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Tweaking a Villain


At the end of our last session, the BBEG escaped the PCs' clutches, teleporting into a deep cistern across the chamber and being dragged along the current of the underground stream feeding the cistern. Shortly thereafter, the PCs escaped through this same underground waterway as the ruins they were in began to crumble around them.

The PCs succeeded at the ensuing Skill Challenge, and we will resume play with the group huddled around a fire, trying to warm and dry themselves after their travails. Presumably, they will also seek to find the evil mage/Orcus cultist who escaped their grasp.

I thought it might be fun to restat him as an undead, presuming, unlike the heroes, he did not survive the harrowing underground journey. So rather than an Elite Human Mage, I thought I would restat him as a kind of Solo Wight, especially since he is no longer in his lair and surrounded by helpful minions and allies. With this in mind, I have levelled down the Lesser Oath Wight, but I'm looking to further tweak his powers and attacks to further reflect a cultist of Orcus who drowned and was brought back to further serve his dark master. Any cool ideas?

Stat block at the moment:

Kalarel, Least Oath Wight Level 1 Solo Controller
Medium natural humanoid (undead), human XP 500
HP 128; Bloodied 64 Initiative +2
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 16 Perception+1
Speed 6 Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Inevitable Failure Aura 2
Enemies within the aura that aren’t dominated by the wight take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.

Rotting Touch (necrotic) At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target cannot regain hit points until the end of the wight’s next turn.

Frustration's Fury (charm, psychic) Recharge when the wight uses promised return.
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + 4 psychic damage, and the target uses a free action to make an at-will attack of the wight’s choice, which can include a charge, against a creature of the wight’s choice.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the wight’s next turn.

Accursed Gaze (charm) At-Will (1/round)
Requirement: The wight must be bloodied.
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +6 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of the wight’s next turn.

Oath's Agony (necrotic) Recharge 5, 6
Trigger: An adjacent enemy takes damage.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (the triggering enemy); +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the wight’s next turn.

Promised Return Encounter
Trigger: The oath wight drops to 0 hit points.
Effect (No Action): The oath wight is removed from play until the start of its next turn. The wight then appears with hit points equal to its bloodied value in an unoccupied square within 5 squares of its last location.

Str 12 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 16 (+3) Int 12 (+1) Cha 18 (+4)

Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
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A couple of thoughts - of course, these reflect my preferences, and I will not feel in any way offended or put-off if you tell me you're going for a different vibe, or just plain don't like them. :) (I feel it's important to state that outright to make as sure as possible that you can dissect my suggestions without restraint so that we can go back and forth. - so there.)

1st off - this guy is going to need some mobility with terrain features to take advantage off. As it stands now, to use MMO-speak, this is a straight tank-and-spank. Which is bad for a lone solo encounter.

Potential solution
Cool name A - reaction (recharge 5-6), when hit by melee attack;
Become insubstantial until end of next round. Shift speed. Create a wall 4 within 2 squares from starting square. Wall squares are difficult terrain, and provide cover and concealment. A creature entering or ending it's turn in a wall square suffers [Cool name B].

[Cool name B] - minor action (at-will, 1/round); (no attack roll) 7 necrotic damage and target is slowed and weakened ueont (Mote that Kalarel gets this power, it isn't just for the wall.)

The idea is to have the guy use the Matrix-Twins' move and get in range of the back row, and set up a barrier to impede the melee types from just charging back in.

Also, I don't mind the complexity being this high because he's a solo.

2ndly - I dislike dominate. So, I'd change that to : make a BA against a target chosen by caster and be [dazed] on next turn.

3rdly - simple "number-based-only" resistances and vulnerabilities are pretty boring.
Radiant vulnerability : also, he deals 5 extra fire damage on it's next attack beont
Necrotic resistance : instead of resistance, he gets to roll to recharge his powers (one roll per)

4rthly - I don't get how Oath's Agony is supposed to work reliably in this instance...?

5thly - I would be evil and change Rotting Touch to impose a -4 penalty to surge value. This is a curse that uses the Disease Track. Also, add an action that lets him target 2 creatures with this attack as a standard action.

6thly - Promised Return means this guys is 1.5 solo's... I would cut his hp in half to take this ability into account.

7thly (at this point, I just like writing Xthly ;) ) I would give this guy some minions - some shadow-demon-undead-inspired or themed dudes to work with the Orcus-vibe. I imagine these guys looking like the swarming shadow demons from Diablo3 (in the High Heavens).

Minion-dudes (small) - low Fortitude, High Reflex; resist 10 necrotic; insubstantial; vulnerable radiant* (see cool thing); necrotic melee attack; shifting charge; [cool thing] when destroyed with radiant damage, death burst 1 : 3 radiant damage (if you can hit them in a pack, you can chain them - just don't be nearby!)

I would add (to Kalarel) a range 5 burst 2 power as a minor action (recharge 4+); target Fort; 7 necrotic damage, summon 4 minion dudes in empty squares, they act right away? (or after...?)

Random Idea - Kalarel can put up a "circle of power" that will last the entire encounter (or more?).
Circle is SC (short) to shutdown
A living creature in CoP gains a +5 bonus to damage
A living creature using the damage bonus summons a shadow-demon-minion-dude
Kalarel can use a minor-action recharge power to summon minions (4) (and deal necrotic damage to creatures in circle? - or a creature in circle allows for +1 minion?)

So... yeah. These are my ideas right now.


Random idea 2 - when brought to 0 hp (the first time), he comes back as a wraith - and he constantly spawns shadow demons (some of his "shadow stuff" breaks free) - till he has 4 (or 1 if he's already at 4).

He has a high damage aura, and uses mostly a "short (5)" ranged attack while ignoring those in melee with him. He relies on insubstantial to mitigate damage.

He doesn't close with creatures and just kind of drains their life-force in a sort of mindless fury.

I'm thinking of the "wraith things" in the Nephalim ruins in act 5.

... I've been playing a lot of Diablo3...


Thanks for the comprehensive feedback, [MENTION=22362]MoutonRustique[/MENTION]! Similarly, I appreciate the invitation for open dialogue; these parts have become rather bristly lately, though I wouldn't expect such from you.

A couple of thoughts - of course, these reflect my preferences, and I will not feel in any way offended or put-off if you tell me you're going for a different vibe, or just plain don't like them. :) (I feel it's important to state that outright to make as sure as possible that you can dissect my suggestions without restraint so that we can go back and forth. - so there.)

1st off - this guy is going to need some mobility with terrain features to take advantage off. As it stands now, to use MMO-speak, this is a straight tank-and-spank. Which is bad for a lone solo encounter.

For sure, this is something I have been thinking about and was considering addressing through terrain features. That said, without the mobility to make use of said features....

Potential solution
Cool name A - reaction (recharge 5-6), when hit by melee attack;
Become insubstantial until end of next round. Shift speed. Create a wall 4 within 2 squares from starting square. Wall squares are difficult terrain, and provide cover and concealment. A creature entering or ending it's turn in a wall square suffers [Cool name B].

[Cool name B] - minor action (at-will, 1/round); (no attack roll) 7 necrotic damage and target is slowed and weakened ueont (Mote that Kalarel gets this power, it isn't just for the wall.)

The idea is to have the guy use the Matrix-Twins' move and get in range of the back row, and set up a barrier to impede the melee types from just charging back in.

Also, I don't mind the complexity being this high because he's a solo.

I thought of giving Kalarel an Immediate Interrupt or I Reaction teleportation power since his "living" iteration had a rechargeable teleportation move action. Rather than a Shift for your option A above, perhaps a teleportation would suit. I like the idea of attaching a Slow effect as well, though I'm less enamored of the Wall iteration; perhaps a Burst, similar to Cloud of Darkness for Drow?

Further, I'm not sure what your thoughts are regarding the auto-damage minor action element on Kalarel's turn, not just as the Wall's effect.

2ndly - I dislike dominate. So, I'd change that to : make a BA against a target chosen by caster and be [dazed] on next turn.

For my game, since we don't abuse Dominated for multiple OAs, etc., I don't think there's a huge difference between the PCs' AWs and BAs, especially since each of the PCs has a fully functional MBA for granted attacks, etc.

3rdly - simple "number-based-only" resistances and vulnerabilities are pretty boring.
Radiant vulnerability : also, he deals 5 extra fire damage on it's next attack beont
Necrotic resistance : instead of resistance, he gets to roll to recharge his powers (one roll per)

In our case, it's a moot point, since none of the PCs have necrotic or radiant attacks. Just standard undead abilities here. But a cool idea for future encounters, methinks!

4rthly - I don't get how Oath's Agony is supposed to work reliably in this instance...?

I think it's just a kind of double tap if the offender damages the Oath Wight in melee. Yet another way to discourage melee engagement (along with the aura).

5thly - I would be evil and change Rotting Touch to impose a -4 penalty to surge value. This is a curse that uses the Disease Track. Also, add an action that lets him target 2 creatures with this attack as a standard action.

I very much like the idea of using this as a Curse on the Disease track! So -4 penalty to surge value until healed, right? It would be fun to consider further stages as the Disease progresses.... [/evilgrin]

6thly - Promised Return means this guys is 1.5 solo's... I would cut his hp in half to take this ability into account.

I suspect the designers set this up this way to use the Oath Wight without Minions, etc. as, effectively, a Healing Surge mechanic.

7thly (at this point, I just like writing Xthly ;) ) I would give this guy some minions - some shadow-demon-undead-inspired or themed dudes to work with the Orcus-vibe. I imagine these guys looking like the swarming shadow demons from Diablo3 (in the High Heavens).

Minion-dudes (small) - low Fortitude, High Reflex; resist 10 necrotic; insubstantial; vulnerable radiant* (see cool thing); necrotic melee attack; shifting charge; [cool thing] when destroyed with radiant damage, death burst 1 : 3 radiant damage (if you can hit them in a pack, you can chain them - just don't be nearby!)

I would add (to Kalarel) a range 5 burst 2 power as a minor action (recharge 4+); target Fort; 7 necrotic damage, summon 4 minion dudes in empty squares, they act right away? (or after...?)

I have been going back and forth about this since I first conceived the idea. In the initial encounter with Kalarel, there were 8 Wisp Wraiths (plus 3 Zombies). It would be repetitive, I think. Also, it made sense with regard to the fiction (Undead streaming across the portal Kalarel had opened to the Shadowfell) for there to be other enemies in play.

I have a harder time imagining a fictional rationale for Orcus's raising Kalarel after he drowned and adding Minions to the encounter along a stony riverbank. Perhaps having them manifest as shadow essence or some such as you indicate does make sense, though.

Essentially, the encounter does need some Minion mechanic to take the heat off Kalarel as the sole focus of attention.

Random Idea - Kalarel can put up a "circle of power" that will last the entire encounter (or more?).
Circle is SC (short) to shutdown
A living creature in CoP gains a +5 bonus to damage
A living creature using the damage bonus summons a shadow-demon-minion-dude
Kalarel can use a minor-action recharge power to summon minions (4) (and deal necrotic damage to creatures in circle? - or a creature in circle allows for +1 minion?)

So... yeah. These are my ideas right now.

And they're good ones! That said, the previous encounter with Kalarel included 2 embedded Skill Challenges, and the PCs just succeeded at ANOTHER SC in escaping the collapsing Keep. Again, I worry a little about construction encounters along too similar lines.

Random idea 2 - when brought to 0 hp (the first time), he comes back as a wraith - and he constantly spawns shadow demons (some of his "shadow stuff" breaks free) - till he has 4 (or 1 if he's already at 4).

He has a high damage aura, and uses mostly a "short (5)" ranged attack while ignoring those in melee with him. He relies on insubstantial to mitigate damage.

He doesn't close with creatures and just kind of drains their life-force in a sort of mindless fury.

I'm thinking of the "wraith things" in the Nephalim ruins in act 5.

... I've been playing a lot of Diablo3...

I like this idea! Leveling down a Wraith and reworking the Spawn Wraith ability would add variety to the encounter. I think I would have to use either this or the Minion spawn above, though.

Also, I would like for there to be a possibility that Kalarel escapes again (without forcing the issue); events have set him up to be an interesting recurring villain. That said, I don't want to rely overly on the "Orcus raises his servant" trick. Further, the PC who was formerly Kalarel's student, betrayed and being offered up as a sacrifice to Orcus by his master, chose The Raven Queen's Shroud as a reward at the end of the first session. (This is a Divine Boon that as a Minor action allows the PC to Mark an enemy once/encounter and then reroll one damage die against the Marked enemy; more significantly, as a Daily Minor action, the PC can teleport adjacent to the Marked enemy, which makes enacting an escape (as Kalarel did in the first encounter) that much more difficult.)

In any event, thanks for so many fruitful ideas already!
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Yeah, no, I get it - similarity is unavoidable at some points, but when there's a choice, let's not.

So perhaps, flip the concept - he was a caster, now he has a very powerful body! This also sets up nicely the following encounter(s) : he was a caster, he got a strong body - but was confused and disoriented (no "spells"), but now! now he's the whole package! Dun, dun, duuunnn... !

I'm thinking about a fear-based roar that pushes : something like the ghost visage power that also deals thunder damage. Something BIG - like : close burst 2, push 5(!) and dazed AND PRONE (mouhahah), high damage, 1/2 on miss and push 3. Recharge on bloodied - or even better, triggers for free on bloodied!

Couple this with a 2 target melee claw that deals strong damage and knocks the target prone that can used when charging. (This is in addition to the healing surge curse! - or give the curse to the "roar"?) - if you'd rather not have it knock prone all the time, steal a mechanic from 13thAge : knocks prone on even attack rolls.

AND, give it a Canoloth tongue attack : (minor action) range 5, target Fortitude, low-ish damage, pull 5 to an adjacent square.

Base idea
Let the melee close, and the range be at ease because it's just the one dude - swarm it, everything should be fine!

Use the fear and thunder and push them out of the way.
Action Point!
Charge the back row and rip 'em up!
Use ghoul mega-tongue to pull in a rogue or tasty treat that's not to far.

Rip and shred as much as possible.
Melee comes back in... taking damage, taking damage, not so fun...
Mouhahah - Hey Wizard! It's your old buddy : CLAWS TO THE FACE!

Melee are looking to come back in... run away! Run away! Like brave Sir Robin!

(Perhaps have A spell from his old incarnation that allows him to incapacitate the melee enough for him to run away - if necessary.)

1) Under the Shadow of His Citadel (Aura 3)
Kalarel has Total Concealment against enemies not in the murky gloom.

2) Walk the Ghostly Realm
Opportunity Action - Recharge 5, 6
Trigger: An enemy is in Under the Shadow of His Citadel.
Attack vs Will: Transported to a ghostly forest or foggy cobbled path in a ruined enclave of Thanatos. C1, L+0 SC to find the path back home. Move Action = action economy.

3) Necropolis Double - Hazards attack enemy Fort w/in 3 squares; Pull 3, Healing Surge lost, a lvl 1 Spectral Minion of the PC is created.


Dang, fellas, you've given me some great ideas to ponder here! [MENTION=6696971]Manbearcat[/MENTION], Walk the Ghostly Realm is inspired! And clearly Spectral Minions of the PCs are the way to go regardless of how they are created!


I can see Walk the Ghostly Realm working one of two ways: (1) The effected PC is removed from play into Thanatos and must contend with the SC solo, with a Move Action for each stage of the SC; so, effectively removed from play for 2 rounds (Standard and Move/round). (2) The effected PC straddles the two realms and must divide their actions between the two: at least one Move action per round to contend with the SC but then decision point: complete the SC faster by dedicating a Standard Action as well OR using the Standard (and Minor) in combat against Kalarel.

I can see Walk the Ghostly Realm working one of two ways: (1) The effected PC is removed from play into Thanatos and must contend with the SC solo, with a Move Action for each stage of the SC; so, effectively removed from play for 2 rounds (Standard and Move/round). (2) The effected PC straddles the two realms and must divide their actions between the two: at least one Move action per round to contend with the SC but then decision point: complete the SC faster by dedicating a Standard Action as well OR using the Standard (and Minor) in combat against Kalarel.

Yup. That works.

And if they don’t spend any actions on it then they take Healing Surge value Psychic Damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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