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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Combat Preview

Cubicle 7 has released a preview of the combat system for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay on their Facebook page. "The combat system for WFRP Fourth Edition has its roots in earlier editions of the game, but we’ve made significant changes. The design goals were to speed up fights and eliminate boring stalemates arising from repeated attack roll failure."

Cubicle 7 has released a preview of the combat system for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay on their Facebook page. "The combat system for WFRP Fourth Edition has its roots in earlier editions of the game, but we’ve made significant changes. The design goals were to speed up fights and eliminate boring stalemates arising from repeated attack roll failure."

The preview discusses a new mechanic called Advantage, which they describe as "One of the new mechanics we introduced to help with this in combat is called Advantage. You can gain Advantage from sources including Surprise, Charging and winning an Attack Test. Each point of Advantage gives you +10 to your Attack Tests, and represents you pressing your foe back, gaining control of the space, gaining confidence, leaping onto the table, kicking sand in their face, or whatever you feel is appropriate to the battle at hand." The stated goal behind the mechanic of Advantage was to cut down on the "whiff factor" of d100 systems.

"You can win multiple points of Advantage, and you keep them until you lose an Attack Test, take a wound or the combat ends. So, if you keep rolling well, you’ll get in your stride and do better and better. But if you lose a Test you’ll lose all your Advantage. It’s a huge amount of fun, especially if you have the Talents or Spells that let you steal Advantage! You get a real sense of turning the tide of battle, or of getting unstoppable momentum and cleaving through your foes." This looks to mean that Advantages is a resource that ebbs and flows during play. Tying Advantage to things like taking a wound is interesting, because that would seem to hint that it has something to do with a character's concentration. However, there's really not enough mechanical meat in this Facebook post to really talk definitively about what the mechanic is or is not.

"When you attack your foe, you both make a Weapon Skill Test and compare your success levels. If the attacker wins they will have the chance to do damage and gain a point of Advantage. If the defender wins, they don’t inflict damage but do gain the Advantage as they dodge or parry and take the upper hand. There is always an outcome from a combat round – the least that can happen is someone gains Advantage."

It also looks like there will be a way to "combat" building up Advantage as well. "And if your foes are building their Advantage up to truly scary levels, Characters can use a point of Resilience (more on this in a later preview) to remove it." Which seems to mean that Advantage isn't just a mechanic for player characters. "But it’s certainly not all one-way traffic! Adversaries have special abilities that are powered by Advantage, so can become progressively more powerful. And there’s loads of fun times for the GM in deciding when to use monster abilities, or simply keep a bonus to hit."

This is a good kind of preview because it gives those of us online something to talk about, and give a bit of a spike in interest to the game. Warhammer​ is one of the big franchises of tabletop gaming and it is always good to see it getting chatter. I'm looking forward to seeing the next preview, and the game itself when it is released. We'll see what happens when the next preview comes out.

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If 'Advantage' is a resource that ebbs and flows, can be stolen, can be bought-off by Resilience, can be disrupted/concentration, and is based on 'opposed' skill tests, I'm not sure how much it will contribute to reducing the "whiff factor"...?


The "whiff factor" could be removed entirely if one moved to a system of both combatants making a test, and the most successful party always hits..

Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
I ran WFRP1E with some tweaks and house rules for a while in the early '00s. The "whiff" factor really stunk for starting PCs but went away with experience. A fairly experienced warrior was often attacking at about 50% or 60%, which, with multiple attacks, meant they'd beat the snot out of many targets in fairly short order. Like a lot of games, the fun wasn't really with starting characters, but ones that were more mid-career.

I can't recall what my rules were but here are a few:

-Doubles were crits, either critical hits or misses. This meant that one of the Luck abilities, which allowed you to flip dice on a D100 roll, didn't affect them. It also meant that a more skilled attacker would have a critical more often and critical failure less so.
-The book had some situational modifiers and I was pretty good about handing them out. There was a +10 attack for winning in the last round of combat, along with the ability to push back a foe, as well as some other situational bonuses. I think this was official, actually. You would also often want to figure out how to chain together bonuses from multiple sources. Getting a +20 or so on the roll really mattered a lot.

The only really huge problem I recall having in WFRP was the infamous "Naked Dwarf Syndrome" due to the fact that a really high Toughness dwarf could effectively ignore most mundane attacks. This could end up being quite ridiculous. However as long as you didn't allow T to get totally out of hand, it ran pretty well with some tweaks.
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There are dwarves with mohawks in Middle Earth?

Hehe, no, but I was refering to the image style. It is far cry from any other image I have ever seen for WFRPG. I am curious as to what this means. Is this going to be the general style in WFRPG4?

My opinion is that this style is great for TOR, but not for WFRPG.


Tunnels & Trolls is pretty much this.
LoL, I was going to mention that exact thing.

Also the latest edition (Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls) also has spite, so for every 6 you rolled on the dice (all d6), you also do a point of damage to the opponent that can't be stopped, even if you lost the combat roll.

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