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D&D 2E Tips? Haven't DMed D&D since 2E


Howdy, folks!

I've lurked here a while and enjoyed the gaming conversations, but haven't posted much as the focus here is primarily D&D, and I've GMed nothing but GURPS since ~'93 (though I've owned the three core 5E books and the Starter Set since they come out -- I'm not a philistine :p). However, a few friends asked me to run a game for them, and they are dead-set on it being 5E. I agreed, since A) they're m'buds, and B) AD&D was my first gaming love, and you never forget your first.

So, the plan is to read the Starter Set's quickstart rules, then skim the PHB/DMG for sections relevant to our game. I also notice the WotC site has a 106 page "Basic Rules" free download. I won't be using the starter adventure, though, as they're looking for a quick 2/2.5 hour game for the first to see if they like it. Any foreseeable problems with this approach? Important things you wish you knew when you started 5E? Bonus points for anyone coming to 5E either from 2E or GURPS hehe.

Thanks, all!

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Magic Wordsmith
Lost Mines of Phandelver and the Basic Rules PDF are a good start. LMoP is about the only published D&D 5e adventure so far that I actually like.

I recommend reading my tutorial on Adjudicating Actions in D&D 5e. I would also recommend Barrow of the Evensong if you're looking for a pretty fast adventure for 3rd level PCs. (You can safely skip 1st and 2nd levels and start at 3rd level.) I ran that in less than 3 hours in a gaming store as a one-shot.


Rotten DM
I did 1E, 2E, 3E. Advantage/Disadvantage is a big thing to adjust too. Every spell caster having a spell aka cantrip per round takes getting use too. From the Dmguild buy Season 1 DDEX1-1 which is 5 1 hour adventures you can use. Photocopy the conditions pages for PBH. Also find the Player quick reference pdf (maybe on Dm's Guild). Have the players download the basic rules so they can reference them.


Those of my group who remember 2E say that they feel 5E is quite similar, just with cleaned-up math.

The DM's Guild has quite a few short adventures that are meant to work with the Basic Rules, and many of them are "Pay What You Want" for price:


If you do go on to a full campaign, I second the suggestion for "Lost Mine of Phandelver" (the Starter Set adventure).

P.S. Welcome to the board! Have some XP.


Thanks for all the quick replies, folks! Great advice, looking forward to even more. ;)

Oh, one other thing I thought of -- are there even rumblings of any kind of Sixth Edition? I couldn't find anything in a quick search, but I bet y'all would know. If these guys want a game, I'm in for the long haul heh.


One quick bit of advice:

You may be tempted to use the optional flanking rule in the DMG (where flanking gives advantage) - I started this way with my group. I recommend against it. Advantage is already not that hard to get and the rule (at least for us) detracted from the tactics of encounters rather than added to them.

Haven't heard any rumblings of a 6th edition - this site would likely be all over that!


For the sixth edition, I wouldn't count on any serious revision any time in the near future. The game is selling well I see little reason for them to change.

For a quick adventure, others have pointed out some, I don't necessarily have any better suggestion. You could also just play the first part of the starter set with the pregen characters, it's a decent introduction to the game.

The basic rules are free, and honestly have everything you need for the game. For first intro things, I'd probably ignore feats and most of the optional rules until you get the hang of things. For me, it plays very similar to 2E (which is a good thing), but I would recommend starting with plain vanilla, no optional rules and drive it around the block a few times.

Other than that, cantrips are new, bonus actions are a bit confusing (you only get 1 per turn on your turn, and usually need to meet a prerequisite). Inspiration is a good idea but rarely used, advantage/disadvantage cancel each other out but don't stack and replace a lot of the fiddly pluses and minuses.

Good luck and have fun!

Thanks for all the quick replies, folks! Great advice, looking forward to even more. ;)

Oh, one other thing I thought of -- are there even rumblings of any kind of Sixth Edition? I couldn't find anything in a quick search, but I bet y'all would know. If these guys want a game, I'm in for the long haul heh.

You are well prepared because you don't have the baggage of 3rd edition.
That is you won't miss some rules in 5e that 3e player inadvertedly do. And you won't confuese those two rule sets which is very easily done in the beginning.
Actually the action economy is much close to 2nd edition:

Do something
Maybe do some minor things along with your main thing.
In any order.

The only real difference: a round in 2e: 1 min. Now in 5e: 6 secs. So if you convert an adventure you somethimes need to adjust the timing and placements of reenforcement troups.

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