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DMs Guild The Warlord posted on DMs Guild


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Anyone can use a Resuscitate Kit - but DC20 is a big risk for a one-shot item. The Warlord can use it without a check at 9th. Essentially CPR.

Effect similar to Revivify but with the Raise Dead rider.
Got it. Maybe move the bundle of rules to the Equipment section, and just have Resuscitate as "The Warlord automatically succeeds on any check to use a healer's kit to stabilize or a Resuscitation kit to revive someone."?

Regarding the Extra attack at 13th - not sure what could replace this since Strike and Opportunistic strike key off it.

However dropping this could free up some powerful Paragon tier abilities to insert here. Maybe a good spot for a missing piece that is needed at the higher levels.

Potentially break it out and insert a powerful subclass ability to help firm up the flavor of the subclasses in Paragon.

For example Chevalier is free mount attack, and Beast Handler free companion attack. Commander is pretty fightery so keep the 3rd attack. Skald maybe a Bardish ability. Healer a big heal or mass heal. Diplomat maybe some sort of crowd control or action denial.
Make sense to me. BM rangers have Bestial Fury as a third attack proxy, would seem fitting to give a similar ability to Chevaliers/Beast Handlers.

Commander definitely makes sense to get 3rd attack, he's the closest thing to a "vanilla" warlord.

The others, maybe something as a bonus when they take the Attack action? Like:
Healer: Free action ki-free Maneuver Command. ("Get over here so I can heal you!")
Diplomat: Free action Opportunistic Strike. (Giving Diplomat Opportunistic Strike for free at 3rd seems like a good way to replace the ability that got baked into baseline Op Strike.)

Skald...Hmm, not sure. 3rd attack, maybe. Or same thing as Healer. I thought about free action Rally, but that's probably way too strong for both Skald and Healer.

Skald: Free action ki-free Rally Command.

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Been wondering if the class needs a Greater Restoration replacement. I'm kind of torn on this as I see the class as a great option for a low-magic campaign so I'm more prone to just let the Greater Restoration stuff ride, same as actual Resurrection/Regeneration. But in a magical campaign you'd still need someone to cover the Major roadblock effects like petrification, curses, and dead-dead.

Been wondering if the class needs a Greater Restoration replacement. I'm kind of torn on this as I see the class as a great option for a low-magic campaign so I'm more prone to just let the Greater Restoration stuff ride, same as actual Resurrection/Regeneration. But in a magical campaign you'd still need someone to cover the Major roadblock effects like petrification, curses, and dead-dead.
A low magic campaign should probably *feel* low magic. The absence of magic should have a tonal and gameplay impact in the game more than just having ranged blasters use arrows instead of fire blasts, otherwise it's just a flavour change. Cosmetic low magic.
In a low magic game, stuff that petrified is meant to be more dramatic. That's the point. And, as such, is likely to be rarer. Allowing easy mitigation of those effects triviliaizes the absence of magic.

That stuff, being able to shrug off or ignore exhaustion is a good ability to have instead, as that's hard to get rid of otherwise.


That stuff, being able to shrug off or ignore exhaustion is a good ability to have instead, as that's hard to get rid of otherwise.

I knew I was missing something. Since the Berserker should be part of a lower magic campaign an option for Exhaustion would be a great idea.

I agree that low magic is supposed to mean there are serious effects that you don't just use magic to fix.

I knew I was missing something. Since the Berserker should be part of a lower magic campaign an option for Exhaustion would be a great idea.

I agree that low magic is supposed to mean there are serious effects that you don't just use magic to fix.

I'd recommend an ability that lets you ignore or suppress a few levels of exhaustion but not remove. Otherwise a warlord allows you to adventure 24-7 without sleep or skip meals.


Basic Rules said:
Greater Restoration
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (diamond dust w orth at least 100 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo a debilitating effect. You can reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one, or end one o f the following effects on the target:
• One effect that charmed or petrified the target
• One curse, including the target’s attunement to a cursed magic item
• Any reduction to one o f the target’s ability scores
• One effect reducing the target’s hit point maximum

Costs 100gp which is reproduceable but a Cleric maxes out at 3/day. And only has 2 until 18th.

Maybe a once per day "Cheer On" effect lasting a minute for a number of allies equal to your Command bonus (which roughly increases when the Cleric gets more Level 5 spells 11 vs. 10, 17 vs 18) - with Concentration. Ignore 1 level of Exhaustion while under the effect.

Probably in addition to Resuscitate at 9th if the Resuscitate is simplified and mostly moved to gear.

They really don't want spells getting rid of Exhaustion.


Current revisions:
Drop reference to multiple use Opportunistic Strike from Diplomat.
Drop stacking limit on Commander Initiative bonus.
Clarify Grant Vitality doesn't use the Hit Dice.

Reword Resuscitate to not needing a check. Description moved to Equipment section.

Clarified Rally to 1d8 or HD. Renamed Rally to Galvanize to differentiate from Battle Master Rally.
Galvanize grants Temporary Hit Points. 1d8 or Class HD (for d10 and d12 classes) plus half your level to bonded allies for better scaling late.

Add Optional Command "Rouse" - target unconscious Bonded ally and get them up. Added as a separate command because trying to shoehorn this into Rally/Galvanize would be more confusing. Also doubles as a counter to other effects causing Unconsciousness.

"Cheer On" added at 9th with Resuscitate. 1 to eventually 3 targets to ignore 2 levels of exhaustion for a minute with the Warlord's concentration.

Extra Attack at 13 moved to subclass feature - Chevalier (don't want to tie too much into mount) and Commander still have Extra Attack (2). Beast Handler gets Bestial Fury. Diplomat adds Command bonus to hit and Inspiration on damage. Skald gets second use of "Cheer On" per day since it already adds damage and to hit. Healer extra command points for Int moved to 13th since Heal kits already do so much healing.

Chevalier tweaks - at 10th gain extra effect of HD healing with Rouse on mount.
Beast Handler tweaks - at 10th gain extra effect of HD healing with Rouse on AC. May add Tactical in place of Inspiration bonus on abilities.
Diplomat - Op Strike as bonus command.
Healer - prof and expertise in medicine at 3rd. Use Tactical in place of Inspiration. Delay extra ComPoints with Int until 13th. Also at 13th add optional HD healing to Rouse for bonded allies.
Skald - in addition to second Cheer On add Command or Charisma bonus to Music effect.
Commander - use Tactical in place of Inspiration.


Warlord passes OA in amount sold, should surpass it in downloads tomorrow.

My Twitter post to my one follower pretty much seals the deal.

Still a ways to catch the actual sales.

Keep the feedback coming! The goal is to make a Warlord we're happy with.



"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Warlord passes OA in amount sold, should surpass it in downloads tomorrow.

My Twitter post to my one follower pretty much seals the deal.

Still a ways to catch the actual sales.

Keep the feedback coming! The goal is to make a Warlord we're happy with.

I'll be downloading it tonight (and throwing some bucks at it as well, in recompense.)

Oh, and totally off-topic, but always nice to talk to a fellow cheesehead!

Tony Vargas

Been wondering if the class needs a Greater Restoration replacement. I'm kind of torn on this as I see the class as a great option for a low-magic campaign so I'm more prone to just let the Greater Restoration stuff ride, same as actual Resurrection/Regeneration. But in a magical campaign you'd still need someone to cover the Major roadblock effects like petrification, curses, and dead-dead.
If a campaign is no-magic or low-enough magic that you're not allowing PC casters at all, petrification probably just shouldn't happen, or should be as tough to inflict as death. (Not, the gorgon turns you to stone, but, if you are killed by the gorgon, your corpse turns to stone.) Otherwise, it could be a cope-with-magic style thing: You can't just go 'poof magic, you're flesh again,' but you could know/research a cure, possibly requiring a side-quest to gain some special/magical ingredient or bring the petrified victim to a special/magical place or some such, to make it more dramatic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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