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D&D 4E UPDATED 6/20/08! kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards


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I was comparing this sheet to others to find out which one I like the best.

Pretty sure this one.

The only two things taking a quick glance I noticed were missing that were on others were:

Under Other Equipment it would be nice to have a location/weight heading towards the center, and on the right (to imply two collumns if players choose to use them)

And this is just a silly personal thing but I like my players to have a page similar to page 4 of the one HERE at the mad-irishman.

It not only gives them something to do during downtime but is a place to encourages background roleplaying stories. Thought it would be a great thing for the back of the folder.

Just a thought, I can just print out that page four on the back myself but it would be awesome if there was a version that matched aesthetically with the rest.

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I have two small requests.

1) a permission of use section so I can get this sheet printed at a copier store; I can noot put it together myself, so I need something that will let them do it for me.

2) A small box delineated what each condition is, so we do not have to keep looking it up in the middle of a fight.

Thanks for the best sheet I have ever seen.


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My Modifications

I decided I wanted the weight thing and I felt there was still room to fit the personality character description misc sheet onto page 3. I mainly just wanted Hair, eyes, skin, handedness, contacts/affiliations, misc description. I felt that could all go around where notes or artwork were. I also put lines in that space to make for cleaner writing. Put a character sketch area and I put a Wt: area within each equipped item.

I didn't really change much but I think I have finally found the character sheet I will use.

Heres a link to my modification

Fantastic work kiznit

Rock on guys


Will check this out when I get back to work. I'm sure that I double checked all the field names were unique but I might have missed one. Watch this space :)

I've been watching this space... any chance you could spend a few minutes fixing the bugs where the text fields are shared between multiple power cards? Or let us know how to fix it? (Probably need some purchased pdf software, huh?)

Also, is there some way to make the font in the power card's to-hit bonus box (can't remember off the top of my head what it was labeled) bigger? It looks silly with a little +6 in the middle of a huge box...

Thanks for the great tool!


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The "daily" field at page 3 has to few lines for my wizard with expanded spellbook. Except from that look great!!!

One thing that would be really cool was to add something like the Combat field in Shado's sheets. With both basic attack and at Will attack powers. Great for my wizard.

Would be cool if "NeoLithic's Form-Fillable Version" would calculate and add the 1/2 lvl fields after what level you have.
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How did you edit this sheet? I wont to translate it to other language and I can convert images propertly. I'm using solid converter pdf to write the file into word file.
pls hep.


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This may have been said, but it'd be great if you could move Rituals onto the second page. Perhaps do away with the Notes or Artwork piece (or reduce the width by 1/3 to line up with Feats) and move Languages up.

Under Other Equipment, no need for the clothing box. Move the Pack, Satchel or Bag over into that slot and open up the "column" under it for Rituals, including the old Languages space. (So Languages all the way down through some of the equipment lines down to Carrying Capacity becomes the table for Rituals.)

Why? Well, to be honest, while I love and use your sheet, I only use the first two pages, as do my other players. We have our own power cards and there's no need for a page listing the powers when you have the physical cards (which you also provide - yay!). The envelope/holder for them is superfluous for us (but a great addition to a character sheet). That leaves only Rituals as missing from the first two "core" sheets.

If more space is needed for the new Rituals spot and more room for equipment, perhaps minimize the Treasure space (reduce its height) and move some of Carrying Capacity over into that void and bring down another few lines of equipment lines. Personally, neither myself nor my players (when I'm DM'ing) write treasure on their character sheets. Due to the amount of it, it all goes onto a piece of scrap paper that one player maintains, checking items off if/when another player takes it for his or her character. The only thing that is noted on the PCs' sheets is coinage and sometimes gems.

The only other thing would be to put a box like all the other bonus boxes for the Racial under Skills. Can't really see the Racial slot and it just looks like they're floating there. Same with the Racial Bonus column under Ability Scores.

Thoughts? Not to poo-poo anyone else's 4e sheets, but yours are the best ones we've found, Kiznit. Kudos and thanks a tonne!


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Could you make the paper doll area optional? I mean make it like a picture, so that if we had our own pic, we could insert it behind the boxes to get the same cool effect. Is that possible in the fill-able version?


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How can I get the original files or edit the sheet? I'd like to customize the names of skills for my specific campaign, or translate the sheet to other languages.

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