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D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….


So in every adventuring party there is that moment when tangible rewards of encounters get divided out.

What are methods your party is using currently?

Do you keep a separate share for group funds or everyone pays their own and loot divided out equally without a separate party fund?

Suppose money is evenly divided, how about items? Do you do a bidding system from your own loot share back to the rest of the group? Do you just say whomever can best use it gets it? What’s the agreement if it is some utility item that multiple people can use? Or just finders keepers?


What is your current party doing?

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I let the players figure this out and not get involved as the DM.

The players divide gold evenly and sometimes set up a side fund to pay for a raise dead spell for whomever needs it first. Back in 3e days sometimes the group even set aside some gold for the wizard or cleric to make potions and scrolls and such figuring it was for the greater good of the party and not just for the wizard.

Items tend to get divided by who can use them the most and then by who has the most to kind of keep it even. A few items may become stale and sold or given when a new item is found, such as a +1 dagger given to the wizard as a "just in case" weapon after finding a +2 dagger for the rogue. Generally before an item is sold for gold they check if another PC needs it. Trading for another item with a PC or NPC is generally ok.


Magic Wordsmith
It's up to the players to work that out amongst themselves in our games. Items tend to go to the person who can best use it with the coins going to everyone equally.


As a DM I intervene when one player is "playing in character" by stealing from the party. This only ever happens in beginner campaigns. And I intervene because it almost inevitably blows the group up.

I let the players figure this out and not get involved as the DM.

The players divide gold evenly and sometimes set up a side fund to pay for a raise dead spell for whomever needs it first. Back in 3e days sometimes the group even set aside some gold for the wizard or cleric to make potions and scrolls and such figuring it was for the greater good of the party and not just for the wizard.

Items tend to get divided by who can use them the most and then by who has the most to kind of keep it even. A few items may become stale and sold or given when a new item is found, such as a +1 dagger given to the wizard as a "just in case" weapon after finding a +2 dagger for the rogue. Generally before an item is sold for gold they check if another PC needs it. Trading for another item with a PC or NPC is generally ok.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
At the table, as GM I sit back and let the party decide how to do it and track it. Online we tend to use discord between things for tracking and dividing.


Moderator Emeritus
Money is evenly split and items go to whoever could best use it (though magical items as gifts from patrons is a common event in my games, in which case I am deciding who gets what via an NPC). In a current game, the party druid kept "losing his money" or leaving it home, and borrowing from the other PCs when money was needed for something. Eventually the rest of the party stopped giving him a full share and just paying for him for everything. Whether this was because the player didn't want to worry about keeping track of treasure or if it was a quirk of this particular druid he played is unclear, but either way, I found it amusing and didn't care.

The fact that this player is considering being a paladin in the next game suggests to me that he wants to play another character with a reason to give away his money and not keep track of it, though.

Items are awarded to who best can use them.

Money is usually either a) divided evenly, b) kept in a pot to be drawn from as needed (potions, revivify, &c.), c) sometimes half & half. People have a group fund for the healing potions, but also half is split so people can spend / save / waste as desired. My current party is doing the big pot method.

I've always let the players sort it out. 100% of the time it's been money is evenly split. Magic items typically go to whoever they're useful for, unless it's something no one can use them usually the person who finds it keeps it to sell or trade.

Voidrunner's Codex

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