• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

Lylandra, do you know if Tizbiz is using the original release of the standalone adventure PDFs, or whether he's using the Act One compilation? I ask because I think we forgot in our revisions to actually follow through on something we teased in this adventure, so I kinda want to take to him in case he wants ideas on what to do if you and Mr. Carlyle's player start asking, "What about that thing that guy mentioned...?"

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He actually uses both. If I remember correctly, he first got the standalones and then the hardcover compilation of the first act. When he read through the first adventure he realized that the versions were not 100% the same which confused him a bit, so I did some research and found out that the compiled version was the final one and also included some story clear ups. He's still using both of them as he doesn't have the compiled pdf and loves using both documents in parallel (i.e. using the book for the statblocks and a quick page jump and using the pdf on his tablet to increase the font size or provide quick battle maps)
So I really hope he doesn't get too confused about which version had which content as I don't really know if he uses both for prep.
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An Audit! With Price-Hill! And an all out attack on the RHC?!

We stand guard for the whole night until we are interrupted by an invitation coming from Viscount Inspector Nigel Price-Hill in the morning. He asks us to attend to an audit and a corresponding lunch in the Silver Swan.
(Finally! A meeting with Price-Hill! Excited! The timing... put us under some stress though)

Margit and rookie Flying Spark offer to take the first round which leaves Auryn and Carlyle to take care of our sleeping maybe-monster. They return after a pretty short while and say that everything went smoothly for them and that there were not too many questions raised about the Faerie Dragon's status as he was a good help so far.

Auryn and Carlyle are in for the next round of audits. Price-Hill takes some time for our audit as he congratulates us for our damn fine job so far. He adds that he hopes we might in time become the most successful foreign missions team so far as we might just replace Team 3 who traditionally held this role. He says that both of us have a foreign background so this might come in handy in the missions to come.

When matters turn to our involvement and alleged friendship with some members of the Familia, he asks us to handle these matters discreetly and make sure to not let them get out of hand. Having connections to a more or less trustworthy criminal organization can come in handy from time to time, but getting indebted to them might easily lead to becoming corruptible. We agree to this point and promise to separate private friendship and professional contact.

He also gives Carlyle a small warning to not put Lord Vantrys' interests over those of Risur and Carlyle insists that while he's still trying to protect his former Lord, he would never betray the interests of the RHC for some Vantrys business benefit. To Auryn he adds that he knows about her troubles with Fordren, but he has to be sure that her personal feud with the businessman won't cause a bilateral scandal, by causing, for example, a premature death of said industrialist. He says that the peace summit next spring has to be successful and it mustn't be overshadowed by such an unwanted incident. Auryn promises to not go actively after Fordren, but she also explains that she'd totally defend herself should that guy try to get too close to her or plan anything funny.

We tell Price-Hill that we really wish for a lasting peace between Danor and Risur and wouldn't do anything to endanger that process. After all, all of our actions, all of our talk with King Aodhan and Prime Minister Lee, including the discussion of a conspiracy of possible war mongers who might profit from a fifth Yerasol war, were all aimed at preserving peace. When we bring up the conspiracy, Price-Hill asks us about the progress of our investigation and we tell him everything we've learned about the causa Macbannin so far (including a possible connection to our current case and Bergeron). We add that this case is no longer in our hands though and that he'd have to ask Team 1 for further information. The Viscount Inspector says that even though getting put off case might be pretty frustrating we should continue to keep our eyes open for any clues.

As the audit comes to an end, Auryn signals Lauryn Cyneburg, who was also present during the whole thing, that she'd like to have a conversation in private. We carefully explain her that we've found a mysterious trail of our “New Ragman” which led us to Lady Saxby's private estate. We then tell her about the very reserved guards who hindered our investigation. We then add that we surely don't want to denounce our boss, but simply needed someone to share this information with as we cannot really investigate any further and doing or saying nothing would be wrong as well. Lauryn thanks us for this information and says she'll keep it in mind.

Once we get back to the RHC, sleeping beauty is about to awake. When Dr. Meredith comes back to her senses, she convinces us that it is truly her this time. She tells us that she's slowly beginning to understand what Sijhen has done to her. It seems like this creature is able to modify and manipulate thoughts, memories and senses. Thankfully, the creature is sleeping right now which she demonstrates by pointing at the closed eyes on her arm. Xambria Meredith goes on and says that she and Sijhen have learned that Bergeron belongs to a mysterious group called Obscurati. Sijhen is interested in these people, even if she's not really sure why (might have something to do with the fact that Bergeron was after the seals?). She adds that it is also after a certain star chart but it hasn't found that artifact yet.

Just when she comes to this conclusion, Dr. Meredith suddenly realizes that being brought to the RHC was Sijhen's plan all along. While she's trying to warn us from her upcoming loss of control, we hear screams from the other part of the cell block. As we really don't want to leave Dr. Meredith alone, we ask Flying Spark to carefully find out what is causing the ruckus.

The Faerie Dragon is pretty surprised to see that black cloaked people somehow got into the cell block and started questioning the other prisoners about the constables Auryn Galadin and Mr. Carlyle. As soon as Flying Spark returns to report on what's going on, Dr. Meredith turns into Sijhen, blasts out of her chains and turns the whole world into an opaque scenery which seems only quasi-real. And while the word “solid” seems to have lost its meaning for Meredith as she jumps directly through the ceiling, the four of us are unable to move at all.

(So much for the antimagic cell... seems like some forces are unable to be contained with our standard magic arsenal.)

Meredith/Sijhen turns into two clones of herself and heads directly to Lady Saxby's office where she's about to attack our boss. As we can at least momentarily see through all the building's walls and ceilings, we see with horror that alien mind monsters appear all over the RHC HQ and start attacking our hapless, panicking colleagues.

Once our surroundings turn solid again, we are finally able to move. We know Saxby and all the others are in grave danger, so we head for the fastest way out of the dungeon. Unfortunately, the people clad in black are still in the cell block and so we have to get rid of them first. As they seem to be interested in Carlyle and Auryn, we'd like to get some information from them in return and so we try to make best use of our surroundings and lock them up instead.

Flying Spark scares them up with a well-aimed lightning bolt (yay for straight lines!) which causes half of the attackers to take cover in the cells. Mr. Carlyle turns invisible and locks the cells stealthily. Auryn starts her alluring fey song in the other corridor which makes the rest of the blackcloaks go after her in trance. She then heads into one of the cells, climbs up to the cell's ceiling, waits until all of the attackers are in there with (or underneath) her, then jumps out of the cell and locks the door (yay for acrobatics!).

This way we can avoid a lengthy fight and rush to the stairs where we are caught by another wave of unreal incorporeality. Through the opaque ceilings we can see that Saxby is about to hand a golden object to Sijhen she got out of her desk. As soon as Sijhen gets its hands on the object, it jumps back down and runs through a wall where it soon gets out of our sight. We can also see that Dima and Team 1 are in a fight with some of the attacking monsters.

We rush upstairs and throw some well-aimed fireballs at some of the monsters who are currently attacking our staff in hope of getting their attention. Our plan succeeds and we continue our ascent while being followed by a group of flying eyeballs.
(so much for “playing it safe”. Still better to have the monsters follow us – who have experience with fighting these kind of beasts – than letting them brain-munch our secretaries and rookies)

Once we arrive on the second floor, even more blackcloaks enter the scene and this time we can actually see them emerging from the walls. Ac loser look at them reveals that these guys must be only partially in this reality as they have some bleak gate taint on them. Which leads us to the conclusion that they might be actually some of Leone's thugs. Fortunately for us, Team Blackcloak isn't exactly on Team Sijhen's side and so the monsters attack these guys as well.

Margit uses her magic to turn some of the monsters tangible again while Mr. Carlyle rushes to Delft's office as he assumes that our Assistant Chief Inspector might be in serious trouble. Auryn heads to Saxby's office to protect our Chief Inspector from two flying eyeballs while Flying Spark continues to harass every opponent with elemental magic.

Carlyle arrives just in time to save Delft from a phaerimm-like monster, but is then wounded by a seemingly confused Delft who shoots at him. Seems like Delft sees a mimic in Carlyle. Luckily Margit is nearby who is able to soothe her love's fear and confusion with a calm emotions spell. In all of this madness, we also witness an illusory stag who appears momentarily and rejuvenates some of our powers.

(“Now I would have emerged from all of this madness unscathed if it wasn't for our boss and his irrational fear of mimics...” Maybe Carlyle's constant teasing returned back to him this time. As for the stag? That's totally just the Guardian of the threshold to the Dreaming *cough cough*. Yeah he just likes you, Mr. Carlyle...)

Auryn is able to strike down the flying eyeballs thanks to Recklinghausen's rapier, but is then overtaken by Team 1 who form a defensive wall in front of Saxby. To her shock, Saxby orders “her team” to arrest Team 3 who she claims to be traitors. Mr. Carlyle returns just in time to call this the nonsense that it surely is as Lady Saxby is clearly out of her mind and Delft has fallen victim to some sort of mind control as well. Auryn asks Dima to scan Saxby for signs of compulsion magic before anyone gets seriously hurt as this might very well just be another one of Sijhen's tricks.

We then continue to strike down the last of the attackers and lay down our arms afterward as a sign of good will. Dima uses her magic and confirms our assumption. Mr. Carlyle then tries to dispel the magic on Saxby which fails. As we know that Sijhen is on the run right now, we don't want to waste any more of our precious time and ask Team 1 to help us bring Lady Saxby to the antimagic cell where any kind of magic would be instantly suppressed. Saxby continues to call us traitors and urges her team to not fall to our tricks as we clearly want to get rid of her. She is able to convince Carlao about our hostile intentions who turns against us and our colleagues. Auryn fears that the whole situation might get out of hand, so she uses her own charm to “override” Sijhen's spell and politely asks Saxby to accompany us to the antimagic cell while the rest wrestles down Carlao.

(That was some rather difficult diplomacy there. We were kind of shocked first to have Saxby call us traitors and demanding our arrest. But it was pretty clear that Sijhen must have done something to her and using Delft's case of madness helped a lot to convince Dima to scan for magic.)

Once we get Saxby into the antimagic field, she's her usual self again and asks Carlyle to try to dispel the spell on her again. He succeeds this time and we promise Saxby to clear up this whole mess once we finish our business with Sijhen. Delft arrives shortly after and asks us to go after Sijhen immediately and leave clearing up the RHC to him.

(Better late than never, eh? Not that we'd have done anything else but go after the monster who just tried to kill us all...)


We try to extrapolate Sijhen's escape route and find that it crosses quite nicely with a newly built railway tunnel. So we head there as fast as possible.

Inside the tunnel we find two trains and their corresponding drivers who seem pretty stupefied. The trains are ready to go, so we ask Margit to keep an eye on them and KO them once they show signs of being mind controlled or trying to overrun us with their trains. (Does anyone know Operator Thogar from Blackrock Foundry? He's an Orc boss encounter and you have to dodge trains when you fight him. So we kind of suspected this might be the case here as well...)

We sneak ahead and see a pretty twisted looking “Xambria Meredith” who's standing inside a ritual circle surrounded by lanterns. Behind her is the golden seal of Apet. She has the golden star chart in her hands and uses it to summon some kind of portal which forms behind the seal. We agree on a stealth attack, so we leave Margit with the trains and ask her to take out one of the drivers once we attack Sijhen. We tell her that we'll try to shut down the portal, but should things go downhill, it will be up to her to use one of the trains to smash the seal into the portal.

Then Carlyle, Flying Spark and Auryn turn invisible and sneak up to the very busy Sijhen who's about to conduct a ritual. Then Mr. Carlyle attacks to draw Sijhen's attention to him. Meanwhile, Auryn rushes into the ritual circle and tries to gain control over the whole thing. While she mentally wrestles with Sijhen, the creature splits into two again as soon as Carlyle shows himself and starts his attack. Fortunately, Flying Spark and Carlyle are able to put Sijhen down this time while Auryn strengthens her mental presence with fey magic.

As soon as Sijhen goes down, Auryn gains control over the ritual and starts floating while she's about to contain the strange planar energies. However, Sijhen goes down with a bang, completely obliterating Dr. Meredith's body and leaving behind nothing but the star chart. Carlyle sees what's about to happen and shields Auryn with his own body to catch the explosive burst. He and Flying Spark then make sure to put all the lanterns back to their intended places. Carlyle then uses his time magic to buy Auryn additional time. After a while, she returns to the ground and her eyes cease to glow as the portal shuts down for good. Margit runs up to Mr. Carlyle to heal the wounds he got from the explosion.

All of them are completely exhausted when suddenly the spirit of Dr. Meredith appears in front of their eyes. She's afraid to fade into nothingness and begs us to help her. Auryn seems completely helpless and doesn't really know what to do with the spirit which is growing weaker every second, so she asks Mr. Carlyle for guidance as he's the mortal spirit expert of their team. Carlyle seems a bit hesitant, but helps to guide Dr. Meredith into Auryn's body where it can find a temporary home. Dr. Meredith appears in front of Auryn's eyes and thanks them for their help. She hopes to find a method to create a new body though as she knows that it wouldn't be wise to occupy a host like her for too long.

( I guess Tizbiz kind of expected that Carlyle would be the one who'd take Dr. Meredith's spirit. After all, he's the spirit medium of the team and has already successfully guided a lot of spirits. He seemed a bit irritated by the spirit's request though and doesn't really want to have anyone too close to his “inner sphere”. Carlyle refused to be part of the bonding with Nevard as well as he feared some weird backlash due to his immortal spirit and divine spark.)

We head back to the RHC, barely able to walk but still happy to call Flint safe and monster-free again. We are pretty surprised to see Viscount Inspector Price-Hill in the entrance room who seems to be utterly disappointed by whatever happened when we were busy searching for Sijhen. When he sees us he puts up a rather relieved expression and congratulates us on our successful mission. He has some serious business to discuss with us though and leads us to Saxby's office. On our way there we come across a very downtrodden Team 1 who are all silent and barely able to look each other in the eye.

Delf is already waiting for us in the office and both he and Price-Hill bring us up to date. Once we got out to catch Sijhen, Lady Saxby asked to be released from her cell as she wanted to contact Lord Price-Hill and tell him about the attack. Delft finally realized that this was sounding fishy as hell and insisted that they should rather send some errand boy to get Price-Hill. Saxby then demanded to have Delft locked up as he was clearly still under some mind control and Delft objected heavily. Team 1 had to make a tough decision which ended in ugly infighting, but in the end Delft got the upper hand, insisted that they'll both be locked up and have someone call for Price-Hill. When the boss of the two finally arrived, he found some rather incriminating evidence in Saxby's office as she had stored a lot of expensive archaeological artifacts in her office. Xambria mentally tells Auryn that these were some of the artifacts she originally sent to Bergeron and which he then gave to MacBannin. And it also turned out that the blackcloaks were only able to enter the RHC because Saxby green-lighted some renovation work in the HQ where iron rings were somehow incorporated into the walls. So yep, she basically opened the RHC door for the Blackcloaks.

We are horrified by this revelation and have to assume that Saxby – unknowingly or knowingly might have given away details of the MacBannin case to Leone or Bergeron whomever had been her contact within the members of the conspiracy. This is where Xambria asks Auryn to swiftly explain things to the rest of the crew, so she lets her take over. Dr. Meredith says that she's now resting inside Auryn and would like to contribute to their case. She says this “conspiracy” sounds a lot like the Obscurati guys Sijhen was so interested in and that they are shortly called “Obs”. Now the ring code becomes pretty clear to us as it has to be “OB + X”.

As disappointed as the Viscount Inspector might be about his “fallen Star Inspector Saxby”, we nonetheless need a functioning hierarchy in the Flint bureau and so he promotes Stover Delft to Chief Inspector. Congratulations!

(Phew, catastrophe averted. What a furious finale. Now this time we couldn't take the blame of letting Sijhen escape again on us as the creature was clearly out of our league. The attack on the RHC was both overwhelming and awesome at the same time and we only succeeded so well (as Tizbiz said) because we tried to synergize the team's abilities to their best effects. Unfortunately the blackcloaks disappeared before we could question them, so we still don't know who sent them after Auryn and Carlyle. Money's on Leone though.

Regarding Saxby, we did expect some shady affairs, which is why we alerted Lauryn in the first place, but no outright betrayal. That reveal was a tough one, especially for Auryn who always held her “RHC Matriarch” in high esteem while Carlyle has been more or less Team Delft since the beginning.


The Gala of the Ancients

Session 17

It turns our that our former boss, Lady Saxby, is now imprisoned in one of our cells in the basement. We finally invite Teams 1 and 2 to join our discussion about why Saxby would have betrayed everything she once held dear. We can only guess that she might have gotten used to a rather expensive lifestyle over the years and might have entangled herself in her intricate politics and schemes. Or maybe someone of her contacts simply blackmailed her?

To offer Team 1 some sort of redemption as they are clearly the guys who have it worst right now, we offer them to take the case Saxby and clear up the mess she left behind. After all, they are already involved in case MacBannin and have some good background knowledge. Plus Saxby might be more susceptible to her former favorites. However, we agree to have a close eye on Team 1 and even if we want to believe that they had no knowledge of Saxby's misdeeds, we still don't want to take chances. We say that we wish Team 1 could mend the rifts that have opened up between them (after all, Carlao defended Saxby till the very end and had to be overwhelmed by Dima and Serena while the dwarf was the first one of them to doubt Saxby's words).

We also offer our (or rather Mr. Carlyle's) assistance in questioning Saxby as she might just turn out to be a pretty good bluffer.

Then Auryn asks Delft what to do regarding the presence of Xambria Meredith. She thinks that the archaeologist might see everything she does and doesn't know whether their connection will strengthen over time and whether or not she might get insight into her thoughts and memories. A thought that frightens Auryn the moment she talks about it.

After some back and forth Delft decides to give Dr. Meredith the same rookie status as Flying Spark. The faerie dragon adds that he kind of likes this “constable job thing” and that Auryn has quite a nice garden he could inhabit for an indefinite time period. So he'd really like to continue his training with the RHC.
(Carlyle of course wanted him to be really, really sure about that. After all, being an RHC agent isn't simply an ordinary job, it is a calling. Plus Flint might not be the best place for a nature loving creature to live in. Flying Spark's response? “Oh my, because a Swamp is much more beautiful than your city, right?”)

Auryn then asks Xambria whether she'd like to do the rookie training with Flying Spark first. Plus she'd be able to experience true flight! Our small friend doesn't object, after all this might help him understand human culture and feelings a lot better. Margit realizes something's amiss and adds that she could be Dr. Meredith's host from time to time as well. So Mr. Carlyle helps to transfer the spirit from Auryn to Flying Spark. After the transfer is complete, Carlyle, who had been unnaturally nervous in Auryn's presence seems to relax a bit.

(Now handling Xambria was more difficult that we had first thought. Auryn has her secrets and many of them are dangerous. She's a vekeshi for a start. Now she wouldn't be able to attend to any meetings with Xambria as she'd keep this knowledge once she'd get her new body. And the good Dr. Meredith doesn't really seem like someone who'd be into joining a secret society. She also wouldn't be able to talk about this “little problem” to any of her contacts without also telling Xambria.

On top of that, having Xambria take over, even briefly, pushed her to the edge. She lost control over her body once when she was transferred to Fordren and that experience traumatized her. She's all about being the one who's in control, so the prospect of someone – maybe even forcibly – taking over scares the hell out of her.

And then there's Carlyle who's already barely comfortable with Auryn's “close” presence. Now the least thing he would want is someone else who's haunting his mind and might stumble across his thoughts and secrets. Which is why he instantly distanced himself from his colleague the moment Xambria entered Auryn.

So both wish to help Dr. Meredith, but both have their fair reasons to not host her personally. We really hope to find her a new body soon as she might become a valuable team member in time.

As things finally calm down a bit, Auryn suggests that Team 3 might attend to the Gala of the Ancients. After all that happened ending the messed up day on a high note could help us get over the fact that we barely escaped certain death a few hours ago. Especially Flying Spark/Meredith take an interest in the new Ancient exhibition and the rest of us is in serious need of some relaxation as well. Plus the Gala might just turn out to be an intriguing societal event. So we head back home to take a bath and change clothes and agree to meet up at the museum.

It turns out that many of the “authentic” exhibits are not that authentic at all. We already know that our three artifacts are fake, but both Auryn and Xambria are disappointed that the museum got so many facts just wrong. They lecture some visitors that, for example, the Ancients were mostly Orcs and not human cavemen and that the dragon skeleton is clearly a replica. No one else seems to mind though.

We also meet a group of students from Pardwright which includes the mathematician Buck Chilton, “philosopher” Hennet and the botanist Nymeia. The latter uses this opportunity to approach Mr. Carlyle again and shyly invite him to her favorite tea house to share a cup of tea. Carlyle excuses himself and claims that he's really busy right now, but might have time in a few weeks. Or so.

Once Nymeia and her group leave, Auryn suggests that Carlyle might be better off to simply have a cup with her friend or simply say “no” for she won't cease to ask him if he keeps on delaying the inevitable. He answers that it should be pretty clear by now that he wasn't really interested in some affair with this young woman and directly saying no would be utterly rude. Which gives Auryn a good laugh as she explains that Nymeia actually means every word she says: Drinking tea means drinking tea and not much else for a start. Plus she's probably taking his “maybe later” as an invitation to ask him again and again. After all, she's a scientist and not speaking societal code language. To which Carlyle responds “Okay, so maybe later”.

Next, we meet Michael Carlyle and his wife and it turns out that Carlyle the younger is pretty tired and only doing Julia a favor. He says that managing Goodson's inheritance affair is really straining and he's hardly getting some rest. He adds that Lord Vantrys got himself some fine lawyers and that Fordren's own lawyers and them are constantly arguing over details which are too small to grasp even for a professional like him. We do some smalltalk with him which seems to be just the kind of diversion he needed.

After our chat with the Carlyles, Buck approaches us again. He knows from Hennet and Nymeia that the two of us are RHC agents, so Buck seizes the opportunity to complain about the confiscation of his team's mechanical steam powered exo-skeleton. He says that all exhibits were examined after the KATE incident and that theirs was deemed too dangerous for the public. (“That's ludicrous! These Fordren guys could get away with fully functional robotics and our prototype was 'too dangerous'” he said).
Auryn is a bit outraged first, but Buck then adds that he and his friends at least got a job prospect at the Flint Military and the RHC showed its interest as well. This changes her opinion and she and Carlyle give Buck the advice to make good use of this opportunity.
(Now it would be pretty amazing if Buck&co could become the “Qs” of the RHC in time...)

After a bit of champagne and canapés, Carlyle and Auryn take a stroll to the “druid grove” in the museum's garden. They talk a bit about the fate of Team 1 and both agree that they'd probably never disagree that much, at least not when it comes to RHC affairs. Still, Auryn confesses that Carlyle had her confused more than time as he seems to care about her on one occasion only to distance himself from his colleagues on another one. He replies that he's sorry to say that, but it is her who's confusing him with her constant teasing and joking about his “beauty”.

Auryn laughs quite a while at this comment. She then explains that she wasn't joking at all. She's only grown quite fond of her colleague and would even deem him a friend. She then admits that on top of that he is a pretty attractive man, so all her compliments were actually made with nothing but blunt honesty. Auryn adds that maybe Risuri women would play shy around men, but she's an Eladrin and used to speak her mind, at least when she's in the company of people she trusts.

She then says that she hopes Mr. Carlyle feels at least a bit the same about her company so he wouldn't always feel the need to “send her back to Elfaivar” whenever they disagree about cultural affairs and traditions. Carlyle negates this notion and says that he wouldn't want to send her back. He just switches to a more “provocative vocabulary” whenever he's under the impression that Auryn tries to paint Elfaivaran culture as superior and Risuri traditions as archaic. Auryn counters that it isn't as simple as that. Every culture and tradition has its pros and cons, including Risur and Elfaivar. Her own culture had to change and adapt after the Great Malice, so analyzing other cultures and see what's good and what's bad are essential for someone who will most likely define a culture of her own someday as she'd still wish to found her own enclave. (For example, even the long lived veterans will die of old age some day so it wouldn't make sense to place more value in her daughters than her sons or to hold them to different standards)
She then says that even Risuri culture has changed over the years and the ongoing industrialization will surely leave its mark on the country. Which is why they might very well learn a thing or two from the survivors of Elfaivar. Seems like Carlyle can agree to that statement.

When we arrive at the RHC the next morning, a still tired Chief Inspector Stover Delft calls us to his office to assign us to our next mission. He wants us to gather more information about this Obscurati group, so he asks us to take the same train Beregeron mentioned in his letter to Finona and try to identify their members and plans. Ideally we'd make up some cover identities for ourselves as Leone, who's more than obviously part of the conspiracy, knows who we are. He also advises us to make several backup plans should something go amiss. So it's time for some spy business!


thinking about all the twists that happened during the intermission and over the course of adventure 4... that's probably quite accurate.

Even if I inititally had more of a modern Avengers relationship in mind (the british agents, not the superheroes)


Prepping with Burton

As we all don't have any experiences in foreign missions and spy operations, he already contacted Burton, the sole survivor of the original Team 3 who's an expert on this field. As we know, he's moved to Slate though, so we'd need to take a train to visit him there.

We get the impression that Delft would surely love to help the mentally traumatized Goblin and get him back to business. So this mission with Flint's new “top team” might just be the right way to help Burton overcome his grief. We applaud our new Chief Inspector on this clever plan and add that while we've unsuccessfully tried to help Burton before, this one might actually work.
(Delft's developing emotional awareness? Times and wonders... but maybe it's just the relationship with Margit leaving its mark on him)

We decide to travel to Slate as fast as possible, so we take the next best train to the capital and then head to a tavern which also functions as a secret operation and training center for the RHC. Burton is already present and it seems like he's actually eager to go on a mission with us. We hand him the key information of our mission and ask him for his expertise.

Burton begins with the most basic tip of all: Preparing an escape route. He suggests to maybe have a ship travel in parallel to the railway, so we have a safe escape in every port city. Escape might be necessary if, for example, our cover gets blown. We add that this boat should be rather inconspicuous, maybe camouflaged as a trade ship. We'd also prefer small but fast escape boats in the port cities which may then bring us to the seaworthy vessel.

He then goes on to discuss our cover identities. This is where he advises us to do lots and lots of research about the identities we'd like to display. There will be lots of people in the train and chances are high that someone would actually come from the area we'd claim to stem from. So it would probably be a good idea to at least visit our “home town” and pick up some details, names and news to make our stories believable.

We discuss some basic options and come to the conclusion that we'd better avoid sticking out of the crowd too much. On the other hand, our covers should not diverge too much from who we are or we'd not be able to make a realistic impression. Magical disguises are also problematic as good parts of Danor are dead magic and we'll also be crossing the Malice Lands. Mr. Carlyle explains that he got this covered (heh) as his alchemy skills are also useful to create disguises, make-up, fake body odors and hair dyes. We also agree that forming a four-to-five person team would be rather suspicious, so it'd be better to form smaller teams which can then observe all of the train.

Auryn muses a bit about playing a traveling singer who's about to go on a grand tour, but rejects the idea as soon as she realizes that she'd have to do actual concerts and lose too much time for observation. However, this brings us to the idea of inviting an actual “Rock Star” to our journey. After all, Rock said he wanted to go on an adventure with us, so here's his chance to prove that he's trustworthy. We agree to not tell him about the Obscurati but would rather explain that we're trying to catch a dangerous serial killer who's trying to escape. Flying Spark could then play Rock's pet dragon and we all know that Rock' is prone to causing lots and lots of commotion.

Carlyle is a bit skeptical at first, but Burton convinces him that this is actually a sound plan. He then suggests using a rookie agent to play an actual RHC agent who's trying to catch said serial killer and who could then blow his cover due to a mistake. All this planning really incites Burton's imagination and so he agrees to join their espionage mission in his favorite role as professional (cheating) card player/wannabe pirate.

Auryn then jokingly suggests that she and Carlyle could play a married couple. She's more than surprised when Carlyle actually agrees to this plan as long as she's a good agent and not trying to do anything funny with him. Which makes her raise an eyebrow in return before giving him a heartfelt laugh. We agree that it would be wise to maybe not all impersonate Risuri citizens, so Carlyle and Auryn decide to play a couple from Ber who are on their honeymoon world trip. As it would be hard to disguise Auryn as anything else but an Elf, Half-Elf or Eladrin, we settle on the latter which would kind of make sense as Ber has been traditionally friendly towards Elfaivaran refugees and could explain why the couple would end their trip in Vendricce, the gate to the lost Empire. Plus we actually have friends in the Beran embassy who could help us out with acquiring genuine papers.

We then talk to Margit about the perfect opportunity to go on a romantic trip with her dear Delft. We quickly realize though that the new head of the RHC in Flint would surely have his hands full with work in these troubled times, so bringing him with her wouldn't be an option. We agree to have her impersonate a Doctor from Flint who's traveling to a scientific congress in Vendricce to present her research papers. Margit has the medical background after all and Auryn is kind of proficient with presenting scientific results from her prep time with Nymeia.

(and so suddenly all that happened in our first “Get together” adventure turns out to play into our hands. Wolmi Heffanita is currently working at the embassy and Nymeia's presentation gave us some basic ideas. Also helps that I am used to attend to such conferences and yeah, that involves a lot of traveling by train)

Once Burton is satisfied with our rough sketches, he invites us to stay in the inn for the night.

This night both Auryn and Carlyle dream of floating over the swamp of the High Bayou. After a while they notice the presence of the Voice of Rot who is curious whether they have forgotten her. The Titan says that she clearly felt that presence from beyond vanishing but got no message that the deed was done from either of them.

Both answer in their respective dreams that they have surely not forgotten their promise, but didn't want to disturb the mighty Titan who most certainly wants to go back to sleep again. Also, such a magnificent creature would probably be able to sense the fading presence anyway. The Voice says she understands our reasoning. She also senses a great power within us and that we've been already claimed by “someone else” with great power. The Titan doesn't say who this someone is, but we both kind of understand that she's thinking of Srasama. The Voice then adds that fortunately there is still some space left for her to leave her mark on us and gives us her blessing.

(So that was pretty scary and neither of us is really sure what this whole “marked by a Titan” means besides some mechanical goodies. Hope that doesn't come back at us someday. Now for the whole Srasama part, we kind of expected her or whatever might be left of her to be our connection to each other. Auryn knows that the Goddess died but she still adheres to her faith and tradition while Carlyle carries a sliver of her divine essence)

The next morning, Auryn is finally able to convince Carlyle to do some one on one training with her. In the end she's satisfied as she knows no other person would be able to pose a real challenge for her in combat
(well, besides Jack and she didn't use magic on him while impersonating Aubron

After the training she unsuccessfully tries to get him to address her in a less formal way. Citing a proper etiquette manual, Auryn says that it would be usually up to the person of higher rank to switch means of address and as both of them are equals, the honor then falls upon the elder person – who he clearly is. He answers by smiling and saying that he knows that rule. He pauses for a moment and then adds that he isn't really used to be called Gabriel anyway, so using his first name would sound weird, if not wrong to him. Auryn shrugs off the rebuff and says she's simply getting confused by the ever increasing group of people named Carlyle.

(Regarding names and means of address:
First, Carlyle's player told me that Mr. Carlyle wasn't that honest with “no one calling him Gabriel” as the homeless people and one old comrade he cares for do call him by that name. Auryn had no reason to doubt that statement though.

Second, we do put a bit of a thought on who to address by which name. For example, we always include titles when addressing or talking about people who have one, like Dr. Meredith and Dr. von Recklinghausen as long as they are only acquaintances. Or Carlyle's using “the Rear Admiral” when talking about Dawkins while Auryn speaks of “dear Morris” within her team - her peers who know of their relationship.

Within the team, Carlyle goes by Mr. Carlyle and we all address him formally (There is this difference between informal “Du” and formal “Sie” or oldschool “Ihr” in the German language and it can be quite a big deal). Auryn on the other hand insists to be called by her first name, even if she's addressed formally (Ms. Auryn) as her “family name” is actually her mother's name which she used as last name when registering in Risur. This can come in quite handy when someone asked for a “Ms. Galadin” as she instantly knows that this person isn't her acquaintance. Margit and Auryn use first names and informal address while Carlyle stays formal (even if Carlyle's player has this habit of avoiding to call people by their names, so we've yet to hear a “Ms. Stenz” from him). Flying Spark is simply Flying Spark, although we use a formal address for him to get him used to Risuri customs.)

We say goodbye to Burton and he mentions that he got lots of preparations to do as well, so we will most certainly only meet again when we get on the train in winter.

We arrive back in Flint the next day and start our own preparation work. Auryn and Carlyle plan to make it seem like they were asked to accompany an archaeological follow-up expedition to Ber to explain why we'd be absent from Flint for such a long time. So we head to various cartography and book shops and get material on Ber. We then meet up with Delft and inform him about our plan to which he has no objections.

Our first step is to go to the embassy of Ber to ask for a chat with Wolmi Heffanita. We tell her that we have to go to a secret undercover mission soon and would like to impersonate a married couple from Ber. Meanwhile, we'd like to make it seem like the two of us are sent to an official mission in Ber. We add that this information has to be handled confidentially, but we also trust her in this matter and hope that she can help us. Once we swear that this “secret mission” won't go against the interests of the nation of Ber, and that we consider her country a close ally and friend of Risur, she warms up to the idea as this might just lead to some joint ventures in the future.

She sends us to a military attache who's working in the embassy. After some back and forth, he agrees to support our plan as well. The minotaur explains that he'd get us official identity documents. Constables Auryn Galadin and Gabriel Carlyle will then go on a follow up mission to a remote region in Ber to dig for more artifacts of the Ancients and protect their fellow archaeologists from possible curses. Once they arrive Reo Pedresco they'll meet up with their contact, Stella, who hands them their documents. The constables then “continue their mission” while a newlywed couple from Reo Pedresco can go on their long planned honeymoon. In return, the constables Auryn Galadin and Gabriel Carlyle will owe the nation of Ber a favor, so they'll come to their aid should the need arise. This seems like a plan we both can agree on.

Next we head to the military command post in Flint harbor where we ask Rear Admiral Dawkins for a ship. We don't goo too much into the details of our mission, but explain that the ship has to be fast and inconspicuous. He recommends a seaworthy steam supported schooner (the Roscommon I guess). We also discuss using a second ship as backup should our original ship be discovered or get into a sea battle. After all, the inner sea is pirate ridden, Auryn is quite nervous when it comes to pirates and the Dracon de Mer was pretty heavily armed as well.

Last but not least, we search for our Rock Star. Turns out that he's out of prison on parole and spent his first night of freedom partying in the Golden Sawfish. Where he celebrated Rock style and had quite an orgy afterward with some of his groupies. Once we are in Rock's suite, Margit and Mr. Carlyle don't really seem to be comfortable with the sight of so many naked people, so Auryn sneaks in, wakes up Rock and asks him to get dressed and talk to us in a more modest appearance.

Once we are sure Rock can actually understand what we are trying to say, we tell him that there's a way for him to get rid of his sentence altogether. Thing is that he'd have to assist us in a tricky case as we're on the hunt for a dangerous criminal and he could help us by creating a bombastic distraction. All he'd have to do is to go on a Rock World Tour. Rock is totally enthusiastic about this prospect and we kindly remind him to discuss this matters with his manager so he'd make sure to catch the right train even if he's busy rocking the groupies. We also magically remind him that his “dear friend Bergeron” also talked about a trip with the Avery Coast Railroad, so that has to be en vogue right now.
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Should I expect the title and formality lesson to be pertinent for understanding some future scheme of yours? Or is it a digression that you thought would be fascinating, just not plot relevant?

It reminds me of a scene in the Japanese animated movie Your Name (which is phenomenal and everyone should watch it). A young woman has woken up in the body of a young guy in a different city, and when she runs into the guy's friends they ask 'him' why 'he' is acting so strangely. The woman starts a sentence four times, using four different versions of the Japanese word for "I."

First 'watashi' which has a more generic and somewhat feminine. One of the guys responds with 'watashi?'

Thinking that she's perhaps being too informal with people she doesn't know, she sort of instinctively switches to a more formal 'watakushi.' That confuses them even more, because they're not expecting formality from their friend.

She realizes her mistake and switches to 'boku,' which is properly masculine, but not informal enough for close friends.

Finally she uses 'ore,' which is appropriately informal.

In subtitles the joke is a little hard to grasp without some awareness of Japanese. I'm not sure if it's been dubbed to English, but I think it'd be difficult to convey the same confusion.



Oh, it will be brought up again in later sessions. Our means of address isn't that plot relevant (it might become though) but it is one aspect where differences in character become visible. For example, Carlyle using an informal address to some seemingly random person would be a strong sign that something just isn't right.

It is also a bit of a digression, yes, as I don't know whether the strong distinction between names is confusing for someone who doesn't know the background. Carlyle's player and I talked a bit about it when Tizbiz brought up "Xambria" at some point and we simply didn't know who he was referring to. Turned out that he read some other story recaps for inspiration and got used to her first name while we only knew of Dr. Meredith. We sadly missed to mention the jaw-dropping reaction of Carlyle when Auryn was addressing "the Rear Admiral" informally in adventure 1.

For Your Name: I haven't seen the movie yet, but I saw a good deal of subbed Anime in my youth and find the Japanese language fascinating. Still I can only comprehend the pure basics without subtitles.
So yeah, I can understand the resulting confusion when someone uses the seemingly wrong version of "I" in Japanese :)

Which... makes me wonder how Japanese groups would handle their naming conventions in their campaigns.

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