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Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Modifying Classes & Spell-less Rangers

WotC's Rodney Thompson takes a look at how to customize and modify character classes in the latest Unearthed Arcana article, including an example of a spell-less ranger similar to Lord of the Rings' Strider (an often asked-for class option). There are aslo notes about each of the other classes, discussing what to be careful about changing.

WotC's Rodney Thompson takes a look at how to customize and modify character classes in the latest Unearthed Arcana article, including an example of a spell-less ranger similar to Lord of the Rings' Strider (an often asked-for class option). There are aslo notes about each of the other classes, discussing what to be careful about changing.

The article is here.



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Greg K

The more I think about this, the more I realize that my objection is to poultices being ranger-exclusive. I can't wrap my head around the idea that this mundane skill is totally restricted to members of a single class, even when their fellows (druids, barbarians, nature clerics) live and die in the same environments and under the same conditions.

I think I would be much happier if poultice-power came from a feat, and if no-spell rangers got it as a bonus feat. I'd probably have training in Medicine + either Nature or Survival as prerequisites. This is how I'll probably run it in my game.

I am with you. In my opinion, it should have been a feat. Then again, I think the same of Expertise

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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Having it as a class variant is fine. If this was the sorcerer at day 1, I would have been more disappointed than I am with the default version.

Healthy hyperbole, I was disatisfied with the blaster heavy subclasses from the phb. But the favored soul solves many of my problems.


I wondered who would notice that. Well done you have passed my test. :)

I stand corrected.
But alas, I must uncorrect you. :)

I was wrong, there is a new class. It's just that it wasn't the favored soul, it is the spell less ranger (who is an alternative ranger)


Interesting note.

It has 2 ki is worth a 1st level spell.
3 ki for second.

So what 1st level spell is Kamehameha? Or is it 2nd level.


Article was awesome.

My only complaint is that every time I use WotC's website, I'm infuriated at how absurdly awful the interface is. I keep asking myself, "How is anybody supposed to find the same thing twice? Or anything once?" and "Why do I always feel like I'm missing content?"

For example, this article has a PDF attached called "UA3_ClassDesignVariants.pdf". "UA3," huh? So, I have UA_Eberron_v1.1.pdf from two months ago. Where's UA2?

So I scroll to the top of the page. I click on the "Unearthed Arcana" subtitle to see more articles in the group. Except that's not a link. Okay, click "Article." No, that's not a link, either. Neither is "By Rodney Thompson" so I couldn't find articles by the same author. So I go to the menu at the top of the screen. And look through drop down menus. It turns out that website content like articles is under the "Media" menu. Christ, that's a horrible name for a menu. Everything on the web is "Media"! Why aren't articles their own menu? Aren't they a primary draw to the site? I just click "All Article" because at this point I have no clue if WotC's going to think the article I want is "News", "Event," "Feature," or "Interview" since none of those categories is listed on the article I'm reading.

So, now I'm at All Articles. Narrow by types. Ok, here's the actual list of article types. Why is this menu not the same as the on one the site menu? The four categories above are there, but there's also all the rest that I expect to see, too, like "Legends and Lore," "Sage Advice," and, thankfully, "Unearthed Arcana." And why isn't this drop down at least alphabetized? It's completely random. So I click "Unearthed Arcana." And only one article shows up. It's the Unearthed Arcana: Eberron article from February that doesn't even have the subtitle of "Unearthed Arcana". So... where's today's article? And where's March's article? Isn't "Unearthed Arcana" a monthly series? What the hell, WotC. :mad:

So I go back to the full list of All Articles. I happen to know WotC releases content on a fixed schedule. So, I check my calendar, and the first Monday of March was March 2. I scroll down the full list of articles to March 2, 2015, loading new articles half a dozen times, and I finally find Unearthed Arcana: When Armies Clash. What the hell, WotC. And, of course, the name of the file is "UA_Battlesystem.pdf". Not "UA2_Battlesystem.pdf".

I have seen SharePoint intranet sites that are more usable that this PoS. Goddamn web 3.0 "mobile optimized" :):):):):):):):) that's so busy displaying images and background that it can't be bothered to display the content that people come to your website for in the first place! Fire your website designers, WotC. You're headquartered basically in :):):):)ing Seattle, WA. Don't tell me you can't find anybody. You can't throw a scone in Renton without hitting a web designer. And no, that wasn't a typo. :mad: :mad:

Just use google. Far quicker and easier to search the whole web with a search engine than to find stuff manually on the wotc site....I can't help but be simultaneously amazed and disappointed by this fact.


I'm afraid I think both need significant playtesting. I believe the new ranger is just better than the battlemaster fighter. Sure, the fighter gains a few more feats/stats, but honestly one bonus feat at level 6 just isn't that great. Second wind becomes less important over time, leaving action surge (which is quite powerful). The hunter ranger already gets significant combat boosting abilities.

I also am not seeing the downside of the favored soul. It seems considerably more powerful than the other sorc. subclasses. And while I think the sorc. needs some love, I'd rather it be backfilled to the whole class, not to just a new subclass.

That said, I rather like them both. The only change I'd make (other than dealing with balance issues) is for the ranger to just get the healer feat.

I don't think the new Ranger is better than the Battle Master. The extra feat opportunities and particularly the extra attacks still push the Battle Master to another level. Also the new Ranger abilities replace both spellcasting and the Hunter/Beastmaster paths. But as you say, play testing will show more.

I'm afraid I think both need significant playtesting. I believe the new ranger is just better than the battlemaster fighter. Sure, the fighter gains a few more feats/stats, but honestly one bonus feat at level 6 just isn't that great. Second wind becomes less important over time, leaving action surge (which is quite powerful). The hunter ranger already gets significant combat boosting abilities.


That said, I rather like them both. The only change I'd make (other than dealing with balance issues) is for the ranger to just get the healer feat.

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