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The Expanse RPG Kickstarter Is Live

The official tabletop roleplaying game of James S.A. Corey's series of sci-fi novels is coming from Green Ronin, and their Kickstarter is live and already funded in under an hour!

The official tabletop roleplaying game of James S.A. Corey's series of sci-fi novels is coming from Green Ronin, and their Kickstarter is live and already funded in under an hour!

Using Green Ronin's own Adventure Game Engine (AGE) rules system, you can check out a free 40-page Quickstart for The Expanse already.

Back for $20 for the PDF, or $50 for the hardcover. Or pay a bit more and get the Special Edition.

"The Expanse Roleplaying Game brings James S.A. Corey’s award-winning series of science fiction novels to the tabletop. Using the Adventure Game Engine (AGE) rules found in Fantasy AGE, Blue Rose, and Modern AGE, The Expanse takes players to a far-future solar system where humanity is divided: Martians, Belters, and the people of old Earth struggle for political power and resources, but even older, alien, forces are stirring in the universe, and human history is about to take an unexpected new turn. The Expanse applies the fast-playing and action-based AGE rules to spaceships, solar colonies, and adventure and intrigue in the far-future, where the actions of the characters may change the course of history!"

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I'll keep an eye out at gencon when I'm there, except I'm pretty sure I heard it's slated for release later in the year. The quickstart is already up, and I'll bet there might be demos.

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I'm not sure about anybody else, but I find this attitude incredibly offensive. People have different tastes in games, as they do in anything else, but it is a conceit to assert that people are 'mentally' equipped to only deal with only one style of play. Moreover, it's an excuse. If people feel that Fate is not the greatest system in the universe, it is no defense to criticise those people with what are essentially personal attacks. It's not that they are mentally incompatible with the game - it's because they don't like it.

I never actually said YOU or anyone else was mentally compatible. I was saying the DESIGNS are mentally incompatible. I can see where it might have come off that way, but it was not my intention. I also was not criticizing anyone, or attempting to be belittling. If anything, my thought pattern was about familiarity bias.

I never actually said YOU or anyone else was mentally compatible. I was saying the DESIGNS are mentally incompatible. I can see where it might have come off that way, but it was not my intention. I also was not criticizing anyone, or attempting to be belittling. If anything, my thought pattern was about familiarity bias.
People are going to keep posting on the matter after the Administrator told us to stop?


Yeah, let's try to stick to discussion the actual products in these forums. Take the rest to another thread... again.

Anyway, I haven't seen the AGE Modern yet, but enjoyed the Fantasy AGE book. Only played a few sessions. I likeed the modular character options. I always liked the idea of magic being learn in schools/themes, over the massive lists of D&D so that certainly appealed to me.

I heard Modern AGE has no classes, so I would need to check that out, but really looking forward to this Expanse game. In fact, when I heard Green Ronin got the rights, that is when I picked up all the novels. I was wanted to read some sci-fi and took a punt on this unknown to me at the time Expanse thing. Then the TV series... etc.

Anyway, looking forward to it. Congrats guys on meeting the goal in an hour. I hope this goes well and we get a lot of stretch goals :p


I got the first Dragon AGE book (levels 1-5) when that was all there was, and I was super stoked.

All my fascination evaporated, however, when the subsequent levels were released - it became painfully obvious the devs hadn't thought through the entire level span from the beginning, and the game never "clicked" as a result.

It wasn't balanced, it was grindy with much hp focus, and skills didn't work.

In short, a great system that broke down as you levelled up.

Generally, Green Robin are good with picking up new licenses, but they are horrible with giving them proper adventure support.

Rules and setting without meaty luscious adventure campaigns are useless to me.

This is why this post is likely my only involvement with this game.

Call me in 18 months and tell me three things:
a) Green Ronin still actively supports the game with new supplements
b) At least one of those supplements is a beefy campaign (or at minimum a trilogy of connected adventures) showcasing not only the setting but also shows us what story GR grabbed the license to tell
c) the ruleset is effectively a new edition (v3?) that re-does AGE from the ground up

...and I'll give it another look.

Thanks in advance

I think you’re confused with Modern AGE

Nope, this is per Green Ronin's original press release.

"Green Ronin will run a crowdfunding campaign for The Expanse RPG next year and publish the game in August, 2018. "


Hence my confusion over running a kickstarter a mere few weeks before their initial deadline. I had not noticed that they have pushed back the publication date to November 2018.

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