• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

ZEITGEIST Player's Guide (Part One: Characters) [5E]

New for EN5ider patrons - the first part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5th Edition! "Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains." This 16-page document is designed for players (the separate Campaign Guide, EN5ider #128, is for GMs only and decribes the whole plot of the adventure path). Within you will find a brief introduction to the setting, the Deva and Eladrin races, and nine character themes - Docker, Eschatologist, Gunsmith, Martial Scientist, Skyseer, Spirit Medium, Technologist, Vekeshi Mystic, and Yerasol Veteran. By Ryan Nock; illustrated by Claudio Pozas, Brian Lindahl, ShenFei; cartography by Jonathan Roberts.

New for EN5ider patrons - the first part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5th Edition! "Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains." This 16-page document is designed for players (the separate Campaign Guide, EN5ider #128, is for GMs only and decribes the whole plot of the adventure path). Within you will find a brief introduction to the setting, the Deva and Eladrin races, and nine character themes - Docker, Eschatologist, Gunsmith, Martial Scientist, Skyseer, Spirit Medium, Technologist, Vekeshi Mystic, and Yerasol Veteran. By Ryan Nock; illustrated by Claudio Pozas, Brian Lindahl, ShenFei; cartography by Jonathan Roberts.

Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. Since the earliest ages when the people of Risur founded this city, they feared the capricious beings that hid in those fog-shrouded peaks, but now as the march of progress and the demands of national defense turn Flint into a garden for artifice and technology, the old faiths and rituals that kept the lurkers of the woods at bay are being abandoned.

The Unseen Court, the Great Hunt, and the many spirits of the land long ago conquered by Risur’s kings no longer receive tribute, but they cannot enter these new cities of steam and steel to demand their tithe. The impoverished workers who huddle in factory slums fear monsters of a different breed, shadowy children of this new urban labyrinth. Even their modern religions have no defenses against these fiends.

Times are turning. The skyseers – Risurs folk prophets since their homeland’s birth – witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new age is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the steam and soot of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the age. The zeitgeist.

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I like the flavor of the themes a lot, too, but some of those feats are really powerful. Which is fine if you're going for a "superspy" genre, which maybe Zeitgeist kind of is.

The "problem" (by which I mean I see it as a problem, but I recognize there are valid arguments for doing it) is when it steps on the toes of existing classes' or subclasses' abilities. E.g. the Docker's associated feat is a nearly strictly better version of one of the Mastermind Rogue's (from SCAG) most important abilities, Master of Tactics. The limitation of "once a character uses this ability" balances this out a bit (though it's unclear whether that means "once a character uses this ability, none of your chosen allies can use it until they complete a rest" or "once a character uses this ability, they cannot use it until they complete a rest").

Which is unfortunate, because otherwise the Mastermind is a perfect complement to the kinds of adventures Zeitgeist is going for, right?

Themes are kind of a carryover from late 4e, right? But backgrounds, not feats, are how that idea is carried forward into 5e, no?

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