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Whispers in the Night


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Anaerion makes a note to destroy those pages in his book before continuing with "I want to reward Malkovian's assistence. His lack of being able to read different dialects would be one of the first things to improve. Also, the ability to have him see in the dark." "Anaerion has had to sleep with a pillow over his head to drown out the light! Surprised he didn't kill himself..."

Smiling slightly Anaerion continues with "Also, and I do not know if it would be possible, but to somehow allow Malkovian to draw upon my knolwedge of the world, so he can use his own understanding of the world to make conclusions I would be unable to. Given our...unusual bond (Anaerion's right hand flexes ) I *think* i under stand the theory behind it, but I wanted to hear a second option. "
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Satin Knights

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"I think I can do that. Come here Malkovian." Being called, "Um, um... Oh yeah." As Malkovian remembers he can fly. He rises up, but has a bit of a struggle getting the chain he's upon unstuck from Anaerion's hair. With some not so gentle tugging, he breaks free of his master's hair and floats over to Mother. Landing in the palm of her hand, she bunches the chain together and places Malkovian in a pouch. "Hey! It's dark in here. Moht-" It becomes silent too as she closes the pouch.

"Anything else you would like to contribute before I go in back and start? An ear, an eyeball?" She does her best to stifle a giggle and keep a straight face.


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Anaerion smile fades a little, but he knew this might happen again. He nods and says "If it will help with the binding I do not mind parting with an ear. It is not like I really need two after all. My guess is that by giving part of myself, the bond between us becomes that much more powerful, correct?"

Satin Knights

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"Yes. The bond grows stronger with each essence of you that I add. It also blocks other influences that may attempt to attach themselves to Malkovian. You want Malkovian to have an ear for languages, well..." This time, instead of pulling out a ring, she pull slides out a mithral dagger from her sleeve and hands it to Anaerion. She also takes a white scarf from about her neck and hands that over as well.


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Taking both, Anaerion nods once. he lays the scarf on his knee, hoping that the binder won't mind the amount of blood that is going to be spilled. Anaerion then takes the dagger into his left hand, and grips his right ear with his right hand. Anaerion can faintly hear the humming of the blade, but then realizes it is his shaking hand, reverberating though the blade. Taking a calming breath, he steadies the blade as best he can. A second breath, and he closes his eyes while gripping blade tighter. A third...

The yell of pain is as quick as the flick from his hand. Anaerion winces enough that he drops the dagger from his left hand, but is able to keep a hand on his now free ear. Not sure what to do immediately as the pain screams from his right side, Anaerion quickly transfers the ear to the scarf, with the bloody side facing up in an attempt to not stain the scarf. He then moves both his hands to cover the flow of blood now coming from the side of his head. While he knew this wasn't enough to stop it, Anaerion tries as hard as he can to keep the blood in his hands rather than on the floor, but a few droplets splash onto the ground as it starts to overflow.

While conventional wisdom may have been to use the scarf Anaerion was handed to stop the flow, it seems clear that Anaerion wasn't thinking straight.

Satin Knights

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Watching the conviction with which Anaerion takes to the task impresses the enchantress. She opens back up the pouch holding Malkovian. Plucking the severed ear from the scarf, she drops it in with him. "Hey! Wha--" as the pouch closes up.

"Use the scarf. It is woven from albino troll hair and will stop the bleeding soon enough. I will go get started while this is fresh." She rises and walks to the back. For the first time in months, Anaerion is alone. This is the first time Malkovian has been away since he arrived.

[sblock=ooc]Okay, time for some rolls in a spoiler tag. Each roll is a 1d100. Label them CC, CQ, CP1, CP2, CB1, CB2, CB3 and CL.[/sblock]


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Anaerion takes the scarf to his missing ear, and could feel the tingling of...something. As the enchantress said, he could feel the blood stop almost immediately. As curious as he was to the magic that was on it, Anaerion decided that his curiosity was best left unsatisfied for now.

A couple minutes pass, with the only sound Anaerion can hear is the calming of his heart though his still attached ear. He can still feel the blood on his hands, but it seems to have stopped bleeding. He says aloud "I must look like hell," with a small smile, half expecting Malkovian to interject with something, but the voice that he has gotten so used to hearing never responds. Laughing aloud Anaerion continues with "And now I sound crazy! What others must think of me!" His laughter lingers for a second, silently hoping for some sort of reply that never came.

The laugh on the wizard starts to fade, as time grew on. Deciding that he has to do something to help clean up the mess that he caused, Anaerion reached down towards the mithril dagger, and starts to clean it on his robes. Once done, he rips part of his left sleeve, and starts to clean the floor of the blood. However, as Anaerion was working with his less dominant left hand(as his right was still holding the scarf on his head), the blood was congealing faster than he could clean it up.
Anaerion's Rolls:

CC: 1d100=64
CQ: 1d100=89
CP1: 1d100=28
CP2: 1d100=13
CB1: 1d100=20
CB2: 1d100=57
CB3: 1d100=70
CL: 1d100=67

Normally, Anaerion would cast Prestidigitation to clean this, but he doesn't have his Arcane bond lol

Satin Knights

First Post
Fifteen minutes later, she returns to find Anaerion cleaning the floor. As she approaches, "Don't bother with that dear, I will get something to clean up the mess. The floor has seen more than its share of blood over time. Sit."

Anaerion follows her instructions dutifully and immediately. She walks behind his chair. "Relax and sit still. Let's see." She takes the scarf in her hand, letting his hand fall to his lap. Peeling the bloody scarf away slowly, she examines his wound. "Hmm." Moving her hand slightly forward, she wrings the scarf slightly, so that a couple drops of blood fall to the rainbow rose that is pinned to his chest. The rose snaps shut like a venus fly trap, almost grinning. Dropping the scarf on the floor, she places her fingers gently on his scalp, tracing slow circles around the wound. The ear itches and burns slightly as all apparently all severed limbs do.

After about a minute of this, she moves around in front of him and sits down. "Let's see." She cocks her head one way, then the other. Snapping her fingers, the scarf leaps from the floor to her hands. Inspecting it carefully, "Oh my! A couple loose threads. That must be it." Slightly flabbergasted, "Well, well just wear your hair long and nobody should notice."

"And now, the nominal payment..." Anaerion reaches to his backpack and pulls out a large sack of coins and sets it on the side tables. She reciprocates by opening her pouch. "About time! I know I can see in the dark now, but I've been cooped up in here for da--" "Quiet." "Yes mother." She pulls Malkovian out of the pouch and hands him back to Anaerion.

"A bit chatty, isn't he? Bards always seem to turn out that way. Well, unless there is anything else, you can go now."

[sblock=Rolls]Things came out good. Nothing spectacular, and nothing frightening. A successful upgrade. Well, except for the ear.[/sblock]


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"Chatty he may be, but at this point I wouldn't have it any other way. It feels odd when he is not there there" Anaerion says, taking Malkovian and placing it around his neck. To which Malkovian adds "Aww, you missed me didn't you!"

Bowing slightly, he adds "Thank you once more. Let me know if there is anyway I can assist you." If the enchantress doesn't have anything else to add, Anaerion turns and leaves.

Out in the street, the elf removes the now shut multi-colored rose, wondering slightly what caused it to occur "Don't try it, mother will get mad" Malkovian warns, and Anaerion smiles to himself, removing the rose and placing it back in the container he had for it. He then reached up to his ear, and felt something odd about it. Hmm...now I understand what she meant. Equivalent exchange huh?

"Well, let us return to the Inn for now. I feel a strong need to drink. But first, let us do something about this ear, shall we?"

Waving his hand, Anaerion grows out his hair long enough to his shoulders.

"On a side note, I had a question about that monster thing you didn't fight. Won't it come back now? It could reform itself quite easily as it disolved right?"

Anaerion smiles to himself, glad that his compaion is back.
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Satin Knights

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Following her instructions without question, Kalinn dutifully walks out of the Dunn Wright Inn and through the back streets of Venza. Headed in the direction of Arcane Row, Kalinn and the Messenger come to a home that seems set apart from the others of this rich neighborhood. Massive and proud, the stone building almost seems to be a fortress, one shrouded in shadows, even though it is the tallest structure in the area. Foot traffic in the area give it a wide berth as they travel by.

As Kalinn approaches the door, a pair of knockers greets her.

"Good evening. And your name is?".......... "Do you have an appointment?"

"Open up guys, its me." The invisible faerie dragon on her shoulder sounds perturbed. The knockers start snickering. "If we gotta hang around here, we gotta do something to amuse ourselves." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." The massive double doors open. It seems as if a stone giant could walk in without having to duck. Walking into the library and show room, the doors close by themselves behind her.

[sblock=For Kalinn's eyes]Inside the room, it is apparent that some clientele of this shop need the massive door. Looking around, the walls of this place is like a library that extends three stories up. Several closed doors lead off to other rooms. At the far wall is a shop counter for doing business, but the main floor of the place is quite open, with only rugs upon the floor. Well, there is something lounging on the rugs.[sblock=visitor]

"Hello. Before we met in a dream. Now, the nightmare begins." Taking a rope that has been sitting coiled on the floor, the visitor throws it into the air and grunts a spell. The rope dangles from an unseen spot near the ceiling. "My friend enjoys her privacy, but even this room may have ears, so we must create our own privacy. Climb and I will follow shortly."

The light weight of the faerie dragon disappears as the little one jumps and flutters away. On the counter, a few papers are seen fluttering in a new breeze. Kalinn climbs the long rope up into the rope trick. The visitor stands, centers itself and then with a springing leap of a cat, jumps up into the rope trick for a bit of privacy from the world.

[sblock=ooc]Some secrets revealed in PMs. Other work may continue here afterwards. :cool:[/sblock] [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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