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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Bursting through the doors at a speed unachievable by mundane means, an Eladrin in ashen or colorless robes hurtles toward the bar counter. Suddenly stopping just in front of a Dwarf in shades of many colors, a very stark contrast the two.

Reaching over the counter the Eladrin stares down at his hands and back up at the bartender, giving his best "it's not me, it's just happening" shrug, Veruzak finishes the perfect poor on the heady lager.

When the wizard pulls the beer away, he goes to drink it, and his hand is forced away from his own face. resistantly, the hand begins to pull away, slowly, inevitably heading toward the Magari speaking 7-Rabbit.

Horrified, Veruzak watches as his hand holds out the beer for 7-Rabbit, and then begins to rotate, beer sloshes to the rim of the cup, the wizard fights but it may be of no use...
What did you do? What ritual were you trying to cast?!

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A sailor runs into the tavern and quickly approaches the table where the Mostly Monstrous Crew sits drinking. "Cap'n Azrael sends word that he's ready to set sail again. Provisions are refreshed and if you've found those you seek we should go before word leaks out to alert our... next target. Report back to the Bloody Wake as soon as possible." The sailor then runs back out the door before the bartender can even demand that he state his name when entering.


Quagmire pushes away from the bar and stands, stretching his neck with an audible pop. "Back to work, I guess. Maybe I'll swing by and see Captain Canker, fer old times' sake. Though... no, best not. If things go wrong, he'd not thank me fer bein' seen with me just now." Quagmire looks briefly disgusted, but sets his jaw, slings a sturdy weatherproof pack over his shoulder, and lopes outside.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
At the announcement, the gob Dang't jumped up and clapped. The ship! The ship! Humming a goblin sea shanty, he wandered out of the bar.


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I don't know, I walked out to tour the city before trying to jump island, and all of a sudden, I have this undeniable urge to get this parrot looking dwarf a drink, or was it bring him a drink, either way, the compulsion stopped when I handed the beer over. Veruzak stares at 7-Rabbit, I didn't even feel any arcane energy... The bartender gives a wry glance in the oddly tattooed eladrins direction, shaking his head and holding out his hand. Apparently the only lasting affliction is a tab with the keep here... What's your story O' helpful pig eater?


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Montroya wiped his mouth with the back of his dark hand and pushes the plate of pig away, suddenly no longer hungry. "I am Montroya, servant of Apoli. I seek to spread His Warmth to those in need."


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7 Rabbit laughs in delight. "It worked after all! Or, nearly..." He sighs again. "I was trying to manifest an unseen servant to fetch me a drink. It shouldn't have been a compulsion magic at all, even if the effect was the same. And it's strange that it didn't work immediately." He thinks for a moment. "Maybe YOUR magic somehow both powered and interfered with MY spell? So much to learn, so much to learn..." He flips through his book again, and sighs. "This isn't helping. I need to go back to the library."

The dwarf makes to down his new beer, but then stops, smiles, and pushes it towards Veruzak. "Here, why don't you drink it? You did all the work!" He turns and hurries out.


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*I do enjoy seeing another caster confused...* Veruzak chuckles to himself drinking the mundanely procured beer. Dropping a few coins on the bar top to ensure his continued patronage didn't become unwanted, the wizard looked at the deva. Yes, yes, I've heard that now, you told the entire bar, my question was more to do with the pretty feathers and shiny wings... Matlal do excuse my picking on your fellow countrymen, I can't help but confound other wise men. Veruzak faces Montroya and turns his head when addressing Matlal, as a result, the shadows have pooled into a very dark orb at the center of Veruzak's back now, not wanting to venture too near a possible sudden flash of brilliance, as the servants of Apoli have been known for.


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Hrav downs the remainder of his drink, gets up, and follows the sailor, Quag, and Dang't out of the tavern.

"A pirate's work is never done!" he grunts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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