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The Long Arm of Lauto 1: Algarezh Hoofchew


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Kruk smiles as Les gives the amulet to Raiyek. "A hearty congrats my friend. I can think of none more deserving." Kruk then grabs a fresh mug of ale and proclaims to everyone around him: "To the temple I go!"

He then drains the mug, with half of its contents spilling on to his beard. Slamming the mug onto a table he says, "Aaahhhhhh, that's how you drink good ale!. Farewell dwaves of the red boot!" He turns to the party and states "I'll see you at the temple."

He walks out of the inn...pausing to inspect the door that he had originally smashed open. He smiles and nods in satisfaction and then is exits the building.

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[sblock=OOC]Sorry all, I was in one of those areas that got hit with the severe ice/power outages; been trapped at my house with no electric/utilities since Monday.[/sblock]

Balth picks up the steaming remnant of his cloak and makes an audible *tsk* as he slings it back over his shoulders.

He declines the ale, although he does pull his lute from around his back and sings a tale to fit the mood of the room.

Twas a fight I thought I could not win
A battle raged for centuries
A struggle fought with all my might
Still brought me to my knees.

But I look back now with a smile and wink
at how the war was won.
And I cannot help but stop and think
our fight had just begun.

The opponent fought with vim and vigor,
the dirtiest tricks in the book;
And although we may be slightly bigger
they catch us with their hook.

No pikes nor poles did they use
but still they can take our lives;
I speak not of armies NO!
I speak a-bout our wives~

But I look back now with a smile and wink
at how the war was won.
And I cannot help but stop and think
our fight had just begun.

All the while as he strolls around the room singing, he's making sure the Redboots aren't setting the people drinking up for an ambush, keeping an eye on the door, etc.

[sblock=Actions]1d20 11=17[/sblock]

Dawn Raven

First Post
[sblock] Sorry for the delay

Nice song, balth! Did you make that? [/sblock]

Les watches the die roll and claps Raiyek on the back when it falls upon the number he had called. "Not bad, elf! I think we could make you a gambler yet. Here's your prize." She hands him the amulet and graciously accepts a pint from a short, brown-beareded dwarf. She downs it in one go and slams it onto the table before standing.

"Well, it won't do to let Kruk get the reward for all this work himself! Let's return to the Temple now I suppose." Les will motion for Vashik and the others before following Kruk outside.


First Post
[sblock=OOC] Yup, five minutes of nothing to do at work = mischevious song for victory. Hooray for actually being able to get to work! LOL [/sblock]

If people are largely exiting, then Balth will be the last one to leave.


ooc: Let's keep it in this thread, please.

Kruk makes his way to the temple and then enters. "I am Kruk. The others are on their way. We have completed your task."

The githyanki flips through the air and floats up the stairs to stand next to Kruk. "Who are you talking to, Kruk? We have to go see that creepy priest again to get our reward."

Les non-chalantly walks to where his office had been and waits at the entrance for the others to arrive before entering. When they finally catch up, she knocks once and waits for a response.

The door opens, and the familiar face of Brother Laicos appears. "Yes? Come in."

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek takes the amulet from Les with a gracious bow. He looks a little sheepish taking it, but when the others appear happy and congratulate him he gathers himself to his normal confident self. "Thank you all. Looks like Hermethys is on my side today! I'm not sure about making me into a gambler though ... I'm usually not very good at it," he says to Les with a wink.

"Anyway, it does look like it's time to go. Thank you, good dwarves! May Palladys bless you! Now let's go collect our reward!" Raiyek follows Les and Kruk out of the tavern as they make their way back to the temple.

After arriving at the temple with his companions, Raiyek enters Laicos' office. The paladin speaks in grave tones, half-bowing as he does. "Greetings, priest. It is done, Hoofchew and many of his followers have entered your master's hands."
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Laicos smiles dryly. "Ah, yes, the Hoofchew case. You have proof?" He peers intently at Hoofchew's body. "Yes, I see you do; that is most satisfactory. Well done. Just a moment, then..."

He turns and unlocks a drawer in his desk, which he slides out with a heavy-sounding rumble, and removes a sack of coins. He checks a label, peers carefully inside, and places it on a small scale for a moment, measuring with practiced motions, before handing it to Raiyek. "Five hundred gold, as agreed. The Church of Lauto thanks you for your prompt and effective service."

ooc: up next: xp!


XP Award


Skill challenge: level 1, complexity 5: 500xp

Hoofchew (level 5 elite controller, leader): 400xp
3 guards (level 3 soldier): 450xp
1 sniper (level 5 lurker): 200 xp
8 minions (level 2 minion): 31*8=248xp

subtotal 1798

divided by 9 == 199.77 == 200 each

Time xp: 1 month and 25/31 days = 149.93 == 150 xp each

DM's prerogative: 25 xp each for amusing me entertaining roleplaying.

Total: 375 xp each


Bottom line: each character gets 375 xp


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"Sir, a moment please. Your payment is most generous, but might I ask a question of your or the priests here? I would forgo my share of the reward if you would but tell me if my parents have gone to your master or do they still live?"


ooc: I think we're more or less done here, so as soon as you guys divide up the cash to your satisfaction, feel free to split, or hang around this thread and chat, in character or out. I plan to get a "behind the scenes" thread up in a day or two, to help people who may be inclined to run similar adventures in the future. Thanks to all of you for keeping the pace up and making this, for me anyway, a very satisfying playing experience.

Voidrunner's Codex

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