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ZEITGEIST The Gyre as a Campaign setting

Andrew Moreton

With minimal effort a far from perfectly optimised Paladin using slightly but not nerfed enough mythic rules can reliably do about 1500hp of damage around to anything with an AC of less than 70 with no effort he can maintain that at around 750 not using resources for killing cannon fodder (Like Demon Lords)
The version of Deskari I used which died in 4 rounds(this may not have been the final version I may have upgrade more but the trauma of this campaign was 5 years ago so my notes are not complete)

DeskariCR 29
XP 6,553,600
CE Gargantuan outsider (chaotic, demon, earth, evil, extraplanar)
Init +34M; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect law, swarmsight, true seeing; Perception +64
Aura abyssal swarm (100 ft., 12d10 damage plus poison, Fort DC 44 or nauseated 1 round), frightful presence (180 ft., DC 36), unholy aura (DC 33)


AC 72, touch 42, flat-footed 47 (+4 deflection, +10 Dex, +15 natural, +10 insight, +12 profane, –4 size)
hp 16000 (33d10+561); fast healing 250
Fort +33, Ref +34, Will +34
Defensive Abilities abyssal resurrection, abyssal swarm, all-around vision, demonic aura (900 hp), freedom of movement, rasping armor, unstoppable; DR 20/-; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, electricity, energy drain, petrification, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 45


Speed 60 ft., climb 60 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)
Melee Riftcarver +51/+46/+41/+36 (4d6+30/19–20/×5 plus poison), bite +46 (2d8+17 plus poison), sting +46 (2d6+17 plus poison)
Ranged swarm +39 touch (6d10 plus poison)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks always a chance, breath weapon, coordinated strikes, enhanced venom, fleet warrior, infestation, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), mythic spell-like abilities, poison, swarm master
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 29th; concentration +39)
Constant—detect good, detect law, freedom of movement, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 33)
At will—astral projection, blasphemyM (DC 32), control winds, demand, desecrateM, discern location, fabricate, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, hungry pitAPG (DC 30), insect plague, major creation, polymorph any object, shapechange, telekinesisM
(DC 30), unhallow, unholy blightM (DC 29)
3/day—control weatherM, creeping doom, reverse gravityM, gate demons, symbol of weakness (DC 32)
1/day—binding, earthquakeM, imprisonment (DC 34), miracle, time stopM

Str 44, Dex 30, Con 42, Int 29, Wis 31, Cha 31
Base Atk +33; CMB +54 (+58 sunder); CMD 92 (94 vs. sunder, 100 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise (-9/+11 dodge)M, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Critical Focus, Flyby Attack, Greater Sunder, Hover, Improved Critical (scythe)M, Improved InitiativeM, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack (-9/+36;+27)M, Staggering Critical, Toughness, Vital StrikeM
Skills Acrobatics +46 (+58 when jumping), Bluff +46, Climb +74, Disable Device +46, Fly +44, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, planes) +42, Perception +64, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +45, Stealth +34, Use Magic Device +46; Racial Modifiers +16 Climb, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Terran, Undercommon; telepathy 300 ft.
SQ amazing Initiative, heightened awareness, wall crawler
Gear Riftcarver (+5 defending unholy wounding scythe)

Abyssal Swarm (Ex)

Deskari is surrounded by a huge swarm of locusts, wasps and vescavors. Any enemy that begins its turn within 100 feet of him takes 12d10 points of damage plus poison that bypasses any damage reduction, and must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. Deskari can direct the swarm to attack up to eight creatures within 200 ft. (no range increment) as a ranged touch attack, damaging it as if it had entered the swarm. This attack doesn't suffer any concealment penalties. The abyssal swarm protects Deskari, giving him concealment against attacks, a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws, and the heavy fortification ability. Every time Deskari takes damage from any effect, damage is reduced by 40 points before applying the demonic aura, DR or any resistance. Deskari can exclude any number of creatures inside this aura from suffering these effects. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Breath Weapon (Su)

Once every 1d4-1 rounds (minimum 1 round) as a free action, Deskari can spit out a line of noxious black slime in a 120-foot line that creates a 20-foot-radius-spread puddle of the stuff on the ground where the line terminates. Any creature caught in this area of effect takes 20d10 points of acid damage and is subject to the effects of Deskari’s poison. A successful DC 42 Reflex save halves the damage, but does not mitigate the poison’s effects. The line and puddle created by this attack remain as active acid on the ground for 1d4+1 rounds, affecting any creatures that move through an affected area. Damage caused by this breath weapon does not persist into additional rounds, but on the round a creature takes this damage, it is considered to be taking continuous damage for the purposes of spellcasting and concentration checks. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Coordinated Strikes (Ex)

Deskari doesn't suffer the standard penalties to attack and damage rolls with natural attacks when using a manufactured weapon.
Enhanced Venom (Su)

Any poisons created by Deskari (or even those used by him) become enhanced, and can affect creatures normally immune to poison.
Infestation (Su)

Whenever a creature becomes poisoned by Deskari, it also becomes infested with thousands of microscopic demonic eggs that quickly multiply and spread throughout the victim’s bloodstream and flesh alike. Once infested, a creature remains infested even after the poison’s effects end or are cured. A creature that has been infested by Deskari is recognized by all mindless swarms as a host, and such swarms never deal damage to the creature unless influenced and compelled to do so by an outside influence. An infested creature takes a –4 penalty on all saving throws made against Deskari’s attacks or spells cast by his clerics. As a free action, Deskari may command a creature’s infestation to accelerate; this deals 20d6 points of damage and stuns the target for 1 round (a successful DC 42 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun effect) as the eggs hatch and a fiendish locust swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 183) bursts
out of the creature’s body (ending the infestation). Infestation is a disease effect, and the save DC is Constitution-based. Deskari can spend one use of mythic power when poisoning a target to overcome any disease immunity the target may have.
Poison (Ex)

Bite, breath weapon, sting, swarm or Riftcarver—injury; save Fort DC 42; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 3d4 Constitution drain plus infestation; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based, and increases by +6 on a confirmed critical hit.
Rasping Armor (Su)

The armor plates that protect Deskari’s body rasp together whenever he is damaged by a physical attack, creating a discordant shrieking and grinding sound. Every time a creature strikes Deskari with an attack that deals bludgeoning, force, piercing, or slashing damage, all creatures within 100 feet of Deskari must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save (47 if the strike is a critical hit) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. A sickened creature that fails this save becomes staggered for 1 round. A staggered creature that fails this save becomes nauseated for 1 round. Finally, a nauseated creature that fails this save becomes stunned for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting sonic effect that does not affect demons. If Deskari spends one use of mythic power, this ability overcomes any resistance or immunity to mind-affecting effects. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Swarm Master (Su)

Deskari is immune to swarm damage and other swarm effects (such as distraction). As a free action, he can direct the movement of any swarm within 30 feet. An intelligent swarm can resist this compulsion by succeeding at a DC 36 Will save. Any swarm created by or conjured by Deskari deals +6d6 points of swarm damage, and the damage caused by such a swarm is treated as chaotic, epic, and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Swarmsight (Su)

Deskari can see through the eyes of any swarm he commands or controls, including the abyssal swarm. This gives him blindsight with a range of 100 ft. and all-around vision.
Wall Crawler (Su)

Deskari can climb any vertical surface with ease and never has to attempt Climb checks to avoid falling as a result of taking damage. This grants him a +16 racial bonus on Climb checks.

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With minimal effort a far from perfectly optimised Paladin using slightly but not nerfed enough mythic rules can reliably do about 1500hp of damage around to anything with an AC of less than 70 with no effort he can maintain that at around 750 not using resources for killing cannon fodder (Like Demon Lords)
The version of Deskari I used which died in 4 rounds(this may not have been the final version I may have upgrade more but the trauma of this campaign was 5 years ago so my notes are not complete)

DeskariCR 29
XP 6,553,600
CE Gargantuan outsider (chaotic, demon, earth, evil, extraplanar)
Init +34M; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, detect law, swarmsight, true seeing; Perception +64
Aura abyssal swarm (100 ft., 12d10 damage plus poison, Fort DC 44 or nauseated 1 round), frightful presence (180 ft., DC 36), unholy aura (DC 33)


AC 72, touch 42, flat-footed 47 (+4 deflection, +10 Dex, +15 natural, +10 insight, +12 profane, –4 size)
hp 16000 (33d10+561); fast healing 250
Fort +33, Ref +34, Will +34
Defensive Abilities abyssal resurrection, abyssal swarm, all-around vision, demonic aura (900 hp), freedom of movement, rasping armor, unstoppable; DR 20/-; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, electricity, energy drain, petrification, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 45


Speed 60 ft., climb 60 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)
Melee Riftcarver +51/+46/+41/+36 (4d6+30/19–20/×5 plus poison), bite +46 (2d8+17 plus poison), sting +46 (2d6+17 plus poison)
Ranged swarm +39 touch (6d10 plus poison)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks always a chance, breath weapon, coordinated strikes, enhanced venom, fleet warrior, infestation, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), mythic spell-like abilities, poison, swarm master
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 29th; concentration +39)
Constant—detect good, detect law, freedom of movement, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 33)
At will—astral projection, blasphemyM (DC 32), control winds, demand, desecrateM, discern location, fabricate, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, hungry pitAPG (DC 30), insect plague, major creation, polymorph any object, shapechange, telekinesisM
(DC 30), unhallow, unholy blightM (DC 29)
3/day—control weatherM, creeping doom, reverse gravityM, gate demons, symbol of weakness (DC 32)
1/day—binding, earthquakeM, imprisonment (DC 34), miracle, time stopM

Str 44, Dex 30, Con 42, Int 29, Wis 31, Cha 31
Base Atk +33; CMB +54 (+58 sunder); CMD 92 (94 vs. sunder, 100 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise (-9/+11 dodge)M, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Critical Focus, Flyby Attack, Greater Sunder, Hover, Improved Critical (scythe)M, Improved InitiativeM, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack (-9/+36;+27)M, Staggering Critical, Toughness, Vital StrikeM
Skills Acrobatics +46 (+58 when jumping), Bluff +46, Climb +74, Disable Device +46, Fly +44, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, planes) +42, Perception +64, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +45, Stealth +34, Use Magic Device +46; Racial Modifiers +16 Climb, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Terran, Undercommon; telepathy 300 ft.
SQ amazing Initiative, heightened awareness, wall crawler
Gear Riftcarver (+5 defending unholy wounding scythe)

Abyssal Swarm (Ex)

Deskari is surrounded by a huge swarm of locusts, wasps and vescavors. Any enemy that begins its turn within 100 feet of him takes 12d10 points of damage plus poison that bypasses any damage reduction, and must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. Deskari can direct the swarm to attack up to eight creatures within 200 ft. (no range increment) as a ranged touch attack, damaging it as if it had entered the swarm. This attack doesn't suffer any concealment penalties. The abyssal swarm protects Deskari, giving him concealment against attacks, a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws, and the heavy fortification ability. Every time Deskari takes damage from any effect, damage is reduced by 40 points before applying the demonic aura, DR or any resistance. Deskari can exclude any number of creatures inside this aura from suffering these effects. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Breath Weapon (Su)

Once every 1d4-1 rounds (minimum 1 round) as a free action, Deskari can spit out a line of noxious black slime in a 120-foot line that creates a 20-foot-radius-spread puddle of the stuff on the ground where the line terminates. Any creature caught in this area of effect takes 20d10 points of acid damage and is subject to the effects of Deskari’s poison. A successful DC 42 Reflex save halves the damage, but does not mitigate the poison’s effects. The line and puddle created by this attack remain as active acid on the ground for 1d4+1 rounds, affecting any creatures that move through an affected area. Damage caused by this breath weapon does not persist into additional rounds, but on the round a creature takes this damage, it is considered to be taking continuous damage for the purposes of spellcasting and concentration checks. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Coordinated Strikes (Ex)

Deskari doesn't suffer the standard penalties to attack and damage rolls with natural attacks when using a manufactured weapon.
Enhanced Venom (Su)

Any poisons created by Deskari (or even those used by him) become enhanced, and can affect creatures normally immune to poison.
Infestation (Su)

Whenever a creature becomes poisoned by Deskari, it also becomes infested with thousands of microscopic demonic eggs that quickly multiply and spread throughout the victim’s bloodstream and flesh alike. Once infested, a creature remains infested even after the poison’s effects end or are cured. A creature that has been infested by Deskari is recognized by all mindless swarms as a host, and such swarms never deal damage to the creature unless influenced and compelled to do so by an outside influence. An infested creature takes a –4 penalty on all saving throws made against Deskari’s attacks or spells cast by his clerics. As a free action, Deskari may command a creature’s infestation to accelerate; this deals 20d6 points of damage and stuns the target for 1 round (a successful DC 42 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun effect) as the eggs hatch and a fiendish locust swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 183) bursts
out of the creature’s body (ending the infestation). Infestation is a disease effect, and the save DC is Constitution-based. Deskari can spend one use of mythic power when poisoning a target to overcome any disease immunity the target may have.
Poison (Ex)

Bite, breath weapon, sting, swarm or Riftcarver—injury; save Fort DC 42; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 3d4 Constitution drain plus infestation; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based, and increases by +6 on a confirmed critical hit.
Rasping Armor (Su)

The armor plates that protect Deskari’s body rasp together whenever he is damaged by a physical attack, creating a discordant shrieking and grinding sound. Every time a creature strikes Deskari with an attack that deals bludgeoning, force, piercing, or slashing damage, all creatures within 100 feet of Deskari must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude save (47 if the strike is a critical hit) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. A sickened creature that fails this save becomes staggered for 1 round. A staggered creature that fails this save becomes nauseated for 1 round. Finally, a nauseated creature that fails this save becomes stunned for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting sonic effect that does not affect demons. If Deskari spends one use of mythic power, this ability overcomes any resistance or immunity to mind-affecting effects. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Swarm Master (Su)

Deskari is immune to swarm damage and other swarm effects (such as distraction). As a free action, he can direct the movement of any swarm within 30 feet. An intelligent swarm can resist this compulsion by succeeding at a DC 36 Will save. Any swarm created by or conjured by Deskari deals +6d6 points of swarm damage, and the damage caused by such a swarm is treated as chaotic, epic, and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Swarmsight (Su)

Deskari can see through the eyes of any swarm he commands or controls, including the abyssal swarm. This gives him blindsight with a range of 100 ft. and all-around vision.
Wall Crawler (Su)

Deskari can climb any vertical surface with ease and never has to attempt Climb checks to avoid falling as a result of taking damage. This grants him a +16 racial bonus on Climb checks.
What if you just increase Deskari's AC and DPR beyond something that mortals can deal with?


The problems with very high level pathfinder, it would take a level 20 mythic 10 paladin less than 1 round to kill that avatar he may be able to do it in one none vital strike blow if he uses as many abilities as possible and crits. I think my modified end boss for Wrath of the Righteous had 16000 hp and lasted 3-4 rounds.
None of the published demigods can survive vs a mythic party. The problem is that it is very hard for the party to survive them it is a shootout by Glass cannons with tactical nuclear warheads. So coming up with something to represent the inner soul of Rovugog or something to explain him having stats would be very hard if you also wanted a fun fight.
So you are restricted really to level 20 and maybe very low tier mythic and you would still probably want to give rovugog multiple bodies or allies. At the moment I am trying to setup the vocie fo Rot to put up a good fight and its a similar problem. Unfortunatly a lot of his best abilities the pc's know about and have hard counters for
This modified system is for 5e. Add the Mythic template (examples from Mythic Odysseys of Theros, it essentially doubles the power) once for CR 21-25, twice for CR 26-30, etc. That should be enough to deal with semi-mythic PCs.

Andrew Moreton

Thats easy. It is not a problem to build a monster capable of TPKing the party . That of course is no fun. I had to produce opponents capable of putting up a fight and creating an interesting challange for the party that is impossible from book 5 of Wrath onwards and very hard in book 4. Unless you have played in a game using High level characters with high mythic tiers you have no idea how unbalanced they are. They are absolutely total offense, there is a defensive option but sadly it is not able to come close to keeping up with the offense. This means that producing an opponent who can kill the pc's is trivial it comes down to the intitiative roll if I add a level 20/10 Antipaladin.
In the Wrath campaign killing Deskari is meant to be a difficult but achievable objective , however as written he gets killed by the first pc to act, so you have to produce an opponent who can fight for several rounds. by this point I had given up and just wanted to get the campaign finished satisfactorily for my players so I just gave him extra hp so they would have an illusion of a struggle the result of the contest was predetermined. (I had a Paladin , a Ranger and a Guslinger rogue who did between 2000 and 5000 pts of damage a round , a Wizard who mainly cast support spells and used spells to strip mythic points of the enemy and an Oracle who cast Mass Heal or Reach Heal every round to keep the pc's alive. She died every important fight but used a mythic power to keep healing after death and then had the Wizard ressurect her with a Wish).
In none mythic pathfinder it is practical to produce opponents who will last for a few rounds and pose a threat without them having to be able to kill the party in one round. In High Mythic High level combo's it is not.
I enjoy running high level pathfinder it keeps me on my toes as a GM, but adding mythic to the mix makes it no fun as a GM

5th edition I do not run. I have played a bit and read the books and the feel of high level characters is just like playing a 2nd level character which does not match my expectations of D+D . I liked AD+D , 2nd Ed and the 3.X stuff but threw the 4th ed players handbook in the bin and won't run 5th ed. For 4th ed I would rather play World of Warcraft , and 5th ed is low magic fantasy and frankly for that I have at least 3 game systems I prefer. But thats my own preferences. Replaying 2nd ed shows me how much better 3,X is though with better levelling, skills , character balance, economics and sane conventions on what dice rolls mean between subsystems

It's amazing what 17th level paladins can do with a smite and a whole hell of a lot of healing. I ended the campaign with them having to beat back a sort of dream avatar of his - not the full god, just a psychic manifestation of his will to awaken - which emerged through a rift in the city of Oppara, capital of Taldor.

The combat lasted, I think, eight rounds. I set up a map of the city, with prominent locations to defend and a couple locations where they could get allies to help out. The battle climaxed with one of the PCs using the Worldbreaker (a truly massive cannon some previous king had made to break a siege) as his weapon while smiting, after another PC had lured Rovagug into the cannon's path.


760 (DR 20/epic), regeneration 100
Limbs can be targeted to disable certain attack options. If you deal 100 hp to a tentacle, leg, or tail in one round, or 200 hp to the mouth in one round, that attack weapon can't attack on Rovagug's next turn. Damage to limbs also applies to bodies; this is just to give some flavor to fighting a kaiju so it isn't a big bag of undifferentiated hit points.

AC 51, touch 6, flat footed 46

Fort +36, Ref +31, Will +23, SR 41

Titanic Use a battle map where 1 square = 100 ft. (The PCs' mounts could all get them at least 1 square, and potentially 4 squares of movement.) Rovagug moves 2 squares per round, and does not provoke opportunity attacks for moving. His body is three contiguous squares - the head which is the only space that can bite, the body, and the tail which is the only space that can tail hurl. His tentacles and stomps can originate from any space of his body. He has reach 100 ft. for his attacks.

Weakness susceptible to song

He makes all these attacks each round.
  • Bite +41 (4d12+50, 18-20/x4, plus grab +41, free action on next turn to swallow whole) plus godkiller and great destroyer
  • Two Tentacles +36 (4d12+25) plus great destroyer plus knockdown
  • Crushing Leg chooses an adjacent 100-ft. square and anyone in that space at the start of the next turn takes 100 damage (Ref DC 37 half). If you fail, you’re trapped in an avalanche.
  • Tail Fling He cracks a building with his tail and hurls it 200 ft., everyone in a 100-ft. square takes 100 damage (Ref DC 37 half)
  • Meteor Strike target a 200-ft. square: at the end of the next round, 10d6 damage (half fire/half impact)
Godkiller Whenever it hits a target, the target must make a Will DC 37 or lose all divine power for three rounds, and be immune to divine magic.

Great Destroyer Target must make Fort DC 37 or armor is broken.

Knockdown Rovagug makes a Combat Maneuver check with a +36 bonus. If he succeeds, he knocks the target prone, which causes flyers to land.

Aura of Devouring Doom Aura 200 ft., 20 damage per round if you’re on the ground, as it writhes with millions of chitinous carnivorous bugs. (This keeps the NPCs from participating in the fight, but rewards the PCs for their various flying abilities, or for climbing up his body.)

Shattering Carapace When Rovagug is struck with a melee weapon, Fort DC 37 or your weapon breaks.

Mighty Cataclysm When combat begins, an earthquake shakes the region, and a supernatural tsunami will strike in three rounds, hundreds of feet high, knocking everyone to the ground.

Susceptible to Song Use a Perform (song) check to set a Will save DC. On a failure, Rovagug is enraged, and on his next turn he'll move up to 200 ft. toward the singer. The millions of bugs are pacified temporarily, so his aura of devouring doom goes away until he succeeds a save at the start of a turn.
Do you happen to have stats for the actual Rovagug?

Voidrunner's Codex

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