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The LEB Upcoming Adventures Thread

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Same question for Lady Roswyn.

She'd be especially interested in anything involving intrigue and espionage and politics, but could be roped into pretty much any adventure where she'd have a chance to keep an eye on any of the other dragonmarked characters...


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Now that Enworld is back up and running, and the two proposal's that needed passed for my character to be fully approved look well on their way. Do any of the potential DM's have an adventure Pok d'Sivis should wait around for?

That depends on what good ol' Pok is interested in. I have one that will begin most likely mid-next week or so.

Mine will deal with Khyber Cultists and stopping their evil machinations...travel will be far from Sharn.


First Post
I am also going to be submitting an adventure today. Depending on how long the approval process takes I could be running an adventure as early as next week ^_^


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He will want to adventure away from his sister, as she seems to always outshine him. Anything that will progress his rank in House Sivis interests him. That could be anything from achieving great deeds, to directly working for the House.

If an adventure *requires* an alignment choice at some point DM's should be aware that Pok will stay decidedly neutral.


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Well I got back up to speed quicker than I thought (thanks EnWorld), so I might start today...

Note: Not the best for a mount I think. Not all underground either.


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Hey All,

I just submitted my adventure proposal, so wish me luck on getting it approved soon so that I can share the love with you all!


First Post

My adventure (once approved) will include lots of over-land travel, so a mount would be perfect depending on how the group decided to tackle the distance. If they decided to use overland non-lightning rail travel, then your mount would be PERFECT. I'm not sure if you want to wait until my adventure gets approved to adventure though, lol.

Voidrunner's Codex

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