasant that may attack. Maisie, festoomed with bottles of Holy water which swung wildly from criss-crossed bandoliers she had worn for the occasion, sloshed along behind. Regan, to prepare himself for the rigours ahead, took two huge pinches of Fey Pepper from the silver snuff box he carried and snorted them into his nervous system. As the party laboured up the hill, Regan caught a glimpse of movement in some bushes that lined the path and entered into full stealth mode, senses and sinews taut and primed for action. He poked his head into the bushes and came face to face with a squirrel. It squeaked its disapproval and disappeared into the high branches of a nearby tree. Regans hand strayed to his pistol, but the thought occurred that he had better save the ammunition for a more worthy opponent. The ascent of Cauldron Hill was managed without further incident. At the top a suitable place was found for the Skyseer, who settled down in a circle of stones to await the coming night. The party busied themselves marking out a huge circle of Goats blood to enclose the stones, then took up positions where they could detect anyone or anything that may approach.

As night fell a sense of impending doom fell on the party. Maisie crawled into a bush, where she was joined a few minutes later by Regan. The temperature started to drop and an icy chill gripped the party. Gideons plate armour proved extremely efficient at sucking out what little warmth there was in his shivering body and the grey faced Paladin began to look decidedly unwell. Seeking heat, he nosed into the bush sheltering Maisie and Regan. The freezing mist that had crept over Cauldron Hill carried with it the sound of demented cries from creatures that it seemed were drawing closer. Maisie fumbled for her Ukelalie and softly played a tune that bolstered the parties flagging morale. The voices in the mist seemed particularly loud to Maisie, gnawing at her sanity, but she concentrated on her music and pushed the tendrils of despair from her mind. Unseen horrors in the mist began to take solid form when a shadowy creature resembling a Lion with a mane of writhing snakes padded out of the mirk and began snuffling at the Goat Blood circle. This horror was joined shortly after by a scythe wielding, vaguely female apparition and a foul creature that looked as if it had been flayed alive, broken and reassembled by some mad and partialy sighted physician. Also darting around in the mist were a great number of pygmy sized creatures, half shadow but holding wicked looking blowpipes. The whole foul ensemble gibbered, sniffed and licked at the Goats Blood, unaware of the adventurers huddled at its centre.

Things took a turn for the surreal when a pair of huge, crimson curtains materialized before the party. The curtains parted to reveal the shade of the elven maid killed at the Danoran embassy. She removed a gruesome black mask from her face and uttered the words, 'The one who killed me is coming!'. On cue, as the curtains closed and vanished, the party saw on the far side of the hill the same creature that had assaulted them in the ruined Abbey from which they had rescued the Doctor. It reached into the folds of its cloak and drew out a Sun Rod. The Rod burst into flame and the creature hurled it across the hill into the midst of the stone circle, where dozens of feral eyes now fell on the fully illuminated party. Vash attempted to get in the bush with everyone else but it now concealed them about as effectively as a bonzi tree may hide an elephant. The Snake Lion growled and leapt to attack, accompanied by a flight of blowpipe darts from the pygmys, the menacing 'swoosh' of Lady Deaths scythe and the bubbling hiss of the Mess Monster.

As the ring of loathsome creatures closed in, Tobal fashioned some magic slingshot stones and cast 'Magic Fang' on Knuck, which translated into a dimly glowing ridge of green light along the edges of his beak.

Knuck then proceeded to take what is known by the Flint Cobblers Guild as a 'good shoeing' from his opponents.

Assailed from all sides, feathers broken and torn, the Axe Beak somehow managed to give as good as he got. Shadow pygmys tumbled squealing through the air and the Snake Lion received a number of heavy blows.

Vash, in a strange dream-like state, intervened by blasting gouts of flame from his fingertips in various directions. These had the effect of both toasting multiple Shadow Pygmys and providing some much needed heat to the cold-struck Gideon.

The slightly frost-bitten Gideon, hands numbly gripping his sword, flailed around at various foes and failed to solidly connect with any of them.

Murdoch considered the possibility of using his not inconsiderable charm to dissuade the Snake Lion from pressing its attack, but decided instead to quaff a protection potion. He passed another to the Skyseer and bundled him away down the mountain, dodging blowpipe darts as they went.

Tobal, interpreting Murdochs inspired tactical withdrawal as craven flight, tried to shame him back into the frey, but then forgot about everything except the need to dodge the viscious scythe that Madam Death was attempting to decapitate him with.

Regan, having seen both Gideons ineffective swordplay and his own failure to hit a barn-door sized Snake Lion from two feet away with his pistols, ran after Murdoch and the Skyseer, splashing righteous damage from holy water potions as he went.

Maisie followed, dousing everything in her path with holy water bombs which fizzed and crackled on the bodies of any shadow beast they touched.

The confused melee eventualy petered out as the main threats were dispatched and the intensely annoying shadow Pygmys were booted firmly off the steep sides of the hill.

Somehow in the middle of all the carnage the Skyseer had managed to have the vision he sought.

Rather disapointingly it did not involve any earth-shattering revelations about Risurs future but instead predicted there would be an explosion and fire at the Secombe factory in Parity Lake. Maybe the answers they sought would be found there, if they could stop the predicted conflagration from happening.

After straightening out Knucks slightly bent neck, the party returned to the Mayors house where they were confronted by the Witch Police who had become aware of unsettling events on Cauldron Hill. Whether they always turned up long after anything exciting happened was a matter for speculation. The Mayor vouched for the party and the Witch Police returned to whatever pursuits they engaged in while waiting in a state of heightened readiness for things to kick-off on Cauldron Hill. Regan assumed their unwavering vigil involved dice, copious amounts of ale and loud music.

The party set off for Parity Lake…..

Karma Kollapse

First Post
Adventure #2 - The Dying Skyseer

The party returned to Parity Lake to head off the predicted attack on Secombes factory. As they approached the building they noticed activity beside it. Regan, pleased to be back on the streets of Flint, darted off into the shadows and scouted ahead. There were two tough looking Dragonborn at the factory, one on the roof, who were directing a group of rough looking men who looked like they were going to set fire to something. A cart had been positioned in an alley to the side of the factory and everything looked very suspicious. Regan reported back and the party fired impressively into immediate action, though it was not clear anyone knew what anyone else was doing. Regan slipped unseen along the side of the factory, making his way to the roof. Tobal and Knuck crept around the back of the building to the alley containing the cart. Vash and Gideon stood scratching their heads as Maisie and Murdoch walked straight down the road towards the men and Dragonborn outside the factory.

In an effort to appear unthreatening and oblivious, the pair sauntered down the road, swaying slightly, Maisie clutching her Ukelelie and Murdoch in his finery, as if returning from a particularly entertaining night on the town. They must have been very drunk and very lost to have ended up in the Factory District of Parity Lake, renowned more for industrial accidents and stabbings than refined entertainment. Murdoch lurched up to the suspected arsonists and greeted the Dragonborn as he would an old friend, throwing his arms around a couple of the ruffians for good measure. Maisie started to play a particularly absorbing tune on her Ukelelie which became a source of great fascination to the Dragonborn, including the one on the roof who lent over the edge to see who was capable of making such a hideous noise.

Tobal and Knuck arrived at the alley and saw the cart was stuffed full of explosives. Intent on making some signal to spur the party into action, Tobal did the safest thing possible and fired a stone at high velocity into the back of the cart from his slingshot.

It is only really possible to explain away the cavalier antics of the party by remembering that they had spent most of the previous night freezing cold with no sleep , under attack mentally and physically by supernatural horrors.

At a shout from Tobal, miraculously not accompanied by a massive explosion from the cart, the party sprang again into action.

Tobal cast an Entangle spell to slow everyone down, with slightly more accuracy it must be said than his previous attempt.

Murdoch endeavoured to crack the heads together of the men he held in his arms in friendly embrace. A combination of greasy hair, slippery silk shirt and fundamental lack of strength meant the attempt failed and left Murdoch standing with his arms crossed in the middle of the street. He continued with his false familiarity even when the men attacked him with daggers and the Dragonborn attempted to remove his head from his shoulders with a large, curved blade.

Maisie was simultaneously assaulted by another couple of hoodlums whose hatred for her music had finally spilt over into violence.

Up on the roof, the Dragonborn took a scroll from his pocket and started to read the arcane text thereon, an attempt which failed utterly and resulted in the scroll crumbling harmlessly to dust in his fingers. With a curse the Dragonborn jumped off the roof, rolled extravagantly on the pavement and dived into Parity Lake. Another curse was uttered from the roof by Regan, who had been carefully taking aim at the back of the Dragonborns head and was annoyed his target had un-sportingly moved.

Down on the street it was all bullets, charging birds, swinging swords, "How the Devil are you Old Chap" and foliage. The remaining Dragonborn, despite some pretty serious and career threatening injuries, escaped and joined his fellow swimming at dolphin-like speed across the Lake to safety. The men, deserted by their leaders, surrendered forthwith. When interrogated about 'who' had hired them they had nothing to say. When asked 'why' most of them responded by saying that they liked to watch things burn.

As men bearing long brushes arrived to remove the immense tangle of vines, thorns and creepers from the street and give people a chance to get to work, a bright yellow Canary suddenly swooped down and landed lightly on the top of Knucks head. The little creature proceeded to make itself at home, obligingly pecking some tiny parasites that crawled in the rank, untended feathers of the Axe-Beaks head. At the same time a disembodied wind-borne voice suggested that if they wished to speak to Gale, the supposed leader of the Rebels fighting the industrialisation process in Flint, they should ask the Wind. The party duly did and arranged to meet the mysterious Gale later that day in the Cloudwood.

The party then returned to RHC HQ and brought Inspector Delft up to speed with everything that had happened. No-one revealed they were meeting Gale later, though Murdoch did mention that they were 'Following another Lead'.

So the party set off into the Cloudwood, the Canary leading the way via discrete taps and scratches on Knucks head to point him in the right direction. They were led deep into the forest, to a majestic waterfall in a wooded, scented glen. The Canary took flight from Knucks head and the party watched it flutter up the course of the waterfall to alight on the outstretched hand of a beautiful Eladrin Maiden who floated just above the foaming waters in a dress of deepest blue. With a swirl of popping flowers, the Canary vanished and the Maiden drifted down on gossamer wisps of cloud to where the party waited. 'Ahh…the terrorist', scowled Murdoch. Regan elbowed forward past the half-orc and nodded a polite bow to the Maiden and said softly, 'We are here to talk'. He then stepped back beside Murdoch, who was flicking the cuffs of his shirt disdainfully, and whispered 'One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter'.

The Maiden stepped lightly forward and spoke.

'I am Gale. I am glad you have come without malice, I will tell you what I know'

Gale claimed to have nothing to do with the fires and sabotage inflicted on Flint industry. She spoke about the Danoran embassy raid and the proof of Danoran involvement in the troubles of Risur. She also mentioned a 'Bleak Gate' to another Plane and visions of flame-bearing creatures marching through Flints streets. There was evidence of minor portals to this mysterious plane throughout Flint, most of them centred on factories that had already gone up in smoke or suffered theft and destruction in some way. Everything hinted at the involvement of as yet unknown but definitely dark and malevolent forces. It was possible these same forces were linked to the ethereal creature that had assaulted them at the abandoned abbey when the Doctor was rescued and on Cauldron Hill while the old Skyseer sought his vision. The man who sat outside the abandoned abbey, sipping Gin and threatening to kill children with a mob of ugly shadow goblins swarming around him also seemed a suitable candidate for membership of this group.

Gale then took her leave, grateful again to the party for not meeting her with loaded weapons and aggression. The party returned to Flint from the Cloudwood. When they arrived Vash was handed a mysterious note by a courier. After opening and reading it, he vanished without a word to meet with someone.

The rest of the party fell to discussing the reasons for what was happening at the particular moment of history they found themselves in.

Regan spoke for Gale and the anti-industrialisation lobby. Maisie accused Regan of being bewitched by a beautiful woman. From Regans perspective the truth was he sided with Gale because he agreed with her agenda. The fact he was also physically attracted to the beautiful Eladrin Maiden was another thing entirely, or maybe it just flowed with the meeting of minds, he mused.

Regan speculated that the Danorans and some unknown forces were the real enemy, perhaps using the rebels as cover to deflect attention from them and their own agenda, which he suggested was nothing less than the destruction of Risur.

Regan muttered and cleaned his guns, which were themselves an ironic symbol of advancing industrialisation as Maisie helpfully pointed out. Regan considered the fact that even by just living in Flint they were part of the system, but that didn't mean it was right or it could not be changed. He suggested that If the Danorans got their way the likes of those versed in magic, as Maisie and Tobal were, would not be welcome.

Tobal suggested the search for a middle way was most likely to benefit everyone.

Murdoch pragmatically suggested that things may become clearer if they just got on with the investigation.

Knuck was meanwhile wondering where the attractive and helpful little Canary had vanished to as his head was starting to itch.

The party resolved to see if the old Skyseer could shed any light, but all they got was a number of baffling visions that did nothing but muddy the water further. Tobal reported a vision he himself had had that involved a Tiger and an old, falling blue star which needed to be caught as all other stars fell with it. Everyone agreed that it was of great significance, but had no idea what it actually meant. Tobal vowed to investigate further.

Vash returned from his secret liason and announced he was in possession of a spell that would reveal the location of any activity related to the Bleak Gate. He also knew when and where the next factory attack would occur.

The party decided to lay an ambush.

Karma Kollapse

First Post
GM's Note: I was really worried the Bleak Golem would be too difficult in this adventure, so gave the Skyseer some hints via a dream about what they could be up against. They managed to click that a Cleric could be useful on this one. Also the players got very lost after meeting Gale and the Dragonborn, so to get the party on the right track I let them have plenty of evidence at the end of the warehouse encounter.

The Bleak Golem fight turned out to be really fun, and the cleric NPC has since evolved into a drop-in PC character.

Adventure #2 - The Dying Skyseer
"Warehouse of Woe"

In a dirty back-street Alley in Parity Lake, the party lay in wait. Maisie sat behind some barrels, nervously fiddled with her Ukelelie and glanced across at Gideon who squatted sword in hand on the other side of the alley. He nodded back at her and resumed his watch from the shadows on the far end of the passage. Tobal sat on Knuck around a corner, trying to stop the twitchy bird from making too much noise. Up on the roof of a building to one side of the alley, Regan and Murdoch crouched, weapons at the ready. After what seemed a lifetime, from the far end of the alley the unmistakable forms of the two Dragonborn they had encountered earlier at Secombes factory came into view.

They were chatting quietly and did not notice their danger until it was upon them. With a shout, Gideon hurled himself forward, sword swinging and from around the far end of the alley came charging a fearsome half-bird, half-gnome Behemoth of Doom. Unphased, though slightly surprised, the leading Dragonborn opened his jaws and blasted a wave of flame towards his attackers. Gideons armour heated up uncomfortably and Maisie sunk down behind her barrels nursing severely singed eyebrows. Knuck stopped in his tracks, feathers burnt back to stubs, the gnome/bird juggernaut reduced to something that resembled a badly-plucked and semi-barbecued chicken.

Up on the roof, where it was a little cooler, Regan and Murdoch unloaded as much leaden death as they could into the two Dragonborn. As they reeled from the impact, Tobal recovered himself and countered Fire by summoning a grey-black thundercloud over the lead Dragonborns head. Initial results were disappointing as the billowing cloud failed to release the hoped for Thunderbolt and instead let drop a light drizzle of rain that steamed slightly off the Dragonborns snout, which was still jetting flame. The party got their act together, Tobals cloud at last unleashed a particularly loud and powerful bolt of lightening and some well placed pistol shots and sword blows brought the Dragonborn to their knees.

They were transported back to RHC HQ and locked up. Knowing that their future was bleak, the Dragonborn blabbed all they knew in return for escaping public execution for their crimes.

It seemed that though they never actually met their employers, all instructions came via Courier from the environs of Cauldron Hill. Gale was indeed innocent as she had insisted. Advance warning was given of an impending attack on another warehouse in the factory district and the party made plans to get there first.

Tobal, attempting to sleep off the after effects of being on the business end of a dragonoid flame-thrower, had another of his unsettling visions. They were going to have to deal with a situation involving men in white coats and something that only the power of love and life could affect. Ruling out the possibility that Tobal was imminently going to be locked up in a Flint Sanitorium, the party reasoned that they would soon be confronted by mad scientists and some Undead monstrosity.

They were only half right.

When they arrived at the Warehouse pointed out to them by the Dragonborn, they came across a group of semi-corporeal Scientists frantically collecting papers and files from the office and an unquestionably not Undead mass of steel and fury otherwise known as a Golem. The party had enlisted the help of one of Gales' fey Clerics so they could sit back and watch him vanquish with ease all the undead filth they expected to encounter. The Cleric turned to them and raised a questioning eyebrow as the Golem thundered towards them across the Warehouse floor.

Regan and Murdoch set off along a raised gangway to intercept the increasingly panicky scientists. The two flasks of Holy Water that Regan hurled at the Golem (because he had nothing better to do with them) smashed harmlessly across its shoulders and gave the black armour a nice sheen. Bullets and swords bounced ineffectively off the Golems steel plating, until Gideon and the Cleric gave up being aggressive and graciously cast healing spells on their slightly dented opponent. The spells were refreshingly destructive, causing the Golem to transform into a less powerful metal monstrosity and to release from its interior the trapped souls of men and women that seemed to be powering it. After clubbing the Cleric unconscious, the reduced Golem attempted to flee towards a portal that had opened in the office.

En-route to the Office, Regan had turned back to fire useless shots at the Golem while Murdoch had carried on alone. As Murdoch burst into the paper strewn room, one of the Scientists had already fled through a portal that had appeared. The others were easily overpowered and lay twitching on the floor. Murdochs grin at his easy victory rapidly transformed into a choking horror as he saw the Golem crashing through barrels and boxes towards him. He carefully closed the Office door, lent a filing cabinet against its flimsy wooden frame, adjusted his cuffs and hoped the Golem would politely stop and knock before entering. Thankfully Murdochs makeshift barrier was never tested as the Golem was blasted and lovingly healed to destruction before it even got close.

The captured scientists spilt the beans on everything they could. There was a lot of Witch Oil involved, a lot of hushed Bleak Gate references and details of an experiment to produce exploding cats. One other thing that came to light was a letter detailing the various Witch Oil related plots signed with the initials RM.

Since this referenced the Manor 'Witch Oil Reservoir' at Cauldron Hill, the initials RM belonged to Reed McBannin the Nettles District Mayor and steward of said hill, at whose home the party had already met a suspicious looking courier referenced earlier by the captured Dragonborn, a particularly fat finger of suspicion was pointed the Mayors way.

The party resolved to pay him a visit.

Yeah, if there's one thing I could have done better with The Dying Skyseer, it would be "Here are ways to dump clues on the party if they're floundering."

Karma Kollapse

First Post
Yeah, if there's one thing I could have done better with The Dying Skyseer, it would be "Here are ways to dump clues on the party if they're floundering."

I think there was enough hooks to do that; they captured two of the lab techs in the warehouse and I had one be a sly whistle-blower (they weren't quite gushing to spill the beans like Richard's write up suggests - she hit a bunch of files in the warehouse. Ah chinese whispers write ups! :) ).

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